Ian Samples Forbidden Fruit

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A fantasy with neighbor comes true.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/26/2022
Created 06/14/2006
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Ian and Josh's families had been next door neighbors from the time both boys had been born. And for as long as both boys could remember, their families had been close friends, often vacationing together in the summer, or taking ski trips together in the winter. The boys had played on the same sports teams, gone to the same schools, and shared many close experiences with one another, as good friends do over the years. Now, as they were about to graduate from high school, the boys looked forward to spending one last summer together before heading off to different colleges in the fall.

One thing that Ian remembered clearly, even from when he was a young boy, was the incredible crush he had on Marie Sommers, Josh's mom. While Marie was the same age as Ian's mom, now forty-three, she had always maintained an appearance that made people think that she was much younger than her actual years. In fact, Ian mused as a high school senior, that Josh's mom really looked almost like she could be Josh's sister, and not his mother. Her hair was the same soft sandy color that it had always been. Her skin was soft and smooth, and her face was absolutely beautiful, he thought. But what also made Marie appear so young, Ian believed, was her incredibly youthful figure. Her breasts were full, and not sagging in the least. Ian envied Mr. Sommers, because his wife had a better set of breasts than most high school girls Ian knew. What's more, Marie had a really beautiful ass that Ian stole glances at whenever he had the chance. And her long, slender legs were perfectly shaped in Ian's mind.

Ian never mentioned the crush he had on Marie to Josh. That was something he was afraid Josh would think was too weird: for his best friend to have a thing for his mother. Nevertheless, Ian thought that Josh had to know that all the guys in school thought Josh's mother was a babe. In fact, they still kidded Josh about how young and attractive his mother looked.

But even as Ian started dating, and eventually had his first relationships with girls, he still day dreamed about what it would be like to have sex with Marie. She frequently was the main character in his fantasies as he masturbated himself, imagining that he was really fucking his best friend's mother.

Ian had had a steady girlfriend for the last year and a half, and they had been having sex for most of that time. While Ian and Jen cared very much for one another, they both knew that theirs was not going to be a permanent relationship. Ian and Jen made a handsome couple; they were both popular, athletic, very good looking, and very horny. Jen had a wonderful body, which Ian had carefully explored many times over that past year or so with his hands, mouth, and cock.

Ian loved sex with Jenny, and she loved sex with him. He was tall, about six foot two, lean, and had a very muscular and defined body, and he had a fantastic cock. In fact, most of her friends thought she was lying about the size of Ian's pleasure rod. She had never measured it, but Jenny was sure that it had to be at least nine inches long, and it was really very thick. But, best of all, Ian's cock was always as hard as steel when they fucked. She hoped that whatever guy she eventually married would have equipment like Ian's. What Jenny also liked about Ian was the fact that he always did his best to make certain that she was satisfied. He seemed able to stay hard for as long as she needed him to, even if he had cum well before her own climax. What's more, Ian also liked fucking in a bunch of different positions. Jenny had had sex with only one guy before Ian, and Ian was definitely way better at it than her first had been.

For her part, Marie Sommers had been happily married to her husband Doug for twenty years, and she knew that the changes that would take place in her life because Josh was about to go to college would take some adjusting on her part. The house would be subdued without Josh. His younger sister, who was fifteen, was much quieter than her brother, and Marie's husband's job caused him to travel frequently, leaving her alone at home with the kids. Marie understood that Doug only worked as hard as he did because he wanted to provide a very comfortable living for his family. But, it seemed as though he was never home. Further, over the past several years, their sex life had tapered off significantly

Marie couldn't believe that her son had grown up so quickly, and that he would soon be leaving for college. And, she knew that she would miss seeing Ian around as well. She had watched as both her son and Ian had grown from infancy to adulthood, and the transformation in them was amazing to her. Both boys were strong, and handsome, and charming young men now.

Marie really enjoyed Ian. She had to admit to herself that he had grown from a really cute little boy into a remarkably handsome young man, who had really filled out and physically developed, especially in the last two to three years. When she looked at him now, she saw a tall, lean, but very muscular, very handsome teenager with shaggy black hair, and not the cute little boy of years gone by. She recalled, smiling to herself that for the longest time Ian had had a crush on her when he was in middle and junior high. But now, he had moved on to women his own age.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Josh and Ian barged through the kitchen door in search of something to eat. They were home early from school because, as it was almost the end of the year, sports were all over now. "Hey Mom," Josh said.

"Hi guys. What's going on?"

"Hi, Mrs. S." Ian added.

"Nothing. What's for supper, Mom, and I have orientation at the university the week right after graduation." Josh did not wait for a reply about supper before telling his mother about the orientation.

"We're ordering take out, and I thought that your orientation was in late July."

"They called to ask if I could do it earlier, cuz late July is really full. So I said, 'sure'.

"Well, you realize that your graduation party will be the day after you get back. And you also realize that your sister and father are both away that week as well? Perfect, I will have to do all the running around for your party myself. Thanks, Josh." Marie said, kidding her son.

"I'll help you with anything you need, Mrs. S." Ian offered, as he put his arm around her shoulders and giving her a gentle hug, then letting his arm stay wrapped around her shoulder. She was wearing a sleeveless, v neck top that showed just enough cleavage to ignite Ian's usual musings about her. Her top fit tightly, and highlighted her trim torso and thin waist. Ian looked down onto her breasts, trying not to be too obvious. He loved the sights. And, he loved touching her, she made him so horny, and she had no clue he thought.

Marie smiled at Ian, thanking him and telling him that she might just take him up on the offer. She saw his quick check out glance, and she smiled to herself, happy that young men still liked her appearance well enough to check her out. She felt Ian's strength as he hugged her. Ian was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt that fit his sculpted torso snugly. His biceps were bulging nicely, and his body next to hers felt hard and tight. She looked to the floor and could see his moderately hairy legs, exposed by his baggy shorts. His thigh muscles were well defined, as were his calf muscles. And, he had a pleasant masculine smell about him. He was kidding with her, but she liked it. "He is such a nice kid, and such a stud as well," Marie mused.

"But I think I have it covered Ian. All I need is for everyone to show up when they are supposed to........like the landscapers, the house cleaners, the caterers, etc. My family doesn't realize all that I coordinate for them." Ian squeezed her shoulder once more, feeling a tingle in his stomach and abdomen. He loved her soft and feminine feel. And he loved touching her every chance he got. What he really wanted to do was get his hands on her tits and ass, his lips on hers, his tongue deep in her mouth, and most of all, his cock deep inside her moist and, he imagined, tight pussy. It was a day dream he dreamt many times. Hugging her once in a while like this was the closest thing to there for him, and he would take it.

"Really, Mrs. S. I'll be around if you need any help at all." He flashed his handsome smile at Marie, and let go of her shoulder.

She looked into his finely chiseled face and was struck by his youthfulness, his masculinity. "When did this happen?" She wondered. In a strange way, Marie was turned on by the joking teenager. She knew how nicely he had defined his body through his hard work at the gym. She wondered just briefly what his cock was like. It would be perfect for him if he were well endowed. Then, she thought, somewhat disgusted with her line of thinking, that a large cock would make him the perfect young man, and she imagined in her mind what he would look like totally naked, with his large cock hanging loose. Marie blushed inwardly at her thoughts.

The boys turned their attention to snacking, and then they both went out back to swim and hang out. Marie checked them out a couple of times, thinking again that things were about to change for these life long friends as a new chapter would open to each of them in their lives. She felt somewhat nostalgic, but her thoughts were interrupted as she saw Ian emerge from the pool with his shorts hanging low on his hips, exposing a dark trail of hair from his navel to his crotch area.

While his crotch was covered, her mind again wondered what was lurking behind those baggy wet shorts. She thought she could see the outline of his package pushed against his wet shorts. Her conscience chastised her for having these thoughts. Then, Ian turned toward the pool again, unaware that he was being watched. His ass crack was prominently featured by the drooping shorts, and Marie found herself beginning to gush as she spied Ian's perfect little butt. His upper body was nearly perfectly shaped. His thick neck sat on broad and nicely muscled shoulders. His pecs were tight, well defined, and had quarter shaped dark nipples. His abs were so well chiseled and tapered into a thin, but very tight waist area. Marie was certain Ian would be a main attraction once at college.

Graduation came and passed quickly, and just like that the Sommers house was empty, save for Marie. The phone call from Marie's landscaper came early on Monday morning, and she knew when she heard his voice that the news was not going to be good. In fact, he told her that two of his crew had quit the previous Friday, and he would not be able to get to her yard during the week as planned. Marie begged, pleaded, all to no avail. What was she going to do with Josh's party set for the weekend, and her yard desperately in need of a makeover? Marie immediately thought of Ian, and she called Nancy, his mother.

"Marie, you realize that you are Ian's savior, don't you. He has been begging his father and me for the last five days not to make him come with us when we bring Meghan to summer camp and spend the rest of the week at the lake. We told him we were not going to leave him home alone. Of course, he thinks that we should trust him not to do any of the stuff most teens do. But our concern was that he would either have a huge party, or worse – get Jenny pregnant, or both. But, if you don't mind having him stay with you at night, I am sure he will be more than happy to do all the landscaping you need, and anything else at that."

"Nancy, I can't tell you what a life saver you are. Ian will be fine here, and I'll do my best to make sure he doesn't become a father in the next five days. I'll just tell him that if he wants to spend time with Jen, he'll have to do it here. He'll be okay with that, I think."

"Oh, believe me, Marie, he'll be more than okay with anything that allows him not to come with us for the week. I'll let him know the good news when he gets home from the gym. We are leaving after rush hour tonight, so he can start working today if you want."

"Sure, just send him over when he gets in, and I'll put him to work."

Ian was elated at how things had worked out. No trip with his parents. He could stay home and work for Marie. He could see Jen. And, he could feast his eyes on Marie as well. "Life is good!" He thought to himself with a smile as he walked into the Sommers' back yard only to see Marie in shorts and a halter top, planting flowers. Ian felt his heart skip and his abdomen stir as she stood to face him with a smile. As he looked at Marie, he thought to himself: "There's no way she's my mother's age. She is so freakin' hot." He found it hard not to stare at her beautifully full breasts as he faced her. For her part, Marie saw Ian look her up and down, and she smiled inwardly, somewhat flattered that this young stud seemed to always be checking her out.

He hugged her tightly, telling her that she saved him from what promised to be a completely miserable week. "Ian, you have no idea how lucky I am to have you to do this yard work. The landscaper called this morning and told me he would not be able to be here. So, just as you are thrilled, believe me, so am I. And, I promise not to work you too hard, or be unpleasantly strict as your babysitter. I hope you don't regret not going with your parents, because I am sure Josh has told you what a pleasure I am to live with." She said with a smile.

Ian smiled his handsome smile at Marie. His long and thick black hair, his deeply blue eyes, and his unshaven face made him so handsome to look at. "Mrs. S., believe me, I know how good Josh has it. I promise you, I will be perfect for my baby sitter this week. And I know that I am going to love every minute being here."

Marie reviewed with Ian all that needed to be done in the coming days before Josh's graduation party on Saturday. Ian immediately got to work on edging and weeding the flower beds. The early June heat caused him to strip down to only his shorts and work boots. And, Marie found herself checking out her handsome young landscaper quite often, thinking that he must be delighted to be able to see his girl friend after all this week. And she knew that Jenny would love having her hot boyfriend close by as well.

After a couple of hours, Marie got cold drinks for Ian and herself, and told him he had to take a break. When Ian joined her at the table by the pool, Marie noticed that his shoulders and chest were already pretty red from working in the sun without any protection.

"Ian, you're going to be burned like a lobster if you don't put on some sunscreen. Let me get some for you." She went to the screen porch, where she kept the cream and handed it to Ian. "This should do the trick. I don't want to be responsible for your being in pain later on today."

"I'll get to it in a little bit. I need to wash my hands." Ian held up his two hands, which were pretty dirty from the yard work, and he smiled at his pretty boss. Then he took a long drink of the iced tea that Marie had poured for him.

"Okay, I'll put it on for you. Something tells me that you will forget to do it, and later today the damage will be done. Why don't you just stand up for a minute?"

Ian was only too happy to comply as Marie squirted some of the cream onto her hands and began applying it to his back. It was a strange and exhilarating feeling for her to massage the cream onto Ian's body. His back was smoothly muscled and tight. She took note of his broad and thick shoulders, and the narrow and tight waist. As she spread the cream near his waist, she noted that it looked as though he did not have any underwear on, under his baggy shorts. She was careful to get the cream to the belt line of the shorts, and found it tempting to slip the tips of her fingers under the loose beltline, and feel what she could see of his cute butt. But, she resisted.

"Mrs. S. That feels soooooooo good." Ian said playfully. "Can you keep doing it?" He turned to face her with his smile, and he continued to sip from his glass. "You're going to do my front too, aren't you?" He teased.

"Don't worry, Ian. I've applied a lot of sun screen to kids and adults alike. You'd be complaining later, just like Josh does, if you ended up burned today. I want to get at least another couple of good days out of you." And with that, Marie began applying the cream to the base of Ian's neck, then his shoulders and upper arms. His neck was fairly thick, and his shoulders were nicely shaped and smooth. His biceps were surprisingly large Marie thought. And, they were hard.

When she moved to his chest, Marie felt self conscious, and she felt her abdomen getting excited as she felt Ian's tightly defined chest, his nipples, and then his rippled abdomen. She loved the smooth, hard feel of his body, and she actually sensed that Ian was loving every minute of this. Marie spent an extra few seconds applying cream to the sides of his torso, just because she liked feeling the lines of his hard body. And, the extra time spent was not lost on Ian. He suspected that she was enjoying herself, because it seemed to him that she was a little more intent on the rubbing than she needed to be.

For his part, the soft touch of Marie's hands on his back set his loins in a turmoil. But when she faced him and applied the lotion, the combination of her touch and seeing her beautiful body in front of him caused his cock to begin to swell. He let it go though. He almost wanted her to know the effect she had on him.

And as Marie was rubbing her hands up and down Ian's nicely defined, youthful body, she did notice that his crotch area was beginning to protrude. She couldn't believe it, but the thought occurred to her how nice it would be to continue to massage his taut, masculine body, right to his crotch. Marie figured she would give the sassy teen a little of his own medicine, and she let her fingers deliberately go inside the waist of his shorts, feeling below the exposed area. In fact, she felt the thin trail of black hair, which she had seen on him a week earlier, that traveled from his naval to his crotch area. Ian was surprised by her action, and he jumped just a bit in surprise.

Marie smiled broadly at her neighbor, "Oh, sorry Ian. Did I tickle you?"

Ian knew that she was teasing him, and smiled back. "You're pretty funny, Mrs. S. And, yeah, you did." And now Ian knew that his growing penis was pushing noticeably against his cargo shorts.

"Okay Ian, I think you're set for the afternoon. You'll thank me later for this." And she moved back to her chair, while massaging the excess cream into her hands. Marie resumed her seat, and sipped her iced tea, stealing a glance at Ian's shorts, surprised that what she had just done had actually excited the boy.

Ian resumed his seat and finished his glass. Now his cock was throbbing under his shorts, and his hormones were raging. Looking at Marie with her halter top and full breasts only served to harden his member even more. Ian knew he had to wait this erection out. Marie helped him out by getting his mind off of what had just happened.

"I have to say that I am impressed with the amount of work you have done in just the past two hours. I think you work faster than two of my landscaper's crew together. And, what you have done looks great, Ian. Tomorrow, the mulch will be delivered, and I'll bet you will be able to get most of it done at the rate you work. But, I really don't want you to strain yourself. We have four more days to get it done. And, I am sure you want to spend some of that time with Jenny."

Ian thanked her. He knew he worked efficiently, and he did want to have at least a full day to maybe go to the beach with Jenny. "Thanks, Mrs. S. I think we'll be done in plenty of time. And, yeah, I think if it's all done early, I'd like to spend some time with Jenny. She didn't know I was staying home, so she and some of her girl friends made plans for tonight. And I didn't want her to cancel them for me, so I told her we could connect tomorrow. I'll probably go to her place tomorrow after we're finished here, if that's ok with you."