Ian Samples Forbidden Fruit Ch. 02


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Carlos had explained to Doug that while they would be taking pictures of Ian for most of the night, they would let him return to his dorm the next day. Carlos also said that sometimes kids like Ian actually ended up realizing that they could make some serious money in posing for pictures for these kinds of websites, and that they would try to "convince" Ian to do some action shots for free to see if he had what it takes. Doug suspected that Carlos would be very "persuasive", but did not know what that would mean. And frankly, Doug hoped that it would mean more personal pain and hurting for Ian.

Carlos realized that Ian's pictures held the potential for huge profits for him via his gay website, not to mention what he could make on straight sites. However, Carlos preferred guys like Ian for his gay site because these sites always were significantly more profitable than were straight sites. What's more, Carlos was himself a gay man who very much wanted to take Ian's cherry, and he was smiling to himself because his money was on the fact that Ian would do just about anything to keep his friends from getting the pictures that Carlos had just emailed to Doug Sommers. Of course, Carlos knew that he would have Ian's cherry, one way or another. It was just a question of whether it would be blackmail or heroin addiction that would cause Ian to give it up willingly. Carlos really preferred blackmail, but he would let Ian make the choice. He didn't feel badly about not fulfilling his contract with Doug completely. He reasoned that Doug should realize that things don't always work out the way you want when you hire someone to do something that is totally illegal. Besides, he reasoned, Ian would now live a life of fear because of these pictures, and he was losing something very important to him, his virginity. So Doug was at least getting part of what he had paid for.

As Ian regained consciousness, at first he was confused and disoriented. The drug that put him out left him groggy, and the heroin injections had provided his body with a wonderful feeling of warmth and almost euphoria. After Ian's initial dose of heroin in the late afternoon, his abductors administered a second and then a third dose six hours apart. It was now seven o'clock the next morning. Ian did not know it, but he had been photographed repeatedly over the previous fourteen hours, and hundreds of pictures of his handsome naked body had been taken in dozens of positions with mostly black and latino gay models who were just trying to make some quick money, using their chiseled bodies. They particularly loved having their pictures taken as they ravaged a sleeping straight guy who also happened to be a huge stud with and awesome cock.

Sometime after midnight, when the effects of the sleeping potion that had been injected into Ian wore off and only the heroin was at work in his body, the gay models were actually able to stimulate Ian's cock to a full and throbbing erection as his body remained in a deep sleep. The pictures of Ian having his throbbing shaft, which was supposed to be parked in Marie's wet pussy that night, being sucked excitedly by his gay black photo partner were deeply incriminating. It clearly looked like Ian was a totally gay man who was thoroughly aroused by and enjoying the attention of his black lover. The next photo of his nine inch granite hard shaft sliding up the ass of the same delighted black stud as he straddled Ian and lowered his dark hole onto Ian's shaft, looked as though Ian was totally enjoying having his cock serviced by his black partner. These photos would be incredibly hard for Ian to explain away to anyone who saw them.

The rubber restraints that had been place on Ian's wrists and ankles after the photo shoot, and the straps across his chest, waist and thighs further confused him as he awakened, but definitely did the job of preventing him from moving anywhere. "Good morning, Ian. You've had a long sleep, but now it's time to wake up and watch the picture show we have put together for you." Ian heard the voice of Carlos, but was not at all sure what was going on. He tried to move his limbs and body with no success. After about a half hour of awakening, Ian finally was alert enough to speak.

"What's going on? Why can't I move, and where am I? " He asked, as his eyes focused on the room he was in, on Carlos, and two naked black guys talking off to the side. He had no idea why they were naked, but his mind was not yet clear enough to make any connection between their nakedness and his own. Ian's body felt warm and very comfortable. It was a pleasurable rush that he was feeling, and he was relaxed despite the fact that he had no clue as to what had happened or where he was. His mind was taking its first steps into the new reality of his life.

Ian saw Carlos nod to the black guys, who then left the room. Carlos now came into focus very clearly to Ian and he saw a Latino man who looked to be in his fifties, maybe early sixties. He was wearing only a terry cloth robe. He was average height and build with salt and pepper hair. Carlos was a reasonably good looking man for his age, but Ian still had no clue as to who he was or what had happened. Then his mind cleared more. "Where's Marie? I was supposed to meet her and those guys stuck me with something." Now Ian's heart was starting to race as fear entered his mind. He tried to move his body frantically, but to no avail. His naked body kept writhing on the bed.

"Ian, I will answer all of your questions. Just be calm. Marie is fine. She's not here, but believe me, she's fine. She's the reason you're here right now, and you have some serious listening to do. So I suggest you stop trying to break free and listen to what I have to say, and then watch the pictures we have to show you. You're going to have to make a very important decision or two in the next hour. So, I suggest you trust me when I tell you that the choices I am about to present to you will have a huge impact on your life and health." Carlos had told the truth to Ian about the decisions he would have to make, but he lied about Marie.

"Sometimes when you fool with a married man's wife, unpleasant things happen, Ian." As Carlos began his story, Ian's heart sank because where he was and why he was there all became clear. Even though the heroin was keeping Ian's mood elevated, he felt fear creeping in as he realized that he and Marie had been found out, and that Doug was behind what had happened to him.

"Now that you know exactly why and how you ended up here Ian, I want you to know that what we do here depends on you. First, if you fight us in this I can assure you that you will lose. We have already administered three doses of heroin in your veins, and that's why you feel the very pleasant rush you are presently experiencing. Believe me when I tell you, if you fight us on what we want from you, you will be completely addicted to heroin within the next week. We will make certain of it. And then, believe me again, you will beg me to do whatever I want to do to you, if only I would supply you with more heroin. Not a nice way to end up, Ian. You future will be awful, really awful.

What's more Ian, the pictures of you that I am about to show you will be sent to the email addresses that are currently on the screen on the wall in front of you. They are email addresses of your high school and college friends, as well as of your parents. How you explain these pictures to all of these people will be up to you, but I don't think you will ever want us to send these pictures. Doug Sommers expects me to send these pictures, but I am giving you one chance right now to avoid that nightmare. The downside of this for you is not nearly as bad. You simply have to agree to do more of the same photo shoots willingly. Keep in mind that your friends will probably never see any pictures of you on the web, and if they do, they probably won't recognize you. There are simply millions of sites out there and the chances of anyone recognizing you are remote. Don't misunderstand me Ian, you won't like what I am going to ask you to do, but it is your only way out of this nightmare that you have created for yourself."

Ian had tears in his eyes as he thought of Marie, what they had done together, how he had loved her, and how things were now totally fucked up for him and for her. He worried about her, and he worried about what the pictures he was about to see were. The fact that he was strapped to a bed totally naked now started to make sense to him. Carlos then began the slide show.

"Ian, the pictures you are about to see are all of you and our models who were here tonight. They loved working with you, by the way. They rarely get a chance to work with a straight stud who is as handsomely endowed as you are, and who happens to be gorgeous as well. I am sure Marie felt the same way. But, I don't think you two will be meeting again, so it's time to move on.

You will be shocked by what you see, because these pictures really look like you are enjoying yourself with these guys. Your friends and parents will not believe that you could sleep through all these shots. And, the most incriminating shots are those where the boys managed to get your cock to stand up for them. It was a beautiful sight Ian. But do you really think anyone would believe a guy could have a hard on, get sucked off, and fuck a guy while staying asleep? No one will ever believe you if you tell them you were drugged. Trust me, Ian.." With that said, Carlos started the slide show.

Ian focused his eyes on the wall mounted plasma TV. Horror and rage blended together in Ian's mind as he watched picture after picture of his naked body in various positions on the bed. At first he was by himself, pictures of his face, his torso, full body shots, shots of his flaccid cock, shots of his erect cock, shots of his ass. And then came the posed shots of Ian and the gay black and Latino models. Carlos was absolutely right. The pictures were taken in such a way that it looked like Ian was actually making out with these guys. He felt his stomach lurch when he watched multiple shots of their stiff black cocks buried in his mouth. He said nothing, but terror swept over his body. His brain pounded. He could never explain, he could never make people believe these pictures were staged, fake. He was enraged that Doug Sommers had arranged for him to be violated in this way. And then, tears streamed from his eyes as he saw a new series of shots that made it look as though he was being fucked doggie style by the handsome gay Latino. And Ian wondered if the guy had actually pushed his cock into his ass, raping him.

Ian suddenly struggled violently with his restraints, screaming: "Stop it! Stop it you bastard! I don't want to see any more, stop them!" Ian struggled until he exhausted himself, and then he lay naked on the bed, sweating and sobbing hysterically.

"I swear to you, you little bastard, I will kill you and I will kill those gay bastards who raped me. And most of all I will kill that bastard Doug Sommers for doing this. He had no right! He had no right to do this to me. What did he do to Marie? I will get that bastard!

Carlos stood by the bed, knowing that the restraints would hold Ian in place. He silently took in the beautiful muscles of Ian's body working to break him free, and Carlos loved how Ian's hard work at the gym had crafted such a beautiful form for him to observe in front of him now. Carlos also felt his own lust for Ian's body surge, imagining what it would be like finally to make love to a broken Ian, to make love to his beautiful body and finally to fuck him, and to take his virginity from him, and then to have him whenever he wanted..

Carlos could wait. Ian would come around. And Carlos was pretty sure that the final group of pictures he was about to show Ian would break Marie's boy toy, once and for all. "Ian, before you let yourself get carried away with your anger, I want to remind you that you really did this to yourself. It was you who decided to fuck your neighbor's wife. And, you have played a very real role in ruining that marriage, and that family's life. Your selfish actions have hurt a lot of people, and if you choose not to do as I ask, you will hurt more people.

I want you to look at just a few more pictures of yourself. And then you tell me if you want me to send these to your family. You tell me if you want your mother and father to see these final pictures. You tell me if you want your friends to see them. Something tells me that as selfish as you are, even you won't want to hurt these people just to save yourself a little discomfort.

Carlos clicked the remote and selected a final set of pictures. Ian's eyes widened in surprise and horror as he saw photos of himself and Marie. The two lovers were naked in the hotel room that they had rented so many times. The pictures were of the two of them having sex together during one of their meetings. They were very clear, there was no mistaking that it was Marie and he. In one shot he was simply lying naked atop his beautiful and naked lover kissing her. In another, he was kneeling bedside eating Marie's pussy as she lay on the edge of the bed. In still another, Ian was fucking Marie doggy style as his hands held her beautiful breasts. Ian's head was pounding. Somehow, they had been tricked, someone had managed to set up hidden cameras and record them having sex. These pictures would kill his parents, he knew. He could never let them see them. His mother would be totally broken by them, and Ian could not bear the thought of doing that to her. His father would be so disappointed, Ian knew. He could just imagine that his father would not say much, but their relationship would never be the same again.

Carlos clicked the remote one more time as tears were welling up in Ian's eyes. The still photos stopped and a video of Ian and Marie began on the screen. He watched and listened in horror as he heard himself telling Marie how much he loved fucking her as he was pushing his stiff cock into her sopping vagina. He heard Marie moan, and watched as she hugged him tightly as he pistoned in and out of her cunt.

"Stop, please! Please, I can't watch any more of this! I will do whatever your want. My parents would die if they saw these pictures. Please don't send them, please. I will do whatever you ask me to. Just please don't send these. I can't do that to them or to Marie's kids. I just can't.

Carlos stopped the video. He felt his cock swell as he looked at Ian sobbing quietly on the bed. "Alright, Ian. I won't send these, I promise. You can trust me on that. And, now I am going to undo your restraints, and I know you're going to do exactly as I want you to without any trouble at all. I know that you probably already know what I want from you, and I hope Ian that over time you will come to enjoy what we are about to do."

Carlos undid Ian's restraints, and Ian just lay on the bed quietly. Carlos looked at Ian's beautiful body and felt a surge of lust as his cock began to throb with anticipation. He removed his terry cloth robe and mounted the bed naked, his cock now fully erect. Ian watched as the dark complexioned Carlos straddled his torso and his stiff and dark cock was pointing very close to his mouth. "Ian, first I want you to suck me. I want you to use both hands to hold my cock, and I want you to suck it and make love to it."

Carlos looked a broken Ian directly in his beautiful blue eyes and knew that Ian was now his. Ian, with tears still in his eyes, took Carlos's thick seven inch cock in his hands and looked one final time at Carlos before opening his mouth and willingly taking a man's cock for the first time ever into his mouth. For Ian, the cock was warm, stiff as granite, but had no real taste. For Carlos, the sight of his dark Latino cock in his new lover's mouth was nothing short of awesome. He felt Ian's mouth sliding back and forth mechanically. Carlos would have to instruct Ian on how to suck with passion, but that would come later. After several minutes of face fucking Ian, Carlos pulled out, and Ian's stomach felt sick at what he knew was going to happen next.

He lay motionless as Carlos bent down and kissed him on his forehead, and then his cheek. Then, Carlos lay his dark and naked body atop of him and Ian felt the older Latino man's somewhat soft body lying heavy on top of him. It was such a strange, almost alien feeling for Ian. Carlos' throbbing cock was pulsing hard against Ian's soft penis. All the while, an excited Carlos was kissing Ian's face, his neck, his shoulders as Ian lay motionless, feeling sick at the thought of what was about to happen and knowing that somewhere a camera was probably recording the scene.

Ian jumped a little when he felt Carlos nibble his nipple and lick it. Slowly, Ian felt Carlos move his mouth down his torso, ending his journey at Ian's flaccid cock. All the while, Ian could feel Carlos's hands touching his body every where, squeezing and caressing. He did not watch but he felt Carlos take his soft penis into his mouth and suck it. He was sucking it hard, and massaging it with both hands, but Ian's cock stayed limp despite Carlos' best efforts.

"Don't worry, Ian. I understand. But one day, I know your cock will respond eagerly to my mouth, I just know it. Then it was time. Ian felt almost as if he were in a trance as he watched Carlos reach over to the night stand and take a condom package, open it, and slide the latex glove over his thick and throbbing dark cock. Carlos' cock was not nearly as long or thick as Ian's, but Ian realized that it was still very thick and it looked very, very hard. He cringed at the thought of it pushing into his ass, of being fucked by it. Then he watched as Carlos opened the nightstand drawer and remove a small plastic bottle of lubricant. Ian felt sick to his stomach, knowing that in just a matter of minutes Carlos would be pleasuring himself by pounding his hard dark shaft in and out of Ian's ass. Ian's mind raced, and he realized that he wanted to kill Doug Sommers for this, but he knew he was powerless.

Carlos smiled at Ian and said nothing. He lifted Ian's legs by the ankles, holding them up with one hand while he used the other to flip open the plastic top on the bottle of lubricant and then to squeeze the clear fluid onto Ian's anus. Ian jumped just a bit when he felt Carlos poke his finger into his hole and swirl around some of the lubricant. "We can't have too much of that on the first time, but you'll get used to it." , Carlos said to Ian matter of factly.

Carlos looked down at his handsome conquest. Ian's face was cute; it was handsome. Carlos loved it with his thick dark hair framing his beautifully formed head. But the rest of Ian's body was also perfect. His thick athletic neck, his broad and muscled shoulders, his beautifully sculpted pecs that were flanked by his thick biceps, and his magnificent abs all made Ian just the perfect young man. And fucking Ian would therefore be perfect for Carlos.

Now Ian was ready. Carlos tossed the lubricant bottle on the bed, and he used both hands to hold up Ian's legs as he positioned his throbbing dark shaft hard against Ian's puckered anal opening that was wet with lube. Ian's long and flaccid cock was hanging over his balls and touching Carlos's hard shaft. Carlos felt a thrill at that. And then, he looked directly into Ian's eyes.

Ian was staring at Carlos, and he was thinking that getting fucked by Carlos was definitely better than having his parents see those pictures of Marie and him naked and having sex. So he was resigned to do what he had to do. He knew that Carlos basically owned him right now, and he felt filthy and cheap. His eyes were glassy, like he was almost ready to cry. But Ian was determined not to, he would be fucked, but show no emotion. Then, as he watched Carlos' eyes staring into his own, he felt the dark man's cock pushing against his lubed hole, and he was afraid of what it would feel like and of what the future held for him.