I’m a bit of an Unusual Girl Pt. 02


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I walked for maybe half a mile without seeing a soul before the track emerged on a coast path with a few people walking each way. On my left I could see a lighthouse on the rocky terrain. On my right I could see the beach where I started and I started walking that way. People walking the opposite way to me look at me and one middle-aged couple even smiled at me but most of them looked at me and looked away when I looked back and smiled at them. That made me laugh a little thinking that they were even more insecure than my other personality was. I mean, who could miss out on the opportunity to look at a reasonably attractive, naked young woman?

Back at my towel I soaked up the sun some more and went for another swim before finally thinking that maybe I should head back to the hotel, but I wasn't done with being naked in public yet. I decided to leave my cover-up off until the I was about to get on the bus and walked back to the bus stop still naked. I mingled with the waiting people wondering if they thought that I was going to get on the bus still naked. I people watched and was surprised at the number of people who immediately turned away when they saw me.

"What's wrong with these people?" I thought, "it's only a naked body, we've all got one."

It was only when I saw the bus approaching that I got my cover-up out of my bag and put it on.

I held back as queuing went out of the window and most of the people tried to get on at the same time. It reminded me of the underground trains back home and I wondered if I would have got groped if I'd got in the middle of the impatient people.

I again had to stand in the aisle and I again stood sideways. This time it was a man on one side of me and a girl about my age on the other. Through my sunglasses I watched the man, then the girl stare at me. The girl was sat with a man but that didn't stop her staring at my pussy as she talked to him about their plans for the night.

I wondered if her seeing my slit and clit would get her horny and she'd jump on her man as soon as they got back to their hotel. I know that I was hoping that Ryan or Joe would be in their room when I got back to mine. It was Ryan's turn to fuck me but if he wasn't there I'd quite happily have Joe for the second time that day.

As I walked into the hotel I saw Rosie, who was naked, talking to a girl that I didn't recognize. Rosie introduced Tammy who Rosie knew from back home and who had just arrived.

"So where have you been dressed like that Roxy?" the topless Tammy asked as she realised that my cover-up was see-through and that I wore nothing under it.

I told both Tammy and Rosie where I'd been and how wonderful it had been and I asked the if they would like to go to that beach with me. Both said that they would. Then Rosie asked me if I was going to the pool with them.

I thought for a second, realizing that I'd potentially miss out on a good fuck with Ryan or Joe, then said that I would go with them.

We went to the pool and I got naked. Tammy removed her bikini bottoms and we all jumped into the pool and joined the others playing games and messing about.

I quickly realized that Ryan was there and I swam over to him. After telling him where I'd been I reminded him that it was his turn to fuck me and that I was looking forward to getting back to my room with him.

"Why wait?" Ryan asked.

"You want us to fuck down here?" I asked.

Ryan unfastened his shorts under the water then lifted me up and lowered me onto his hard cock.

As Ryan lifted me up and down I buried my head in his neck and enjoyed the new experience.

It didn't take long for the people around us to realize what we were doing and they gathered around to watch and cheer us on.

The only thing that stopped it from being a perfect experience was that those people couldn't see Ryan's cock going in and out of me.

The people closer to Ryan and me were able to hear my moans and running commentary when I got close to and actually orgasmed and Ryan's commentary as he did the same.

I wasn't at all embarrassed as Ryan finally lifted me off him and everyone around cheered and applauded our performance.

It didn't take long for people to get back to what they were doing and I swam back over to Rosie, Eve and Tammy where they congratulated me on my performance.

"I needed that." I replied, "I've been on a nude beach all day and only got myself off once."

That wasn't the only time that I got fucked in the hotel swimming pool and I wasn't the only girl either. It seemed be a regular occurrence if someone had been out for the day and was feeling horny when they got back to the hotel pool and found a suitable guy already there.

When us girls left the pool to go back to our rooms to get ready for the night's bar crawl I was pleased to discover that Tammy had been allocated the room on the other side of me. From then on Ryan and Joe's room was empty just about every night.

Tammy joined us that evening, me and some of the other girls wearing just a skirt and heels. I told everyone about my day at the beach and Rosie, Tammy and Eve joined me going to that beach every other day before the end of our holidays. I tried other beaches but none were as good so I ended up spending my days at that first beach, dressed and undressed as I was on that first visit.

Ryan and Joe also came with us one of the times and although neither of the guys got naked there they did spend a lot of their time in the sea fucking one of us 4 naked girls. We were a little disappointed that they didn't want to go back another day for some more sun, sea, sand and sex.

Well that's about all the interesting parts of my first solo holiday.

When I got back home I went back to being the same old shy, reclusive Imogen apart from the nights and weekends that I've talked about already.

Clit Ring

Yes, my first clit ring was waiting for me when I got back from my first holiday. It was just a basic ring for me to see if I liked it and could keep it on, I didn't want it dropping off whilst I was walking around at work.

Putting it on was a bit of a both pain and pleasure. The painful part being the tweezers gripping and pulling my clit through the hole in the ring. The pleasurable part being the attention that my clit was getting and I had to stop twice to take care of a pressing need.

Once on I had to wait until I wasn't aroused then quickly push it further on until It wouldn't go any further and before my arousal made it swell up.

Finally happy that I couldn't get it on any further I decided to go out for a walk to see how it felt. I'd deliberately waited until a Saturday morning, just in case.

Out I went, knickerless as usual and wearing only a quite short summer dress. All the time that I was out I was consciously aware of the ring, and of course my clit and as a result I soon became desperate to cum. I took care of that in the rest room of a fast food place then went to the nearest park to top up my golden tan and let a few people look up my dress and hopefully see my new jewellery.

I don't know if the few men that looked at me and saw my pussy saw the ring as well, I didn't have the nerve to ask them. What I did know was that I made it back home after about an hours walking with the ring still in place.

The ring was still making me horny when I went to the strip club where I found it to be an asset with lots of people commenting on it and wanting a closer look. That night my tips were the highest that they had ever been.

Life was a little more difficult at work for a few days as the ring was constantly reminding me that it was there. It was the end of the week before I could properly concentrate on anything.


When I got back from that first holiday I made myself some more bikinis., Some with deliberate holes in them for my nipples and my clit. I've also made some with no material at all, just the strings. I've also experimented making bikini bottoms that only have material that covers my clit, Clitinis as Joe called them. I sort of like them but for me I prefer the ones with a hole for my clit or no material at all.

As I was making my new bikinis I wondered how many of my old bikini bottoms had disappeared between my labia whilst I was at the Leisure Centre and I tried to work out how I didn't notice. But there again the bikinis that I took on holiday did have narrower crotches because I was wanting to show more on holiday.

I also considered Joe's idea of a Clitini making business but I don't think that it's a viable business idea.

Each time that I make a bikini bottoms I have to decide before I start if I want it to disappear between my labia or actually cover my pussy all the time.

Subsequent holidays

Since that first amazing holiday I've been on 4 more holidays, to similar places and hotels. One was even back to the same hotel. Although each of them were good and Roxy was as exhibitionistic and promiscuous as the first holiday they have never been quite the same standard. I guess that I was just lucky that first time.

The Pride Parade

One night at the dance club I ended up back in my apartment with a cute girl who discovered my clit ring, She loved it and spent ages looking at it. She said that I was lucky having a clit big enough to be able to wear one.

During one of our breaks from enjoying each other, I told her about some of the things that I got up to on my first holiday. After some teasing where she threatened to dump me naked at the other side of town so that I had to get home naked, Lizzy told me that she might just have a way of legitimately getting me naked in the middle of the city in the middle of the day. Unsurprisingly I was interested.

Two weeks later I go a phone call from Lizzy telling me that she's got it all setup for me. She told me that I was going to ride on a float in the Pride Parade. When I asked for more details Lizzy told me that I'd be in a One Bar Prison and that everyone on the streets would be able to see me. When I asked her what a One Bar Prison was all she would tell me was that I would enjoy it and she gave me the date, time and place that I had to meet her.

When I arrived there I Lizzy took me into a room where I had to strip and have rainbow body paint covering a large diagonal slice of my body, notably leaving my breasts and pussy without paint. I was then taken out and up onto a float. Lizzy then put a blindfold on me telling me that it was only for a few minutes whilst she put me in the One Bar Prison.

Lizzy moved me to another part of the float and I didn't understand why she was securing my ankles wide apart and my wrists above my head. Then I found out as a dildo was pushed up my vagina and the blindfold was removed. I looked down and saw that the dildo was on a metal pole fixed to the floor and to the height to keep the dildo deep inside me.

"What's this Lizzy? You can't possibly expect me to stay here while the float drives around the city."

"Why not, there will be lots of men and women with rainbow paint on them all around you and on the street."

"But I'm naked and I've got a dildo in my pussy."

"Well if you can get it out of you you can go home."

I pulled on my arms and legs to no avail.

I had a moment of panic before I realised that there was no way that I could escape without someone releasing me and Lizzy said that it wasn't going to happen until the parade was over. I started to accept it and even started to look forward to it, after all, if I got arrested I could easily say that it was all against my will, that I didn't want any of it to happen.

I looked around and yes there were other people painted in a similar way to me but they had knickers or pants on and the paint was over their underwear. I had neither on my pubes of tits.

"Will some of those people be getting up here and hanging around me?" I asked.

"Yes they will Imogen."

"So I won't be totally exposed?"

"No, and some of them have been told to gather close to you if they think that you are at risk."

"That's something I guess."

"We won't let you get arrested Imogen. Now you just stay there, I have to go and get changed."

I had to laugh a little, how the hell could I go anywhere? Lizzy left, leaving me alone on the float. Whilst I was waiting a man climbed up and started adjusting a few things. When he saw me he said,

"Wow, you lot don't hold back do you?"

I could have asked him to release me but even if he had I would have had to either go looking for my clothes and probably bump into Lizzy, or run for it. But where would I go? A naked girl running through the city would attract a lot of attention during the day, even on Pride Day, and I'd probably get arrested, so I just ignored the man.

Lizzy finally came back and she was in just knickers and a bra and covered in rainbow coloured stripes.

"Still here Imogen?" Lizzy asked.

I gave her a sarcastic smile.

"We'll be moving in a few minutes. Do you like the sign above you?"

"I can't read it from here."

"Of course you can't, it says 'Imprisoned in our bodies'."

"Ha, it isn't my body that I'm imprisoned in is it?"

"No, but you'll thank me in a couple of hours."

"It takes that long?"

"Don't worry Imogen, there will be a little something to help the time go fast."

"And what would that be?"

"Just hang around for a while, you'll like it."

I said nothing and just stood there, not that I could do anything else. After a while some of the people with rainbow paint on them climbed up onto the float, all of them looking at me and some smiling. Then I heard and felt the lorry engine start up.

"Shit," I thought, "here we go, I really do hope that I don't get arrested."

We had only gone a few metre when I discovered that the dildo in me was actually a vibrator, and someone had switched it on. I looked all around and in among the dancing people I saw Lizzy with a little black box in her hand.

"The bitch." I thought as my pussy started to feel more aroused than it had been.

Before the vibrator started to make me not care about being seen I managed to look to both sides of me and see the people looking at the float. I could see them so they could see me. I was both excited and nervous although the vibrator was slowly removing the nerves problem as I went from Imogen mode to Roxy mode.

I have no idea how long that journey was because Lizzy took me from one orgasm to another, my verbal commentary being ignored because of the music. Lizzy only let me have 3 breaks, during those I tried to see if anyone was looking at me and my pussy tingled when I thought someone had seen me.

The dancers, except for Lizzy, on the float showed no interest in me or my plight, Lizzy coming out with remarks like,

"Having fun Imogen?"


"I told you that you'd enjoy yourself,"


"Have you just cum again Imogen?"


"I hope the batteries don't run out before we get back."

The batteries didn't run out and I was relieved when she finally turned the vibrator off. Not because I didn't want any more orgasm, I did, but because my body was tired. My legs had given way, forcing the vibrator to go further inside me and it was vibrating against my cervix, and that was really nice. I was actually hanging by my wrists, and my arms were aching.

When Lizzy lowered the metal pole and the dildo came out of me I felt empty, and when she released my arms she had to hold on to me to stop me from collapsing onto the floor.

By that time everyone else was gone and Lizzy helped me off the lorry. Back in the paint room Lizzy got my dress for me and after she too had put some clothes on she helped me walk to the nearest pub where she got us some drinks.

After a couple of minutes of just silence I said,

"Next year can I dance along the streets with the others and with the same paint job?"

"Hmm, I'm not so sure about that, I think we'd probably need to paint a bikini on you, you looked way too naked today."

"Do you think that a lot of people saw me?"

"I do, I even saw a couple of people pointing to you."

"Thank you Lizzy, if you think of anything else that I might like please let me know, I'm sure that I can find someway to pay you back."

"I'll let you know on both things. Do you need any help getting home?"

"Thanks but no, I'm sure that I'll be capable quite soon."

World Naked Bike Ride

Yes our city has one of these each year and there is no way that I was going to miss any of them.

For the first time that I went on one I bought myself a folding bike that I can keep in my apartment. Originally I intended only using it once a year but after discovering the fun that I can have on an exercise bike I've gone for a few rides when there's not much traffic about and the weather is good, and yes, I have the saddle set high enough to give me some (a lot actually of) pleasure.

I like riding along the streets looking at people to see if they notice that my dress is floating around and giving flashes of my butt and pussy and if they notice the pleasure on my face as I slide from side to side.

I usually have at least 2 orgasms on those bike rides.

One advantage of a folding bike is the smaller wheels and I have a bag screwed to mine so that I can keep things in it, like a dress.

The first WNBR that I went on was a bit nerve-racking. I wore just a dress as I pedaled to the start and didn't take it off until I got there. Once other naked people were there I relaxed and had a great time. Just in case anyone from work was out spectating I'd done my hair in pigtails and wore sunglasses.

I pedaled alongside the footpath so that the spectators could easily see me and I really took my time. I was one of the first to start and one of the last to finish.

I'd got quite relaxed whilst I pedaled and at the end I even pedaled back to my apartment. Well not quite, I stopped just down the road and put my dress on. A few people in my apartment block know about my 'other' life and I didn't want to risk the others finding out.

I think that the police had been told not to stop nude cyclists providing that they weren't doing anything sexual because I passed a couple of coppers and they never said a word.

My second WNBR was better, much better. By that time I'd discovered having the bike seat set too high and I'd had an orgasm before I even got to the start. I'd also taken my dress of just down the road from my apartment. I was really glad that I am a girl because when that saddle got me off it wasn't apparent to the casual looker that I was having an orgasm. If I'd been a man and was wanking as I pedaled I'm sure that I would have ended up in a police cell.

I also orgasmed as I biked along a busy street during the official part of the ride, going slow so that I didn't crash into other cyclists or road signs. I again cycled nearly back to my apartment before reluctantly putting my dress back on for the last 50 or so metres.

The third WNBR went much the same as the second. I've been looking online for someone to modify my bike so that a dildo goes up and down through the seat as I pedal but so far I'm not having any luck finding anyone.

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