I Just Wanted To Go To The Opera

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Mike, I promise I will not have sex with him.
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I just wanted to go to the opera.

I would like to thank Vintage­_DM for editing my story. If there are any mistakes, it's my last-minute changes.


I've heard all the stories of women that think they deserve to be with another man. "The sex is better honey," or "Now that the kids are off at college," or "I was feeling lonely," or "You had your fun, but I've only been with you," and we can't leave out "Honey how would you like to be my cuckold," lol.

Well, I never thought I would be one of them.

So how did I end up sitting home all alone crying instead of spending time with my beautiful husband, the man that I have loved, and married when I was 24, because I'm a stupid, selfish bitch.

Oh, and before I begin my story, just like the rest of us, I wanted something from my husband, and I knew he wouldn't be happy. So, we were lying in bed, and I was giving Mike a handjob. So, yes, I already started with Mike at a disadvantage.

"Mike, I have something that I would like to discuss with you, and I want you to promise not to yell at me." My husband is 6'2", a very intimidating 200 pounds of pure muscle. We own a construction company, and Mike likes to work with his guys. He doesn't just sit behind a desk and give orders. Yes, Mike is very intimidating. But to me, Mike is a big teddy bear. But I have seen what Mike can do when he's mad. Let's just say that you don't want to be hitting on me in a bar when Mike is around.

"I won't promise anything, but I will listen to you before I start yelling." Mike said. I knew what he was thinking. Every girl knows what their husbands are thinking. When A guy hears any form of "We need to talk, I promise...... or I have something important to discuss," it means we women are going to end up asking our husbands to buy something that we don't need. Well, this time it wouldn't be UPS, Fed-x, or even the mailman coming to my door. It would be my date.

Just like every other guy, Mike is going to yell and complain before he finally gives in to me. Why, because Mike loves me. Some may say I'm a slut and Mike has no balls and should kick me out. But I have a better chance than most women. You see, I'm not looking for sex or love and affection from another man. I'm looking for someone to take me out and show me what I am missing. I'll explain in a bit. But for now, let's start the negotiation process.

Mike knows if he gives in to my request, he's going to get a lot of sex. Don't get me wrong, sex between Mike and me is great, but I won't be able to use the "I have a headache" excuse for a while. Women all negotiate, and we know it. If I need something, who am I kidding? If I want something, since most times it's not a need, I suck Mike's dick and swallow like a good girl. Mike always says yes. The amazon bill comes in, and as expected, Mike yells and gets mad. I calm Mike down by sucking his dick and swallowing like a good girl. Stop, don't judge me. We all do it.

But what I wanted this time would cost me more than just one blowjob. And I was prepared to drop on my knees anytime Mike asked, within reason of course. I may even give him my ass. But that is highly unlikely. Some girls might like it, but I have no interest, and thank God Mike has never asked.

"Ok, give me your best argument for what you think you need," Mike said.

"I wanted you to agree to something that I know you wouldn't be happy with," I told Mike with a smile. So, yes, it was time to calm Mike down with a handjob that would turn into a blowjob with many more to come. I looked at Mike and said, "I have a male friend, and I have a proposal for you?"

"NO!" Mike said, as expected.

"But Mike, I haven't even told you my proposal yet."

"You don't have to Teri. Any sentence that starts with I have a male friend will end up WITH YOU FUCKING HIM."

"Mike, we've been together, and I've been yours forever. I promise you I will not have sex with him. And you know once you say yes, I will be on my knees all over this house blowing you whenever you want it."

"Yes, that's right Teri, you've only been mine forever. It also means you've never made love with anyone else, and you're thinking you deserve to see what you missed out on, so I think you can see my concern."

"Mike, are you saying that you think you no longer satisfy me and that you are afraid someone could steal me away from you?"

"No Teri, that's not what I'm saying, it's just......."

"What, Mike? What are you trying to say," I asked Mike knowing it would put him on the spot.

"Well, Mike responded, "maybe that is what I'm trying to say to say. I know you blew a few guys before we started dating, and you would have gone further, too. Take that guy Billy Hopkins; you two were always together. Everyone knows you liked him. I hated him."

"Billy was nice and smart. We were friends all throughout middle school and high school," I send in response.

"So, he helped you with your homework, and you, what?"

"Mike, Enough with Billy and your jealousy."

"Enough with any guy. I'm the only one you're ever going to have sex with until I'm in my late 80s. If you're still alive after I die, Teri can fuck anyone you want."

"Really, I responded, "will you please listen to my proposal?"

"Oh, I can't wait to hear this," Mike said.

"I have a very wealthy friend that has offered to take me to the opera." I said enthusiastically.

"Opera! Teri since when are you interested in the opera?"

"I want to broaden my horizon Mike, and there is no way in hell you would ever take me to the opera. You fell asleep at the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall, for God's sake."

"Teri, I worked the morning before we went into the city, I was tired, and the lights went out, and so did I."

"What about when you took me to the city to see Sweeney Todd Mike? You didn't like that either. You just complained about how stupid it was."

"They were grinding people up into meat pies and eating them. That's just stupid," Mike said with a giggle.

"See, Mike you have no interest in anything unless it has some to do with sports."

"Thanksgiving Day parade," he retaliated.

"Because Mike you didn't want to go to my aunt's house."

"Tara, you didn't want to go either."

"Whatever Mike, we're getting off the subject. I want to go to the opera with my friend. I will Facetime you to show you that I am there, and I will be home right after."

"I want to meet this guy," Mike responded.

"No Mike, he is my friend, and you will have to trust me when I say that there will be no sex."

"I want to meet him," Mike said again.

"No, Mike, you'll threaten him or do something stupid, and then he'll be too scared to come anywhere near me."

"Tara, have you already made up your mind, and are we just having this conversation, so you don't feel like you're cheating on me," Mike said with anger in his eyes.

"Mike, I am not cheating on you or fucking anyone but you. You won't take me to any shows, but my friend will."

"You just said shows. Will it be more than just the opera?" Mike asked, already knowing my response.

"I don't know, Mike. But I am looking forward to going to the opera, and he said some of the plays on Broadway are a must see."

"Fuck. Fine," Mike responded "but I want you to periodically Facetime me so that I know where you are. And call me when it's over and show me the theater as you walk out."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mike. Would you like a blow job now, or are you going to just fuck me?"

"Both," he said. I know he wasn't happy, but he also knew I was right; There is no way in hell he would ever take me to the opera, but he wouldn't deprive me of something I wanted. I was going to be the best wife and make sure that my outings with my friend did not interfere with our marriage and our time together.

Well, that's what I told myself.


"There is no fucking way you're walking out of this house looking like that," Mike shouted.

"It's fine, Mike. It's just a dress."

"I have never seen anyone dress like that to go to the fucking opera Teri."

"When have you ever been to the opera Mike?"

"I've seen the opera on TV shows and movies, and no one dresses like you," Mike responded.

"Name one TV show or movie." I asked Mike.

"What about the movie Lincoln with Daniel Day-Lewis; he got shot in a theater," Mike fell asleep thought that movie too.

"That was in the 1800s or something like that Mike. There were no tight dresses back then."

"You're killing me, Tara."

"I have to go, Mike; my friend is here. I'll Facetime you when I get there and throughout the performance. I'll Facetime you when I leave. Will that make you happy?" I asked Mike with a smile.

"And be sure to tell this guy no touching!!" Mike yelled as I left the house.

And that was how it all started. I never realized how upset Mike was getting at me and that I was spending more time with my friend than I was with Mike. But everyone else did. Mike would complain and tell me what his golf buddies were saying but I just blew it off.

I would tell the girls, of which most were my golf buddies of my husband, how much fun I was having with my friend at the opera and plays we attended. They intern told their husbands about our arrangement. It appeared this was a normal conversation with Mike and his friends as I heard if from Mike and what the wives told me.

"Mike, is it true that your wife is dating some guy with a bigger wallet and dick than you have? One of his buddies asked.

"Don't be so hard on Mike. I bet Mike has a hard-on watching his wife fucking some other guy," said one of his insecure friends.

"Really, is this how it's going to be?" Mike responded knowing that his friends were just kidding with him.

"Listen, Mike. We're just playing with you. Personally, I couldn't let my wife go on a date with someone else. I'm too insecure. I would be freaking out thinking she was fucking the guy." Another buddy said.

"Same with me, Mike. If my wife even looks at a guy at the bar, I get pissed. But there is something to say for your arrangement. Whom the fuck wants to go to the opera. Did you know that an opera can last as much as five fucking hours? Just shoot me know. And don't get me started on those plays." Those words of wisdom from my brother-in-law Brian.

I did feel bad for Mike, but the girls were envious of me that Mike would let me have this time with my friend, and they wished their husbands would too.

"Tara, I want you to stop seeing your "friend." Mike said.

"Why Mike?" I retaliated "if I can't spend a few hours enjoying myself at a show with my friend, then you can't spend your three to four hours Sunday morning playing golf with your friends," I said angerly.

He knew I had him. He had no proof that I was cheating on him, because I wasn't, and I was still spending time with Mike. So, he had no valid complaints. I wasn't hiding anything from him.

I had to make Mike see it my way, so I asked Mike, "have I ever denied you sex? No, I haven't. Do I initiate sex with you all the time? Yes, I do. Have I ever stayed out overnight with my friend? No, I am home with you every night. Do you know why, Mike? Because you are my husband and I love you, and I love it that you let me have this time with my friend."

My sister Jill called me one Sunday evening, and she had concerns that she wanted to discuss with me.

"Tara," My sister said, "are you sure you know what you're doing? Brian told me that Mike is upset. He feels that he is losing you and you are spending more time with your "friend" than you are with him."

"Brian says that he is so upset that even his golf game sucks. Tara, word for word, this is Mike and Brian's conversation after their game," Jill continued.

"It's Tara and her "friend." She used to like to catch a game whenever I got tickets or watch the games with me at home. She used to be fun to hang out with but not anymore. Last week, the guy I'm doing a big renovation for gave me tickets for the Knicks. I asked Tara if she wanted to go, and she turned me down. She said she already had plans. So, I went with my dad instead." Were Mike and Brians conversation.

Jill continued, "Brian told Mike to tell you to stop seeing this guy if it bothers you that much. But then Mike told Brian that he had tried to talk to you, but you blew him off. Tara, what's going on with you?"

"Jill, I have had this discussion with Mike many times. I tried to tell him about the shows and how much fun they are, but he gets mad and shuts me out. Then he has the nerve to tell me, I don't talk to him. Then I get mad, and I tell him, "Mike, this is your ego talking. If I were going out to these shows with one of the girls, you wouldn't care, and you would be glad it wasn't you taking me."

"You're right," Jill responded "but Mike is not happy. That's all I'm saying."

"I'll make him a nice dinner and cheer him up with sex tonight," was my response as always.

"Tara, sex doesn't solve every problem," my sister's words of wisdom now.

Mike seemed to be a little better this past week. I tried not to talk about my time with my friend, but it was hard; I wanted to be able to talk to Mike and tell him how happy I was. But Mike still seemed distant toward me.

"Hi Mike, how was your day? Dinner will be ready in a bit," I said.

"Tara, can we talk after dinner?" Mike statement started angry me.

"Mike, I hope you're not going to start in with me again," I responded.

"Tara, if I promise to take you out and do things with you other than sports stuff, will you stop seeing your friend?" Mike's words just pissed me off.

"Fuck Mike, I'm enjoying myself, and it has not affected you at all. One time, one time, I had other plans, and I didn't go to a basketball game with you. One time. And you went and had fun with your dad instead. So, no Mike, I don't want to go to a Broadway show with you, just to watch you suffer through the night. It will make my night just as miserable as yours."

"You know what, Mike; I am starting to get pissed off. Why are you trying to stop me from having fun? Most of the time, we go out on weeknights anyway. What would we be doing, sit home and watch TV," Mike's complaining was getting old.

"Yes, we would sit home and talk to each other, and we wouldn't argue like this. Now I feel like all we do is argue. You bring up all the fun you're having with this guy, and that's not what I want to talk about that. We don't talk about anything else anymore. So, I'm getting just get pissed off too," Mike said with anger.

"I don't see why you're get so pissed at me?" I replied.

"Because he's having fun with you, and I'm not." It's all about Mike.

"Really, Mike. You don't have fun with me? You didn't have fun with me this past weekend when we all went out for dinner and the bar after? Is my friend really taking your fun time away? I only see him during the week?" I tried to reason with Mike.

"Tara, we went out last Saturday night, but you went out twice with your "friend" last week. I'd like you to be home with me. And Tara, I want to meet him," Mike could not be right.

"You know what, Mike; I was going to let you meet him. I have thought about it a few times, but now I don't want to. I don't like that you don't trust me and that you are trying to control what I can and can't do," I said as. "I have had enough."

We ate dinner in silence. We sat down and watched TV and didn't say a word to each other. We didn't say a word to each other all week. Mike finally sucked up his pride and apologized. Things started to get a little better. I completely stopped talking about my nights out with her friend. But I could see the look in his eyes when I got a text. I would walk away and come back with a happy grin on her face. I wanted to talk to Mike and share my happiness with him, but I knew it would just piss me off.

Well, the shit hit the fan, and Mike really got mad at me. We had plans to go see Mike's sister Karen, her husband Brian, and their girls at their beach house on Thursday for a long 4th of July weekend. Mike gave all the guys a long weekend off too. "Tara, I'm looking forward to relaxing on the beach and just spending time together. It's been a little tense between us lately," Mike said to me. I looked at Mike, and he knew something was wrong. "Mike, I totally forgot, and I have plans for Saturday. It's not worth it for me to drive back and forth...."

He stopped me mid-sentence. He didn't even want to know what my plans were. He walked to our room and started packing.

"Mike, I'm sorry, but we have dinner plans, and the tickets for the show were very expensive, and I promised him I would go." He just kept on packing. "I'm just going to my sister's tonight, Tara; you can do whatever the fuck you want." And he left.

I tried to talk to him before he left. I call him and text him throughout the night. He wouldn't respond. He just ignored me. I started to cry and didn't know what to do. I loved Mike. Why didn't I cancel my plans and we could have just gone with Mike on Thursday morning like we planned? Because I'm a stupid selfish bitch. I was so confused and didn't know what to do. I finally fell asleep. I woke up Thursday morning and just showered, ate a little breakfast. I had the day off, but I went into the office anyway. I needed to do something to take my mind off Mike. He still wasn't responding to my calls or text, so I figured I would give him some space.


I had no interest in talking to her. I got to my sister Karen's beach house on the North Carolina coast 10 hours later. It was 6 am Thursday morning when I got to my sister's house.

"Hi, Mike." I gave my sister a hug. "I wasn't expecting you until this evening, and where's Tara?"

"Who the fuck cares," was my response.

"Mike, what happened?"

"There's this fucking guy she calls her "friend." He takes Tara to all the places I have no interest in taking her to. I should have never agreed to it. I thought it would only be a onetime thing. How naive of me. This friend was going to take her to the opera. Now it's whenever this fuckin guy calls or sends her a text," I explained to me sister.

"I told Tara I was looking forward to going to the beach house for the 4th of July and just relaxing together. She told me she forgot and had other plans for Saturday. I was done; I just packed up and drove off."

"Mike, you better not be thinking divorce. You two have lover each other since you were kids?"

"Who the fuck knows Karen." I said "she keeps telling me she's not fucking him. I believe her, I guess. But she's spending so much time with this guy instead of me. Who knows, maybe she is fucking him too."

"We used to go out just for the sake of going out. We would talk at night while we watched TV. Now I must work around her schedule. There's so much tension around the house and she just doesn't see it my way." Karen looked at me with concern.

"I've had to turn down Mets and Yankee tickets, Karen, because it didn't fit into her and her friend's schedule. She leaves me home watching a game on TV and she runs off to meet this guy."

"Is she withholding sex, Mike?" Karen asked.

"No, sex is still great" I told Karen with a smile, "but I don't know if it's guilt sex. Shit, we always had great sex, so I can't tell one way or the others. I'm just getting tired of this guy. It's getting more often, and it's been going on for like three months."

And Karen, don't tell me this guy is going to spend this much time and money on Tara and he isn't expecting sex in return? Or maybe he's already getting it," I said.