I make a Devil’s Bargain

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My wife wants to have an affair, to save our marriage.
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I'm Pete. Janet and I had been married 10 years. We are both in our mid 30's; we met in college and married soon after, having been in best friends since. Janet is about 5'6", with a pretty face and sleek athletic figure, long red hair and green eyes. I'm just over 6", 180lbs, brown hair and green eyes.

When Covid hit, we set up a gym in a spare bedroom on the first floor, and have used our old "commute" time to coach each other into shape. I'm tall and mostly thin, 6'1", fighting that dad-bod tendency and happy to report some success. I work for myself doing IT consulting, in an office I set up in a spare room; Janet does HR consulting, from a desk in our kitchen. Even working from home, we kept to our routine of waking up, coffee, showers and getting dressed. At lunch we 30 mins of stretching and body weight along with a Youtube video, then back to work.

We were always sexually active and compatible. My thing is getting her to orgasm as often as I can, I have great stamina. We are comfortable with each other.

One day the mailman knocked on our door and complained our car was blocking the mailbox, delivery would be difficult and if he was running late he's have to skip our house. We looked to see a white Prius at the end of our driveway. We realized it was our neighbor's renter, a grad student at the state college. We told the mailman we'd take care of it.

Janet offered to go next door and talk to the kid, and, pleased to have one less hassle to deal with, eagerly agreed.

A few minutes later she returned, and explained that Mike (the student) agreed to park elsewhere, and he was a physical education major, who attended college in the morning and worked at a local Gym in the afternoons. "In fact" she continued, "He offered to stop by a few times a week and coach us over lunch".

Janet was proud that she'd gotten us a private coach, so I said "That sounds exciting! Nice work, sweetheart!" even though I was hesitant, not sure why. She punched my arm and said "A workout will do wonders for you, you sexy dope!" I laughed at the playful jab.

Mike stopped by the next day, and we moved to the gym room for our first coached workout. Mike was about 23, same height as Janet, lean, fit and muscular, a tiny waist and tight ass (like a 23 year old) and fairly handsome, his blond hair cropped short and he looked like any trainer you might find at a gym. Nothing intimidating, no tattoos, but no real personality either. He greeted us formally, in sweatpants and a muscle shirt, still sweaty from his morning sessions I guess, and we started working out immediately. He guided us though a stretching and flexibility routine, then we moved to push ups, squats, and other body weight and balance work. He corrected our form, posture and after 30 mins checked his watch, gave us some feedback, and left. I will say that he was an excellent trainer, I felt sore in muscles that I never did before, and Janet seemed fatigued and a little frustrated at his constant corrections, but I reminder her this was her doing. She punched me in the arm, playfully, and we went back to work.

Mike started to stop by daily, and at first Janet was annoyed by Mike's refusal to allow any short cuts: Hold position for 1 min was a full 1 minute, no quits. It made the perception of any progress slow and painful. Janet talked to me about stopping, but I needled her to keep it up, (it was her idea) and in fact after a month she was really getting into it, and after 6 weeks we both noticed changes in the mirror. Mike started giving her a lot of compliments (he ignored me) and I noticed that she really lit up and tried to earn his approval. She was looking great, and she obviously liked the attention of a younger man.

That's when things changed.

Our "gym" room had the usual motivational posters, framed and hanging around, mirrors and pictures of Janet and I, etc. Even when I wasn't looking directly at her, I could see Mike's hands on Janet from any angle reflected in the glass of the pictures, or mirrors, surrounding us. I noticed he put his hands on Janet in ever more intimate locations on her abdominal muscles, shoulders, thighs, legs, etc, when he thought I wasn't looking. He left them there longer, too. Janet didn't stop him, she even intentionally slipped or lost balance, or held the wrong position, to earn a "correction" from Mike. It went on for a week or two to the point where he was frequently finding a reason to put his hand on her butt, or near her breasts, etc. After the workouts I did notice her blushing or red-faced often, she said it was due to exertion. In truth, she lit up when he was there, she made a point to watch him pull-up, or drive away, and seemed to find any excuse to go talk to he when he arrived or was outside for any time. She acted like a schoolgirl with a crush. It was obvious.

About this time I also noticed she was texting more than usual, sometimes putting her phone away quickly when I entered the room. I waited one night while we were in bed, and feigned sleep, when I heard her put the phone down to get up and go to the bathroom. As soon as the door shut I grabbed the phone and prevented the locking screen from activating, quickly searching for her most recent chat, and found where she and Mike had been texting. I added myself as a hidden participant (disabling notifications on my phone) and let the history transfer to my phone, then locked it and put it back before she returned.

Well, I was dying to read through, but I waited until morning and over coffee, read the entire thread. It started out innocently with schedule and fitness questions but morphed into playful teasing and suggestive complements: "Your form shows off your excellent breasts" and she replied "I loved the feeling of your strong hands, catching me when I lost balance" and it got worse from there. I saw pictures of her posing in yoga pants and tee, showing off her progress, but also her tits, and ass, Mike responded with flexing pics, his arms, chest and butt. Mike also talked about getting together with Janet, without me, for "personal training" but she brushed off those advances (for now), but did not discourage them either. In fact, I think she was close to making a choice to cross that line, from flirting to cheating. The realization set in that I might loose her, it shook me to my core.

I felt a little anger, betrayal, and jealousy, that she was in lust, and seriously turned on by Mike and not me as much anymore, it seemed. I was also afraid of doing something stupid that would cause her to make that call, to meet him in secret and damage our relationship and marriage permanently, maybe even end it. I thought about how to save us, not sure what to do. This was new territory. Do I confront her, and come off as jealous? Or worse, admit I was spying? No. Should we move away? No, she'd never go for that. Should I cancel Mike's coaching? No, that would give me away, and he would still be next door.

On the other hand, I tried to think of a scenario where we did a three-way, or a sexy massage, or something, and the thought was a little exciting, I admit. I never really considered swapping, but the idea of watching my perfect wife's perfect ass getting serviced by a young bull was oddly arousing. I tried to normalize that idea but in truth I was scared. I'm not the "share my wife" type, even if she'd go for it. I shook my head to get that image out, and tried to think of anything else.

People do more thinking with their dicks or pussies, and more often than anyone will admit to. When I met Janet, I was hopelessly infatuated with her from the first moments, and my brain was in a fog for months. I didn't know or care who she was, if she was dating, or anything. I had tunnel vision and a one-track mind. This shit happens. Luckily for me, it hit me young, and was more than a momentary infatuation. And, she was interested. The rest is history. That same blind lust seemed to be taking over Janet's logical brain, in her new found attraction to Mike. Lust was a powerful force. She was slowly giving in to it.

Saturday morning we were sitting at the table drinking coffee, I was hoping to get Janet to spend the day with me, a little adventure, a nice dinner, just focused on her. No Mike. Just to remind her that I loved her, and to focus a little on her needs. I scanned the web for concerts or events schedule today, and started to make a plan. She was sitting across from me, looking amazing but focused on texting (with Mike, as I could see the chatter on my own phone). It must have been a pretty intense conversation, she was oblivious to everything else. I make a point to not read it while she was nearby, as to not giver her any idea that I know they were talking. But, I risked a glance, casually.

Mike: I have the house to myself today, just come over.

Janet: As if. Do you think you could handle a woman like me?

Mike: I'm so hard for you. You are so tight and sexy. Lets fuck right now.

Just then, she looked up, almost dropping her phone.

Startled, I look up as well. "What's wrong" I asked?

She looked over at me, staring into my eyes. I held still, giving her time to collect her thoughts. She took a deep breath, I thought I saw the beginning of a tear in one of her eyes. She came to a decision, I could see it in her eyes.

"I want to sleep with Mike" she said, in almost a whisper. As if she was admitting it to herself, as well as informing me.

I was stunned. Like, deer in the headlights stunned. Almost involuntarily, I quietly said "What?"

She took another deep breath, closed her eyes and repeated "I want to fuck Mike." She opened her eyes and looked at me, I saw real fear in her expression, but her body was firm and full of resolve.

I knew something was coming, but this completely caught me off guard. My brain was filled with thoughts like 'Am I not good enough? Are you already cheating on me? What does he have that I don't?" calling her Slut! Or Whore!" but luckily, my mouth was still.

I took a deep breath of my own, and said "I know". It was Janet's turn to be stunned.

I continued, almost shocked by the words I heard coming from my mouth, as if they were not my own: "It's been obvious for a while now, that there's an attraction between you two. I've been feeling more and more left out, while you seem more and more alive when he's here. And, he obviously is attracted to you."

I told her "I've seen him touch you when he thinks I'm not looking, and I've noticed that you do not object." I looked into her eyes, intently "You have already made the decision, now you're trying to make it work."

She looked as if she was caught, like I wasn't aware of what the woman I fell in love with and shared my life for over 10 years with was doing with a young, fit man. But we were in deep now, teetering on the edge of a volcano, our lives together would be forever changed by the next few minutes.

I said "I respect that you are being honest, not sneaking around.You should do it. "

She asked, "Are you really serious? I do not want to do anything to make you upset or jealous or might cause us any problems in our marriage."

I stated, honestly "We've already crossed that line."

She looked at me thoughtfully, and said "So, what do we do?" She said "We" as in "her and I", that phrase, that I was still part of her life, was kind of what molded my next words.

"I don't want you going behind my back, making me out to be a fool." I said.

She was silent, I'm sure she thought of a clandestine rendezvous with Mike in his tiny apartment, or some other secret location, it was already considered and dismissed.

"As long as you do it here, in this house, with me present in the same room, I won't stop you." I said.

She looked annoyed, a little angry, and sniped at me: "That's it? As long as you get to watch? Is that your rule?"

Isn't that funny? I just agreed to let my wife fuck another man, at her request. Her, my life partner, and a stranger she hardly knew, and she was upset about the details?

"No" I replied, That's my condition for Mike to have access and free use of my wife's body."

She looked like she was about to start yelling at me about her body and privacy or something, but I continued: "I love you, and I will love you long after Mike is gone."

Janet stopped in her tracks.

"Mike is a young man, he will push any boundaries you set, he might take photos or video, or blab to his friends, or anything else. Things that might come back to haunt or hurt you. He can leave at anytime, but you and I need to think past this, to our future."

Janet allowed a smile for the first time, she took my hand, and said "I understand, that makes sense. Are you sure you're OK with watching?"

"Fuck, No!" I wanted to say, but I thought for a moment, and lied "Sure, it will be hot, wont it?"

Janet came over and sat in my lap, kissing me deeply and resting her head on my shoulder. "I don't deserve you, but I do love you." she sighed.

"I know" I said, then taking a serious tone, "There is another condition."

She looked at me, and rolled her eyes "Let me guess, you want to fuck one of my friends, or two?" she asked.

"Not hardly" I said, honestly. She did have some hot friends, but I'm a firm believer in "Don't shit where you eat". I didn't need additional drama or trouble, this was enough for me to deal with already.

"Well, what?" she prodded.

I spoke slowly and deliberately "I want everything you give him." She looked taken aback. I continued "I won't give him the opportunity to flex strong on me, or show dominance, by taking things from my marriage for himself only. Once you start this, the word "No" is gone between us, you give me what you give him."

Janet looked puzzled, like she was re-considering just fucking Mike on the down-low. "What are you talking about?" she asked, incredulously.

I explained "Mike is young, dumb, maybe even rash. He's going to think he's in competition with me, and older man, and he is fucking my wife, you know, at no cost to himself".

In truth, I was concerned that this affair might start out as "Mike is Janet's boy-toy" but slip into "My wife is Mike's slut". It may sound paranoid, but an affair with one man is a far different thing than having a group of young gymrats running a train on my wife in the back room of "World Fitness". Sound crazy? Maybe. Yes, I was feeling insecure and unsure where this was going, so I wanted some assurance that she would not give everything to a stranger, and leave me high and dry. Our own marital intimacy had to take priority.

She furrowed her brow, considering the point I was making. "You need to make sure there is no sexual drama between us, no unequal tension that snowballs into big trouble. Just trust me on this one?"

Janet seemed to think it over. "That's all I'm asking for." I reminder her. She smiled and said "OK, done!" Then, she kissed me.

This was happening fast. My head was spinning, but I felt like I just Matrix-style dodged a bullet, or many bullets: She was open, honest, and willing to make sure our marriage was not destroyed.

"Call him" I said. "Now?" she asked? "Yes." I told her. "Why wait?"

She jumped up and quickly texted, and he replied, this repeated several times. I could tell he needed convincing that this wasn't a trap, then she smiled and I knew he was on his way.

Mike arrived a few minutes later, Janet bounced up, almost skipping to open the door for him, I sat down on a chair in the living room, and steeled myself for the show.

Janet closed the door behind him, kissing him quickly and deeply, Mike was palpably in disbelief. She held him close, running her hands over his chest, legs and butt, almost holding him from escaping.

He looked shocked at first, but soon surrendered to his lust and took her in his arms. They were still at the doorway as Janet tugged down his baggy shorts, letting his fully hard uncut cock free. I noted with some satisfaction that while it was rock hard and pointing up at a 45 degree angle, it was average to sightly below what I've seen in locker rooms and gyms in my youth. Janet grabbed hold of it, smoothly stroking it and looked over at me, saying "Isn't his cock beautiful?" she knelt down and took it into her mouth hungrily, licking Mike's smooth balls and running her tongue from then to the tip, before taking him into her mouth fully and deeply.

I involuntary gasped. Things were moving quick, but I was transfixed by the live porn show and my wife the star performer. I was hard immediately.

My wife was sucking Mike's cock, right in front of me. She didn't hesitate, no second thoughts at all. Watching Janet suck another man's cock just about floored me. It was erotic, sensual, and I felt strangely turned on by it, my wife of 10 years on another man's cock. I never thought it would be such a huge turn-on, but I was mesmerized and completely taken up by it, I may have cum a little in my pants, hands-off. "Mike! I love the taste of that stiff cock of yours!" she admitted, looking over at me.

Janet was like a wild woman, like she had years of pent-up sexual energy to release all at once. I was floored, I did not expect this, but it was very hot.

My wife was on her knees in front of him and grabbed his cock at the base of his shaft. She began licking his length from the bottom to the tip. Once she reached the end of his cock she playfully licked under his head with the tip of her tongue. Mike's head went back in pleasure and grunted at what she was doing to his cock.

Hungrily, she then took his cock in her mouth and slowly devoured it, letting it choke her, tongue resting at the base of his balls until she couldn't hold it there any longer and pulled away gasping for air. Strings of saliva bridged and fell between her mouth and his stiff cock, some of it dripping to her breasts.

She stood up long enough to strip him completely, then she did this erotic little dace where she rubbed her body against his, like she was showing him off. She looked at me and said 'God, isn't he beautiful?" before dropping back and devouring his cock again. "Mmmm, he tastes good too, honey."

Turning to face me she still had some drool hanging from her chin. She licked his cock up and down all while staring at me while she did it, almost like she was saying "See what a sexy wife I am?" And grinning, continued "You like watching me suck on his cock?" she asked me playfully.

"You look so fucking hot doing it." I replied, honestly.

Mike's body twitched and Janet took his cock out of her mouth, smacking her lips, and rubbing it over her face and tits. She said "I want your cum in my mouth! Cum for me!" and swallowed his cock again. "Ugggh! I'm gonna cum," he was almost pleading. Mike's orgasm hit him hard, he shot a spurt of cum across the floor before Janet could get her mouth around his knob, then he grabbed her hair and fucked her face while he swallowed hot spurt after spurt.

Before Mike had a chance to recover, she dragged him by the balls over the couch opposite me, striping off her remaining clothes and pulling him down on top of her, kissing his face and mouth the whole time.

Janet spread her legs and Mike's eyes widened at the sight of her wet, naked pussy, right out of his dreams. His hands slid slowly up her thighs as her legs were spread even wider for his attentions. His fingers probing her soft wet pussy lips before easing gently inside her. Following her direction, he moved his head between her legs and ate her pussy, wasting no time in following her orders, he got down from the couch and buried his face between my wife's legs. She immediately responded with moans and sighs, her body squirming as his tongue amateurishly explored all over her wet cunt lips. My wife glanced my way every now and again, smiling, wincing once in a while, clearly enjoying his tongue lashing her pussy.