I Wanna Be Degraded Ch. 02


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After a bit, the guys switched off again. My ass still felt sore around Mike's cock, but the sharp jolts of pain were receding from me now, almost enough that, once again, I could enjoy being fucked. But once again, things were interrupted before I could really relax and enjoy the pleasant sensations. Ford called to Mike to pull out, and as he stepped back, he instructed me to climb down from the couch and drop to my knees on the floor.

"All right whore," Ford said as Mike stepped back in front of me. "Clean his cock."

Mike's dick, which had just been in my ass, was moving in, and I opened my mouth to receive him. I wasn't sure what to expect, but his cock was sticky with the slightly sour taste of santorum. Strangely, it wasn't a disagreeable flavor at all. And the unexpected fact that I was sucking a man's cock that had just been fucking me was a huge turn-on. I bobbed my head up and down a few times, then pulled my mouth off to lick his cock up and down. I could see frothy bits of yellowy-brown cream congealing in his thick pubic hair and I leaned in to lick them clean.

I was just relishing the idea of sucking on his cock some more when Ford said, "alright, now switch." Erik, who had been buggering Nancy with the same force he had been applying to me, pulled out, and he and Mike switched places.

Without hesitation, I leaned in to clean off the residue plundered from Nancy's asshole. There was a different taste to it – again, not at all unpleasant, and I enthusiastically worked to lick Erik's cock clean. It was curious how eager I was to suck this pretty prod that, not that long ago, had been causing me such discomfort.

"I really do love your cock," I said, looking up as him between slurps.

"I'm going to give you some more of it," he said, looking down on me. Leaning over, his arm swept under my butt and basically lifted me up so that I was lying on the couch. With a tug, he turned me ninety degrees, lifting my ass over the armrest. Moving around, Erik grabbed my legs and pinned my knees against my shoulders as he positioned his cock against my upturned asshole. And then, I could feel it pushing into me, sliding in with the lubricating help of my spit. Once again, Erik took no pains to be gentle as he began fucking me. And once again, there was discomfort – but it was different this time. Uncomfortable, yes, but finally mixed with pleasure. Maybe it had something to do with the position I was in, blood rushing to my head as he nailed me. But there was also the strange satisfaction of being so thoroughly taken. He grabbed my hips to gain purchase as he pumped into me. As I tilted my head back, I had an upside-down view of Mike pulling out from Nancy's ass, and he moved to the floor in the same posture I had just been, licking Mike's cock clean of his own ass-scum. My vision was bouncing as Erik was still fucking me with short, forceful strokes, but it was sexy as hell to watch.

Too quickly, I felt Erik withdraw, and he switched places with Mike. It was exciting to think that Nancy was tasting my ass-juices now, and I squeezed my sphincter against Mike's cock, which was now gliding in and out of me.

"Uh! Careful now, you're gonna make me come," he said in response.

"I think I'm getting close, too," Erik said, Nancy taking in as much of his cock as he could handle without gagging.

"I want you both to come in Nancy's ass," Ford instructed. "So don't blow it too early."

After letting Nancy suck him off for another minute or so, Erik lifted him up, setting Nancy on the couch and holding his legs against his chest as Erik wedged his cock into Nancy's asshole. He hunched against the skinny man a few times, and I could tell that he has coming, pumping his semen into that bony ass.

"Fuck yeah!" Erik said as he finished, holding Nancy's ass tight against him.

Mike had been fucking me while all this was going on, and he spoke up. "Okay, I'm ready too." Erik pulled himself out of Nancy, but held his legs up in the air as Mike withdrew from me and took his place, making a few thrusts before I could tell he was coming too.

I was feeling pleasantly adrift watching this when Ford barked at me, "all right whore, lay down on the table."

I felt as limp as a rag doll, and it was only with difficulty that I managed to roll off the couch and crawl over to the rectangular end table and lay along its length. It looked like Nancy also had very little strength left, as Erik basically had to hold him up as he clamored up onto the table. Soon, though, he was squatting above me, his ass positioned above my face.

I knew what was going to happen next – and I felt a jolt of excitement. I'd been upset on thinking that I wasn't going to get to taste the come of the men that had been fucking me, but it looked like I was going to get it after all!

Above me, Nancy's asshole slackened and twitched as he relaxed his sphincter. That loosened it enough that after a few seconds a milky strand began to dribble out. It hung there for a second, tantalizingly suspended, before gravity pulled it down, right into my waiting mouth. I let it collect on my tongue, trying to taste it but frustrated that there wasn't more. Then Nancy's asshole sputtered above me and a solid blob plopped onto my tongue, followed by another dollop. Suddenly, I had a mouthful of come.

Watching carefully to see that I wasn't going to miss any, I closed my mouth and swallowed. There was an overpowering complexity of flavors, like the whole night compressed together: the taste of asshole; the ass-muck I had licked off the men's cocks; the pungent taste of semen. It was almost overpowering. Representing, all together, the dirtiest and most outré night of my life, it was overpoweringly delicious. Looking over at Ford's always-present camera, I smiled as I stuck my tongue out toward the camera, proudly showing I had consumed it all.

"Okay, whore," Ford said. "Don't stop. There's more in there, so get it out."

He didn't have to tell me twice! I lifted my head up to Nancy's asshole, and licked at it a couple times, catching a bit of come that was still lingering on his hole. Then I moved right in and locked my lips around his asshole, pushing my tongue in to try and coax out anything that was left there. That delicious, overpowering flavor was even stronger here, and I licked – no, sucked – his asshole hungrily. It was so wonderful!

I thought I'd be told to stop, but I could only half-hear Ford talking to Erik and Mike in a low voice. So joyfully, I kept going, my mouth locked to Nancy's asshole, pushing my tongue in as far as it could go, the taste overpowering me. My cock felt like it was going to burst – if only anyone would give it the lightest of touches I knew I'd explode with orgasm.

Until Ford slapped it with a batting motion. Shocked, I jolted upwards, smushing my face into Nancy's butt as Ford castigated me. "This isn't your personal tasting lab! Show the camera what you're getting."

Dizzy, I let my head drop back to the table. As I breathed for a second, a glob of spit and come and mucus that I had been dredging rolled out from Nancy's asshole and onto my chin. I reached up to push it over my lip.

And then I reached up and worked a finger into Nancy's asshole, twitching it like I was searching for something. I pulled it out, and it was slick, yellow-y brown with a glob of come at the end. I ran my finger into my mouth, licking it clean. The come was delicious, but there was another taste now, sour, bitter. I didn't want to think too much about what it was.

Instead, I repeated my motion, pushing my finger in as far as it would go, twisting it around, to gather up everything I could. There was more come this time, and again I licked my finger clean. Then two fingers into Nancy's asshole, reaching as far as I could into him. But this time there was no reward, just the yellow-y muck that I licked clean regardless.

"I think I got it all," I said sadly, then leaned up to lick the outside of his asshole again. With an awkward motion, Nancy moved off from above me, almost falling as he stepped down from the tabletop. Mike caught him and helped him down. And then he assisted me, half-lifting me off the table. I looked for Erik, but didn't see him in the room as Mike guided me into the armchair, on my knees so my face was on the top of the backrest and my ass sticking out in the air. He pulled my arms behind my back, and Nancy quickly put the handcuffs on me.

"Pin him down," Ford said, and Mike, standing beside me, put his arms on my shoulders, leaving me trapped in position. Am I going to get fucked again? I wondered. I don't know if I could take it.

I heard steps, and twisted around to see Erik approaching me. Before I could figure out what he was holding, Nancy grabbed my head and held it so I couldn't look behind me.

As Ford moved the stationary camera so that it was zoomed in on my face, I could hear Erik fussing with something, but I couldn't put any of it together. I had no idea what was going to happen to me. I heard a high-pitched buzzing noise, and I could sense Erik stepping into place behind me. I felt a vague moment of pleasant anticipation wondering what he was going to do to me ––

–– and then sudden, intense pain! Blinding heat! I only realized that I was yelling when I felt Nancy's hand clapped tight against my mouth, muffling it, and realized that Mike was leaning down to keep me pinned in place.

As that supernova cleared in my head, I could make out Ford's voice: "... and don't fucking move, or you'll just make it a lot worse."

"What the fuck?" I managed to utter, Nancy's hand now cleared from my mouth and back to holding my head. Although my tongue was thick and I think it sounded more like, "Whufuck?"

"I saw how much you liked Erik's tattoos." Ford said. "And you did so good tonight, you deserve a reward. So I thought we'll put your certificate of achievement right on your whore ass."

With that the tattoo gun – for my brain had now put it together – pushed against my asscheek again. Now that it wasn't a complete surprise, I realized that it hurt – like, it really fucking hurt – but it wasn't the white-hot jolt I had first felt. Still, I'm glad there were two men holding me down. It meant I could just slump into the chair back and let it happen. And sort of drift away. And though the pain quickly melted away that near-bursting erection I had, there was still... something... not entirely unlike pleasure coursing through my system.

Time got pretty loosey-goosey for me, so I don't know if Erik worked quickly. But when the buzzing stopped, I snapped back from my half-stupor.

"Well, now you'll always know that you're a piss whore," Ford said, and suddenly I knew without looking what the words permanently inked on my ass were.

There was a wince of pain as Erik did something to clean off the tattoo, then I could feel him wrapping something over it. After that, my ass hurt with a steady low throb, but it was tolerable.

"Leave the dressing on for a week," he said, stepping around toward my face. "Normally I'd say don't sit on it, but I guess you'll just have to do the best you can there."

Mike pulled me up to my feet, and it was all I could do not to fall down. Ford was holding the camera on me, watching me. "So, how do you feel, Danny?"

I wasn't sure, to be honest, and I quickly mentally took stock of my body. Besides the stinging in my ass, I could feel several other weird pains. And yet, also, still the underlying buzzing of arousal. And... something else. Oh.

"Jesus, I have to piss," I said.

"Yeah, I guess I could let you, but... how can I make this interesting for me?" Ford looked around the room. "Nancy, grab his clothes and put them on the X there," he said, indicating the spot taped onto the tarp covering the floor.

Mike gave me a shove, and I stumbled over as Nancy tossed each of the garments at my feet.

"Okay, you can piss on those," Ford said.

"Bb--," I sputtered, but cut myself off quickly. I knew if I questioned him, I'd just get smacked – and probably on my tattoo, which would hurt like a motherfucker. By now it was clear that I wasn't going to argue Ford out of anything. Plus, by now I really had to go.

So I pissed on my clothes. My hands were still cuffed behind my back, so I couldn't aim very well, just start and sort of twist my torso to spread it around. As much as anything else, there was an enormous physical relief from letting my stream loose. And as I'd felt several times throughout the evening, there was this weird, hard-to-locate feeling of pleasure at doing all these things that I had no control over. I never thought that could feel... exhilarating. As I kept pissing, I could feel myself starting to get a little hard again.

"Did I say you could get an erection?" Ford asked as I finished. I looked at him, not sure how I could control it – and paradoxically, I was getting harder now. "We're pretty much done for tonight, but I think you need to spend some time thinking about who's in control of all your functions. Go over there and lean over the chair. Stick your ass out."

As I made my over to the side of the armchair and leaned forward across the side, I could see Ford motioning to Nancy and giving him some instructions in a low voice. Across the room, I could see Erik and Mike sitting on the couch, now just spectators. As Nancy went over to the kitchenette, Ford stepped close to me. He pushed my shoulders down against the armrest, and leaned down toward me, hissing, "you'll... get... hard... when... I... say... you... can... get... hard!" With each word, he slapped at my cock, and at the last one he gave my fresh tattoo a solid smack. That sent a burst of white heat through me, and I struggled to stay on my feet. For a few seconds, I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and breathed in and out. When I opened them, my cock was limp.

Nancy was behind me now, and I could feel something press against my asshole, and then slide in.

"Stand up," Ford instructed, and Nancy helped me to do so. I was facing Ford. "That's just a tiny little buttplug, no bigger than my pinky. But it goes with this." He gestured at something looped around on the floor below me. Nancy picked up a belt with several straps that was sitting on top of what looked like an athletic cup.

"Step into this," Nancy said, and I lifted one foot, then the other, into the two loops. He pulled it up my legs, and I could now see that it was indeed a belt, but an elaborate one. He adjusted it under my belly, looking up at me as he said, "you're lucky, you just fit into the last notch."

"Otherwise he'd be really uncomfortable," added Ford.

Nancy tightened the smaller loops around my thighs, and as I half-twisted around, I could see him attaching straps to the buttplug, and then as he tightened everything, I could feel that it was snugly attached in place. He put pins in to hold the loops, and then, on each side, snapped in place a tiny but solid-looking lock.

Wait! What is this? My mind was confused. But by now I knew not to ask questions. And anyway, I was thrown off even more as Nancy snapped a plastic loop into place under the base of my balls and over the top of my dick. What is this, a cock-ring? I wondered. Then he grabbed the small, curved hard plastic tube, and attached that to the O around my cock and balls. Then he slid my limp cock into the tube as he swung it down. Jesus! It's a chastity belt! He clipped something underneath, adjusted the straps through that, and two more of the locks went on. The whole thing was surprisingly lightweight and not bulky. Nancy finished his adjustments and stepped away from me.

"There's a hole in the end there, so you can still piss," Ford said. "But you're not going to be getting any hard-ons, and you're certainly not going to be getting yourself off until I say you can."

"What if I have to take a shit?" I asked.

"You'll just have to wait. So tomorrow, you have your... what is it? Trade fair? Sales conference? Blowjob competition? Whatever it is you're doing here... what time are you doing it until tomorrow?"

"It's training.... it's supposed to go until five."

"Okay. Well, I'll meet you in your hotel room tomorrow at five, then. That's it for now."

I looked at him, unsure what I should do.

"I said we're done! Get your fucking pissy clothes and get out of here!"

"How am I supposed to get dressed in..."

"Look, I don't care! Go! Goodbye!"

Ford stepped toward me threateningly. Without thinking, I stepped over and grabbed my clothes. I could feel the piss dribbling from them as I squeezed them to me. As I stood up after collecting them all, Nancy handed me my phone and wallet, and made a nodding motion toward the door. Without stopping, I walked over to it, and stepped out of the hotel room. I looked back to see Ford slamming the door behind me. And I was now naked and shivering in a hotel room hallway, wearing a chastity belt and clutching my piss-soaked clothes...

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secondsamuelsecondsamuelalmost 4 years ago

Truly inspiring. I'm stealing a few scenes for my own stories/life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

luv all your piss stories they turn me on

ToiletMouthToiletMouthalmost 5 years ago
.Love Piss

Love to drink piss affer a guy cums in my mouth

madisonsub_btmmadisonsub_btmalmost 10 years ago
Love it - more please.

You've certainly captured the humiliation and degradation us subs want to feel. Please continue the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Keep going

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