I Won the Big Prize


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"Are you assuming much? That I will live here with you?"

I hugged her and kissed her, "I hope you will be happy living here with me, and perhaps with the children that we will have one day."

That brought tears to her eyes as she hugged me tightly. She began to sob as tremors occasionally ran through her.

"I ... I ... I hope this not dream. That ... that you mean wh-wh-what you say," She whispered to me with a heavily emotional voice. Tears continued to fall from her eyes.

"I love you Akari. Please marry me."

She hugged me even tighter and her tears freely flowed.

When she finally could find her voice she replied, "yes Peter, I love you. Marry you would make me most happy."


Akari and I decided to wait until our home was finished before we married. We had just known each other for a little more than a year by that time. It would serve us well to know each other more intimately so we decided that Akari would move in with me. The experience of living together would help us learn more about each other and hopefully make our future married life that much more fulfilling.

And we did learn a lot about each other. And surprisingly, we weren't that much different. As an example, sex, making love, we were of a similar mind. We enjoyed making love and took every opportunity to do so. Soon after moving in, Akari surprised me one afternoon. I arrived home after work and opened the door to our condo to find that Akari had placed a coffee table immediately inside our doorway and was reclining on it in the nude with her legs wide open.

"I need you in me.... " she said softly, "making love with you was all I could think today. Please make love."

And we did. Finding her in that manner, wanting me to make love to her, turned me on so much. We ended up making love several times, and forgetting about dinner completely.

That weekend, we had planned a trip to Hokkaido and a stay at an onsen, a hot springs resort. After we checked in, we went to our room to drop off our bags. And after we closed the door to our room, I stripped Akari and ate her pussy until she squirted! Yes, she squirts when she is extremely turned on. She had a full body flush and graced me with her tasty treat.

Sexually, we were very compatible. We slept in the nude each evening except for the several days each month when she had her period. Even then, she insisted on wearing the briefest of panties. We savored our fully body contact with each other. Physical touching, hugging and kissing were important to us.

Construction on our home began in earnest the month after Akari first visited our house site. Our contractor was issued all necessary building approvals and permits. And I paid out what was needed. I had anticipated what the home would cost to build and had saved up most of what was needed. I figured that I would just need to carry a small mortgage to finish up the home's furnishings and fixtures; perhaps $30,000 to $50,000. But Akari insisted that she be allowed to help. Perhaps "insisted" is too soft a word to use. She demanded that she be allowed to contribute towards the home. She pointed out that it would be her home as well. To which, I happily agreed. So we were able to finish our home without any debt.

Arima-san, Mr. Arima, my elderly neighbor, was introduced to Akari on our next trip up to Abiko-cho. And the two became as close as a father and daughter. It was endearing to see. Although I remained a gaijin (foreigner), my worthiness improved in his eyes by having Akari by my side.

With construction of our home on its way, Akari and I turned our attention to the abandoned kuro-mai rice fields. Akari felt that there was a market for this type of rice. She thought that it would appeal to consumers who were looking for traditional foods. So she took samples of the rice home with us one weekend and experimented with it.

One of her customers was an accomplished chef. She gave several kilograms of rice to the chef to experiment with and her comments were unexpected. She wanted to know where the rice came from and how could she get more. So Akari told her our story and our efforts to restart the kuro-mai rice fields. She made Akari promise to get her more rice when we next harvested.

With Arima-san's help, we uprooted a bunch of kuro-mai rice plants and began actively cultivating them. We started with a modest ten meter by forty meter area. Akari and I transplanted as many rice plants as we could that weekend. It was back breaking work but rewarding. When we left that Sunday afternoon, our small plot of kuro-mai rice looked as if it were planted by a full time farmer. Akari insisted that I give her a full-body massage that night; one that resulted in my cum leaking out of her abused pussy several times that night.

The next evening, Akari cooked the kuro-mai rice for us to eat along with our dinner. It had a nutty flavor; one that I enjoyed a great deal and so did Akari. It wasn't as glutinous as most varieties of white rice so it wasn't suited for certain dishes. But we experimented with the kuro-mai and found that it seemed to work well with a lot of Asian, American, and Italian dishes. The kuro-mai's nutty flavor made it stand out.

When we returned to Abiko-cho the following weekend, we found that our modest ten by forty meter replanted area was now more like a hectare in size. Arima-san, Mr. Arima, had taken it upon himself to get on his tractor, till the area and replant the kuro-mai. For a man in his late 80's he still had the strength and desire to do the work.

He explained, "you make me proud. I happy that you want to grow my kuro-mai. Please let me help."

So Arima's old rice farm received a rejuvenating nudge from us. Within a month, most of the remaining 9 hectares had been replanted. Arima-san said that it would take between five to six months to grow and harvest our first crop. I thought that our home should be finished by then and we could harvest on weekends. Arima-san said that we should purchase a used harvester as his harvester was old and probably not workable. So we bought a used one for about US$20,000.

Arima also recommended that we think about how we would sell the rice. He suggested that we package and sell directly from the farm to a wholesaler that he knew. So one weekend, Arima took us to meet a local rice wholesaler to showcase our rice.

We discussed who might buy the rice and the wholesaler gave us a challenge; find the markets and he would sell to them. So we visited with Akari's friend, the chef, who Akari had previously given samples to, to get her opinion.

"This kuro-mai very special. Is old country gohan (rice). Don't sell supermarket. You tell wholesaler sell only to natural food store. Maybe 5 kilo and 10 kilo bag. Maybe sell to special restaurant only. I help find good restaurant."

And so the marketing of Arima's kuro-mai began, and the rice quickly became a favorite of Japanese foodies. We called it "Abiko Kuro-Mai" after the village that we were located in. We couldn't grow enough kuro-mai fast enough but then again, we weren't growing it for the money. We did it to basically bring a smile on Arima's face as he was finally able to see the general public appreciate the black rice that he had nurtured for so many years.

Food writers came out to interview him and he insisted that we be included. Mindful of her past, Akari preferred to remain in the shadows and I could understand her feelings. However I did not want her to feel that she had to hide every time so made it a point to try to include her in our interviews. She later decided that the clothes she wore on the farm and a lack of make-up might make her unrecognizable. And besides her family and several close friends, no one knew her real name so they probably wouldn't make the connection. She chanced an interview and was happy that nothing came of it.

We had returned one Sunday evening to Tokyo and were at our condo having just bathed. We were in yukata's (light cotton robes). I sat in an arm chair and Akari sat in my lap, one of my hands fondling a convenient breast. She raised herself briefly from my lap to take her yukata off, then opened my yukata to reveal my erection. Grasping it, she slowly impaled herself on me.

"h-h-h-haiiiii ..... too long I don't have you in me."

I kissed her as she bottomed out and hugged me. We remained like that for many minutes while we enjoyed our sexual joining. And just like that, she experienced an orgasm.

"Oh! Peter! Oh!" she cried as she began to bounce on my dick, her pussy slick with her juices. "Cum in me..... please cum in me."

I thrust upwards, trying to lodge my dick higher in her pussy with each lunge. I could feel my orgasm begin to build until I couldn't hold back any further and thrust one last time as my cum spewed into her pussy. Akari stiffened as she felt my cum fill her pussy. We held each other tightly, not willing to have the moment end.


Akari's friend had asked several upscale restaurants in Tokyo to experiment with the rice and it was a hit. Overnight it began to make appearances on their menus. Not as a staple, but as part of a special for the evening. Even so, the restaurants were buying more than half of our harvest.

Arima coached us to just harvest one hectare each month or so. Then plow the rice plants under, and let it lie fallow for at least a month before replanting. The Kuro mai rice didn't need flooded fields in order to grow. And the area's normal rainfall was more than adequate. That way, we could manage the fields on weekends, and not over extend ourselves. We also decided to hire local high school students on weekends to help with the plowing, harvesting, and bagging.

In the meantime our home was nearing completion. Akari was excited as we walked through our future home. Even the inner courtyard was taking shape with an atrium that housed our onsen (hot tub)

"Peter," Akari asked, "house almost finish. I am excited. You also?" she asked.

"Yes. This home has been a dream of mine for some time. And falling love with you just made this even more special."

She hugged me. "I don't want go back to Tokyo. I think my life is here now. Once this house is done, I will live here. All time."

"What of your job?"

"Company will find someone else. I think taking care of our home, Arima-san, you and our future children will be full time job."

I smiled and we kissed at length. "Perhaps I should think about relocating here permanently also. Maybe growing Kuro-mai can be a full time venture."

We were already making some money with the Kuro-mai. If we were able to double the size of our farm, it would more than provide a comfortable living for us.

We inquired with owners of adjoining properties and found that many of the properties were now owned by the children of the former farmers. And for many of them, farming the land wasn't on their horizon. Many of the properties were overgrown and uncared for.

So we started negotiating to buy another three adjacent properties that would total 12 hectares. As Akari and I discussed how much money we had and how much the purchase price might be, Akari pulled her rabbit from her hat.

"Peter, I not say before, because I not think about it. But you must know what I have."

That made me curious. We had never talked about our personal finances before, so now was as good a time as any to talk about that as we would be married sometime in the near future. So I outlined my assets and debts. Luckily as a bachelor, my needs were simple. I had a small condo in Tokyo that was probably worth about Y60,000,000 (US$600,000) and a mortgage on it of about Y20,000,000

(US$200,000). Some investments of about Y400,000 (US$40,000) and a retirement plan from the company. Plus charge card debts of about Y100,000 (US$1,000).

Akari said that she had several commercial properties that she received rent from monthly. The properties were worth about Y200,000,000 (US$2,000,000) and with mortgages of about Y10,000,000 (US$100,000). Her monthly rental income more than covered her mortgage payments and gave her a nice monthly income. She really didn't need to work. And her condo was valued at Y50,000,000 (US$500,000) with no debt. And that was rented out as well since she was now living with me. Plus she had investments of another Y10,000,000 (US$100,000) and no charge card debts.

She laughed and smiled, "that because you pay for dinner all time."

Then her smile disappeared. "I work hard for this. I make sure I save money and help family and myself before I leave. I not happy with what I do for this. I happy sell all this so no reminder of my past."

I took her hand and hugged her tightly.

"Akari, your past doesn't matter to me. I love you and am looking forward to marrying you soon."

She hugged me back, "domo (thank you)..... you don't know how important you are to me. You make me feel worthy again."

That surprised me, but her remark also gave me an appreciation of how she felt during the darkest period of her life.

So we made inquiries with the owners of the three adjoining parcels and they were receptive. Prices were discussed and we were able to arrive at selling prices that weren't unreasonable. Considering that it was farm land, the values were quite low. But we were able to purchase the 12 hectares for a total of Y15,000,000, (US$150,000).

Both Akari and I put in our notices with our respective companies and I put my condo up for sale. We received an offer for it within a week. With future funding from the sale of my condo, we made the offers on the three parcels. All three were accepted. The purchases were closed two months later.

My company was surprised, to say the least, when I turned in my resignation letter. Kozo was the first to hear of it and hounded me relentlessly.

"Why you quit? You have better job? Work other company? Tell me, I go with you."

I laughed, "No, I'm not going to work for another company. But yes, I do have a better job. That is as a husband and future father, and as a farmer."

"Husband? Future father? Farmer? What happen? When this happen?"

So I explained how my house project in Abiko-cho had morphed into a full time rice farm, growing Kuro-mai. And how my bachelorhood was coming to an end with that scorching hot women that he saw me with in Yokohama many months ago.

"You marry? That women that you help in Yokohama? How you find that kind woman? Teach me, please, how to find? I want find sexy beautiful wife too."

I laughed. Kozo was the office playboy. I couldn't see him ever settling down. Nor him finding a woman gullible enough to believe that he would.

"You grow Abiko Kuro-mai? Is very famous rice. Only top Tokyo restaurant have. I hear is very good rice."

I gave Kozo a 10 kilo bag before I left the company for good.


Our home was finally completed several months later, and Akari and I set out to properly bless or initiate every room. It wouldn't be unusual for us to come in from the rice fields, drop our clothes in the wash room off of the garage, then proceed to make love right then and there. In fact, we placed a padded bench just outside the wash room so that we could rest ourselves on it as we made love.

Meanwhile, Arima-san couldn't have been prouder of his, our, farm. Now 21 hectares in size. He suggested we consider hiring more help. Akari and I had given it some thought.

"Akari, I like the idea of hiring high school and college students. What do you think of us just working on weekends and hiring students to do the work? It would help them earn money for their schooling also."

She smiled. "I think good idea. I want help students also. Maybe we give scholarship to good student?"

"I like that. What would we call the scholarship?"

"I think we say Arima Koichi (his first name) Scholarship. We set aside Y400,000 (US$4,000) each year. Student must come from Abiko-cho or nearby. Student must have good grades."

We informed Arima-san of our idea and he sat down and cried. "You make old man very happy, very proud."

Arima was beginning to show his age and Akari wanted to take care of him and so did I. We built an adjoining cottage for him that was attached to our house by a short covered walkway. We moved him into the cottage after we moved into our home. Arima usually joined us for dinner each night or we walked dinner over to his cottage if he wasn't feeling up to the walk. A care giver from the village would stop by during the day to make sure that he took his medicines and ate his breakfast and lunch, and took a bath.

Akari and I were married three months after our home was completed. It was a simple ceremony with just a few friends on hand to witness the legal joining of our lives. Akari said that her family disowned her when she started to make videos. And even after she paid off the family's debts, her mother still refused to talk with her. She remained in touch with just her sister but even that was limited to the occasional text or email.

Her sister came to visit prior to our wedding and the reunion was tearful with much hugging. Yumi, thanks to Akari's financial help, had graduated from college and ended up teaching at a high school in Fukuoka.

Yumi told me once when Akari was not in hearing range that Akai had given up much in order to help their family. "Okasan (mother) is stubborn, too much pride. But she know Akari sacrifice everything to help family."

Kozo and several others came to our wedding also. He was still buying lottery tickets for the porn star date lottery. "My lucky time soon!" he would say.

The onsen housed in the atrium that we had built in our center courtyard was used on most evenings. After Arima-san retired to his cottage, Akari and I could usually be found relaxing in the onsen. After washing each other, we would relax in the hot tub, with Akari often impaled on my erection with our arms wrapped around each other.

After we had been married about a year, Akari asked, "Anata (dear), I would like to have our children. What do you think?"

I kissed her at length and smiled. "At least two." She smiled, "maybe three?" We laughed.

Financially we were very secure. The Abiko Kuro Mai venture had, by then, caused us to put another 28 hectares under cultivation. It surpassed our abilities to manage so a full time farm manager was hired. We decided to focus on representing our rice and working with the food service industry to find creative ways to incorporate kuro mai into menus and other food products.

Never could I have ever imagined winning an adult video star date lottery, turning down the prize, becoming a rice farmer in Japan, and marrying Akari. I may have turned down the lottery prize, but I think I won a much greater treasure.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Thank you for this beautifully written story. I appreciate the values you convey and the gentleness of your spirit. You are a gift that I am sure is deeply cherished.

Diecast1Diecast1almost 3 years ago

A really, really nice story. AAAA++++

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Very well written nice pace and good intro to characters. Loved this story

Freddog6601Freddog6601about 6 years ago
Enjoyable read

Thank you for a warm, entertaining story on a rainy spring day.

teedeedubteedeedubover 7 years ago

Thanks for sharing.

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