Identical Twins, Two Pairs Ch. 02


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Richard's last thought was that sleeping with his arm around a girl, her warm body next to his, was absolutely the nicest thing he could imagine, that her wanting his hand on her firm breast suggested that it was for her too.

In the morning, they had rolled apart. When he woke up, he was surprised to feel an arm on his chest and a thigh resting on his. The feeling was very pleasant, but it took him a moment to remember that he was in the girls' room, to remember that they had invited him and Guillaume to sleep the night with them, not just to "sleep," of course. He chuckled softly, but then remembered how they had not "just slept," not just the girls' sucking their cocks! Then he recalled their sympathetic agreement that they liked that he and his brother also had. Relieved, he rolled back under her arm, putting his around her.

When her arm held him closer, for a moment he wondered about her experience, that she responded to his stirring her as though it was were a natural reflex - with whom, how many times, with how many other boys?

His questions weren't answered, when she just hummed softly, her arm holding him again. He didn't really want any, apologizing to himself for wondering; he didn't know which girl he was embracing. It was just so nice and comfortable. Was his twin brother having the same thoughts; they often did?

If Guillaume was, his response was different. Richard was surprised at hearing him murmur:

"Oh, nice. Mmmm, very nice."

"Um-hmm," he heard the other twin girl agree.

Richard wondered how they were lying together. Her sister had apparently also heard them, her hand moving on his back. His also did, and they both humming very softly, confirming that they were awake and listening. Then they heard the others chuckling, also very softly, then heard him murmur:

"Mmmm, also nice."

"Um-hmm, just like to hold them."

"Hm-hmm, and they like that you do."

The girl under Richard's arm chuckled and murmured:

"I like to hold them too."

Her hand was sliding down his back and over his hip. He hummed and rolled his hip back and murmured::

"Mine do too."

"Mmmm, that's good," she murmured, chucking softly, as her fingers slid further, then gathering his soft sack and balls in her hand. His cock was touching her hand, but then it wasn't, and they both chuckled warmly again, she again, when it brushed up against her. Richard hummed, nodding, holding her closer again, his stiff cock pressing against her. She hummed, fondling his balls. His hand slid back around and fondled her breast, her nipple. She hummed again, an encouraging, chuckling hum.

They heard their siblings' similar hums, then heard hers murmur:

"It wants me to hold it too."

"Even more," Guillaume murmured, then humming.

"Mine too," Richard murmured with a chuckle, after a moment chuckling and adding:

"That's not just holding it."

"She isn't either," Guillaume enjoined with a warm chuckle, no longer murmuring.

"We're identical twins," Richard's partner replied, giggling.

"Like us," Richard responded, squeezing her breast.

They all chuckled. For a few moments the boys just moaned, the girls chuckling. Then one of them snickered and said:

"I know how we could hold them even better."

They all chuckled again, nodding, but Richard replied facetiously:

"Oh, I thought mine was being held as good as it could be."

"Just with my hand," his partner replied, squeezing his cock as hard as she could."

"Hm-hmm! You're right; you can hold it even tighter somewhere else."

They all almost laughed, as the girls rolled them back and lay on them, grinning, smirking at them, their legs spreading and holding the boys' together for a moment, then drawing up, raising their hips. The boys both moaned, returning the girls' smirks, as their hands reached down and helped their cocks find the mouths of the girls' vaginae.

"Uhmmmm!" they all moaned, as the girls' hips rocked down, engulfing and squeezing the boys' cocks in their tight pussies. The girls knew what else they wanted; their tongues thrust in the boys' mouths, wanting to be sucked and held, like their pussies were holding their cocks, then wanting their nipples to be sucked, moaning and encouraging them to be maltreated, and moaning just as encouragingly when the boys' hands slid down the girls' backs, and their fingers probed. The girls moaned in response, and their hips rocked, and the boys' did. They all moaned, eventually with pulsing moans, then demanding, desperately insisting moans.

Then the girls collapsed with exhausted gasps and satisfied moans, their pussies full and overflowing, the boys sighing and moaning the same way.

With heaving stomachs, they recovered, the boys' embracing the girl who was lying heavy on him. It was several minutes before they moved, having almost dozed off. Finally, one of the girls made the banal remark: "Hope the laundry doesn't smell our sheets."

The others chuckled, and they all sat up, just smiling at each other. When the girls held their pussy lips together on the way the the bathroom, they all just smiled wryly. One used the toilet. After a moment, her sister stepped in the shower, dripping before her stream arched out. The boys were both using the washbasin, only surprised when they turned back and saw her there. She shrugged with an apologetic smirk and asked: "Shower with me?"

The nearest boy immediately grinned and joined her. The other two grinned at each other, nodding, and watched them, chuckling as they enjoyed more than just washing each other, and that the other were observing them. The others enjoyed their shower the same way, all of them chuckling.

The girls had to find their clothes, since they had put them away to greet the boys just wearing their winter coats. When they were dressed, they all smirked, shrugging, and one pair left the room, after the girl had looked to see that no one was in the corridor. The other couple recognized that they had forgotten to move the bed back and did so, and then remade the beds. She checked that there was again no one in the corridor, and they left the room, chuckling.

They joined the other for breakfast, all of them trying not to smirk or chuckle.

After that, the boys joined the girls every Saturday night with a bottle of wine, the girls also providing one - group sex pure. They experimented with all the ways they could include all four of them. If one could only suck a cock or lick a pussy, that one was sure to get it better the next time.

The following week, the boys didn't suck each other's cock, but they had them sucked and fucked by both girls and licked both their pussies. In the morning, the girls licked each other's pussy, each with a cock in it. They agreed that that was the best way to satisfy all of them at once. The girls then told them that they would have their periods the next weekend, but explained that that didn't keep them from doing it to each other and that the boys could.

They did, and, of course, the girls both sucked their cocks. When they were going to bed, the girls suggested that the boys could also do it:

"try to make it feel like you're sucking your own, we will too."

The boys were a little hesitant, but in the dark, after the girls started, they did, very successfully, forgetting where they were and that the girls were with them. As they were chuckling at their success, they were surprised, when one of the girls asked:

"Did it work? Kiss us."

They blushed in the dark and kissed them. The girls' tongues explored in the boys' mouths, and both chuckled and murmured:

"You really did." The boys chuckled, no longer embarrassed, and one replied:

"Not as much as you got." They all snickered, and curled up and went to sleep.

In the morning, the boys wanted to lick a pussy, and the girls, to suck a cock.

The next week, Paula had been right: the girls had to share cocksucking with the boys. Richard was again alternating between licking Paula's pussy with Guillaume's cock in it, and sucking his cock. After Guillaume had made Klara come on his face, Richard helped them have their orgasms, his cock again aroused. He stood up and let Paula see it. She hummed with a grin and sat up, reaching out and grasping his balls, drawing him closer, and leaned down and licked up his precum.

With a chuckle, she slid off Guillaume's cock and dropped to her knees and began to suck his cock. Guillaume had moaned at having his cock drawn back. It sprang up a little, enough that Klara noticed. She grinned to herself with a hum and scrambled around so that she could suck it. Guillaume hummed questioningly and slapped her ass, but his cock responded to her sucking.

Both he and Richard were surprised, when she raised her head, giving them both a grin, then moving around and guiding his cock in her pussy, smirking at Guillaume as she lowered her hips on it with a pleased moan.

"Fuck, suck," Richard murmured to himself. The girls needed no encouragement. He was glad that he had already had a couple of orgasms and could enjoy what Paula was doing for longer, so he could watch the other two.

Klara was rocking her hips to and fro on his brother's cock, humming and chuckling, holding her breasts. Richard reached down and fondled Paula's. Then he saw Guillaume reach up and take Klara's from her hands. She nodded with hum, and he saw that one of her hands dropped down to her pussy. His brother chuckled, nodding. After a few moments, Klara snickered and her other hand reached behind her ass. Richard anticipated that she was going to massage Guillaume's balls, but her fingers found her own asshole. She really wanted it, every way she could, he thought, then liking the thought how good it would feel for his brother's cock.

But not better than what Paula was doing on his cock: he didn't have to encourage her to nod her head, fucking him with her mouth, and a pussy couldn't lick like her tongue was, maybe squeeze his cock better than her sucking felt, but it was so arousing that she wanted to do that with her mouth! He moaned, growling, aroused moans, and Paula moaned in her throat - she wanted it!

When his hips twitched, she grasped his cock - tight, like her pussy would squeeze it, letting it thrust in her grasp. Fuck! He was going to come before the others did! With a grunt, he did, knowing how it was feeling in Paula's mouth, as he spurted - like his brother did in his mouth. Fuck! That was so good, that he knew how it was for her too, knew why she liked it, like the girls had told them, that they really liked it! He had to hold her head still, then suffer the sensation of her licking his now overly sensitive cock.

But his brother's hips were trying to twitch under Klara's, and they were both moaning, moaning the way he knew they did when they were passed enjoying the anticipation, wanting the climax. Her finger wasn't just rubbing her asshole. He chuckled softly; he knew how that felt for her and knew how it felt for his cock - for his brother's cock - when her pussy clutched when her asshole tightened.

He felt Paula raise her head and looked down to see her looking up at him with cock-sucking smile, licking her lips. He hummed with a nod and grin. Then she turned to watch the other two with him. When she saw where her sister's finger was, she chuckled and immediately slid her hand under Gauillaume's ass. He responded with surprised "Uhnn!" then a pleased "Uhn-hnnn!" Paula's hand moved with his rocking hips, looking as though it were making them then rock harder and faster, slapping up against Klara's.

Richard and Paula moaned in empathy, pleased, approving moans, in contrast to Guillaume's groans and Klara's uncontrolled gasps and higher pitched, pulsing moans, as her thighs quivered. He grunted, and she whimpered like a distraught child. The last few slaps of their hips together sounded very wet. They were. When Paula drew her hand back, it was dripping.

Once the girls wanted to have both breasts sucked and nibbled while they were being fuck. Another time, they wondered if one of them could keep one of the boys balls in her mouth, while her sister sucked his cock to orgasm. They both could, despite his sack trying to pull it out of her mouth.

Very early one morning, the boys woke up with erections, and they started to fuck the girls from behind, then letting them turn on their backs, fucking them under their thigh. After their orgasms, they all dozed off again with the boys' cocks still in the girls' pussies.

That may have given the girls the idea to see if they could go to sleep with the boys' cocks in their mouths. That was another night when the girls had their periods, so there had been a lot of cock sucking, not just sixty-nine. The boys had also taken turns so they could do it the best way. When they lay down to sleep, one of the girls chuckled and said she wanted a pacifier. They moved to lie diagonally on the two beds, so that the girls could move down under the covers. The boys rolled towards them, and the girls got their soft cocks in their mouths, putting an arm around their hips and urging the boys to draw their leg up over them, so that they wouldn't roll apart.

Even though the girls did suck a little, after all the boys' orgasms, it only felt very intimate, and they really did fall asleep, the girls' noses nestling in the boys' pubic hair. Some time later, however, when slight movements stirred the girls a little, they began to nurse on their pacifiers again, still sleeping, and the boys were too. Their cocks, however, began to respond to the girls' just reflexive sucking and licking. Eventually they all woke up, the girls first, when their pacifiers began to fill their mouths, sliding deeper in them. Then the boys woke up and hummed warmly. The girls chuckled in their throats and then they weren't sucking pacifiers. When the boys had come, the girls moved up and kissed them, still chuckling, and they exchanged their impressions of how it had started.

They all had been dreaming. At first in their dreams, the girls had had a flashback to being toddlers with a nice, comforting pacifier in their mouths, then finding it strange that grew, but that was somehow also nice, and then nice, when they recognized that it was cock, still dreaming, no longer toddlers, of course. When the boys asked whose cock they were dreaming it was, the girls snickered and replied that it was just a nice, nameless cock: "a 'willie'," one added, the other suggesting: "or a 'dick'," and they all chuckled. Then the girls woke up and remembered where they were and whose cock: "well, one of yours." Then they waited for the boys to wake up, agreeing that they both had been wondering if they had also been dreaming.

The boys chuckled and one replied:

"The best dream like that that I ever had!" His brother agreed:

"But in one of your pussies, the only ones we know."

"Why the dreams couldn't be so good,"

"Besides, we never had a real wet dream,"

"Hm-umm, no," his brother agreed: "always played with it."

They all chuckled and went back to sleep.

Another time when the girls had their periods, when the boys arrived, the girls said that they wanted to see them come:

"All over me, both of you."

"It was her idea," her sister explained with a grin.

"Lots of it, all over me; you can lick it up, but you have to kiss me."

The boys shrugged with grins and obliged her, one right-handed, the other left-handed, each standing at the edge of the bed with one her thighs between their legs, looking down at her grinning face, as she held her breasts. One the boys murmured:

"This is going to take longer than it used."

"Um-hmm," his brother agreed. The other girl chuckled and remarked:

"As long as it's enough to impress us," her sister on the bed adding:

"It had better be; I want it all over me; imagine they're in our pussies, ..."

"Or mouths," her sister added: wherever you want it most."

"Don't confuse us, keep talking."

"Tell us where you want it most," his brother replied, their hands pumping on their cocks.

"All over me! On my breasts, if you can shoot that far."

She pressed her breasts together, revealing her aroused nipples, grinning at them. Her sister snickered and said:

"I'd rather like it in my mouth, all of it from both of you!"

"Another time," one of the boys murmured, and they all chuckled. The other boy murmured:

"Rather in your tight pussies."

"Wherever you want to think to make you come good," that girl replied, her sister on the bed nodding.

After a few more suggestive comments, the boys groaned and came, and the girls both moaned, seeing their first spurts shoot up, creamy white blobs landing on the girl's breasts and more, landing down her chest and stomach.

"What a waste," the girl who had wanted it all in her mouth murmured, but her sister was grinning and murmured: "All over me, really! That was impressive."

The boys grinned, nodding as they glanced at each other, chuckling.

Before the three of them could start to move to lick it all up, the girl with it all over her began to rub it all around, really spreading it all over her breasts and stomach. She smiled apologetically and licked her fingers, murmuring: "I just had to do that." Then she grinned and said in childish tone:

"Boo-hoo! Mommy, Dick and Willie just came all over me."

They all laughed. Then her sister said in a stern voice:

"I told you, if you're going to play with them like that, let them do in in your mouth."

They laughed even more.

Until Easter break, they did enjoyed it every way they could, but by Easter, even with the humor, they became a little routine. A weekly fucking, sucking, licking feast was too good to miss, but the boys discovered that their new self-confidence with girls made it easier to meet other girls, who seemed to find them attractive, almost as though they could smell that the boys had sexual experience.

The girls had always been attractive to other boys, discouraging them, because they knew nothing could be better than the group sex with Richard and Guillaume.

During the Easter break, the girls only had one day with their "Pops," father. Between having sex with him, recognizing their greater emotional attraction, they told him about the boys, after he had asked. He had to chuckle at their recital of everything they had done together, and they also did, but recognizing that it had only been a lot of very good sex and that it had become routine.

When they returned to university and met the boys again, they all grinned, but no one immediately suggested that they would return to their weekly sex feasts, and no one seemed disappointed.

In the following weeks, they all easily found new partners, not falling into bed with them as quickly as the four of them had, partly because of the complications of having a dorm room without the one's or other's roommate. But when they then could, they did. The boys had to temper their expectations a little, since their new girlfriends weren't immediately as eager as Paula and Klara had been to suck their cocks. The girls' new boyfriends were delighted that they did.

In that regard, the spring semester was very pleasant for all of them, just not with the group sex they had enjoyed before. They all met occasionally, of course, just telling that they were enjoying themselves, all of them having seen the others with a new partner. When the boys saw one of the girls with a different one, and said something, she wrinkled her nose and whispered that the other one didn't want to do everything she wanted.

"We do," the boys whispered with smirks. The girls just chuckled softly, nodding.

Just before the end of the term, now early summer, they happened to meet again. The girls glanced at each other, smirking slightly, and one said: