I like Being Naked Pt. 05


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Dad parked in the garage. We unloaded the car and put everything away. I got a cool drink and headed for the pool. I slipped my dress off and dove in for a refreshing swim.

It wasn't long before mom called me in for dinner. After dinner, we all went out and sat by the pool.

Mom asked, "well, what did you think about the beach?"

"That was fun. I just can't believe we were naked on beach with lots of other naked people, all around. It was interesting on how casual most of the people there were. I'd do it again."

Mom and dad both smiled.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. It brought back some memories for your father and I. We'll go back again," mom said.

"Yeah, I imagine you like playing in the dunes," Mom and dad laughed.

Sue and Lea came on Monday for what has become a regular time together. Sue still didn't know Lea & Tom were coming over for almost the same thing, and I didn't share with them that we went to a nude beach. Can't imagine what they'd think about that.

Lea had called me later. She was warming up to getting naked with Tom, but she didn't want to rush into it, and not sure how to carry it out. Besides, she said the teasing was a lot of fun.

I said, "he got real excited when you modeled the hot dress.., I would expect that from any guy. So, do you want to tease or get naked?"

Lea said, "I'm really enjoying the time we spend naked, and I guess I'd like to be that way with Tom too. I just don't think it should be about having to have a sexual relationship."

"Well then, just lay out the law like, you can look, but you can't touch. We can do it together, and encourage him to join us being naked. If he's a good guy, he'd probably go for it."

"You'd get naked with us?" Lea asked.

"It might be fun. How would you feel if I saw your boyfriend naked?"

"I guess it would be OK, remember, you could look, but you can't touch."

We both giggled...

Tuesday morning I greeted Lea and Tom at the front door topless and showed them in. Lea, said, well "I see you're already getting comfortable," 'with a wink.'

"Well, I thought I'd get an early start," as I led them out back to the pool.

Tom, was happy to see me topless. He said, "I see you've already made an adjustment."

Lea and I giggled.

Lea pulled off her cover up and quickly removed her top.

"Nice adjustment," Tom said.

Lea smiled

We all swam and played around, took turns going off the board before we settled on the lounges for some sun. Lea had Tom apply lotion all over her again and she was comfortable with it.

Lea and I made adjustment to our suits under the watchful eyes of Tom. That stirred him up some.

Tom asked us, "you going to show me any more adjustments today?"

Lea looked at me with a questioning look.

I said, "Tom, you stay there, Lea, come with me." We walked into the pool. I quietly said, "How about we both do the naughty naughty naughty, he won't see much from the lounge." Lea nodded as we moved to the edge of he pool near Tom.

"OK Tom, you stay there, and we'll both do the naughty naughty naughty adjustment."


"yeah, but you have to stay there." He nodded and had to make a quick adjustment to himself.

Lea and I removed our bottoms and laid them at the edge of the pool. Lea was giggling. I moved away from the edge some, keeping an eye on Tom.

"Oh Lea, doesn't this feel good?"

"Wow, this is great Kim." As she cautiously moved from the edge herself. "Feels incredible"

We both started swimming around as we normally would have, with the exception of an audience. I got near Lea and quietly said, "ready to invite Tom?" She smiled.

"Are you OK if he joins us?"

I nodded. "How about asking him to make an adjustment were he is, then he can join us...," I said.

Lea grinned. "Tom, this feels awesome, being in the water without anything on. I think you'd like it. You can join us, if you make an adjustment too."

"I can join you?"

"Sure, but you need to loose the suit first," Lea said.

"You want me to take my suit off?"

"Kim and I took ours off, and now we're both naked."


"You've been looking at our titties, but you haven't shown us anything..., we like to look too...," Lea said.

"Tom, it's look, but no touch, and that goes for us too. We just want to see how excited you are with two very naked ladys in the pool. Then you can come jump in with us and we'll swim together and you can enjoy what we are enjoying right now. If all goes well, we might get out and jump off the board and do some nude sunbathing too. No harm done. Otherwise, we'll just put our suites back on and forget about it," I said.

Tom with a beet red face got up and took a deep breath, then slipped his speedo off. His dick sprung out immediately, sticking straight out. He tossed his suit on a lounge and looked at us. "Happy now?" he asked.

Lea and I smiled.

"You can join us now," I said.

Tom was quick to jump in..."Wow, I've never been naked in a pool before. This feels wicked," he said.

We giggled

Lea kept her distance from Tom as I could tell he was trying to get a better look at us. We all got comfortable over time, Tom lost his erection6 and his embarrassment. Now I figured we could try the board. This meant Tom would get a look at our naked bodies.

Without any fanfare, I hopped out of the pool and walked to the board and dove in. When I surfaced, I encouraged Lea and Tom to join me. Lea got a little giggly and Tom seemed lost. I got out and dove in again. This time, Tom was all eyes. Again I asked Lea to join me. So she did. This would be the first time for her being out of the pool naked with Tom watching.

"Come on Tom, if Lea and I can do this, so can you," I said as I headed for the board.

He grudgingly got out and hurried over to the board and jumped in.

"Woo hoo, wasn't' that fun," I said.

"Yea, that's is kinda cool," Tom said.

"What do you think Lea?" I said.

"It's OK"

We slowly started taking turns at the board and the fun was back again.

We had just one more hurdle to tackle. I figured it was time to take care of that. I got out and went to a lounge to sunbath. I applied lotion to my front side and laid back. This would leave me fully exposed to Tom. They were now in the pool by themselves and I wouldn't be able to see if anything happened between them. I would only know if they came together.

I soaked up sun for awhile then got up and told them I'd get us drinks and went to the house. I came back right away and put the drinks on the table.

Lea took this as it was time to get out. She was at the shallow end and started to walk out then turned slightly and offered her hand to Tom, and lead him out of the pool with her.

They walked over and grabbed a drink. So now we were just casually standing around talking, and we were all naked, and no one was embarrassed.

Lea sat down and started applying lotion. Since she had the lotion, I asked her to put some on my back. She then asked Tom to do her back. We suggested to Tom that he should put some lotion on himself. He did his best.

We all laid in the sun, talked and joked and enjoyed each others company for awhile, then we all went back swimming again and did more tanning before I broke it off for the day.

Lea wanted to go inside to get dressed and we again left Tom outside. We went to my room and Lea came and gave me a big hug and said, "Thank You."

"You made that so easy, and I'm sure Tom appreciated it too," she said.

I smiled and said, "you're welcome. I hope we didn't embarrass Tom too much."

Lea started dressing.

I thought, we needed to end this time with a little tease. So Lea, "think Tom would like to see this?" as I pulled out the black thong. "He was a good boy today."

"You want to wear that in front of my boyfriend? Now I think you're being naughty. Just kidding, I think."

"Maybe now you would show him yours... we could walk out of here with just our thongs on, let him have a look. That would be another real sexy move on your part."

"If we do it together, OK."

So I slipped on the black thong and Lea slipped into her's and we went out to get Tom. He saw us walk out and had a big grin on his face. We walked up and his eyes went straight to the thongs.

"Uh..., those looks real nice," he said as he was adjusting himself.

"Like what you see?" we turned and showed them off for him.

"Oh yeah!"

Lea had slipped her cover-up on and I escorted them out.

It was Thursday morning when I was surprised by a call from Jake.

"Hey Kim, how you doin?" he asked.

I'm doing just fine Jake, "how about you?"

"I'm OK. Hey, you have any plans for this afternoon?" he asked.

"No, I'm just staying around home."

"Well, a couple of my friends and I are kinda wondering if maybe you and Sue might like to hang with us."

"Well, that sounds like fun. Would you guys like to come over here?"

"Sure, if it's OK."

"It'll be alright. You guys come on over and I'll give Sue a call and see if I can get her over here."

"Sounds good. See ya this afternoon."

Well that was nice of him to call. Sue and I enjoyed his company a couple of weeks ago.

So I called Sue and told her Jake and some friends wanted to get together for a bit and they were coming here.

"Would you like to come join us?"

"Oh, I can't this afternoon. Wish I could be there, he's kinda cute."

OK, "but I will see you and Lea tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we'll be there."

Well, this will be interesting, Jake and his friends are coming to visit and Sue can't make it. Hmm...

Now I had to put some clothes on. So I put on my blouse the black thong with the button up skirt. Stood before the mirror and played with buttons on the blouse to make it look tempting and was noticing my tits weren't showing through the material as much as before. I pulled the fabric to the side and looked at myself and figured my tan was the reason. My tits were no longer white and that is what would have shown through.

So I loosened another button. Then loosened buttons on the skirt so the the split was just below the panties. One more and I would be showing. I gave myself a smile and waited for the boys to show up.

It wasn't long before the bell rang and I went to meet my guests. I opened the door and said hi to Jake, come on in guys. Jake came in and introduced me to Mike and Carl.

I'd met Carl at school before. Lets go out back guys. "Would you like a cool drink?" I asked, they all said sure. Well, go on out back and grab a chair, I'll be right behind you.

I got our drinks together and put them on a tray and headed out back. As I walked out, I could see the guys checking me out.

I walked up to Mike and offered him a drink, I made sure to lean over some as I did. After he took his eyes off my open blouse he took a glass, then I went to Jake and did the same with him with about the same result and then over to Carl who had watched Mike and Jake stare into my blouse. He took a quick glance then took his drink.

I put the tray down and sat with the guys.

"I called Sue, but She's not able to come this afternoon," I told Jake.

"Oh, that's too bad," he said.

They were too busy staring at me to talk I think. So I asked, "what all have you guys been up to this summer?

"uh, just hanging around with these guys," Carl offered.

"I haven't even left town since I got here," Mike said

Jake said, "that's about it. We get together for a swim every once awhile."

"That sounds like a good idea, you guys want to go for a swim?" I asked

"Ah, well, I thought we were just hanging," Jake said.

"I'd enjoy a swim," Carl said, but "I didn't bring my trunks."

Mike said, "I'd swim too, but I ain't got my trunks either."

All three guys were still fixated on my partially open blouse.

"Well that makes things difficult unless you want to swim in your undies?"

They all shook their heads.

"or heck, we could just go skinny dipping if you like."

"Skinny dipping, like swimming naked?" Mike said.

"Oh, did I really say that?"

"You'd go skinny dipping with us?"

"Well, it's a thought. There would have to be rules."


"Well yea, I'm the only Girl here. There would have to be rules."

"You don't want me to let the dog out, do you?"

They all looked over at Oscar, our Doberman, who 'was' paying attention.

"OK, so what are the Rules?" he asked.

"You can look but you can't touch!"

The guys all looked at each other and nodded.

"I think we're good with that," Jake said.

I saw a couple of them wiggle in their seat and adjust their crotch area.

"Well, if we're OK with it, then lets do it," I said.

I stood and undid the rest of the buttons on my blouse, allowing it to open without giving the guys a view of my tits. They were just staring.

"Come on guys, we're going skinny dipping," I said, as I stood there with blouse partially open.

They all started removing their t shirts as I went for the waist band of my skirt and pulled it loose before stepping out of it revealing my tiny black thong. I casually took the skirt, turned around and laid it on my chair, then pulling off my blouse, leaving it with my skirt. This gave them a nice view of my bare butt cheeks.

I turned back towards the guys. They were again just staring. I smiled. They all looked away briefly, then I slowly pulled the thong off.

I was now standing naked before my guests for the afternoon before quickly jumping into the pool. Now I watched the guys get naked. They were actually a little embarrassed now. I could tell all three had stiff dicks. "What are you waiting for?" I said from the pool. Only then did they drop their shorts and jump in the pool for cover. I laughed.

The guys all stood around like zombies as I swam about. A few minutes later, Jake started swimming some. I could tell by his tan he had probably done some skinny dipping himself. Carl and Mike had tans and white butts, so they probably hadn't done this before.

I was swimming all over and being intently watched by the guys. Seeing they obviously wanted to see me, I got out and dove in from the board. I was having fun now, being naked with 3 guys.

A quick pass under water allowed me to see they were all trying to hide erections. It felt like 20 minutes or more before Carl and Mike started to swim around. Jake and I had started some conversation as we swam around, and occasionally I'd get out and go off the board. I'd take my time knowing my guests liked what they saw.

Then I prodded Jake to use the board until he finally did. Then we started taking turns. Carl and Mike were still skittish. So Jake and I started to prod them until Mike was brave enough to get out and go off the board. He was still somewhat hard. Carl then got up enough nerve and he too was still sporting a partial hard on.

We had done this for awhile longer before I just laid back and floated on my back. This put me on full display and it had gotten real quiet in the pool as I drifted peacefully. I looked and saw all three were staring up between my spread legs. This would be a good time to get out for some sun. So I got out and went to lay on a lounge as they watched every move I made.

All eyes were on me as I applied lotion. So I took my time on my arms and tits and working down my front side. I carefully raised my legs as more lotion was applied and again took time on the inside of my thighs and up near my pussy. Oh, I wanted wanted to rub my pussy...

It was real quiet in the pool for a few more minutes before the horseplay started. I guess I was too much of a distraction. <>

The guys played around and were now using the diving board quite casually. They took their time taking turns, allowing me a good look at them. No one was showing any signs of excitement now.

They were really having a good time, so I decided to join them again. We were all taking turns going off the board, doing goofy things and challenging each other. The guys were doing flips and belly flops and who knows what.

I had looked at the clock and saw it was already 3:30, so I grabbed three towels, and informed the guys it was time to call it a day. I handed them towels. They toweled off and dressed. I pulled on my thong and slipped my blouse on without buttoning it up, then escorted them to the door.

They all took a look at me, smiled and said thanks.

"Come again," I said.

They all agreed that would be fun and left.

I went out and picked up my clothes and put them away, then went to the bathroom and removed the thong and washed it because my pussy was wet. I went back out to the pool where I sat on a lower step, spread my legs and started masturbating.

My gosh, I just got naked with three guys, and it was all done on a moments notice. I stood before three guys and got naked! What was I thinking, my pussy was aching for more action from my hand. I was massaging a tit the same time, feeling the pleasure from that too as my mind was spinning. What did I just do...I had an orgasm, and like before, I kept masturbating and massaging my tits.

I wondered how it would have been for the guys to stand before me and gyrate their hips so I could watch their dicks swing around like those black men on the nude beach.

Oh my hand was real busy on my pussy. I just kept it up and had another orgasm. My eyes had been closed and I was in another world for awhile. When I regained my senses, I heard movement in the water and looked over to see mom in the pool.

"Hi Darling," she said.

"Hi mom."

"Do you know how beautiful you look when you do that?"

"aah, the feeling is wonderful mom."

"I know," she had come over next to me and put an arm around my shoulders giving me a big hug.

So, "you want to share with me what brought that on?" Jane mentioned that Jake was coming over...

"Yeah, Jake and a couple of his friends came over. He asked if Sue could come too, but she couldn't. So it was just me and the three guys. We thought it would be nice to go for a swim, but they hadn't brought their swim trunks, so I suggested we could all go skinny dipping."

"You suggested that?"

"Yeah, and I laid out the rules and they agreed."

"Oh, and what is that Darling?"

"You can look, but you can't touch."

"Oh you are wonderful, and brave, I'm so proud of you," mom said.

"It was a spur of the moment thing. We were just talking about swimming and I suggested we could go swimming. They didn't have swim wear, so I thougth we could just go skinny dipping. They liked the idea, I put down the rules. They agreed."

"I found it was kinda exciting getting naked in front of those guys. I scared em, I think. So I knew they weren't going to cause any problems."

Mom smiled. Well, "I'm glad you all had fun, and you probably earned a lot of respect from those guys too!"

"Yeah, we all had a good time after their 'excitement' wore off."

"Oh I'm sure, and this was all your idea"

I just smiled and mom sligthly shook her head.

"Just so you know, Jane has invited you and I over for a swim Sunday afternoon. I can't make it, and she left the invite open to you if you're interested."

"I enjoyed being with Jane, they have a beautiful pool too, sounds good."

OK, "I'll let Jane know you'll join her."

still more to cum...

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Nude Beach

I'll admit the main nude beach we attended while living in Florida was very much like the one you described. But most have the same basic rules as clothing or textile beaches, no sex or fooling around. You may try to make this clear in other nude beach stories so those not used to going won't be scared away if the chance comes up.

I now understand that you are a high school girl on summer vacation, at least in the stories. This makes more sense in not being used to the sexual experiences that mom and dad have turned you on to.

The mother is much like my wife's slut whore mother was and near the same ages. Possibly she is training you to be a prostitute like Dollie's mom had planned for her.

Also I can't picture any young girl inviting three boys to skinny dip with her alone.

I continue reading to see the similarities in your fantasy story and our real life stories.

I'll skip the errors in your writing, the confusion of who says what, and just wait in the lounge on a beach lounger chair. Keep at it.

WatcherRobWatcherRobabout 7 years ago

I keep reading, not sure why. Maybe hoping there will be a miraculous recovery and these stories recover. Oh, the plural of "suit", like swim suit, does not include an "e" .

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I read all your stories tonight! Keep up the good work.

lightninlightninover 7 years ago
Good one

Well I'M still very much enjoying your stories! Ignore those other commenters and continue writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Dad didnt

A boner applying suntan on her and didnt put lotion on her pussy even though mom told him not to miss a spot?

She didnt get any tingles or get drippy with dad oiling her tits?

Sounds like this story is just a perpetual tease.

3 stars.

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