I Need a Savior Ch. 01

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It seems Liam will do anything for Scarlett.
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My blonde tresses whipped against my flushed face as I ran hard. Legs pumping, chest heaving. The ocean waves crashed against the shore and soothed my mind. Classes were long and dull all week. I was ready for a night out and a break from all the studying.

Final's week was right around the corner and the daily studying, between shifts waitressing, was beginning to melt my brain. I was in desperate need of a stiff drink and weirdos trying to dance with Becca and me. We weren't good dancers by any means, and we didn't dance like sluts either, we just had fun, which I guess could come off as slutty to drunk pervs.

Becca and I had been texting throughout the day, between classes trying to figure out what we were wearing and where we would go tonight. Apparently, some guy she hooked up with last semester was throwing a huge beach party and we were invited. We weren't big on parties, we preferred a nice club or high-end pub. But he had personally invited Becca and she was dying to hook up with him again. Whatever. I'm the loyal friend that never lets my bestie go to a party alone and end up date raped or worse.

I turned around and ran back towards my car. A couple of miles was enough for me, with how tired I had been the last couple of weeks. I still had to work a short shift before the party which I was thrilled about. Hogan's was a nice sport's bar that attracted mostly older men and the occasional families.

I ran past the bike racks, leading up to the bathrooms, where I changed into my work uniform and walked to my car. I redid my ponytail, attempting to smooth down the wild flyaways sticking out everywhere, and headed off to work.

My phone rang and I answered, Becca's voice booming through other end with laughter.

"Hey Letty, you ready for tonight?" Becca chimes.

"Yeah, definitely ready to watch you suck face with what's his name all night." I reply, chuckling.

"Shut up, you could find yourself someone to suck face with too you know you prude. By the way, what are you wearing because I honestly cannot decide." She sighs and I can hear the hangers sliding in her closet as she desperately looks through the racks full of beautiful clothing.

Her family was mega rich and provided their darling daughter with anything and everything she wanted. I used to envy her, considering my family was dirt poor, but now I realize there's a sort of humbleness that comes with being poor, and an appreciation for nice things.

"I am not a prude, I'm just picky. And I think I'm going to wear that crocheted white beach dress I got from Marshalls last weekend." I spoke.

"White? Ugh, that's it, I'm going shopping really quick while you're working. I need some new sandals anyways. You need anything?" She asks nonchalantly. She knows I hate when she buys me things but always insists on asking anyhow.

"Nope, I'm all good girl thanks. I'll see you at Hogans at eleven?" I ask.

"Kk, I'll see you there. And look cute because Connor has someone he wants you to meet and he probably looks like a Greek god like Connor, so you know." She trills excitedly. I roll my eyes.

"Don't get your hopes up he's probably a total jock idiot like Connor too. Byeee!" I yell and click end call.

Work was busy as usual, and my feet were killing me. The beach was sounding nicer and nicer as the night went on.

Ten o'clock rolled around and I started my close routine. The place emptied out and the last couple of regulars were finishing their drinks at the bar. The bar stayed open until 2am, but the kitchen closed at ten thankfully. Tony the cook was about to take the trash out and I offered instead. He had broken his leg last year and it never quite healed right. I just didn't feel right watching him struggle through the back door with all the trash with his limp.

"Are you sure Scarlett?" He asked every time.

"Yep Tony, I got it no worries." I reassure him.

I gather all the trash bags and head out the back door, which leads out to a skinny alley with a few other scattered doors to other restaurants and businesses. Most of which were closed by now or closing. It was dark and quiet, the occasional honk of a car or holler from someone walking down the street.

I heaved the last bag up and over the lid of the garbage when I felt a rough hand around my mouth and waist yank me backward. I tried to scream, kicking my legs and trying to free myself. I smelled the wreak of liquor and cheap cologne. The mixture of scents made me nauseous, and the crippling fear fogged my mind. It's hard to remember the small details, besides the smell and rough feel of his hands. He was trying to undress me but with my resistance, he was struggling and getting angrier. He was screaming in my ear, telling me to shut the fuck up or he'd kill me, but I couldn't stop. I kept squirming, kicking my legs, and flailing my arms trying to get a grip on anything. My foot connected with the garbage can in front of me and we both went sailing backward onto the alley ground. He screamed in pain, and I took my chance. I twisted out of his grip and off of him, rolling onto the ground and getting to my feet as fast as I could. I sprinted down the alley as fast as my feet could possibly take me. It's the fastest I think I've ever run.

The streetlights got brighter, and the traffic was getting louder. I kept running until I broke through the alley onto the sidewalk. I skidded to a stop, my head whipping back and forth in the confusion of where to go next. I didn't even have my phone on me to call the police or anyone.

I thought I heard something behind me, and I whirled around, arms flailing to hit something, anything. Big hands had ahold of my wrists before I could do any damage. Between my wild strands of hair covering my eyes, I saw a man in a nice suit and piercing green eyes. My mouth hung slack in confusion, and I made a small sound of protest in the back of my throat.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" The man asked in a deep voice with a hint of an accent I couldn't place, especially not at that time. My brain was swirling with emotion and confusion.

"N-no, I think I'm okay." I whispered in shock.

"Show me." The stranger demanded gently.

"Show you?" I asked in confusion.

"Show me where he touched you, where he hurt you." His face darkened, eyes scanning me up and down as if looking for something. It would have normally been sensual, but I knew that wasn't what he was aiming for.

I had no idea if I was hurt or not, my adrenaline was still pumping.

"I need water and I need to sit down for a minute." I responded after a long pause.

"Of course, let me help." He bent down as if to pick me up in his arms and I put my hand out.

"I can walk myself." I said.

"I insist. I won't harm you; I mean only to help." I gave him a look then sighed as he swooped me into his arms. He smelled different than the man that had just assaulted me. He smelled slightly of cloves and good bourbon. I would have remembered a face like his, so he was no regular at Hogans.

We were both silent on the walk back down the alley, he didn't even breathe hard from holding me.

When we reached the door to the bar, he swung the door open with his foot and walked through the doorway. But before we were through, I caught a glimpse of a foot sticking out through the dumpster bins.

What the hell?

He continued through the kitchen, Tony looking like he'd seen a ghost, mouth dropping to his knees and all. The man set me at the bar gently and hurried behind the bar, rustling around until he procured me a drink. Stiff.

"Thanks bartender." I smirked.

"Of course, mam." He winked at me.

Tony was peeking around the kitchen entryway, still in shock.

"So, what's your name and where the hell did you come from?"

"Liam and I heard the racket from inside the bar, I had just walked in. Now to see to those wounds." He walked back around the bar and knelt on it next to me.

I allowed my mind to focus and felt around to see if anything hurt. I got off the barstool and tested my feet.

"Ah!" I started to crumple to the floor in pain and big hands held me steady again.

"My ankle!" I panicked.

"Here, sit." He sat me back down, putting his hands around my waist and lifting me on the bar.

"Thanks for your help, really, but this isn't necessary I feel bad." I said, trying to make eye contact and failing horribly.

"Of course, it is darlin'." He replied. Irish. It was an Irish accent.

He went behind the bar again and appeared with ice for my ankle.

"Keep this on for a bit and you'll be just fine, you just rolled it." He said and his accent was a bit heavier. I liked it.

My phone chimed and I knew it was Becca, she was probably here to pick me up. I texted her to come in and get a drink and wait while the swelling in my ankle went down a bit.

"Can I give you a ride home?" Liam asked me, tilting his head ever so slightly to the side.

As if on cue, Becca loudly announced her entrance into the bar, sitting next to me and giving Liam major googly eyes. He hardly glanced at her.

"You guys got a new bartender?" She exclaimed, finally taking her eyes off Liam and gaping at me.

"No, this is Liam, my knight in shining armor."

Liam winked at me and smiled sheepishly.

"Ummm, elaborate?" She said with an eyebrow up, almost touching her hairline.

"Some freak attacked me out in the alley while I was throwing the trash out. I managed to kick him in the balls and ran right into Liam here. He helped me get back here, I twisted my ankle pretty bad." I gushed.

"So, you can't make it to the beach party?" She suddenly looked horrified.

"Back party huh?" Liam looked intrigued.

"It's really me just being Becca's knight in shining armor." I scoffed and took a big sip out of the drink Liam had made me. It was excellent.

"What the fuck does that mean?" She looked irritated now, so many emotions on one face.

"Oh, nothing Bec, I just want to make sure you're safe while you have fun, that's all."

"Oh, whatever Jules. It's fun for all." She retorted. "Speaking of which, are you ready? Or is your ankle still screwed up?" She looked at me expectantly.

"Yea we should be good now." I got off my stool and tested it out, gingerly putting weight down on it and it hurt way less.

I thanked Liam profusely for all the help and walked out with Becca who winked at him and gave him a flirty wave.

I wanted to get drunk and forget about what had happened. So, Becca and I blasted our favorite songs while driving to the beach.

I could always smell it before I saw it, the ocean. It was my favorite place to be on Earth and I realized maybe it wouldn't be so bad, maybe even fun.

Becca swung into a parking spot and flew out of the car, leaving me behind already.

Everyone was surrounding a huge bonfire and surprisingly there was a shit ton of people. There were several coolers and even a makeshift bar.

"Jules!" Becca screamed my name from the makeshift bar, she was waving me over.

My ankle still hurt a bit, so I limped my way over to her pushing a couple of people out of my way. The music was loud and people were dancing all around.

"This is Connor." She directed me to look at a good-looking younger guy, but definitely and obviously a player. Most of them were, which is why I didn't hook up with anyone, ever. Once and it was the biggest mistake I had ever made and vowed to never make it again.

"Hey, how are you?" I waved haphazardly, trying not to make too much eye contact.

"I'm good, wanna drink?" He asked with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Sure thanks." I mumbled.

He grabbed me a fruity mikes hard and I almost laughed. He didn't even ask me what I wanted to drink.

We stood at the bar for a few minutes, while Becca was practically crawling on her date. I kept sipping my drink and trying to act nonchalant.

"Wanna go sit over there away from everyone so we can talk?" Connor yelled over the music.

"Sure." I replied, knowing it wasn't the best idea, but there were tons of people around us still.

He grabbed my hand and directed me about a hundred feet from the party and music and plopped down on the sand. I followed, plopping down next to him, spilling my drink a bit.

We chatted about nothing for a few minutes and then the inevitable came. He grabbed my face and tried to make out with me. I pulled away immediately, putting my hand on his chest.

"Come on." He breathed in my ear.

"No stop." I said, trying to get up on my feet and go get Becca to leave.

But he didn't get the hint and kept trying to make out with me, as I was attempting to push him off me.

"I have to pee." I blurted out and he stopped. I was able to get to my feet then and I started to make my way to the bathroom. Before I got far enough, I turned around and yelled back to Connor who looked like a hurt child.

"Don't ever fucking kiss a girl without asking, got it prick? No means no." I shouted and turned around in a huff towards the bathroom.

I was nearly there when I was yanked backward by my hair.

"You stupid bitch, don't ever talk to me like that again!" He screamed in my face and it smelled rank with alcohol.

I tried to scream as loud as I could, but he grabbed my mouth roughly and held my mouth shut. He started to drag me by my hair and the sand turned to cold stone. He let go of me and before I could scream, I felt a torrent of kicks to my ribs and stomach, and I swore I heard something crack. The wind was knocked out of me, and I could do nothing but try to breathe and shield myself.

Suddenly it stopped and I curled into a ball, wincing at the pain in my ribs. I heard a banging against stalls and the sounds of a struggle. Then I heard a body thud to the floor and gentle hands on my back and neck, trying to pry me out of my ball.

Through the pain and terror, I smelled a familiar scent. Cloves and good Bourbon.

I was in and out of consciousness, hands lifting and searing pain from my ribs. The black inkiness lurking in the edges of my eyes made me practically blind, especially since it was dark out. I tried to take a deep breath and the pain was so powerful, I finally succumbed to the blackness.


The moment I opened my eyes, I wish I hadn't. The fluorescent lights did not help with my headache, and my ribs made it impossible for me to even sit up. I looked around and realized I was in a hospital room.

I laid my head back down and tried to breathe so that my ribs didn't hurt so much, which was near impossible. There was a little call button for a nurse and before I could click it, someone came through the door. It was Liam.

I squinted my eyes in confusion and looked him up and down. He was finely dressed as he was last night, a suit and tie.

"What are you doing here?" I mumbled, the drugs they gave me made me slur a bit, although didn't help too much with the immense pain.

"Are you in pain?" He asked gruffly. He held a coffee in one hand and a book in the other.

"How long have you been here?" I asked him back.

"You're very good at dodging my questions, yes?" He winked and took a sip of his coffee.

I sighed dramatically and winced.

"Yes, you are in pain you stubborn girl." He laughed.

"What the fuck is so funny Liam? Please, enlighten me."

"Danger is drawn to you, or vice versa, but I assume it's the former. If I hadn't been there last night, I'm not sure what would have happened to you, Jules." He said my name slowly, drawing it out. "I like the way you say my name by the way." He smirked.

"Your name?" Now it was my turn to laugh until it ended abruptly with more wincing and searing pain.

Liam made a sound of disapproval and walked to my bedside. He reached over me and clicked a button. I started to feel light and airy in a way. Like I was floating slightly above my bed, but when I looked down, I was still laying on the bed. My eyelids grew heavy and the pain ebbed and flowed out through my fingertips, away, away.

"What did you...?" I couldn't finish my sentence, I once again succumbed to the darkness inking in from the edging of my eyes.


I opened my eyes and the lights were dimmer and easier on my adjusting eyes. This time, Liam was sitting in a chair across from my bed asleep, with a book slumped in his lap. He was dressed the same.

I opened my mouth and it was dry, my tongue felt like sandpaper when I tried to lick my lips. I didn't want to wake him, he must have stayed the entire time, but I was dying of thirst. I looked to my left and on the bedside table, there was a plastic cup of water waiting for me. I tried to reach to grab it, my ribs pretesting and a moan escaping my lips. Everything hurt.

I hoped I hadn't woken him, but when I looked over to his chair he was smiling at me.

"Need some help?" He smirked.

"That would be nice, thanks." I replied.

He stood and stretched, yawning loudly, before coming over to my bedside and handing me the water. After gulping down the entire thing, I handed it back to him.

"Thank you very much." My voice sounded clearer, more like myself.

Suddenly a nurse flew through the door, making me jump and Liam moved back to his chair.

"How are you feeling honey?" Asked a large black woman with beautiful long braids.

"I'm okay, just really really sore I think." I responded.

"Okay honey, well here's your script for the pain meds and your discharge papers. You have a cracked rib, and the rest are bruised, so take it real easy for a couple of weeks alright sweetheart? You are free to leave when you feel up to getting out that bed. Okay?" She handed me the paperwork and gave Liam a sidelong glance and I could have sworn I saw her wink.

She left the room, leaving me alone with Liam again. I had some serious questions for him and I felt oddly anxious about receiving his answers.

"Did you carry me here?" I squinted at him.

"You make a cute face when you're confused, you know that?" He laughed again and stood up, sitting at the end of my bed.

"Yes, I carried you, from the beach and to my car. Then a wheelchair leading you here to this bed. When they asked who I was, I lied and told them I was your brother." He winked at me.

"What? Can't you get into like big trouble for that?" I asked, amused.

"Not sure, but it was worth the risk if so."

"What happened at the beach? What happened to that guy?" I pressed.

"Let's get you dressed and home before we get into that shall we?" His accent made it hard for me to understand some words, but I got most of it.

"Sure, whatever. What's the big secret, you beat him up or something?" His face darkened and he looked down. "Oh shit. You really did?" I asked incredulously.

"Let's just say he got what he deserved, and we'll leave it at that." He was still looking down, pretending to concentrate on helping me out of bed. It hurt immensely, but if I moved slow enough it wasn't horrible.

"What about the guy in the alley? I saw him laying behind the dumpster. You beat him up too?" I questioned.

"I took care of him as I told you last night. He also got what he deserved." He retorted.

"My God, what is wrong with you? You can't just stalk me around, beating dudes up whenever you feel like it." I looked up at his smirking face and rolled my eyes. "You don't care though right Mr. Tough Guy?" I rolled my eyes again and grabbed the clothes Liam handed me. I tried my best to slide them onto my legs and stopped at my thighs, wincing.

"You're too modest, not to mention stubborn. Let me help you, please." He looked into my eyes, his so stunningly green in the sunlight.

"I don't think anyone can be too modest, but yes I will let you help me, but only because you said please." I winked at him this time, probably looking like I had terrets or something. He laughed and bent down to help me, gingerly sliding my jeans up and over my thighs and then over my butt. My face turned beat red, which procured yet another laugh from Liam.