Ideal Suburbia Ch. 01

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A new hire must find a home with some excellent help.
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Part 1 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 06/29/2021
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This is a series of stories that are a sort of sequel to two text-adventure games.


"You beat the boss to work! Smart move on your first day in the main office!" beamed the receptionist Sally as I dropped my briefcase and box of stuff on my new desk. "She'll be in soon though, so look sharp," she added as she turned at the door of my new office to head back to the front desk. I watched her leave, well mostly I watched her fetching ass leave, before I started to unpack. I set up my laptop, tangle of charging cords, and the beautiful glass pen jar that a ceramics major had made for me back in college after a winter weekend full of mid-blowing sex and very little skiing in Tahoe.

I looked at the wall and decided to leave my diploma, plaques, and awards in the box until I was more settled in. I had bummed around for a year or two after graduating from one of the most prestigious universities on the west coast, but never found a good fit in my intended field of hospitality and resort management. As a stop gap, I had eventually taken a sales job in the San Francisco office of CKE Materials, where I had in all modesty flourished. Before two years were out, I landed a giant national account which in a matter of weeks more than doubled the sales for the whole Frisco office. That got me noticed. Within a month, I had been offered this new position, accepted, and moved to the bucolic midwestern city where CKE's headquarters are located.

A knock on the door and in strode Cathy Ecklesford, the owner. I had not met her before and that was a shame. Cathy was several inches shorter than me, even with the very high-heeled but still professional pumps she wore. The rest of her clothes matched those shoes; hand-tailored to a form-fitting, very flattering cut, but quite business-like in appearance. Together with the easy assurance of a successful entrepreneur, a three figure hairstyle, and striking green eyes, she was a subtle but undeniable knockout. Usually, when I encounter a woman so desirable, my immediate reaction is to start plotting a route into her pants, but I thought much better of it today.

"You are here bright and early. Excellent!" she said, introducing herself. "I have a few account files for you to help get your feet wet, while you settle into town," she went on, dropping some paperwork onto my nearly empty desk. "I do have two important things to talk to you about," she added.

"First, I know HR planned on having you live in the corporate condo for your first few months working here in town, but I need to you accelerate getting permanent digs as much as you can. I'm really sorry, but I have a materials engineer I just hired away from DuPont last night who starts in a month. He's a genius, but he's... hopeless, really." She shrugged. I agreed that I could accelerate my apartment search, since I had a friend or two in the sciences who practically needed a nanny. "You should buy, not rent," suggested Cathy. "You can get three times the house for your money in the suburbs here than you could have even thought about back in California."

"Lastly, I want to lay out some cultural rules we live by here at headquarters. It is a relaxed atmosphere, but the red line rule is absolutely no dating, no relationships, and definitely no sexual interactions with anyone else who works in this building. A lot of us talk a pretty good game, even a bawdy one, but nothing is allowed to be directed at another employee, present or not. Okay?" she asked. I nodded easy assent, glad I had not already started on the seduction plans.

We exchanged a few pleasantries and she was gone, leaving a tantalizing aroma behind. I went over my newly assigned accounts quickly, made a few calls and set up some meetings to introduce myself, but that was all done by lunchtime, and none of the meetings I scheduled were that day. I guessed it was time to demonstrate my go-getter attitude by commencing the house search.

I had already been toying with the idea of buying a house for the first time, and Cathy's suggestion had crystalized the value of considering it. I hopped in my Acura and headed out to the western suburbs, which were the closest to work, and appeared to be the newest area of development.

Pulling up in a quiet little business district, I got out and quickly saw what I was looking for, the small independent realty office I had found online whose staff included several younger, attractive female agents. I have a lot of experience that tells me I am more successful, in more ways than one, when working with women, especially good-looking ones.

I strode in confidently, despite never having spoken to a real estate agent in my life, and was lucky enough to be confronted with one of the more attractive agents I'd seen on the website. Lee was a sweet girl, even younger than I, and of mixed European-Asian heritage. That day, she was wearing a calf-length, dark blue pencil skirt that showed off her narrow waist and suggested rather than displayed nice legs and a potentially stellar butt. Her dark purple blouse was loose-fitting and professionally demure. Her large, dark, slightly epicanthic eyes sparkled behind the heavy, black eyeglasses that I suspected were worn only for show. At least, I could detect no apparent correction or distortion when I found myself staring into her eyes for a bit longer than necessary.

"To get started, let's see how you qualify," she said, leading me to a seat after the obligatory, getting to know one another biographical chit chat. I had a huge bonus in my bank account for a down payment, and plenty of income, so I was pleasantly surprised, both at how much of a loan I'd qualify for, and at how much house I really could get for that here. "Are you married or living with someone?" she asked, but alas, I detected no probing in the question, only professional box-checking.

"No. To be honest, I'm not ready to settle down," I replied casually. "Though," I added, allowing an artful sheepishness into my voice and avoiding eye contact, "I do enjoy exploring the options."

We shared a polite chuckle before she continued. "In that case, I'm guessing you are interested in a smaller, more deluxe home?" I shrugged and replied that I supposed so, but then emphasized that I hadn't fully decided on buying over renting, and I'd be much more likely to buy if I could manage it without using all my money! Laughing, Lee said, "I understand. I hope you don't mind if I do my best to encourage you to buy. At any rate, I'll need to do a thorough search, but if you have an hour or so, I do have one house that might interest you off the top of my head. It's been on the market for a while, so there may be some price flexibility as well. Would you like to see it?"

She went on with a few details about the house, and though it didn't really sound like what I wanted, I certainly thought that an afternoon in a car with Lee would pleasant all on its own, but would also be a good opportunity to get in her head and see what made her tick. And make no mistake, I had already decided that whether I bought anything, I wanted to see if there might be more than one way to get her to "do her best"...

As I followed her out to her seven passenger realtor tank of an SUV, I became more and more convinced that she really did have a great ass under that long, shapeless skirt. I opened her door and helped her up into that ridiculously large, high vehicle, and as she climbed in I upgraded my impression of said posterior from "great" to "world-class".

When we got to the house, I knew right away I could safely be a pain in the ass about it, as it was not at all appealing to me. During the showing, I displayed all my considerable, genuine ignorance of real estate, while picking out every fault I could see or imagine. I was confident Lee did not expect me to buy this beat up, bland old house. She took my pickiness in good spirit and she returned me to her office with advice on what kind of research I could do to help narrow her search on my behalf.

"Thank you so much for all your work already," I said, shaking her lithe hand as we parted. "I do think I lucked out right out of the box in choosing a firm, well, in choosing an agent." She smiled at that and I smiled warmly in return. I went back to the office to work on the paperwork inevitable in a new position and in living in a new state, to get started on the research Lee had suggested, and to just generally be seen staying late my first day on the job.

The next two weeks were a mishmash of introducing myself to co-workers and putting in a lot of time on my "starter customers". Client entertainment is still a big part of sales in our industry, and I'm good at that. But the downside was that my kitchen was gathering dust. I did manage to accelerate my use of the corporate condo's communal gym. I have a damn good physique, and I have always made sure to keep it up, even in the face of my current diet of rich, sometimes delicious restaurant food.

I also did my due diligence for and on Lee. I agreed with her supposition that I wanted fewer bedrooms and upgraded features and location. I also told her that I wanted spaces suitable for manly pursuits, and pretended to make her work to get out of me that one primary manly pursuit would be... women. That got a laugh out of her, and I could practically hear the blush over the phone. She also showed me several more homes, one or two of which were actually decent, but I continued my difficult ways. Frankly, much of the difficulty was genuine. I still wasn't sold on buying over just renting a condo. By the last few showings, I could sense she was getting frustrated with me, and with the process.

The next Tuesday morning, I got a call from Lee. "I think I've found your house," she said over the phone. I was intrigued to hear the tone in her voice, akin to a poker player saying "all in" as she pushed forward her stack.

"Ooh! Somebody sounds confident," I teased.

"This one is special," she replied, as if trying to convince both of us. "It's brand new on the market, so I think it wold be a good idea to see it today. It will have to be later this evening after work though, if that's OK?" she asked, rushing on before I could reply. "I have appointments this afternoon. But we should make it there before sundown, so you can see the outside in the daylight. Can you meet me at my office?"

More and more interesting.

Fortunately, I had no client dinner that night, so I grabbed a nutritious meal for once, and was leaning against my car in the small parking lot outside her agency when Lee's familiar gargantu-SUV rolled up. When she carefully hopped out to say hello, it actually took my brain a few seconds to register what I was seeing. Lee had an extensive wardrobe, but every time I'd met with her before, she was always sleek, professional, and beautifully demure. She still wore a suit today, but the differences were striking, and anything but demure. The fabric was black with subtle red pinstripes, and while she often wore jackets, she never buttoned them. This evening it was buttoned all the way to the military-style collar, and I was unsure if she wore a blouse beneath it at all. In place of her usual calf- or knee-length skirts, or the occasional trousers she always wore previously, this suit skirt was mid-thigh, with a fairly deep slit on the left front. The slit overlapped, but when she climbed down from the SUV, gingerly so as to keep the short skirt under control, I could clearly see that she was wearing stockings instead of panty hose!

She came over to greet me with her usual business-like handshake as if nothing was different. "Thanks for making the time so late. We should get going if you want to see the outside before dark!" She turned to the car and I moved to help her in as I usually did. Her leg lifted and that slit gaped wide.

Definite stockings and garter belt.

She flushed a little and said quickly, "I got it! Thanks!" She slid herself sideways into the seat as if the flash she had to have known was coming had discombobulated her anyway. But Lee's confusion was gone by the time I had circumnavigated the huge vehicle and got in on the other side. Her usual businesslike demeanor was back in place, but I was now a little flustered. I couldn't keep my eyes off the hem of her skirt as she drove, eyes peeled for every flash of the dark tops of her stockings that regularly appeared with each movement of her feet as we travelled.

"I get so few single buyers, especially men," she said casually as she drove, "I have to admit this search has been challenging, but I think I've cracked the code. I really hope you will like this one. It's a ranch on a cul de sac with an open kitchen, only two bedrooms, a big study, a basement you could finish, and a nice backyard with a pool!" That did sound interesting, but how much? "It's not cheap, but it is still in your range," she added a little too hurriedly for my taste, "and I think it's a good price for the neighborhood, which is fairly new and very upscale. The location should be especially good for you in particular. The house is five minutes tops from US 74, which runs practically straight to your work!"

I still was having a hard time looking at things other than Lee's thighs when she gave me the heads up that we were in the area of the house. I manfully shifted my gaze outside the vehicle and the neighborhood was indeed very nice. All the houses were well maintained, with natural materials on the exterior. I hate siding, and it had been one of my go-to objections to throw in Lee's way before now. As she slowed to approach the cul de sac, my thoughts of Lee were momentarily derailed by a jogger running the other way on the sidewalk. She was a tall brunette with a stunning, stacked body which was barely concealed by skintight pink lycra shorts and black with matching pink trim jogging top that, sturdy as it was, could not completely keep her impressive rack under control as she ran. I couldn't help but turn my head to follow as we passed her. Lee clearly saw what I was doing, as she cleared her throat and said, "here's the street!"

I turned back to find us heading down a short dead end street, with perhaps 12 houses total. The house we pulled into was one of the two at the very end. It was gorgeous, with a flagstone exterior and a low, sloping roof of natural wood shingles. No front yard to speak of, but that just meant less maintenance work as far as I was concerned. Lee led me toward the front door, and holy cow did her ass look amazing, swaying under that short, tight skirt. She smiled over her shoulder at me as she unlocked the front door.

The house was everything she said. The kitchen had expensive appliances and an indoor grill. The master bedroom was large, as was the master bath. There was a huge shower with a bunch of shower heads. The shower was so big, I stepped in and observed, "you could have a whole party in here!"

"Yes, I suppose you could..." replied Lee dryly. For a moment, I though she was going to come in with me, but she turned her hesitant movement toward me into a turn toward the door. Had I just imagined that? Something was going on here. I knew I liked it, I just wasn't sure if I was going to be satisfied or not. And I honestly was also distracted by how awesome the house was. We poked around in the barren basement and brainstormed how to Man Cave it up in the future.

I'm a very good salesman, and I was observing that Lee was too, especially that day. She was working me up to a close on this one quite effectively. How hard could I make her work? Could I resist buying this near budget buster? Did I want to resist? Aside from the paint color in the second bedroom, I had been unable to find a single nit to pick about this house so far. I am used to being the hunter, and suddenly I was the pursued, and in more ways than one. It was confusing.

By the time we came up out of the basement, the sun had set. Lee opened the curtains covering the back side of the great room to reveal a wall of windows looking out over the surprisingly large back yard, and the glowingly lit small pool in the center of it. There was lots of subtle landscape lighting in the foliage that covered and broke up the high, solid privacy wall surrounding the property.

I stepped out on to a grassy area and looked around. Lee followed and stood next to me, closer than she ever had before. She usually was a ball of energy, moving around constantly to point things out. Now she was still and close, practically touching me in fact. "You have to love this backyard, especially at night," she exclaimed brightly, looking up into my eyes. Forestalling any reply I might make, she rushed on, "I love it! It... The lighting and the privacy... It's..." Her gaze lowered then and she tilted her head away as if afraid, "It's kind of erotic out here at night," she blurted quietly.

Deciding on this awesome, but expensive house could wait. If that was not the biggest, most deliberate, cutest come on I'd gotten since college, it was damn close. "Erotic is just the word I'd have used," I said softly, turning toward her slightly. She looked up at me again with an uncertain smile. Inwardly, I was confused. Was she coming on to me because she wanted me to rock her world, or was she just doing this to sell me the house? Looking into her eyes, I rapidly reached the conclusion that she was confused about that too. There was one thing I was certain about.

"I hope you don't have anything else you need to do this evening," I breathed softly to her and bent to her upturned face, kissing her, lightly at first. She responded eagerly, and I reached an arm around her waist and pulled her against me. The kiss intensified as she returned my embrace. My tongue brushed her lips as I parted mine and she welcomed my probing, pursing her lips around my tongue before probing back with her own. I could practically feel any last uncertainty on her part, whatever uncertainty that had been, draining away as he pressed herself harder against me.

I caressed her cheek and jaw with the hand that wasn't holding her against me, then loosened that embrace enough to let me slide the hand down between us, cupping a petite breast through the jacket, and she sighed. I moved to the buttons of the jacket and slowly, almost teasingly started undoing them. By the time I got to the bottom one, it was quite apparent that she in fact not only not wearing a blouse underneath, but was braless as well.

Indeed, this girl was a closer. And whichever deal was her primary objective to close this evening, I was definitely going to let her close at least one of them; repeatedly, and comprehensively.

Slipping the jacket off her shoulders, I bent my head to the milky skin of her modestly-sized but firm and beautifully shaped breasts. My tongue licked out to tease at a small, dusky nipple which sprang from pert to stone hard in response. After a good thrashing from my tongue, I wrapped my lips around her peak and sucked greedily upon it. Meanwhile, I slid my hands down her back and at last grasped that magnificent tush, squeezing it as hard as I dared. It felt every bit as amazingly firm and sleek as I had imagined, and I slipped my hands down to pull up on the hem of her skirt. My grasp moved back to her now exposed cheeks and my questing fingers determined that not only was I correct in my guess at stockings, not hose, but my little closer had forestalled any need to remove her panties, since there were none to be found.

Her hands slipped between us and fumbled at the fly of my suit trousers. She undid my belt and let my pants slip to the ground. I kicked free of both them and my shoes as she slipped her hands up under my shirttails and started to push down my soft gray boxer/briefs. The waist band got hung up quickly on my now raging hard-on, and she slipped her fingers to free it. There was a catch in her already raged breathing as she got a good feel of just how much I pack. The freed undies dropped forgotten as she ran both hands up and down my thick, nearly eight inch shaft.