I'll Do Anything for Him Pt. 02


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The other thing about some of the dress' was that they are all armless and shoulder-less, being held up just by spaghetti straps. Jack told me to push the straps off my shoulders in the changing room and he only bought the ones that dropped to the floor on their own.

I just hoped that if I wore one for work that he wouldn't creep up behind me in the office and push the straps off my shoulders leaving me totally naked in the middle of the office.

Jack did relent and bought me one pair of knickers from a lingerie shop. The thing was, they were made entirely of little beads. One string going round me just above my hips and 2 other strings both going from the top of my butt crack, down and under me then joining the string that is above my pubic bone.

When I told Jack that those 2 would disappear between my lips he told me that they were supposed to and that the 2 strings were to go either side of me clit. When I told him that I didn't see the point of them he told me to wait until I put them on and walked about adding that I would find out that evening. I didn't ask because I knew that he would tell me when I needed to know.

Jack also took me to a shop that sold make-up, something that I had never used. He told me that I didn't need any because I was perfect as I was but he told me that I could get some if I wanted. I just got some moisturiser.

For lunch, Jack took me to a restaurant where we had a great meal but I think that he was a bit disappointed that there wasn't any opportunities to get me to expose my tits or pussy.

When we got back home he jumped on me and fucked me right behind the front door, not even giving either of us a chance to put away the things that we'd bought. Once we'd eased our passion it was the more mundane tasks that had to be done. I must say that I am getting used to doing these jobs without any clothes on.

That evening Jack told me that we were going to the pub so that I could meet some of his mates. I was and wasn't looking forward to it. I wanted to meet them but I was scared that he'd get me to take my clothes off, not that I was expecting to wear much or had much to wear when we went out. I didn't want to be naked in in a pub.

Jack asked me to wear one of my shorter than mini dress', a summer dress with spaghetti straps that buttoned from top to bottom that only just covers my butt and pussy. He also asked me to wear my only pair of knickers and to pull them up so that the bead strings disappeared and to have one string on either side of my clit.

I didn't see the point of them until I started walking. They certainly weren't as good as Jack's fingers but they did draw my attention to my clit as I moved about.

With the dress and the beads knickers I wore some 3 inch heels. Never having owned any heels so high I was struggling a bit.

We went out in a taxi, both of us sitting in the back. Jack had his hand up my dress gently rubbing up and down my slit with the side of his hand all the way and I was a bit horny when we got out of the car.

In the pub I met 3 of his mates, Charlie, Arthur and Oscar. All 3 standing up to shake my hand and either saying something nice about me, or my dress, or congratulating Jack on his acquisition.

Arthur went to get drinks for Jack and me and we all sat down, Jack and me sitting on chairs opposite the other 3 guys. There was a table but it wasn't big enough and I was sat opposite Charlie to one side of the table. Remembering how Jack wants me to sit my knees were open. I couldn't see my pussy but in that short dress I was pretty sure that Charlie could.

"Wow Jack," Charlie said, "You've got this one trained well."

"What do you mean Charlie?" Oscar asked.

"Short dress, no bra, no knickers, bald pussy and sitting with knees apart," Charlie replied, "You've struck gold there mate."

"Yes I have," Jack replied, "and she's great in bed as well."

I was a little annoyed that they were talking about me like that when I was right there, but I knew that men can be a bit rude at times., but it did make me blush a little.

"Embarrassing you are we Grace?" Charlie said, "Such a nice name Grace."

"Leave her alone guys, Grace is a nice girl not a slut." Jack said, "and for the record she is wearing some knickers."

"I can see her pussy and I can't see any." Charlie said.

I so wanted to cross my legs but at the same time I wanted to please Jack so I just sat there. What I did notice was that Charlie talking about him seeing my pussy made it tingle.

Arthur got back with the drinks and as he was putting them in front of us I saw him looking down at my bare legs but the only thing that he said was,

"Did I miss anything?"

Jack laughed then told Arthur that he hadn't. Then Arthur starting asking me about myself and my answers seemed to interest them because there were no more comments about my clothes or body and Charlie's eyes went up to meet mine.

The guys seemed to accept me and there was a lot of talking about all sorts, although at times I was unable to join in the conversation because it was about boys things or sport or other things that I knew nothing about.

It became Oscar's time to get the drinks in and when he brought them back he told Charlie to shuffle over because he wanted to talk to me and get a good look at me. By that I assumed that he wanted to look at my pussy as I was still sat with my knees apart.

When Oscar sat down Jack put one hand on my bare thigh with his fingers on the inside of my thigh. It was nice having Jack touching me although I got a bit worried after a few minutes because his hand had been slowly moving up my thigh and when it got to my pussy I gasped a little and closed my eyes for a few seconds. When I opened them I saw that Oscar was looking at me and smiling.

"Enjoying that are you Grace?" Oscar asked.

I just smiled.

The conversation continued with 2 things happening, firstly Jacks hand was rubbing my pussy slowly, but continuously, and secondly, I was couldn't stop myself from concentrating on what Jack was doing instead of the conversation. At one point I heard someone say my name and I responded,

"Sorry, what was that?"

Oscar replied,

"It's no good talking to Grace for a while, Jack is slowly bringing her off."

I should have been embarrassed but what Jack was doing to me was my priority right then.

The inevitable happened and a few minutes later my hand went to my mouth to stop me from moaning too loudly, and then my whole body went rigid for a few seconds as the orgasm took control of my body.

"Oh my gawd Jack," I said when I was able, "I can't believe that you just did that to me, in a pub of al places. It's so embarrassing. Sorry guys, please forget that ever happened."

Jack was smiling and still holding my thigh up near my pussy.

Arthur said,

"The sight of you cumming Grace is burned into my memory for ever."

I blushed -- again.

Charlie went for some more drinks and when he got back it was seat shuffling for the guys. By then all 3 of them had been sat opposite me so all 3 of them had had a long look at my pussy.

I took a sip of my orange juice and then said,

"Is this a different orange juice Charlie, it tastes a bit different?"

"No, it's the same stuff but I got the barmaid to put a vodka in it, I thought that you might like a little kick."

"I've never drunk alcohol before."

"Don't worry love," Jack said, "if you get drunk or pass out I'll carry you home over my shoulder, just take it slow."

"But if I pass out we won't be able to ma ....."

I managed to stop myself from finishing the sentence but Charlie knew what I was going to say and said,

"Make love? Jack can fuck you when you're out cold but it won't be as much fun for either of you. Has he fucked you to wake you on a morning yet? I'm told that women think that it's a great way to wake up. Or have you climbed on his morning woody yet? That definitely is a great way to wake up."

"Speaking from experience are you mate?" Jack asked.

"Yes I am, there was these 2 whores in Thailand that I spent the night with, boy did they give me a good time, cheap as well."

"Are you sure that it wasn't a Ladyboy Charlie," Jack said, "I'm told that there are lots of them out there and I bet that you were pissed. Did you ever see in their knickers?"

Charlie went quiet, and Jack decided to change the subject and asked if anyone fancied a bit of a party the next Saturday.

"You offering?" Oscar said.

"Yeah," Jack said looking at me, "we can host a party can't we Grace?"

"Err yes, I guess so." I replied.

"Bring your girlfriends with you so that Grace isn't the only naked girl there."

"WHAT? You want me to be naked with your 3 mates and their girlfriends there?" I asked.

"Yes, why not, you're naked all the time at home, and these guy's girlfriend will be naked as well, probably, possibly, maybe."

"Well if that's what you really want."

Jack's hand was still on my thigh and it slid up and touched my pussy causing me to gasp.

"I'll see what I can do, Lucy might be up for it." Charlie said.

"Yeah, I'll work on Emma." Oscar added.

"Jo will be up for it." Arthur added. "Us three guys with 3 naked chicks getting us the beers all night sounds like great night."

We talked some more, all of us drinking our drinks. When most of the glasses were empty Jack said,

"My round, same again guys?"

"Yes please." I said, at the time not realising that the vodka had started to get to me.

As soon as Jack had left Oscar said,

"So Grace, we've all seen your pussy, are you going to show us your tits?"

The vodka had crushed any thoughts of embarrassment and I replied,

"You don't want to see my tits, they're way too small."

"Yes we do." All 3 replied at once.

"There's nothing to see."

"Oh yes there is." Oscar and Arthur both replied.

"Good things come in small packages." Charlie added.

"Go on Grace, open a few buttons and give us a flash." Oscar said.

"No, it's not right." I replied but at the same time I was guessing that Jack would want me to.

I did nothing until Jack got back with the drinks then I turned to Jack and said,

"Your mates just asked me to show them my tits."

"Did you show them Grace?"

"No, it's not right."

"It's okay Grace, they're my mates, you can show them."

"You want me to show them Jack?"

"Yes, why not, you're starting to get a bit proud of your body and opening you dress will help you."

I thought for a few seconds,

"It would make Jacks mates happy and Jack too. I know that Jack likes me to show my body, hell, all 3 of them have been staring at my bare pussy for the last couple of hours and Jack's other mate Steve has seen me totally naked. Is Jack getting me to show my body to all these people to build my confidence in myself or what?"

I couldn't answer that last thought, deciding to talk to Jack about it later, when we were on our own, but the alcohol had lowered my inhibitions and I started unfastening the button, completely forgetting that we were in a crowded pub. Because of the shortness of the dress there weren't many buttons anyway, and before I knew it there was just one button and the spaghetti straps holding the dress in place.

I pulled the 2 sides of the dress open revealing my bare chest for a couple of seconds then pulled them back together.

"Very nice." Oscar said.

"Beautiful." Arthur said.

"Wow," Charlie said, "I didn't think that it was cold in here but Grace obviously does. Either that or she enjoys flashing her tits."

I giggled a bit then started fastening the buttons, knowing that he was referring to my hard nipples that were tingling a bit. I'd started at the bottom and when I got to just below my tits Jack stopped me and told me not to bother with the rest of them. I looked down at my chest and saw that my tits were covered but I'd have to be careful when I moved about.

"Thank you Grace," Charlie said, "Jack is a lucky man to have found you."

"You alright Grace?" Jack asked as he put a hand back on my bare knee, gently pulling them further part.

"Yeah, can you pass me my drink please?"

"No, bend over and get it yourself Grace. Guys, tits."

Not knowing why Jack had said what he had, I did. Once the glass was in my hand I looked up and saw the 3 guys looking at me, or more to the point, at my chest. Then I realised what they were looking at and my spare hand went to my chest pressing my dress top over my tits.

"You knew that that would happen didn't you Jack" I asked.

"Yep, do you forgive me for telling you to get your own drink?"

"How could I not forgive you, I love you."

"Grace, that's the first time that you've used the 'L' word, and I 'L' word you too, shall we get out of here and find somewhere quiet?"

"Yes please, but somewhere private as well as quiet please?"

"Guys," Jack announced, "we're heading out. Thanks for not trashing Grace and I'll see you next Saturday at my place, with your girls."

The 3 guys all said goodbye as we walked out, Jack with his arm round my shoulder.

Outside I said,

"Jack, you made me cum in that pub, in public, what were you thinking?"

"That I have a gorgeous girlfriend and that I'm more than happy for the world to see her enjoying herself."

"It was rather nice, and with all those people did sort of make my cum a bit more intense."

"So being exposed and cumming in public is a turn-on for you?"

"I think that it might be."

"So just how did you feel sat there with your pussy on display?"

"Well I now know not to sit down when I wear one of my shorter skirts or dresses, but apart from that, I was embarrassed and nervous as hell to start off with, but it didn't take that long to start to relax, after all they weren't the first of your mates to see my pussy."

"True, you are getting used to all this exposure aren't you?"

"I guess that I am a bit but have we reached the limit of what you want me to do for you yet?"

"No, but I promise that you'll enjoy yourself. I'm only trying to help you to bring out the real you Grace."

"Well whatever you are doing my life is soo much better than it was a couple of weeks ago."

Just then the taxi arrived and we got in. On the way home we kissed and Jack had a hand between my legs nearly all the way. By the time we got home I was close to cumming and I was happy that Jack jumped on me as soon as we got through the front door.


My second Sunday with Jack started with him waking me by sliding his cock in and out of my pussy. I love it when he does that.

It was a glorious sunny morning and Jack wanted to eat breakfast out the back of the house but although the sun made it look a wonderful day it was still a bit chilly and after I'd been outside a few minutes Jack saw my hard nipples and asked if I was still horny.

"Yes I am but I'm a bit cold as well."

"That explains it then, come here Grace and sit on my lap."

We ate breakfast with me feeling Jack's cock grow underneath me and when it got hard I lifted up then impaled myself. We finished eating like that then I started bouncing up and down until we'd both cum.

We spent the rest of the doing household chores although they took a lot longer than they should have because we kept having a break to enjoy each other's body.


The following week was relatively quiet although I got a few comments about the 'new look' me, all of them nice comments. I did notice that there always seemed to be at least one man not far from me when I had to bend over at the cupboards.

The other thing was that Jack kept sending me text messages with just PP on them. Once I realised that PP meant 'pussy photo' I started sending him the photos that he wanted. As well as the photos taken in the rest room I also started taking some at my desk. I'd wait until there was no one else around, set my phone's camera to use the flash, open my knees and take a quick pic.

I nearly got caught once when a young man came to see me straight after I'd taken one and was looking at it to make sure that it was worth sending to Jack when I saw the young man walking towards me.

I blushed as I quickly put my phone back into my bag. At my desk the young man said,

"Are you alright Grace? You look a little flushed."

I managed to brush it off and I hoped that he hadn't seen what was on my phone's screen.

I have to say that by the end of the week being naked at home felt totally natural to me. The fact that Jack still had his clothes on meant nothing. I was happy being naked all the time.


It got to be the end of the working day on the Friday and as we drove home Jack said,

"It's the photography club meeting tonight Grace, do you fancy coming with me?"

"Will you be expecting me to pose naked for them?"

"Grace, I never EXPECT you to do anything, if you want to come and just sit next to me all evening that's just fine."

"But I can wear something to go there?"

"Of course you can, as much as I'd like you to be able to walk into a pub totally naked it may just cause a bit of a problem so I will be happy for you to wear a dress."

"Thank you Jack, in that case I'd like to come with you to see what you all take photos of."

Just before we left I put on another of my new dresses and a pair of my new 3 inch heels thinking that I needed more practice wearing heels.

We arrived at the pub and Jack led me up to the function room where I saw about 7 or 8 men of varying ages.

"No girls?" I asked as we walked over.

"There's a couple of female members but the both work shifts so they can't make it to half the meetings."

As Jack introduced me to everyone except Steve, the Chinese takeaway delivery driver, everyone of them came out with some nice comment about my looks, a couple adding that Jack was a lucky bastard. All of which made me feel good. One guy asked me if I was going to pose for them but I didn't answer him.

When the meeting got underway, everyone took it in turns to show some of the photographs that they'd taken since the last meeting. They were all projected onto a big screen from a laptop and projector making everything look huge. Everyone excepts for Jack, him saying that he's been too busy to think about photography. That comment triggered a few comments, all of which involved me one way or another and I blushed a little.

I have to say that, although there were some great photographs, none of the subject material really appealed to me.

Then it was a break where people went and got some drinks, Steve getting Jack and me one. Jack was talking to some of the others during the break and they tried to include me, but my total lack of knowledge of cameras soon became obvious and I was soon left out until Steve came back and he started to talk to me asking about how Jack and I met then asking me about my background.

When Steve had asked what I wanted to drink I remembered the orange juice that Charlie had got me in the pub and I decided to ask for an orange juice with some vodka in it. I remembered that the last one had made me feel good, not that I wasn't before it, nor that I needed to feel good right then, I just thought that it might make the evening a little more interesting.

I don't know how much vodka Steve asked for but it tasted stronger than the one that Charlie had bought me, but I still drank it.

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