Identical Twins and Father Ch. 03


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"Great, good rehearsals. We hardly saw each other. It looked like two guys were trying to monopolize the girls' attention."

"Nice boys, I hope," she replied, looking at Paula and Klara. They nodded slightly with more bashful smiles than he had seen all weekend. One replied:

"Of course, Mom; it's a church choir."

"They looked nice, well, not like you sometimes understood how I used the word," he enjoined, adding: "Quite proper young guys."

"I hope so. Anyway, here you are again," to him: "Thanks for driving them."

"My pleasure," he replied, almost biting his tongue as he avoided adding: just wish I had seen more of them.

She nodded, with a little better smile, and turned back into the house. The girls grinned at him, nodding. One murmured:

"Ours too," her sister nodding again, adding in a normal voice:

"And lots of thanks from us too."

"From me too," her sister added.

They both smiled, raising their cheeks - winking with both eyes. He did the same and turned back to his car. On the few steps to it, he thought: oh yes, they all wanted to do it again, somehow, somewhere, sometime.

Hoping the girls survived any questions from their mother, he drove home, wondering what Louise's would be. She didn't have any, just pleased to have him back home and accepting his telling about the weekend. In the evening, she seemed more affectionate than usual. He marked it up to their not having been together Friday and Saturday night, recognizing that he should feel equally deprived. When that word came to mind, he thought, "depraved" could be more appropriate.

Sunday nights, they usually didn't do anything, but as they were getting ready to go to bed, they both were smirking and chuckling. They didn't have to do more to confirm what they both wanted to do. They did, Louise on top as usual. He tried not to compare her pussy with the tight ones of his daughters, but forgot about that when she surprised him: smirking and sliding her hand down to rub her pussy. Even though his daughters had both done that, he didn't have to feign his surprise.

"Oooh! Where did you get that idea?"

"You don't mind?"

"Anything that feels good. Where?"

"Oh, I've thought about, didn't want to suggest that you didn't do it good enough. You do."

"You do too, better than ..., well, you know."

"Like with you."

"Oooh! Yeah, do it; that feels good. Mmmm!"

"Mmmm! Uh-hmm, when your cock does that!"

"Um-hmm, so where?"

"Hmm? I was horny last night."

"Me too," he lied very easily.

"So, well, I watched a couple of videos. Oh, I was a little embarrassed about doing that, finding websites like that. Shit! There must be thousands!"

"But you did?"

"If you don't mind?"

"If you want to do that now; I guess you saw girls doing it?"

"Um-hmm. Sort of like using both hands before we met."

"Guys can't, unless they have a lot more than I have."

"Hm-hmm! Still wouldn't need to; one hand the right place is enough, I would have thought."

"For me, before we met. Don't stop."

"Talking too much."

"Should have before."


She rubbed her clitoris and hummed, and he moaned with chuckle. Her hips began to rock, and he moaned again, and she did, her eyes half closed. Her pussy's clutches let him forget his daughters' pussies. The churning movements of her hips, let him think that she had also seen that in the videos, but forgot about videos; it was feeling too arousing for him to think about anything other than what his cock was enjoying. With unrestrained moans, she came - wetter than he remembered - and he did. Then she dropped down on him, her tongue finding his mouth before their open lips met. Her tongue and her hips insisted that she wanted to fuck.

When his hands urged her hips to meet the thrusts of his -- quite unnecessarily -- his fingers crept closer down in her crevice. He wasn't thinking about his daughters; his fingers just creeping by themselves. Before he realized where they were going, Louise nodded and murmured:

"Saw that too, if you want to."

His fingers rubbed over her asshole. She chuckled, nodding again, then moaning, her tongue back in his mouth. It fucked, they fucked, and his finger did a little, too. When they had both come, she collapsed on him, his arms embracing her.

He waited for her to recover, pleased that he had been able to come twice again after the weekend with Paula and Klara, and pleased that Louise had discovered something new, then realizing that she would be wondering why he hadn't done that before. He was right; she raised her head and said:

"Oh, that was good, but now I can ask."

He facedly lied again:

"Also videos, just a few. Never did it before and didn't dare with you. But after you admitted watching a couple, well ...."

She chuckled replying:

"Two of us, and at our age! Still can learn something."

"Um-hmm, something good."

"Or too bad, but I liked it."

"Wicked Louise."

"Only with you, with your help."

They chuckled and kissed and rolled over to go to sleep, with his arm around her, his hand holding her not so firm breast. She fell asleep before he did.

He had trouble going to sleep, not trouble, just many pleasant thoughts that kept him awake: all about what he and his twin daughters had done; that it had been so good with Louise, also his lies, a little proud that he actually never looked at porn videos; but thankful that the girls had, since that experience had made it good with Louise. He fell asleep trying to justify to himself that sleeping again with Paula and Klara wouldn't be being unfaithful to Louise, not like sleeping with another woman; they were just his daughters, would always be just his daughters, even if they did more with each other - together - than, he hoped, anyone would know.

They did. Sex with Louise was better than it had been, but that didn't stop him from thinking about his daughters. When they met at the next choir rehearsal, the girls' effusive thanks for his taking them to the choir weekend said everything, as did their smiles at the following rehearsal, that looked like they were pursing their lips for a kiss. He kidded himself: what's a father for, if he doesn't do whatever he can to make his daughters happy. Just how, when?

Then ...! One afternoon, he got a call at his desk, surprised to hear the voice of one of his daughters:

"Mom's going to a movie tonight with an old girlfriend."

"Whisper," he heard her sister say, apparently then holding the phone closer and whispering:

"Rehearsal, we could skip it."

"We can," the other whispered.

"You know, periods," the other whispered.

"Yeah, quick; she's just in the kitchen."

"Okay," he replied, and the girls hung up.

He snorted with a wry smile. They had solved the problem and settled any doubts about their wanting to again. He had to assume that they knew their mother would be away long enough. At supper that evening, he was glad that Louise didn't have an interest in music, only sometimes, perhaps just politely, asking about the choir. He was a little relieved that she didn't that evening and told himself to try to forget about how he was going to spend the rest of the evening until he got in the car.

He remembered, however, when he was brushing his teeth, wondering he should wash his cock. He didn't. He told Louise good night, liking especially this time that she usually was sleeping when he returned from choir rehearsals. In the car, he suddenly worried that she might want to do more than sleep when he returned -- after whatever he was going to do with the girls? What did they have in mind? He couldn't think of anything they wouldn't - and all in two hours?

He parked around the corner. He was pleased to see that there was only light in the window of the girls' room, thinking it was clever of them to let him know their mother had left. He knocked on the door, surprised when it was immediately opened. Both girls were grinning at him in the light from the street, that let him see that they were already wearing the shorty nightgowns they had worn the first evening of rehearsal weekend. As if he needed to be reminded, he thought, returning their grins.

"Hi Pops," they both said, and one closed the door, the other one taking his hand and leading him in the dark to their room. It occurred to him that he again wasn't going to know which was which, then wondering if that was an excuse for incest, well, somehow a lessening factor, but of course, if they were both his twin daughters. Just their bedside lamps were on. In the room, they grinned at him again, and one spoke first - usually Paula?

"We know what we want to do."

"Yeah, and that we don't have much time for it all."

They both pulled their nighties up enough to let him see that they weren't wearing panties. He started unbuttoning his shirt, pleased that he wasn't wearing a t-shirt, replying:

"Sounds like you may have been planning too much."

"Maybe, so hurry," one replied, reaching unbuckle his belt.

He let her open his trousers, while he took off his shirt, murmuring:

"I didn't wash."

"Doesn't matter," the other replied, her sister, pulling his trousers down, adding:

"Sometimes we don't."

"But we have already."

"And what do you want to do?"

"Everything," the girls both replied, grinning at him.

"Don't you have boyfriends?"

"Can't do everything with them."

"Not like we can with you."

"Have to let them think they know more than we do."

"And don't want them thinking we are like some girls at school, ..."

"Who do, and have reputations."

The one had slipped his loafers off and was urging him to raise a foot to take off his trousers. He stepped out of them and began to push down his shorts, liking that she was going to see his cock at close range. She could have stood up, but didn't, giving him a quick grin and waiting to see it, then chuckling with nod and grin. It was very relaxed, but not as small as it could be, and his sack was also very relaxed. She murmured:

"We want to do that too."

"I wanted to before, but forgot."

Was there something else they could do, he wondered, murmuring:


"Suck your balls," the one replied, who had forgotten to do it.

"Hm-hmm! That will be new for me too," recalling what had surprised him on the weekend, then recalling their talking about maybe also licking each other's asshole. The one who had taken off his pants, now helping him step out of his shorts, replied:

"Oh, that's good."

The other one smirked at him, apparently reading his thoughts, and said:

"We did that too, then."

"After you did first."

"You said you wanted me to."

"I just said that you could, if you wanted to."

"And then liked it enough to want to let me feel what it was like."

"Hmmm? I'd better wash, if you want to do that," he remarked with wry smile.

"Maybe another time, but you can do it to us, if you're curious."

"We have - washed," the one at his feet said, smirking up at him, then looking back down at his cock and balls, remarked:

"But this is what we wanted to do first," reaching up and gently fondling his balls in his slack sack. His cock was getting more interested.

"And then?" he asked. Her sister said to her:

"Oh, go ahead. You said I could first, but since you're there, and I'll tell Pops."

"Hmm? No one asks me what I want to do," he remarked, feigning a scowl, very difficult, while watching his daughter fondling him and licking her lips. His eyes couldn't leave her, as her sister began to explain:

"One of us do that first, ..." He was watching her lean closer, ignoring his stiffening cock, getting her mouth close enough to his sack to let her fingers push his ball between her open lips, as her sister continued:

"Well, that too, and then you do that to one of us, and then really do it. You should be able to again by then ..." He was watching and feeling her lips slip around his ball, feeling her suck it into her mouth. He hummed, hardly listening to her sister:

"And then we do it again."

"Mmmm! That feels good. What did you say? Oh, and what are you going to do?"

"Hm-hmm! Want to sit down? We said we'd do it to each other while the other did it to you and you did it to her."

Her sister nodded, sucking his cock and caressing with her tongue. He moaned and murmured:

"I'd better sit down."

He waited for her to let his ball slip from her mouth and backed up to the nearest bed. She followed him on her knees, giving her sister a grin and nod, then smiling at him and saying:

"Liked that."

It didn't sound like a question but he nodded. He was tempted to ask how long they had been planning this, but didn't, also because the head of his cock was slipping between her lips, not the moment to think about anything else; she was sucking and licking, making it stiffer, as he watched her.

Then at the edge of his narrowing field of vision, he noticed her sister lying down behind her on her back, pushing her head under her hips, reminding him of what she had told, evidently planned in detail. His twitching cock let him forget that, except for hoping that he could fulfill his part of their ambitious plan.

Between moans, once his eyes darted up and saw that the one on the floor was rubbing her own pussy. Of course, he thought, she had just forgotten to tell him that. The girls knew there was no time to waste by prolonging any phase of their plan. When he had come in the mouth of his cock-sucking daughter, she immediately crawled up next to him on the bed, rolling over and spreading her thighs -- his turn. He dropped to his knees and moved between them, as her sister scramble off the floor and straddled her sister's face.

Two already aroused pussies took only half as long to reach orgasm as one unaroused pussy. That pseudo mathematical theorem came to him after the second phase, after also wondering if girls could do it to each better and faster than a male could. Or had he been too distracted, glancing up and watching, to do what he should have? Whatever, he had then made his cock-sucking and apparently so good pussy-licking daughter come.

Her sister had been right, his cock was ready to fuck, but what was she going to do? It was all their idea, and she had rolled aside. He wanted to fuck, and she had said he should "really do it." He rose up on his knees. Had they anticipated that his cock would be just the right level to fuck them on their beds?

"Fuck me!" his daughter demanded softly. He didn't like her having said it so bluntly; the expression on her face, her drawn back thighs and outstretched arms were invitation enough. He did, enjoying her tight young pussy, not liking that he couldn't avoid comparing it with Louise's, mother of two children the age of his daughters.

He had never fucked in that position, perfect for leaning down and sucking and nibbling her nipples. When they wanted to kiss, he drew her up, good for kissing, but not so good for fucking, until she drew her thighs up and locked her feet behind his back, squeezing his waist with her strong thighs. He rose off his knees and rocked her back, and fucked as hard as he could. She was moaning and gasping, but he still hadn't come.

When he finally did, she was whimpering like a distraught child, but her hips had been meeting every thrust of his cock in her pussy. He collapsed on her, both exhausted, their stomachs heaving against each other.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Another incomprehensible mess

Once again, full of him, and he, and she, and her, leaving the reader to guess who the fuck is talking to who - you can't write dialog, you've been told this repeatedly, why do you persist in coming back and taking up space that could have been usefully employed by a writer with talent, ability, vision, style or sense of humor, none of which you possess? - please go away and stop posting, your stuff gives me an acute attack of the shits

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Only 4 snorts in the story? I feel ripped off.

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