I Love Lucy


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"Hi, Lucy, this is my friend Jody," Jim says. He seems to be in a pleasant enough mood.

Lucy nods her head at Jody and then says, "Jim, can I speak with you privately?"

"I don't have any secrets from Jody. I'm not real secretive; not like some people I know," Jim sarcastically smirks. "Go ahead and say what's on your mind."

"I would rather we go someplace more private." Lucy insists.

"Where do you have in mind? Some place private like maybe your Brother's bedroom in the attic," Jim sarcastically replies.

Lucy gasps and her face turns a crimson red. Her stomach knots and her nipples protrude through her shirt as she wonders just what he means by that remark. She hopes it's not what she fears it may be. How could he possibly know she wonders? Unless it was him that made the noise that startled her and David while they were having sex in David's bedroom, she thinks. Lucy turns and rushes out the side door to the parking lot. Jim immediately regrets having said that. His first instinct is to go after her, but decides against it.

"What the hell was that about?" Jody asks.

Jim shrugs his shoulders and says, "I don't want to talk about it right now. I need to get out of here."

Jim leaves the drugstore and walks down the street with his head down; not going anywhere in particular. He loves Lucy and believes he wants to marry her, but wonders if he can get past the fact she fucks her brother. He has heard of siblings fucking each other, but has never known any personally. He has read about it and has watched siblings fuck on internet porn sites and it has always aroused him. He wants to confront her about it but doesn't know how to do it without losing her.

He often masturbates while watching videos of siblings fuck, but none of them were ever his girlfriend. He grumbles to himself as he replays the events he witnessed two days prior. There is a knot in his stomach and he is beginning to get a terrible headache. A car slowly pulls up beside him and honks. It's Lucy and she motions for him to get in the car. He is hesitant at first, but after giving it some thought, he finally relents and gets in the passenger seat. They drive for several blocks without speaking. Lucy finally breaks the silence.

"You know; don't you?"

"What exactly is it I know?"

"You know about me and my Brother, don't you?"


"Damn it, I knew I heard something on the stairs. Will you please let me explain it to you?"

"What is there to explain? I saw you fucking your Brother. It's as simple as that."

"No it's not simple. It is very complicated and I want to explain it to you from the beginning."

"Go ahead, I'm listening. I can't wait to hear you explain your way out of this."

Lucy makes a turn into the large city park and drives down one of the tree lined roads to a large lake and parks near some picnic tables. She turns the engine off and turns to face Jim.

"I think I am in love with you, Jim. And I think you are in love with me also. I don't want anything to spoil it for us."

"You mean like fucking your Brother, but holding me off like you are some kind of virgin?"

"You don't understand."

"Then please help me understand."

"First of all I don't see anything wrong with having sex with my brother. We have done it practically all my life. I love my brother very much and he loves me. We have always been very close. Ever since I was a small child I knew I could always count on my brother for everything. He has always been there for me and I have always been there for him."

"I suppose that includes taking care of all his sexual needs."

"It includes anything my brother wants or needs. I will be there for him just as he has been there for me."

Jim shakes his head and says, "I still don't understand how you can say that you love me, but still have this need to fuck your brother?"

"Don't you have Sisters?" She asks.

"Yes. I have three Sisters, but I never fucked any of them."

"Do you love your sisters? Were you and your sister's real close?"


"Then are you going to sit there and tell me you never once thought about fucking them?"

Jim hesitates a moment then shakes his head and says, "Okay, I have to admit, that I once wanted to fuck one of my sisters really bad, but the opportunity never presented itself."

"If you were to get the opportunity to fuck her today would you fuck her?"

Jim doesn't answer her. He sits quietly staring off into space. It is apparent he is in deep thought.

"Well, would you? Would you fuck that sister today if you had the opportunity?"

Jim gives it some thought and then slowly shakes his head and says, "Yes, I suppose I would."

"Could you fuck her and still love me?"

"Yes, I could fuck her and still love you. That wouldn't change how I feel about you."

"So what's the difference between you and me? I love my big brother, but I am not in love with my brother; not like I am in love with you. I love it when my big brother holds me tightly in his arms. I love the way it feels when he slides his cock in me. I love how it feels when he makes me cum. I love making him feel so good that he cums like an erupting volcano. We have been doing this for each other for years. It was so long ago, I can just vaguely remember how it started, but I have grown to need it very much and dread having to ever stop being with him like that."

"How often do you two have sex with each other?"

"It depends."

"It depends on what?"

"It's just when ever one of us feels the need. Sometimes we do it three or four times a day and sometimes we may go days without doing it. He tells me when he needs me and I tell him when I want him. When either of us wants the other, I sneak to his room during the night. We often do it in the afternoon before our parents come home from work. When they go off to visit friends we usually have sex the whole time they are gone."

"Okay, I can probably learn to tolerate you having sex with your brother, but aren't you afraid you will get pregnant?"

"No, because I have been on birth control pills ever since I started my first periods."

Jim is perplexed. Parents have to okay a minor going on birth control. Why would her parents do that?

"Why would you go on the pill at such an early age?" Jim asks.

"I guess they were afraid I'd get pregnant."

"Had you ever done anything that would lead them to believe you would get pregnant at an early age?

"I don't want to go into all that right now. Just forget I ever mentioned it."

"No. You said you were going to explain everything to me so I can understand, that includes telling me the truth about everything. How do you expect me to really understand if you leave things out? You can't selectively tell parts of the story."

"No. I am afraid you will hate me and never want to see me again. I just can't tell you everything."

"Don't be silly, Lucy! I am not going to hate you. I don't hate you for fucking to your brother, so what could possibly be worse than catching you fucking your big brother?"

Lucy doesn't answer right away. She stares off into the distance while drumming her fingers on the steering wheel. It is obvious she is struggling with her thoughts. She questions whether she should bare all to him and risk losing him. She struggles with it for a while then decides it's best to get it all out in the open now rather than sometime in the future. She feels sooner or later the rest could come out and destroy everything.

"Okay...okay, I am also fucking my Daddy," she blurts out while defiantly crossing her arms across her upper body. "There, I've said it and you promised not to hate me."

Lucy sits back and waits for Jim's reaction. He feels his chest tighten and he can't seem to draw his next breath. There is a knot in his stomach and he feels like he needs to throw up. His mind is whirling and he can't seem to collect his thoughts. He gets out of the car and walks over and sits at a picnic table. Lucy gives him a moment of solitude then joins him at the table. They sit there for about ten minutes without talking. Finally Jim looks at her and starts to ask a question, but then decides not to ask.

Lucy gives him a minute then says, "You have a question, I can tell. Go ahead and ask me anything you want or never bring the subject up again."

"Oh my God, Lucy; this is blowing my fuckin' mind. Are you admitting to me that you are involved in threesomes with your brother and your Daddy?"

"No, no...it's nothing like that. My brother doesn't even know anything about me having sex with my Daddy. My Daddy made me promise not to ever tell him or anyone else."

"Well shit...fuck, fuck, fuck, Lucy. My head is about to explode. Now you have to tell me every goddamn thing and I mean fuckin' everything. Start at the beginning and don't leave a single goddamn thing out."

"It's a long story." She answers in a low timid voice.

"I don't really give a flying fuck. I have plenty of time. Just start at the beginning and bring me up to date."

"Well, to start at the beginning would mean going back to when I was a really young child."

"Okay, then go back to when you were a really young child. Just don't leave anything out that will come up in the future and create this drama all over again."

Lucy takes a deep breath and begins her story.

"When I was really young, my Grandmother lived with us and her bedroom was where mine is now. I had to sleep in the other twin bed upstairs, in David's bedroom. I have always been scare of the dark, so David would let me crawl in bed with him when I got scared. He would put his arms around me and hold me close to him and tell me stories until I would fall asleep. It got to where every night after my mother tucked us into bed; I would slip into bed with David as soon as she went downstairs."

"Your parents didn't think anything about you two sleeping in the same room?"

"Why should they? We were both small innocent children," She answers.

"Okay. Go on with your explanation."

"Some nights when I wasn't real sleepy, I would aggravate my brother to the point of irritating him. To get even with me he would tickle me until I promised to be quite and let him sleep. I am real ticklish and it doesn't take long to make me give up. Even though I was extremely ticklish I enjoyed my brother's attention. I started making it a nightly habit to push him to the limit which was always followed by a tickling bout. This went on into our teen years and we play that way until we got tired and fell asleep."

"So it all started with you and your brother tickling each other?"

"Yes, I guess you can say it started then, but we continued to tickle each other and that evolved in to wrestling each other until falling to sleep. Somewhere along the way the wrestling turned into a curiosity thing where we were secretly feeling body parts that we were curious about. I had just turned 18 and I saw him come out of the shower with a towel around his waist. I quietly followed him up to his room and sneaked behind him and jerked the towel off. He turned toward me with a shocked expression on his face. I stood there gawking at his cock. I had never seen one before. He was speechless. He seem to be embarrassed that I was ogling his cock. His cock was dangling between his legs, but suddenly started rise and grow into a hard erect cock. I was mesmerized. I had felt it sometimes during our wrestling matches, but I had never actually seen it bare like that. I asked him if I could touch it. He was still in shock and didn't answer me.

"I slowly moved forward and wrapped my hand around it. David closed his eyes and started take deep breathes. It felt really good in my hand and I began to stroke up and down his hard cock. I thought he was going to faint. I gently pushed him into a seated position on his bed. I had heard of blowjobs from friends at school, but I had never given one. So I experimented by putting my brother's cock in my mouth. I closed my lip around the head of his cock and held it there. He said it felt good, but suggested I lick it like an ice cream cone. He would squirm and giggle and breath real fast when I licked it like that. So I started moving it in and out of mouth while I drug my tongue over the tip end of it. He jumped and begged me to keep doing that and I did. After a while David started shaking and moaning and a sweet tasting juice filled my mouth. I didn't know what was happening at the time, but I later learned David had his first orgasm and shot his cum in my mouth."

"So you graduated from taunting and wrestling to giving your brother blowjobs. And not only that you let him cum in your mouth." Jim is flabbergasted. His girlfriend had been an innocent teenager; giving her big brother a blowjob for the first time.

"Yes he came in mouth and I loved the taste of his cum, so I was pledged right then to make him cum in my mouth every chance we got.

"Okay, that explains how you and David began indulging sex. I want to know how you got started fucking your Dad."

"Daddy walked in on me that very moment I was giving him the blowjob," She answers. "He became very angry and told David to stay in his room and he made me go downstairs to his bedroom. I thought I was in real trouble, but all he did was ask me to suck his cock. I did, and his cum tasted better than David's. I told him I liked the taste of his cum and asked if I could suck it more. He was really pleased and started letting me suck his cock and swallow his cum every chance we got. Daddy made me promise to never tell David or anyone else that I was sucking him off. David still doesn't know to this day that I do it with Daddy. It has been especially hard to keep it a secret from my mother. Sometimes I think I see suspicion in her eyes, but she has never asked me about it; so I don't say anything."

"I saw David doing a pretty good job of sucking your pussy; how did that get started?"

"One day when I was about 19 a girlfriend of mine told me it feels really good when a boy licks your pussy. So I asked David to try it on me. He didn't want to at first, but I insisted. I loved the way it felt to me right away. He licked my pussy for about 10 minutes and it made me shake all over and that was the first time David tasted my cum. It took him awhile, but he eventually learned to like licking my pussy. I still have to point out to him all the spots that feel good to me, but he makes every effort to find them on his own. He has gotten pretty good at it over the years."

"When did you graduate to fucking?"

"Daddy taught me a lot about sex. He was the first one to ever stick his cock in my pussy. It hurt at first, but after a few times I started to like it; especially when he would shoot his cum up in my pussy. When he did that; it made me cum too most of the time. I loved the feel of his cock in my pussy right away. I could feel my pussy squeeze his cock and I would cum two or three times before he would cum once. It wasn't long before I was begging him to fuck my pussy every day, but we had trouble finding time to do it without getting caught. I decided to show David how to fuck me because it was easier for us to sneak away to his bedroom. He loved it the first time we ever tried it. We have been doing it every chance we get since then. I love the feel of a hard cock in me so much; I couldn't get enough of it. It feels so good when I cum. Daddy said he preferred sticking it in my butt because I couldn't get pregnant if he cums in my ass. I told him Mother took me to the doctor and put me on the pill, but he still liked fucking me in the ass."

Jim takes Lucy by the hand and they slowly stroll down to the lake and lie on the grass in the warm sun. They lay quietly on their backs holding hands, listening to the ducks quack, and watch the cumulus clouds float lazily overhead. Both are in deep thought. Lucy feels better now that she has been completely truthful with Jim regarding her past sexual escapades.

Jim takes in a deep breath of air slowly lets out a sigh. "Well I can probably live with the fact you are occasionally fucking your Daddy and your brother, but please don't add anyone else to the list."

"Well...that might be a problem, because Daddy and David weren't always available when I needed to be fucked. And I'm telling you that I really got addicted to fucking and cumming once I started having those amazing orgasms. So...sometime after Daddy and David started fucking me in my pussy, I craved sex so much, I secretly started finding other people to fuck me when they weren't available. I have never told either one of them about fucking other people, so please don't ever mention it."

"Believe me, Lucy; I have no intention of ever discussing your sex life with your big brother or your Dad. And while we are on the subject of other people, have you ever had sex with a woman or a girl your age?"

"Yes, my Daddy used to take me to a woman he worked with; I think she was his supervisor or something at work. Anyway Daddy would take me to her home on Sunday afternoons and we would suck each other's tits and lick each other's pussy. Daddy loved watching us together. He would watch us and jack off."

"Was she the only female you had oral sex with? Did you ever experiment with girls your own age?"

"God yes, I've had oral sex with other girls lots of times. Girls can make me cum just as easily as boys. There have been a couple of girls I go to school with and then there is this girl in my neighborhood that I get together with all the time. We have sleepovers and always lick each other's pussy several times during the night."

"So girls turn you on too?"

"Yes, especially when their nipples get hard and poke through their sweater. I think you guys call it running with their headlights on. I really love sucking on a hard nipple and I love having my nipples sucked."

"Damn, you are getting me hard just thinking about it."

"Okay, let me get back to my story. I need to get this all over with. I found that it's so easy for a girl to find someone to fuck her. All a girl has to do is let a man, or boy for that matter, know she is interested in having sex and they do the rest. I don't remember many times when I was turned down by one. All I have to do is position myself so they can sneak a peek up my dress or accidently give them a view of my tits. Men and boys, or so easy to seduce and use for sex. I tried to seduce the pastor at our church once, but he never seems to get the hint. So one day I asked him out right if he would like a blowjob. It shocked him at first, but he gladly pulled me into his office and let me suck him off. His cum tasted about the same as my Daddy's."

"The janitor saw me with the pastor and cornered me one day and threatened to tell my parents if I didn't do the same thing for him. I sucked him off in the janitorial closet and the very next day he brought his son, Reggie, to the church and made me suck him off too. His son was about my age and I had actually seen him on the college campus rushing to class, but didn't know who he was. I really enjoyed sucking Reggie's cock. His cock was bigger than his Dad's and it hurt my jaws, but his cum was both sweet and salty. I asked him if he would let me suck it again sometimes. He started coming to the church to help his dad at least two times a week. We would meet in the church balcony and I would suck him off. One day I let him fuck me and his dick felt so big and so good I had to have it more and more. We started fucking every time he came to the church. I got to where I would have my first orgasm as soon as he slipped his giant cock in me."

"I guess it was a good thing that you were on the pill. Just imagine the up roar if you had turned up with a black baby. That would have been hard for your parents to explain to their friends." Jim comments more to himself than to Lucy.