I Was a Reluctant Shemale

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Casting couch abuser has tables turned! Will she survive?
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I wrote this story years ago and submitted it to Literotica. It was rejected. It needed a small tweak and I did that. Around that time I also submitted it to another site where it was published. I thought I had resubmitted it to Literotica, but when I recently looked at my list of published works it was not there! So I simply forgot, I guess. Anyway, enjoy please! And remember to provide feedback! - Tawny

I Was A Reluctant Shemale

by Mistress Tawny Suede

Chapter 1 - JC Wyatt must pay for his sins


Marilee's fists tightened in despair as she sat at her secretarial desk and listened to the muffled moans emanating from the office of her boss, JC Wyatt. JC was one of the youngest and most famous casting agents in Hollywood and was the most blatant offender of the "casting couch" which degraded women.

The young actress, a stunning blonde who was surely only just a bit older than eighteen, had looked so hopeful when she had entered that office only twenty minutes earlier, so pleased to get a chance to show her talents to the famous JC Wyatt. But ten minutes later she had looked terrified when Marilee had taken coffee in to her boss.

The blonde had been kneeling on the floor, sucking on JC's long dick, while JC tweaked her large nipples into stiff erection. She stopped sucking for a brief moment, startled that JC would call his secretary in to witness her degradation. But JC had simply grabbed the back of the blonde's head and slowly fucked his cock deep into her mouth, causing her to gasp for breath.

Now, just a moment ago, Marilee had peeked through the door crack, admittedly excited herself by the lustful moans that filled the office. The blonde was kneeling on the couch, her butt high in the air, as JC's cock fucked hard into her sopping pussy, and the cute vixen had been enjoying it!

But then JC had withdrawn his cock and suddenly lanced it deep into the blonde's ass! The youngster cried in pain, begging JC to take his thick rod out of her ass, but he had merely grabbed hold of her rounded tits and set a furious pace of fucking her virgin asshole.

Marilee had closed the door and returned to her desk, angered at her boss' callous treatment of women. Marilee's roommate, Wanda had been right. No matter how much Marilee protested to JC, he would never change. He needed to be taught a drastic lesson.

Marilee telephoned Wanda at the private medical clinic where she worked and told Wanda to finalize the arrangements, and to have an ambulance arrive as soon as possible.

As Marilee finished her call, the blonde left JC's office, trying to straighten her clothes as she walked awkwardly, her ass sore from its beating. Tears streamed down her pretty face, ruining her mascara.

Marilee reached into her purse and withdrew a hypodermic needle which she hid behind her back as she entered JC's office. She put on her dumbest secretary expression as she acted surprised to see JC resting on the couch, his pants still down and his limp cock still oozing cum onto his belly.

"May I?" she asked coyly as she knelt in front of him and lifted his shriveled rod to her lips. Slowly she licked his cock to life, twirling her tongue around the glans and swallowing the pooled jism. She lowered her mouth down the length of his shaft, savoring the mingled flavors of the JC's meat and the blonde's pussy juices and the flecks of scuzz from the youngster's ass.

Marilee hated what she was doing because she hated the man she was doing it to, or at least she thought she hated him. She also loved him. He had fucked her many times and she had loved it every time. But he always lied to her.

At the same time that she hated him, she relished the sensation of JC's dick hardening in her mouth. But it was a task she had to perform; Wanda had told her to be sure that JC's dick was good and hard before...

It was hard, it was rampant as Marilee brought her hidden hand from behind her back and plunged the length of the needle deep into JC's cock and pressed the plunger to inject the drug.

JC fainted.

Chapter 2 - (S)he awakens


For a long, long, LONG time JC floated below the level of consciousness, at times in pain and at times too far gone to recognize the concept of pain.

And then one day, JC awoke fully for the first time in nine months. He lay quietly, his eyes closed, gathering his thoughts, trying to recall his last conscious memory, knowing that a great deal of time had passed, but not why, or how, or...

He felt weak. He tried to sit up, but felt off balance, his muscles refusing to respond as they should. He fell back to the bed.

Where was he? A hospital room he decided.

He raised a hand to his face and stroked his chin. Somebody had shaved him - and very well - no trace of stubble. Then he saw his hand and arm - what the fuck?!? All trace of his working out with weights was gone - no muscles. Now his arms and hands were thin and frail - and where was his thick matte of arm hair? His fingernails were long, pointed - shit! Who'd been giving him a goddamn manicure - he wasn't a sissy!

He dropped his arm across his chest - to an even bigger surprise - extra flesh! His hands explored - Christ, what was going on here. He... he had fucking breasts! Two mammoth mounds of tit flesh were stuck to his chest. His hands quickly stole down to his groin - his cock and balls were still there!

He pushed himself to a sitting position, and almost overbalanced, the large tit-mounds swaying from his chest almost overbalancing him. He stood in his hospital gown and walked over to the full length mirror on the washroom door.

He didn't recognize the woman he saw there. She was young, and shapely - you could see that even through the gown, but her face and long black hair were a mess. In his groggy condition it took a few moments for JC to realize that he was indeed staring at himself in the mirror. This... this wasn't real! It couldn't be happening.

He rushed back to the bed, stumbling because his muscles were weak and pushed the call button.

A nurse rushed in. He recognized her - it was his secretary's roommate, Wanda. Hadn't he dated her once? - Yeah, now he remembered - she was the one that he and Charlie had banged at the same time!

JC started screaming at her, but Wanda didn't take any nonsense. "Back into the bed, honey," she said to JC. She pushed JC who was too weak to resist. JC remembered little else as Wanda plunged home another needle, sending JC once again to la-la land.

"Don't worry, bastard! We're taking good care of you." was the last thing that JC heard.

Chapter 3 - Explanations


"Is she coming around yet?"

"I think so. Here, hold this for me. I just have to apply a last little bit of blush..."

JC awoke slowly to the sensation of a cool pad stroking across his upper cheek. His eyes fluttered open as he realized that he was sitting upright, strapped into a chair. He looked around. Marilee, his bitchy secretary, stood to one side. Her roommate, Wanda was standing on the other side, just placing some makeup back on the counter in front of JC. Standing just barely in view to one side was another woman whom JC didn't know - big and burly, dressed as a hospital guard.

JC struggled against his bonds, especially when he looked at himself in the mirror. He remembered his brief previous awakening and roared with rage. Staring back at him - he couldn't FUCKING believe it was he, himself except that she thrashed about exactly as he did - was a gorgeous young woman.

She had long lustrous black hair, gathered into a pony tail at the side of the head instead of the back, so that it swept around in a curve over the shoulder and onto her large chest. She had large green eyes, a saucy nose and large pouting lips, all expertly made up with lipstick, blush, eye shadow and liner and mascara. Large hoop earrings dangled from her ears.

The reflection was dressed in a glittering green tube top that barely contained the enormous breasts that bounced around as JC struggled. That was all that JC could see in the mirror. He looked down at himself, having to lean forward slightly to look past his (HIS????) large heaving breasts. He wore a very short black leather skirt which barely covered the tops of his black stockings. On his (HIS????) feet he wore black pumps with four inch heels, which left the tips of some toes exposed - he could see his toenails were painted a bright red, matching the fingernails on his small hands.

"What the fuck have you done to me?"

It was Wanda who replied. "We felt you needed to be taught a lesson, to learn how the other half lives, so to speak!"

"I don't understand..."

"You've toyed with and used every young girl that walked through your office door in the year that I worked for you," said Marilee. "Now it's time for you to get a taste of your own medicine. A... a bunch of us had you brought here and over the last nine months..."

"Nine months! You knocked me out for nine months?"

"Yes, all your friends think you died of a heart attack! For nine months you've been injected with hormones and had many plastic surgery operations." As she told JC this Marilee untied him.

JC stood up unsteadily, not used to his new musculature, his new distribution of weight, nor to the four inch high heels. JC staggered about the room, looking around wildly.

"You can't fucking do this - I'll have you arrested!"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Not a chance!" said Wanda. "We told you - you're dead!"

"What... why?"

"Tomorrow you have your final operation to turn you into a complete woman."

"You mean you haven't yet..." JC quickly reached under the leather skirt. He wore no panties or underwear and was able to easily confirm that his cock was still there.

"No, but tomorrow, we hack it off!"

"But, you could still change me back now."

"Yes, but we have no intention of doing so."

"Why, why am I dressed like this?"

"We're not all bad," said Wanda with a grin. "We thought we'd take you out for dinner and drinks before your big day. And considering the size of your breasts, we could hardly dress you up in a suit now, could we? So we thought we'd show you how the new you can look, if you take the time to keep yourself pretty. You should have all the guys chasing after you. HA!"

"This is all so fucking crazy!" said JC.

"Here, take this" Marilee handed JC a tiny purse with a long strap. JC hung the strap over his bare shoulder. "There's two hundred dollars in there, just in case you need it."

Marilee and Wanda left, saying that they were going to change clothes for their night on the town. JC walked about the room, trying to get used to the idea of what the two bitches had done to him, and trying to get used to his new body. It was damn awkward trying to walk in four inch heels, especially with this new centre of gravity caused by his (her? - what the fuck was he/she now, anyways???) large breasts. And the breasts were a fucking pain too; every time he shifted position, his damn nipples rubbed against the material of the tube top, irritating the hell out of them.

Why the hell hadn't they at least put a bra and some more modest clothing on him. Why had they chosen these clothes for a night on the town? As JC looked in the large mirror, he realized that he looked like some high class hooker!

Hell, they had done a good job on him though! If he'd come across the babe in the mirror a few days ago - no, make that ten months ago, he'd sure have put a couple hundred bucks down her panties for a couple hours of fucking and sucking with her! Hell, he could have made her a star!

What the fuck was he thinking! He had to get OUT of here before Wanda and Marilee came back!

JC peeked out the door, but the burly woman guard was standing there. Then JC had an idea. He went to the phone and called the switchboard and asked them to phone him back. When the phone rang, he answered it, then went to the door and told the guard she was wanted on the phone.

When the guard went to the phone, JC snuck out the door and ran like hell, quickly falling. It was the shoes - he couldn't run in heels! JC quickly removed the heels and, carrying them, ran down the hallway. As JC approached the Ambulance entrance to the hospital, he (she?) saw Marilee and JC coming towards him. They shouted and gave chase. JC ran into a side hallway and followed the signs to the front entrance to the hospital. JC ran out the door and jumped into the only waiting cab.

"Where to doll?" said the cabbie.

"Just drive! I'll... I'll tell you where to take me as soon as I make up my mind!"

JC smiled to himself as the cab drove off, leaving Marilee and Wanda in its dust.

Marilee and Wanda grinned at each other. "It worked," said Marilee.

Chapter 4 - Escape to the cabbie from hell


"So where to, girlie? You want me to take you to the Strip, or you working one of the hotels tonight?

"What? What did you say," asked JC.

"I said, where are you working tonight? You working a corner on the Strip, or you got a date at one of the hotels? You are hooking, ain't ya?"

"I-I don't know what..."

"Fine, have it your way. Where to?

JC told the cabbie to take him home - or at least where home was nine months earlier.

"Hey, that's a pretty ritzy part of town! But it's also a thirty buck fare. Your trick must be loaded! You got that kind of money on you? If so, ya better show it to me - I ain't going that far on a freebie!"

JC opened the small purse, only to find that Marilee had lied! The purse contained only a makeup compact, a lipstick, a stick of gum, a driver's license (with her (his?) picture and the name "Jesse Wyatt") and five dollars!

"I... I don't have the money."

"Damn, I hate it when you broads do this to me." The cab pulled off to the side and screeched to a halt. The cabbie reached into the glove box and brought out a switchblade, which he switched open as he got out of the cab and into the back seat beside JC.

"You bitches have had enough free rides out of me! It's time for me to get mine back." As he waved the knife menacingly at JC, JC cowered against the other door.

"What... what are you going to do?"

"You're going to get my rocks off for me, honey!"

"You can't... I mean I'm not what you think..." And then JC shut up, realizing what kind of fit the cabbie might go into if he found out about JC's cock and balls!

The cabbie pressed the tip of the blade against JC's throat as his other hand pulled down the top of JC's tube top, causing JC's large breasts to pop out from under cover. JC shuddered as the cabbie's dirty hands slowly mauled his tits and tweaked his nipples.

"God, you've got fabulous melons, babe!" The cabbie lowered his head and wrapped his lips around JC's left nipple. A surge of pleasure ripped through JC and he moaned. "Yah, you like that, don't you bitch!" JC pushed against the cabbie, trying to stop him from fondling her (him?), but his new weak body failed him (her?). This time the cabbie pressed the knife against the edge of one of JC's hardened nipples with enough pressure to draw a drop of blood. "You just sit back and enjoy yourself, or I'll slice one of these off!"

JC calmed down. Fine, just let the cabbie suck on his tits, and be done with it. Then maybe... oh, that felt so good. JC's nipples had always been sensitive, but never like this.

Finally the cabbie sat back. JC's distended nipples glistened with the cabbie's saliva.

JC panicked again as the cabbie undid his pants and slid them down to his ankles, then reached inside his shorts to bring out his semi-hard dick.

"Now you're going to suck me, bitch!" JC cowered back, as far away as he could, but the cabbie reached over, grasped the back of JC's head with one hand and pulled mightily, slamming JC's head into his lap. The cabbie's cock rested against JC's cheek.

The cabbie held his dick in one hand and grasped JC's hair in the other. He rubbed his dick across JC's face and pushed it against JC's mouth. "Open wide, you cunt. You're going to enjoy this, if I have to cut off BOTH of your fucking breasts!"

"Oh god oh god oh god oh god" thought JC. The knife. JC whimpered, but opening his mouth only that tiny bit was enough. The cabbie's cock was now rock hard and he jammed it between JC's lips, the glans slipping between the teeth and against JC's tongue.

"Suck it bitch! Suck me good and maybe I'll even give you a fucking tip!" The cabbie grabbed hold of JC's head and lifted and lowered it. JC had no control as the cock fucked in and out of his mouth, never far enough out that he could spit it out.

"Use your tongue on it. I said USE YOUR TONGUE, you cunt!" The cabbie pulled JC's hair! JC almost blacked out from the pain. The cabbie slapped his face! Whimpering again, JC washed his tongue around the cabbie's dick as it slid in an out of his mouth. "Suck on it" he ordered him, and JC sucked on his dick, closing his lips around the hard shaft, twirling his tongue along its length, feeling its warmth, tasting its meaty flavor.

Suddenly JC got into this cock sucking thing. If he was going to do this, he might as well do it right. He remembered how he had liked his own dick sucked. He grasped the cabbie's dick in one hand and slowly pumped the shaft as he twisted the rod in his hand, grinding his teeth along the base of the glans.

The cabbie groaned, relaxing his hold on his head. JC raised and lowered his head on the cabbie's meaty shaft as he continued to fist him with one hand and play with his balls with the other. He could feel the boiling cum gathering in the cabbie's nuts as the cock grew even more rigid.

Suddenly, the cabbie pushed JC off of his cock, pushed him onto his back on the seat and tried to lift JC's skirt. JC held the skirt down firmly. "Time for a little fucking, dearie. Now you ain't shy are you! Ha!"

JC knew just what the cabbie would do with his knife if he found JC's cock and balls. JC had to get out of here, the sooner the better, but how?

"No, you can't, it's... it's my period. I'm on the rag!"

"Well, what the fuck, I'm going to fuck something!"

JC thought furiously, how could he get out of this jam without getting his skirt raised? "Fuck... hmmmm... fuck my tits!"

"Hey, now you're cooking, bitch!"

The cabbie straddled JC's chest and laid his rampant cock between JC's humungous tit mounds. "God you've got fucking great tits, whore!" The cabbie squeezed JC's tits together, forming a channel of hot flesh between which he began fucking his hard dick. JC closed his eyes, ashamed, waiting for the ordeal to end!

But then, the cabbie grasped his hands and forced JC to mash his own tits together. The cabbie in turn started fondling JC's fat nipples, tweaking them, pulling them, pinching them, teasing them. JC groaned. His tits felt fabulous. "Oh god, don't stop!" cried JC his tongue wetting his lips. "Pinch them, twist them! Oh, yeah, babe, that feels great!"

As JC panted, the cabbie ran a finger around his hot painted lips. "You've got one dynamite pout there, darling. It's a real shame to let those lips go to waste!"

The cabbie placed a cushion under JC's head so that it was tilted upwards. Now each time he fucked his cock through JC's tit mounds, his dick head brushed against his shemale lips. "Kiss it" he told the brunette shemale, and each time he fucked forward, JC kissed the tip of his dick, or ran his tongue around his glans.

Finally, the cabbie was near to cumming. He started losing control, frantically ramming his cock between JC's tits. Suddenly he lifted himself, slid forward and shoved the length of his dick deep into JC's mouth. JC gasped for breath, caught it and then sputtered as the cabbie's dick exploded in his mouth, thick wads of man jism shooting out of the eye.