Ideal Suburbia Ch. 04

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Our hero discovers a scenic overlook in his own back yard.
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Part 5 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 06/29/2021
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This is a series of stories that are a sort of sequel to two text-adventure games. Each installment is a complete story on its own, but for a full understanding, the reader may want to start with Chapter 1.


My neighbor Samantha had left my house with a promise to return in the future and improve upon our performance. I looked forward to it, but I also sensed that now that I had encouraged her to escape the celibate prison of her husband's neglect, she was going to get competitive with him in the number of lovers department. I could only hope that she'd find space in her schedule for at least an occasional return engagement.

In the following days, I set out to employ all available free time to get my house up to speed. There was so much to do. I followed Samantha's suggestion and bought my area rugs first. Laying them out in the main room of the house gave me a good idea of how much space I needed to fill, and with what furniture.

Buying the nice modern sectional I was looking for seemed a promising chance to add another good story. The sales girl and I hit it off, and when we discovered we had similar taste in movies, I asked her out to see the new superhero movie that had just opened. It was a pretty good date, but we parted with closure. It turned out our interests were at cross purposes. She was interested in a long-term relationship. I was interested in ravishing her nubile body. We both had a good time, and each was flattered by the other's particular interest, but the whole exercise ended up yielding me only a great piece of furniture.

As I went about shopping for more furniture, plus equipment and decor, I also made an effort to get to know the suburban area I now called home. I discovered two great pizza joints, one of which delivered to my address. I found a cool bakery/cafe that could meet my morning and occasional evening needs. I found several decent bars, but none of them had either drinks or women of sufficient quality to encourage me to make them a regular watering hole. Finding such was going to be a long-term project.

Among my finds, the bakery, Nikki's (Au)Naturel Bakery/Cafe, became the most regularly valuable to me. They made good coffee there for mornings when I was running behind, and I soon found myself swinging by more and more often as an excuse to also pick up one of their incredible chocolate eclairs. The only weird thing about the place was that they had such terrible employee turnover. I seldom saw the same kids behind the counter on more than one or two visits. The girls all looked vaguely creeped out, and the guys were always confused.

I also worked in a swift trip back to San Francisco to call on my big client back there. No way I was going to let my company lose their business just because I wasn't close by anymore. I spent as much time schmoozing with our own sales and fulfillment teams back there to make sure they handled the client the way I wanted, as I did with the clients themselves.

Overall, I was really starting to get settled in.

I also got to learn the joy of home ownership that is repairs. I replaced a few light fixtures voluntarily, and replaced the main wax seal on my master bathroom toilet hastily and involuntarily. Then several of the bulbs in my awesome backyard landscape lighting began to fail. I tried to be a guy and ignore it, but then the awesome downlight that was placed high up in the big oak tree in one corner of my yard went out. Without the ethereal looking, internally lit oak tree, my backyard at night seemed less magical and more creepy. Time to see how many salesmen it took to change some light bulbs.

The problem was, I didn't know what kind of bulb was used in the tree. The three other landscape lights that had burnt out had three different types of bulb already, and I could just tell that the tree bulb had to be yet another wattage. So the next time I had some daylight opportunity, I threw on some old clothes and got ready to do something I hadn't done since I was a little kid: Climb a tree.

The oak was obviously far older than the house, given how high and full it was, and its branches spread out over the privacy fence to throw shade onto the backyard of my neighbor who shared the end of the cul de sac with me, as well as the two houses on the back side. I had to get my stepladder to be able to reach a handhold, but I managed to swing up and into the branches. It was surprisingly easy to climb once I was in the tree, though I had to be careful. The individual branches were not a thick as you might think for a tree this big, and every time I put my weight on a new branch, that part of the tree swayed as if blown by a non-existent breeze on that calm, sunny day.

I was curious about what kind of homes were behind me, and I was frankly a little disappointed. Both were unremarkable, with the dreaded vinyl siding covering the back and sides of both to save money over the brick, stone, or stucco that appeared to cover the fronts. My house had cedar siding on the back and a flagstone front elevation, I observed smugly to myself.

I then turned to check out my next-door neighbor's back yard. It was larger than mine, and most of the extra space was taken up by a pool that was larger as well and the surrounding patio. I caught my breath when I was saw that my neighbor was out sunbathing. She lounged on her back, wearing sunglasses and a black bikini, and was so remarkably good looking that I got an almost instant hard-on when I laid eyes on her. Her legs were long and sleekly muscled, with firm, tight, tanned skin. She had curvy hips and a narrow waist with a flat belly. She was hardly skinny, but I could still make out the impression of the edge of her rib cage, and the ridges of her hip bones. Her breasts were amazing, thrusting upward from her chest so prominently and perfectly that I knew right away they had to be the creation of the best of plastic surgeons. Like her legs, her neck was long, and her features were sharp. Her mouth was wide with thin lips painted expertly in a maroon gloss. The bikini bottom was a string affair, with the straps sweeping up high over her hips, supporting a small but marginally modest triangle in front. The top was odd, looking like some sort of tailored napkin wrapped around her and strapped over and around her neck. It could not possibly have provided any support for her breasts, not that they needed any.

Unlike most sunbathers, she wasn't reading a book, or listening to headphones. She had not one, but two laptops open, on tables to either side of her chaise. She also had a smartphone and tablet to hand. She swept her gaze back and forth between the computers. The screen that I could see looked like it had a bunch of graphs on it, many of which were visibly updating in real time. She mostly interacted with the tablet, scrolling, typing, and reading on it. After a bit, she leaned excitedly over to the computer whose screen I could not see and worked on it feverishly for a bit, and then sat back in the chaise, pumping her fists and wiggling her hips in some kind of minor victory dance.

I just clung to the tree, watching her, for some time really. This stunning creature lived right next door to me? It hit me then that she was the jogger I had seen running in this neighborhood the day my real estate agent Lee had first shown me my future house. And now I was watching that vision of a jogger as she hung out, wearing even less if that was possible, than she did while running. I did see a wedding ring on her finger, which quite frankly sucked, but recent events had reminded me that that was not always the end of the story...

I remained quiet, of course. I could see her pretty well through the branches, but I doubted she could pick me out in the dark center of the tree, even if she had been looking. Nevertheless, I moved to climb a bit higher, in service of getting a better view of her. And besides, I still needed to that that burnt out bulb to replace. As I climbed higher, I found myself on her side of the trunk, and the softly swaying branches were now the ones that hung over her yard. Oaks are always shedding leaves, and the movement accelerated this quite a bit. All of a sudden, there was a coating of leaves on the surface of her sparkling pool. She did notice that, and didn't like it.

"Fucking leaves," she exclaimed with an angry scowl. She grabbed her phone swiftly, stabbed an entry, then spoke with a happy facade. "Hello? Denise? It's Linda Tarlington. Yes, hi! How's your sister doing? That's great!" she said chattily. Her voice was kind of high-pitched and chirpy. A little annoying actually. It was about time this glorious piece of ass showed some damned fault.

"Denise, my pool is full of the darned leaves. Yes, again already. I need Danny to come out before the regular cleaning. When can you schedule him? Wait, he is in the office now? Please, please send him over! You know how cranky I get when my pool isn't just right." She waited for a moment, her expression melding from a scowl to some form of anticipation. "Fifteen minutes?!? Oh, that's great. Tell him I'll owe him big time. Huh? Yes, I owe you one too! Bye." She laughed and put down the phone.

I shook my head. A few leaves in her pool and she calls a maintenance company? Add high maintenance to her chirpy voice in the faults list. She quickly started to work on one laptop, then the other, and soon had both closed and carried in the house. She came back out, brushing her long black hair. She stood by her chaise and tugged on and inspected her bikini. This gave me a new set of angles to inspect her as well! And to be honest, it made it hard for me not to tug on myself. Instead, I turned to climb further into the tree to find the burnt out light, moving slowly and quietly to make sure I was not discovered. The light was not easy to get to, nor was it easy to get at the bulb once I reached the fixture. I had accomplished both at last, and was beginning to descend when I heard my neighbor's doorbell ring. She jumped a little then pranced into her house. Curiously, I waited to see the pool guy.

In matter of moments, Linda returned with a very handsome dude who looked even younger than me. He was shorter than her, barely five and a half feet tall, but that was his only damned flaw. He had wavy, sandy-brown hair with naturally bleached highlights, and a bright smile full of large, perfectly white, straight teeth. He wore slightly loose red trunks that were much shorter than most guys choose to wear these days. The shorts revealed deeply tanned and muscular legs. His t-shirt with a logo for Glistening Waters Pool Service was loose enough to look like he wasn't showing off, but tight enough to well advertise a muscular chest and flat stomach that betrayed a lot of time in the gym, working out for strength and athletic prowess, but not bulk. He observed that the pool didn't look too terribly bad, since the leaf fall was pretty fresh. "I'll just get to it then, Linda! Won't be long," he reassured her. He kicked off his shoes and pulled his t-shirt off over his head much slower than was strictly necessary, though from her expression, Linda didn't agree with me about the show. Yep, the guy worked out. And he obviously spent a lot of his working day with no shirt, as his tan was as burnished as Linda's. He grabbed the cleaning tools and headed for the stairs into the pool to begin wading around, cleaning thoroughly.

"I was just going to sunbathe, Danny. Hope you don't mind," she replied and turned toward her chaise. He paused and his gaze followed her. She reached behind her back, loosened her bikini top and pulled it off over her head! Those tits were just as amazing as I had imagined. They bounced with each step she took. And they had perfectly round, rosy aureoles, with nipples that were visibly, even from my vantage point, perked up. She stood beside the chaise and slid her bottoms off as well. Her ass was just a perfect as the rest of her, rounded, buoyant, and utterly smooth. She slid down on the chaise and started rubbing lotion over her entire body.

I was transfixed, both by the view and by the scenario playing out before me. I'm not often jealous of other guys, but I made an exception with Danny. He was ten times closer to that vision, and had no branches waving around in his sight lines. I wished I owned binoculars.

Danny made short work of the pool, even with the job made more difficult by the fact that his eyes kept straying from his task. When done, he walked out of the pool, water sluicing off his muscles. His red swim trunks plastered soggily against him and even as baggy as they were, they could not hid a distinct bulge within that I could see all the way up in the tree. He put the tools in the rack and walked straight over to Linda, who was writing out a check.

"Here you go, Danny," she said, setting the check down on the table beside her... the side away from Danny. She rolled over on her side and propped herself up as he reached her. "You got here so fast, and did such a good job, I think you deserve a special tip today."

"Thank you, Linda!" he replied quietly as she reached out and tugged his trunks off him and to the concrete patio! Damn. Not only was this kid built, his swiftly hardening cock was as big as mine, though with a distinct curve to it. Whether this was going to be a 'special' tip or not seemed unclear to me, for Danny sure seemed to be unsurprised to find his client grabbing his cock with intent. Linda stroked its rigid length with her fingers, then leaned in to slurp it into her mouth. Her head turned and rolled as she suckled noisily on his head. She licked at his shaft, then licked and sucked on his balls as well. Then she straightened up and began to slide his cock all over and in between her perfectly shaped and sized tits, teasing her own nipples with the head. She let her head loll back and her eyes seemed to close behind her dark glasses as she reveled in the feel of rubbing his cock across her chest. His hands found their way to her boobs as well, cupping and massaging them. They each toyed with the other like this for some time. It was one fucking hell of a show.

Danny pressed her tits together around his scimitar-like cock and began to thrust his hips. But she straightened up and began to suck on him once more instead, bobbing her head more eagerly now. Linda didn't blow him for long, however. When he began to groan in pleasure, she popped him free of her mouth and looked up. "As I said, I'm feeling like a special tip today, Danny," she smiled. She reached out and pulled him down onto the chaise atop her. He bent to suck on her erect nipples, first one, then the other. Linda toyed with his ass for a bit, enjoying his attentions, before she pulled him in between her legs.

"Oh, we really ARE going for a special tip today," Danny chuckled happily. He obviously felt her need and slid his fat cock against her, and then into her. Both sighed in satisfaction at his entry.

He tried to go slow, but soon I was watching a frenzied pounding, with him grunting and her quietly urging him on. His mouth locked on hers and his left hand fumbled for a breast, fondling it eagerly as he thrusted. Linda had broken out in a sweat and soon was writing happily beneath Danny as he worked, working much harder than when he was cleaning the pool.

He suddenly gasped and I could see in Linda's face that she could feel his cum spurting inside her. She gasped loudly as he shuddered to a halt. "Don't leave me hanging, Danny," she begged. He manfully resumed his thrusts and in short order Linda's hands were raking his ass cheeks as she bucked beneath him in ecstasy. Now they both collapsed, exhausted. He finally propped himself up over her, his cock still buried inside her. "Gee, thanks for the tip, Mrs. Tarlington!" he said brightly, imitating a 50's sitcom kid.

Linda swatted his ass, and pushed him off of her. "You have other customers to get to, I'm sure, Danny," she said with mock sternness. "And I cannot do my tanning with your lovely muscled body draped on top of me!" She grabbed the check and handed it to him after he pulled on his shorts. He thanked her again, genuinely but almost casually this time, grabbed his shirt, and let himself out.

Linda watched him go and writhed a little on her chaise after he left, but she was clearly spent.

Her phone rang and she picked up, grabbing her suit and rising to walk indoors. "Hey honey! How was your day? Are you in Phoenix yet?"

"What do you mean, you are still stuck in Houston? What happened?" she exclaimed with genuine sympathy in her voice as she entered her house. And just like that, she was gone.

I climbed down carefully, drenched in sweat myself. When I got to the bottom, I looked at the blessedly burnt-out bulb in my hand. My cock throbbed in my pants. Time for a cold shower? Nah. It would take a bucket of ice water to make this go away. Instead I changed clothes and headed out. First to Home Depot, then probably to that strip club. I needed a sure thing.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Same old, same old, no story just regurgitated frat boy rubbish. Pretends respect but in reality just treats women as his playthings.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well... I think you can do better.

Alistaire is much more sympathetic a a hero.

This guy needs some more empathy. And a bit more realism in the story. Living there couple of weeks, and never seen the neighbours..?

The guy is well build amd goid looking, so no need to buy love or sex in a stripclub.

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