I thought that I knew My Wife

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Husband does his best to accept his wife's cheating.
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I Thought That I Knew My Wife

By Buster2U

I would like to submit this tale as an alternative ending to the sad and heartbreaking story "I Know My Wife" by NoTalentHack. This story shocked me as much as the tragic story "February Sucks" by George Anderson.

After reading the original sad story, I realized that I had an idea for a different ending and asked for Mr. NTH's permission to do that, using his story as a starting point. I was happily granted this permission, just today.

Please see the original story by NoTalentHack, it is excellent as written by this Master of the Written Word. There are many good writers on Literotica, but in my opinion, NTH is one of the very best of the best.

BTW Susan's husband "Brad" wasn't named in the original story. His name was my idea to make it easier to refer to him.


To recap the original story by Mr. NTH, in case the reader is too busy (lazy) to bother to read this original story, here is a recap...

This short story told by NTH tells of a very beautiful, faithful, and loving wife who is slowly and purposely led astray and seduced by her rich, attractive, younger, egotistical, single, and horny asshole boss.

This unnamed boss convinces Susan, that she deserves a weekend of sexual pleasure, at his hands, in the Caribbean. That, since she deserves it so much, her husband should understand. Therefore going away with him for just a weekend shouldn't affect her marriage, in the least.

Of course, the wife, Susan, foolishly believes her boss or we wouldn't have a story.

Susan only expresses her intention to leave for the weekend, with her boss, to her husband Brad, just hours before she is to walk out the door. Of course, this completely broke her husband's heart and shattered his "fragile male ego".

Susan solemnly promises that this will be the only time she will ever have sex outside their marriage. Susan carefully explains, that this will just be for sex only, therefore, her weekend dalliance, with her boss, would present no serious threat to their marriage, and not even disturb it in anyway, in her opinion.

After a short shouting match with her husband Brad, Susan slams and locks the master bedroom door. This leaves Brad to cry himself asleep, alone in the spare bedroom, on the night she leaves for her complete betrayal of her husband.

Susan departs sometime during the night, still without her husband's permission or approval. Of course, this completely devastates Brad, completely breaking his heart, and totally destroying his self esteem.

Brad is completely shattered, and has his slut wife served divorce papers as soon as possible upon her return home. He will show his whore wife he is NOT putting up with such crap and disrespect, in the original masterpiece, by NTH.

(My apologies for any errors in my interpretation of Mr. NTH's great story)



Many folks wonder about this ending. What if, the husband could just "get over' his "fragile male ego", maybe they wouldn't need to destroy their previously happy marriage by getting a divorce. Why can't that happen? Why can't that ever happen in stories here on Literotica?

Susan's pussy was not damaged by her boss. It was used as nature intended. So, what is the problem? It must be "The Fragile Male Ego!"

That question is the whole point of my version of this short story. To ponder this eternal question posed every day here on Literotica. Let's try to see what could possibly happen, if Susan's husband Brad, didn't divorce her, but did his best to save his marriage.

Let us try to take a look at what might happen if Brad can get over his FRAGILE MALE EGO... (lighten up people, it is only a story!)


I thought I knew my wife,..

By Buster2U

My alternate ending picks up when Susan's husband, Brad, wakes up alone in his house after Susan has departed with her lover sometime during the night.


I wake up in our spare bedroom, in our formerly warm home that is now cold, empty, and lonely. Susan had already left sometime during the night, leaving me and our happily married life behind. I love her more than life itself. I have always given her everything.

How could she do this to me, to us, and to our family?

What will I do now? What can I do now? I don't want to lose her. She is everything to me. I will do anything and everything I can to keep her. How can my beautiful sexy wife think that she can go away for a weekend of sexual relations with her boss, without this affecting our marriage?

I don't know what to do. So first, I will get something to drink while I think. I open my new bottle of 12-year-old Johnny Walker Black Label Scotch and pour 3 fingers over three ice cubes. Johnny Walker, always helps me think more clearly, when I need to ponder.

I take my drink and smokes to go outside to our patio to relax and think.

I decided not to call anyone to whine, or to talk about this situation. I don't want anyone to know my shame. The shame of a cheating wife's complete betrayal. If I speak to anyone about this, all I would be doing is admitting my total humiliation given to me at the hands of my cheating slut wife.

How could she ever do such a thing? If I should divorce her and shame her back, as the slut that she is, she would be gone forever. But I just don't want to lose her, I can't live without her love, her warm kisses, her warm touches, and her beautiful sexy body.

How could she hurt me so badly like this? For her to just go off for the weekend to fuck her boss, so selfishly. When I would gladly, GLADLY sacrifice anything and everything for her. I guess it is just my "fragile male ego" causing the pain in my heart, just like she said, last night.

I must take action, but what action? Suddenly, between sips of my excellent Scotch, I get an idea and get on my laptop and the internet. I google "hypnotherapists in Silicon Valley" and get a phone number, then call them for an appointment later this very day.

Johnny Walker has helped me figure out a problem, once again. Now, it is time to get some breakfast and then take care of business.


Arriving at the Hypnotherapists' office later, that very afternoon, I walked in and introduced myself to the receptionist behind the counter.

"Yes sir, thank you for being early. Please fill out this questionnaire and the Therapist will be with you shortly," she said.

I sit down and fill the form out completely, answering all the questions, in detail. Then walk back to the counter, and hand the clipboard back to the young lady.

A few minutes later...

"Mr. Jones? I am Doctor Smith, won't you come back to my office to discuss how I can help you, please?" he asks.

I follow him back to his private office, he holds the door and closes it as I sit in a very soft recliner to chat, privately, in his soundproof office.

"So, Mr. Jones, what can I do for you? Oh and by the way, we record all of our private sessions to avoid future misunderstandings," explains Dr. Smith, as he clicks on his large tape recorder, on the bookshelf.

"My wife has gone away this weekend, with her rich, younger boss, for their own little weekend 'fuck fest' and it is breaking my heart. I don't want to lose her, I love her too much. More than life itself. Can you fix me, so that I am not hurt or jealous over this, please?" I plead.

"May I call you Brad?" the Doctor asks sincerely.

"Of course, Doctor. But do you think you can help me not be hurt or be jealous about my wife screwing her boss all weekend? They are probably having sex, even at this very moment!" I cry, tears running down my cheeks.

"Brad, this is a common request, here at Silicon Valley Hypnotherapy. We usually get this request at least a dozen times a week. It seems we have an abundance of slut wives in this part of the country, that feel they are entitled to cheat, regardless of the pain that they cause or damage they may do to their marriage." says the Dr.

"So, you have dealt this before? Does that mean you can help me today Doctor?" I plead

"Oh, yes, we certainly can. As long as this event, by your entitled, cheating slut wife is a one time thing. Today's session can certainly help keep all your emotions under control for you, for now." the Doctor explains.

"Wow, that is great! Thank you so much. How much will this cost?" I asked sincerely.

"Today's session will be $400 but will only help control your feelings about this weekend only. However, any additional cheating by your wife would affect you, like any other normal husband, unless you return for a series of further sessions" explained Doctor Smith.

"That sounds reasonable enough. Please, I just need help to deal with this weekend's situation for now. My wife said that it was my 'fragile male ego' that was my problem. That she will only have sex this one time, with her boss, this weekend, and that will get it out of her system. She promised to be faithful thereafter." I said.

"Yes, we have heard that flimsy excuse given by unfaithful wives, many times. They always try to put their guilt, and the blame for their inappropriate behavior on their poor innocent husbands. When the facts simply point to these cheating wives, as just being plain whores and shameless cheating sluts." The Doctor explains.

"My wife Susan sincerely promised me, that this will be just a one-time fling this weekend. Never to happen again. So I will only need the one session today." I explained.

"That will be fine, my friend. I sincerely hope that she keeps her word, as unlikely, as that is. However, if you find that your wife continues to disrespect her marriage vows, we highly recommend that you immediately return to continue several weeks of intense sessions, to prevent any serious reactions." said Dr. Smith

"Why would that be necessary Doctor?" I asked

"Because, otherwise, the severe emotional trauma she causes by disrespecting you and her marriage vows may destroy you." further explained Dr. Smith.

"Ok Doctor, that makes sense and sounds reasonable. But for now, just this weekend is my only concern for now." I said.

"Fine, then. We will proceed. Just focus your eyes on my watch......"

***************Hypnotherapy Session*****************

Over an hour Later...

The Hypnotherapist brings Brad out of his Hypnosis, ending their session...

"I will now count from one to five. and on the number five, you will open your eyes, awaken completely, feeling fine and wonderful in every way."

"All the suggestions that I have given you, are deeply implanted in your subconscious mind and will enable you to make the changes in your life that you have requested. Taking complete effect to achieve and assure the changes in your life that you have requested." the Doctor explains.

Slowly counting..."One, two, starting to awaken, three, coming up more and more, four almost awake. now 5. Wide awake! Wide awake! Now, back to normal, back to normal," commands the Doctor.

I open my eyes feeling refreshed and alive.

$400 is well spent. I leave feeling like a new man, fully energized and alive. Returning home I fix myself dinner and watch TV completely relaxed and happy in every way.

Sunday morning, I wake up with a smile on my face. Put on my gym clothes and run a couple of miles. Returning home, I fix myself a healthy breakfast, get cleaned up, and go to church as usual.

Many of our friends we usually see at church, inquire about Susan, and why she isn't there with me. But I simply explained "She left Friday night to spend the weekend with her young boss, in the Caribbean." and left it at that.

I got some strange looks, but I never accused her of cheating. If she wants to explain what she was doing with her boss, to everyone, she can do it herself. I am not going to cover for her cheating or make excuses for her. If they don't want her teaching Sunday School anymore, it isn't my fault or my problem.

I return from church and work in the yard, completely enjoying the sunshine, fresh air, and exercise. Life couldn't be much better.

After the yard work, I take a shower and get cleaned up to get ready for Susan to return home. I intend to take her out to dinner at one of our more expensive steak houses in Santa Clara, one of her favorites.

Susan opens the door, smiling widely, and rushes over to my chair as I rise, she kisses me enthusiastically, tenderly, and lovingly. We lock lips and exchange tongues. I taste something unusual in her mouth but ignore it. I am just so happy to see my beautiful loving wife finally home again.

We drag each other upstairs to the bedroom and quickly begin furious lovemaking. We are both so happy and in love again. I love this woman with all my soul. I would do anything for her, make ANY sacrifice. She completes me fully. I am so happy.

Life goes on just as before her fuckfest trip with her boss.

Weeks go by...

We enjoy wedded bliss. I have completely forgotten about her weekend of acting like a married slut and her complete disrespect. Susan hasn't bothered to try to explain anything about it either. We seem to have both just swept her cheating whore weekend 'under the rug'.

More Weeks go by...

Susan texted me, Wednesday afternoon about 4 pm, that she will be working a little late tonight. No big deal, I think, when she comes home at 9 pm. I don't think anything of it, nor do I bother asking her about it after she does. I'm relaxed and I am very happy.

Even More, weeks go by,..

Susan seems to have established a regular schedule of working late Wednesday and Friday evenings. No big deal. I have my things to do that I do on those nights also.

I find it very relaxing after a 20-minute drive over to visit Target Masters, in Milpitas. They are one of the nicest local indoor shooting ranges in the area. I always enjoy my visit there to shoot a few rounds of.45 ACP through my 1911 Kimber concealed carry pistol, as well as my Colt long slide.45 ACP that is even more fun to shoot.

Life is so beautiful. Susan has no interest in guns or shooting. She doesn't ask what I do when she is working late, and I don't bother to tell her. Oddly, I am usually just watching TV, by the time she gets home from working late.

Friday night, of course, Susan is working late again. She didn't bother texting me tonight, but I expected her to be a little late. 9 p.m. goes by and I shut off the TV and go on up to bed to read and then further relax.

11 p.m. I shut off the light and close my eyes for sleep, I have a lot of work to do in the yard on Saturday. Something wakes me up and I realize it is Susan undressing quietly, in the dark, next to the bed before she enters the master bath.

Now I can sleep better, knowing that she is home safe and sound, however, due to my curiosity, I happen to just glance at my clock, only to realize it is 3 a.m. I am shocked and I begin to wonder, 'Why would she work so late?' This question awakens my suspicious mind and makes my heart pound.

Susan shuts off the light in the bathroom before exiting, so as not to wake me. She pauses for a moment to let her eyes adjust to the dark before she opens the bathroom door and slowly walks a couple of steps to our bed. Susan softly lifts the covers to climb in our bed.

My suspicious mind has been awakened! I am going to have to find out what is going on with my wife. She would never cheat, would she? It isn't long before I can hear Susan's soft snores. When I do, I slowly and quietly slide out of our bed.

Susan's late return is very suspicious and now has me curious. The first thing I want to check is her panties. I tiptoe into the master bathroom and quietly close the door. Turning on the light, opening the dirty clothes hamper, I notice that her panties aren't sitting in the top of the dirty clothes, like I would expect.

Methodically removing every item from our dirty clothes hamper, one thing at a time, until I find a pair of damp panties. I bring them to my nose and my heart is broken when I get a strong odor of semen. This couldn't be my sperm, we haven't made love for weeks.

After putting everything back into the hamper. I proceed downstairs to examine Susan's phone. She had changed the password, but after a few tries I figured it out and it opened right up.

I check the photos and I am shocked and brokenhearted seeing intimate pictures of Susan and her boss together. All the incriminating ones I send to my phone. Now checking her text messages, they look even worse. I send them to myself also.

Saturday morning, Susan attempts to sleep late. But I am fed up with her shit and rudely awaken the cheating bitch at 7 am to have it out!

"Susan, wake up! What happened to your promises about not fucking your boss anymore after the one-time fuck fest weekend? You promised me that would be the only time. But it has been going on ever since then, hasn't it? Tell me, and tell me everything, RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" I bravely scream at her.

"Don't make a big deal about it Brad. You knew that once we had sex we would continue. My boss has a nice big cock, I like it, and now he gives it to me all the time. I knew you wouldn't care anymore after you let me get away with it that weekend. So we have kept doing it ever since. What's the big deal?" Susan purrs.

"You promised it was only going to be that one time, you fucking whore! Now, we haven't had sex in forever because you are giving all your pussy to your asshole boss! I will not put up with that cheating! You have lied to me, broken your promise and broken my heart! Please don't fuck around on me." I cry, weakening.

"Brad, you cry baby. You aren't even a man anymore. I've been fucking everyone in my office since that weekend with my boss. What is a little sperm between friends with benefits? You fucking Cuck! If you don't like it, just fucking divorce me. See if I give a shit!" the nasty bitch declares.

"Susan, Honey, please don't cheat on me. I love only you with all my heart and I have given you everything you have ever asked for. Why are you doing this to me and our marriage?" I cry, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Truthfully Brad, when you let me go on my 'fuckfest' weekend with my boss and didn't divorce my cheating ass, I lost all respect for you. Do you even have any balls anymore in that little sack under your little dicky?" Susan laughed.

"How can you be this way towards me? I have devoted my entire life to pleasing you and taking care of you. Why are you hurting me now so badly? Why are you doing this to me, Honey?" I cry at her feet as Susan gets out of bed to go to the bathroom for her morning whiz.

Rubbing my eyes, balling my eyes out as I crawl after Susan, into the bathroom.

Susan farts while taking her whiz and being embarrassed she gets mean and cranky at me.

"Please Susan, I love you, only you, with all my heart. I would do anything for you, anything. I would never screw around on you. I love you so much, more than life itself, we've been married for so long. Please stop hurting me so much." I cry.

"You big baby, your little dickie isn't worth shit. If you love me so much, get the butcher knife and go cut it off to prove that you really love me. You just said you love me more than anything! Prove it! Show me, show me right now, and go cut it off!" Susan says.

"Is that what you want? Do you want me to cut my dick off? If I do it, will you love me enough to at least stop screwing other men?" I cry.

"Sure Honey, I will. Now just go down to the kitchen, get the big butcher knife and I will be right down to help you prove your love for me." Susan purrs so sweetly as she wipes herself.