Identical Twins, Two Pairs Ch. 01


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"Then trying to more, different ways."

"Um-hmm, trying to enjoy that longer." Paula agreed.

"Until you couldn't stand it any more."

"Or you couldn't," Paula replied with a smirk.

They all snickered. Then Richard asked:

"No boyfriends back home?"

"No," the girls replied in unison without glancing at each other, Paula then asking:

"And no girlfriends back home?"

The boys shrugged, and Guillaume replied:

"You know we didn't have any like that."

"We just talked about how good it was with you."

"Just talked?" Paula asked with a sly grin.

The boys glanced at each other, blushing slightly. Richard replied:

"Not just talking, telling each other how good it was with you," Guillaume adding:

"Like you wanted to do first, now,"

"And, of course, like we just did," Richard added, Guillaume nodding and adding:

"We can't do it that good."

"That's good!" the girls remarked with grins. Then Klara murmured:

"You could have, too," then blushed and added:

"Oh! I didn't mean to suggest anything."

The boys were also blushing, not risking glances at each other, but both nodding slightly once. There was moment of silence. Then they shrugged involuntarily, and Richard murmured:

"We'd been talking too much, ..."

"And one of us said - doesn't matter which one - he would if the other one wanted to."

"You did?!" the girls both exclaimed.

The boys' blushes and expressions were answer enough. There was another, longer silence, then Klara murmured:

"Why not? We did; same difference."

The boys' expressions relaxed a little as they nodded again, and Paula repeated:

"Why not? We did; same difference, and if it was better than what you had been doing."

The boys smiled very wryly, nodding. Richard snorted, wrinkling his nose and murmured:

"It was, of course. Didn't bother us until after we had done it, ..."

"And not really then. Well, a little, but we had - identical twins, like you."

"Um-hmm, too good not to do it again."

"Oh, I like that, if you did, if we do," Klara remarked, adding:

"Identical twins. We're not going to do it with other girls."

"And we sure aren't with other guys!" Guillaume exclaimed, Richard nodding emphatically.

"And 'funny', like with us?" Paula asked.

The boys glanced at each other, shaking their heads. Richard remarked: "That didn't occur to us."

Klara smiled understandingly and said:

"If you want to try here, we wouldn't mind."

Paula grinned, but shook her head, remarking:

"No! We are going to suck any dicks or willies in this room."

They all snickered again, the boys nodding, now with relaxed grins. Richard smirked and replied:

"But if you want to show us how you do it, ..."

The girls glanced at each other, shrugging and then grinning. Paula chuckled and said:

"We talked too, about what we could do with both of you, ..."

"If we did that, all four of us," Klara added.

"All four of us?" the boys asked together, one murmuring: "how?"

The girls grinned, nodding. Paula smirked and explained:

"You know where we like to be licked - where we like to lick each other, so you could help us."

"Not with your tongues," Klara added.

The boys chuckled with grins, now having understood. The girls also grinned, nodding, and one suggested that they move the girls' beds together. The boys sprang up with swinging cocks. As they started to shove the bed, the girls told them to pick it up and grinned at them, spreading their thighs and rubbing their pussies. When the beds were together, the girls lay down across them, giving the boys a final smirk, before their faces disappeared between each other's thighs. The boys grinned at each other and held their cocks, rubbing them. They nodded their heads to suggest which of them should lie down behind which of the girls.

The view of the girls' embracing each other's hips and their hums made their cocks stiff. When one of the girls beckoned with her hand, the boys also hummed with chuckles and lay down behind the girls, thrusting their cocks between the girls' thighs. When the girls immediately helped their cocks find their sister's pussy, they moaned and held her breast, thrusting their "dick" and "willie" deeper.

They assumed that the girls had planned this just from their experience after they started licking each other's pussy, believing that they only had during the Christmas break. Paula and Klara had been planning it since then. The boys couldn't know, however, that they had a lot longer experience together and with their father, but having to take turns with his cock in one of their pussies, while they aroused each other.

They were a little surprised when the girls' hands slid around their hips, but that was also nice, that they wanted to include them, to encourage them to help arouse the pussy they were licking -- not that they needed any encouragement. They moaned and rocked their hips a few times, but then felt their cocks being squeezed in response to what the girls' tongues were doing. With chuckling moans, they held their hips still and enjoyed the arousing sensation of feeling the girls' vaginae clutching, making their cocks twitch and surge.

Then they were much more surprised, when the girls' fingers crept down between the cleft of their hips. When it was apparent where the fingers were heading, both boys gave a surprised, questioning "uhn?!"

"Uhn-hnnn," the girls responded, a moment later their fingertips rubbing over the boys' assholes.

"Oooh! Uhn!" they responded to the surprising, new sensation, feeling their assholes contract and hearing the girls chuckle in their throats, as their fingers rubbed, apparently enjoying what they were doing and feeling the effect it had, also in their pussies, the boys' cocks twitching when their assholes contracted. The boys moaned and squeezed the girls' breasts, confirming their appreciation of the additional arousing sensation.

"Uhn-hnnn," the girls agreed. For as long as they all could stand it, just the girls' tongues and fingers moving, as they exchanged moans in response to feeling cocks surge in clutching pussies. Then the girls' hips twitched. The boys# couldn't hold still any longer. Clutching the girls' breasts, they began to fuck, fucking and grunting.

The girls responded with pulsing moans: "Uhn-uhn-uhn ...!" their pussies overflowing, as the boys' cocks spurted deep in their pussies.

It wasn't until they all had begun to recover, that the boys realized that the girls' fingers hadn't been just rubbing over their assholes. When they slipped out, they gave a surprised "Uhn!" It was still a minute or two before anyone spoke. Then Paula murmured:

"God, that was good, better than we hoped."

"Um-hmm," Klara agreed.

"Hmm?! It was," Guillaume agreed, Richard adding:

"Didn't know to hope that it would be that good."

They all chuckled warmly and rolled back. The girls reached down and fondled the cock that had been her pussy, all chuckling again. After a few moments, Richard asked:

"Whose idea was that? Your fingers? Oh, it was good, just surprising."

"Not too, I hope," Paula replied.

"We do it," Klara murmured, Paula nodded, adding:

"Weren't sure if we should, but, well, if we like it, must feel good for you too."

"Oh, it did! And for my cock in you too," Guillaume agreed.

"Hm-hmm! It sure did," Klara agreed, adding:

"We hadn't known it would be good like that, ..."

"Feeling you twitching and surging like that," Paula elucidated.

"In your clutching pussy, Paula," Richard replied.

"No, in mine," Klara replied, snickering and fondling his cock.

They all chuckled. Guillaume snorted and said:

"No, that's my 'willie'."

They all laughed, only the respective twin sure who had spoken, all enjoying that it didn't matter whose "willie" or "dick" had been in whose pussy. The boys rolled back towards the girls and both reached over and fondled the breasts of both girls, chuckling again. The girls also chuckled, smiling at them and then pursing their lips. "Kiss," one murmured. They let go of the boys' cocks and drew their arms up. The boys rolled half on them and did, the girls opening their thighs, so the boys' could drop down between them.

The all hummed as they kissed, chuckling as their tongues caressed and were sucked, now in one mouth and then in the other. The way the girls' thighs held the boys' suggested that the girls could be wanting more, but the boys' cocks weren't so easily aroused after three orgasms. When the girl's thighs clutched together on his again, one of the boys murmured:

"Want us to do that again, to you?" His brother nodded, retrieving his tongue and remarking:

"Don't think we can do anything else."

"We could try, to you; still would be good," his partner suggested, her sister agreeing:

"You know we like to do it; would still feel good."

"Hmm?" the boys both responded, one replying:

"It would, but don't expect too much."

"Don't expect anything," his brother added, smiling down at his partner.

"Oooh! That's a challenge," she replied with a grin, squeezing his thigh.

"But we will, expect something," her sister enjoined, adding:

"We know that your tongues still can."

"Might taste a little funny now," her sister remarked, then adding:

"Oh, you know how that tastes."

"Um-hmm," the boys agreed, blushing a little as they recalled that they had told the girls that they had sucked each other's cock, then both replying:

"If you want to."

The girls nodded with grins, and they all sat up, looking at each other, the boys exchanging slightly bemused smiles, glancing down at the other's only slightly aroused cock. One of the girls remarked:

"I want to suck the other one this time. Whose?"

"Me too," her sister agreed.

"We do too," the boys enjoined.

They all snickered. Klara leaned back and spread her thighs, remarking:

"One of you must have seen my little mole."

"Um-hmm, me," one of the boys replied with a grin.

"Then I get to suck your cock," Paula said, grinning at him.

"And I, your pussy."

"We had another idea," Klara remarked, glancing at Paula, who nodded and said:

"Oh, yes. One night, we wondered if all four of us could together."

"All four of us? Like how?"

"If it works, but then you'll both have to lick the same pussy again, or we suck the same cock again."

"Oh, like that," both boys replied, one adding:

"What you two think about at night."

"Just to remind ourselves that it's better with you."

"And with you," his brother added, remarking:

"Good thing, seeing how much you like to, like to feel like you're doing to yourselves."

The girls exchanged glances, shrugging. The other sister replied:

"Guess we do, when we can't with you."

"You did it too, when we weren't around."

"You ought to try that," her sister added: "try to make it feel like that."

The boys glanced at each other, scowling, but shrugging. The other girl murmured:

"We wouldn't mind; we do it."

"You can here, if you want. We'll turn off the light, if you don't want to be watched."

The boys glanced at each other again with shrugs. Then one said:

"We'd better try with all four of us." His brother added:

"You said first that you wanted the other one."

The girls nodded with smiles, and they moved to lie down in a quadrangle.

The girls enjoyed being able to start with the boys' unaroused cocks in their mouths, while the boys chuckled at the taste that one or the other of them had come in the pussy he was licking. They had been right, that their cocks could be reluctant to come a fourth time, but the girls were patient, chuckling when their cocks finally stiffened, their tongues and their sucking demonstrating that they really enjoyed what they were doing. When the girls' fingers again began to help, the boys chuckled and nodded, and their fingers slid in close to their noses, the girls then also nodding with hums that vibrated on their cocks.

The boys teased the girls' pussies, until their cocks began to surge and their hips twitched. The girls' hips then also twitched, and they groaned insistently in their throats, sucking and licking more eagerly. The boys nodded, humming as their tongues concentrated on arousing the girls' clitorises.

When they had all come, the boys were surprised to discover that their fingers had been drawn into the girls' assholes, only aware, when the girls withdrew their fingers, realizing then that that they had to too. They both snorted with a questioning "hmm?" One of the girls murmured:

"We liked that you that did too," her sister adding:

"Um-hmm. Hm-hmm! And knew that you could come again."

"Not better than you did," the boy who had been licking her pussy replied.

"Or you, all wet," his brother added to the other girl: "tastes so good."

"We know," both girls replied, chuckling.

They all rolled back, their heads still resting on the thigh of person whose cock or pussy they had been enjoying. The boys then also chuckled, and one remarked:

"I guess you do, lucky."

"Every night?" his brother asked.

"Oooh! Hm-hmm! Not every night."

"But most of them; just too good not to," her sister added.

"Um-hmm, why not? Easier and better way to go to sleep."

"Not at first, but then it just seem a good way quickly to fall asleep."

"Um-hmm, better than lying in our beds, wondering if we both wanted to."

"We did. We do, not as long as we did now -- just to stop wondering if we wanted to."

"Hope you don't mind," the other girl added.

The boys chuckled, one replying:

"No, of course not."

"Especially since you also like to do it with us."

"Oh, we do!" both girls replied, one then adding:

"Sometimes we just sleep together."

"We always do, when we have."

"Until one of us rolls over and goes back to her bed."

"Back to a cold bed."

"Why we take turns, but it's so nice, falling to sleep in bed with someone."

"Not with my brother, I don't think," a boy replied, his brother agreeing:

"I don't think so, either."

The girls nodded on the boys thighs. Then one replied:

"You could with us."

"Sometimes girls leave their room in the morning with a boyfriend," her sister added.

"One of us could go to breakfast early, well, two of us, and the others later."

The boys hummed, grinning up at the ceiling. Then one asked:

"And if we roll over and fall out of bed?"

"Not with them together like this," a girl replied.

They all hummed with chuckles, nodding. Then the other girl said:

"But not tonight; we both have an early lecture."

"Saturday night," her sister suggested.

"If you really mean it?" a boy asked.

"We do," the girls replied together.

The boys found a breast to fondle, and the girls held the hand on her breast, all of them humming warmly. They got up, and the girls helped the boys move the bed back. As the boys were getting dressed, the girls smiled, and one said:

"But we're not going to again tonight."

"Just sleep together," the other added.

Her sister nodded with a smile. When the boys were dressed, the girls embraced them with good kisses, snickering as they moved to embrace and kiss the other boy, chuckling when their hands held their naked asses. They left the room quietly. On the way back to their dorm, they snorted and exchanged comments about their good luck, then wondering what else they could do with the girls, chuckling and asking each other what else the girls could think they could do.

Saturday evening, when the boys were washing and shaving, their roommate asked if they were having good dates. Richard and Guillaume grinned and said that they were pretty sure, telling him not to expect them back until very late. He grinned and asked if that was a promise. They grinned and assured him that they wouldn't be back before midnight. He then also grinned and said that maybe he would also have a better date than he had been hoping. They wished him luck and then were dressed and on their way in the winter weather to Paula's and Klara's dorm, this time with a bottle of wine.

They greeted them outside the dorm, waiting in overcoats and winter boots, chuckling and grinning, delighted that they had brought the bottle of wine. When they were in the girls' room, the boy understood the girls' chuckling. After they took off their boots, they opened their coats, revealing that that was all they were wearing, grinning and snickering at the boys' surprise. This time, they waited until the boys were also naked, before they embraced them, the girls' hands then as eager as the boys' to hold their hips together, as their tongues caressed.

When their cocks pressed against the girls, they let them spring up, and rubbed them with their stomachs, chuckling. Finally, one of the girls murmured:

"We want to be salacious, raunchy."

"Taking turns, want both of you," her sister added.

"Oooh! How?" both boys asked.

"Mmmm! How else?" the other girl replied with a grin, rocking her hips up and licking her lips with her mouth open.

"Both of us?!" the boys asked.

"Um-hmmmm!" her sister confirmed, also licking her lips.

"Like that, both of us? What is your sister going to do?"

The girls chuckled with smirks and replied together:

"Wait for her turn, but help."

"Anything you want."

"Any way you want, his brother agreed, adding: "Don't know how."

"We think we do," one girl replied. The other brother murmured:

"Must have been fun, trying to figure out how."

"It was," the other girl agreed with a snicker, her sister also snickering, nodding and adding:

"After we had together, but wishing we had a 'willie' or 'dick', ..."

"And then wanting to have both of them."

"Move the bed," her sister demanded.

When the beds were together, the boys' cocks had relaxed a little, but the girls just grinned, gesturing to one of the boys to sit down at the edge of the second bed. He sat down, shrugging at his brother. The girls nodded their approval. Despite the attractive view of both girls, his cock was sagging lower, as was his brother's, but the girls didn't seem to mind, smirking at each other. One murmured that he should lie down. When he did, she nodded and backed up to him with his legs between hers and lowered her ass on his hips, chuckling and murmuring:

"We drew straws, but she's going to get to enjoy it longer."

She lay back on him and found his hands, putting them on her breasts. He began to understand what the girls wanted to do, when her sister pushed his knees apart, and he heard her tell his brother: "She wants to suck your cock."

"Yes, kneel over us," the girl lying on him added.

He tilted his head to the side and watched his brother clamber up over them, his cock and balls dangling, when they came into view. The girl's hand left his, and he saw one touch his brother's balls, hearing her warm chuckle, as he felt his own balls being jostled, hearing her sister's chuckle.

Then hands were guiding their cocks to the girls' mouths. He moaned, and his brother moaned, dropping down on his hands behind their heads. He forgot about his brother, as he felt his cock stiffen again in a warm, moist mouth, its tongue doing what felt so arousing on the back of the head of his cock. Very briefly, it occurred to him that her sucking his cock was not what he had expected, not letting her sister have both of them. She was making his brother moan, and her sister was making him moan, but his cock was supposed to be in her sister's pussy. It didn't matter to him; it would be so good to come either way.

A couple of moans later, however, his cock popped out of her mouth and was pressed down on her sister's pussy. "Um-hmm," they both agreed, rocking their hips, and it slipped into a tighter, moist place. They both hummed, and he felt hands on the cheeks of her ass, helping her shift to let it slip even deeper in her pussy.