I'll Show You Mine If... Ch. 04


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I soon after felt the first hot sticky spurt of my cream filling her mouth. I saw the surprise of which, register in her eyes, though she continued sucking me, drinking me. Whether this was in fact the first time for her, I knew not, though it was certainly the first time for me. I'd had but a few simple blowjobs before yes, but never once in any of those times, had I cum in someone's mouth before. And now...here I was, doing so for the first time, filling my sister's as she continued sucking, drinking, and now draining my essence.

"Ewewww, how can you do that?" I heard Michelle asking disgustedly as she did, Susan only then laughing, chastising her friend. "Don't condemn it until you've actually tried it," she told her. "It's not nearly as bad as you obviously think," she added. "No worse than drinking down a woman's squirt juice," she continued giggling.

"But that's sweet!" Michelle continued to protest.

"So can this be...usually," Susan shot back just as Kris finished me, sitting up, wiping her lips with her fingers. I laughed as she extended one towards Michelle, coated with droplets of my spending, Michelle immediately waving her off, showing the sign of the cross with her fingers as though warding off some vile, evil monster.

"Ah...no thanks, I think I'll pass on going that far," she then told everyone. "Enough that I'm even willing to lick one, let alone drain one the way you did."

Kris now came to me, her mouth finding mine, the feel and press of her body as she lay atop me, our tongues fencing frantically together.

"Ewewww!" Michelle groaned once again.


As was usually the case, I now needed to pee. Rolling out of bed I went to the door, unlocking it, and then crossed the hall into the bathroom. It took a while, my prick just hard enough making it difficult until it had finally softened sufficiently in order to allow it. By the time I'd returned, Kris and Susan where now locked on the bed together.

I was somewhat surprised to see it, half expecting to have found Michelle in such an embrace as I now saw, though it was that alone which actually had caught me off guard upon my return. They were locked together, legs thrown over one another in a scissors-like embrace, slowly gyrating against one another, fucking in a sense, pressing their wet slippery splits against one another, the sounds of which could clearly be heard.

"Hot watching two women fuck isn't it?" Michelle said unabashedly sitting there masturbating herself as she sat in the chair next to the bed. Admittedly it was, and I nodded my head standing there watching them, the arousal of my prick once again showing itself.

"Yes, yes it is," I finally admitted aloud.

Moments more passed without anyone saying a word, the frenzied excitement as Kris and Susan continued grinding themselves against one another too sensual an act to disturb, but then Michelle finally did in a most unexpected way.

"Listen, Rob, it's obviously no secret, we all know you're still a virgin, and just so you know, it's actually been a very, very long time since I've actually been with a man myself. So...what I'm saying here, if you'd like to...want too...I'd love..."

"No!" Kris spat interrupting her, not allowing her to finish, answering for me before I could answer her myself. "The fact that he still is, is his decision to decide, when its time, and who its time with," she then told her. "No different for him than it was for any of us," she then added, confirming in that moment something I had always known of course, that Kris wasn't.

"You're right Kris," I then said. "It IS my choice to make, and I've already made it. The ONLY person I know that I want to do that with...is you. But I'll also tell you this, I won't do it, not like this, not now, or not in the future either. Only with you, only alone with you. So...if that's again outside of whatever boundaries you've made and decided to stick with, then I guess I'll be content to remain a virgin until such time as you feel differently about it, if in fact you ever do.

I then turned, leaving the still hot desirable sea of titillating girl flesh behind, and headed back to my own bedroom, my now hard cock reluctantly leading the way.


I crashed, actually falling asleep, remaining so well until morning when the light from my windows finally forced its way through my shut eyelids. I sat up, made my way into the bathroom where I stood over the toilet, waiting for my morning hard to sufficiently soften in order that I could finally pee.

I heard the single knock on my door, followed rapidly in succession by two others. It was obviously Kris.

I called out, uncaring if she came in, saw me standing there in the bathroom hovering over the toilet. In my mind, should she come in, see me standing there like that, and became embarrassed or uncomfortable because of it, that was her problem. As much as I had enjoyed a great deal of what we'd done the night before, I found I was in many ways disappointed, still frustrated and angry at being given the alternative I had been. The only choice I had been given if there was any hope, any hope at all of ever enjoying Kris in whatever way, ever again, was in doing so, only with her friends in attendance.

Every man's dream. One that had in fact once been my own. Until that is, that Kris and I had come together. Now, it was the only option given me, and suddenly the fascination, the dream, the fantasy, had become far less than I would have ever imagined.

I soon heard the door open, close. I knew Kris had stepped into my room, a few steps more and she would see me as I stood there, the door to my bathroom open as I purposely allowed it to remain. I stood there, waiting, wondering, my prick finally announcing it was ok to pee, which I now began doing. Even as the stream of piss began splashing within the water of the bowl, I heard her footsteps and then her voice as she neared the doorway looking in. Obviously my gambit of unnerving her hadn't worked, oddly enough, nearly the reverse was true as I stood there looking down at myself, peeing as Kris stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame watching me.

"On the one hand, I envy the fact you can do that. On the other however...guys generally make a mess because they can. I don't see why you don't just sit down, or is that too girly for you?" she wondered asking me.

I wanted to laugh, in the past I would have. In the past we'd have teased one another, argued, playfully slapped at, or thrown pillows at one another. All I wanted to do now was turn and piss all over her. And nearly did.

"What do you want?" I asked instead, nearly peeing on my own foot as I turned looking at her.

"I just wanted to see where we stood," she said simply. "You left..." she finished without further comment, waiting for me to.

"Right where you wanted me to," I responded back, now shaking my dick off, feeling the spittle from it splash against me, irritating me even more as I did that, answering her first question. I crossed over to the sink washing my hands, and then wiping off my upper chest and belly, turning back to face her in answering the second. "And I left, because I was no longer in the mood to continue," I said easily. "That answer your question?"

Kris stood in the doorway for only a moment more, her mouth opened but no words came out. She simply turned, left my room, closing the door behind her when she did.


The next several days were nearly torturous at best. We saw one another very little, and even when we did, hardly a word passed between us. Even mom seemed to sense something, stopping me at one point to ask.

"Everything all right?" she had asked me. The truth was of course, that it wasn't. A lot really was going on. Graduation was only weeks away now, and with it, a whole new, very uncertain future ahead of me. At one time, Kris and I had discussed going to the same university together, even sharing an apartment at some point when we could afford it. Now, all that seemed as ridicules as me staying in the house after we had. At the moment, I wanted more than anything to go off to a different school, about as far away from where I lived as was physically possible.

"Just got a lot on my mind is all," I told her begging off. "Graduation soon, final exams, you know...that sort of stuff."

"Hmm," she said digesting what I'd said, not quite buying into it, which she confirmed. "Appears your sister is dealing with the same sort of stress too," she told me, looking deep into my eyes as though they'd tell her more than I had. But I stood my ground looking back at her.

"Oh? I hadn't really noticed, figured she was just having her period or something, you know how she gets when she is."

Saying that, as I figured it might, sent mom blushing wanting to change the subject, which had been the whole point in the first place.

"Well, we probably all need a little get away," she then added. "Which was supposed to be a surprise, but since everyone's mopping about the house being all gloomy lately, maybe this will help cheer you up. Your father and I booked a really nice cabin retreat for next weekend, there's horseback riding, hiking, swimming...or just lounging around out in the sun. How's that sound?" she said grinning at me hopefully.

I just looked at her, forced a smile back and said. "It sounds great mom...just great."


I had planned on going out Wednesday night with Steve, hanging around, very possibly taking in a movie or something rather than staying home for Pizza night with my folks bowling and all. Especially as Kris had actually dropped a hint to me that Michelle and Susan were coming over again. Maybe most guys would think I was nuts, turning something like that down, but the honest truth was, I wasn't in the mood for it, not then anyway. I was nearly out the door when Steve called, apologizing profusely, but he'd just gotten a call from Kathy telling him that she'd switched shifts where she worked part time, and now had the night off herself. Which meant, Steve had a booty call, which obviously took precedence. I found that oddly ironic under the circumstances.

I soon made a quick trip to a convenience store, bought a lot of junk food, rented a couple of movies, and then returned back to my room where I'd watch them on the much smaller screen of my PC. At least I'd be alone by myself, having no intention whatsoever of joining Kris and her friends later when they came over. The fact that I planned on remaining in my own room, totally stocked with enough junk food to make me sick for several days, I sat watching the movie, realizing I'd been staring at the screen for the better part of fifteen minutes, having no idea at all what I'd just seen. It had been the sound of a car pulling up in front that shook me from my revelry. Crossing over to the window, I pulled the curtain back just far enough to peer out. Sure enough, Michelle and then Susan got out. But then one of the back doors opened, and another girl emerged too. I recognized her almost immediately. It was Diane, a girl I had once had a major and serious crush on. We'd even started getting friendly, talking, flirting somewhat. Then her father had gotten a promotion, and the next thing I knew, she was moving. So much for that.

Seeing her now, I was greatly surprised for a number of reasons. Surprised to see her of course, wondering why she was back, what she was doing here. But more surprised to see her with Michelle and Susan. She'd not really been amongst that particular group, though she'd come to know my sister mainly because of me. Which still didn't answer the question as to what she was doing here, especially now...and with the two of them!

I'd been perfectly content to remain sequestered up in my room, purposely ignoring whatever temptations might in fact be thrown my way during the course of the evening...if any. Now, I frantically tossed trash, debris, dirty clothes into wherever I could hide it, and then sought something clean that I could change into. Though it remained my intent, to stay where I was, and Diane, or no Diane, I wasn't about to venture out into the house, leaving my sanctuary. If she wanted to see me...then she was going to have to come to me, and not the reverse. Though again, I couldn't for the life of me imagine why she was here in the first place, especially having arrived with those two.

As it turned out, I didn't have long to wait. Only minutes later there was a knock on my bedroom door. An unsignaled one, so I knew it wasn't Kris who had knocked. I went to it, opening it, and sure enough, Diane stood there smiling at me.

"Surprise! Can I come in?"

"Sure! Wow! This is a surprise, what are you doing here?" I asked, peering behind her as she entered, but there was no one else there in sight. I quickly closed the door, following her into my room as she invited herself to sit on the end of the bed.

"Well, as it turns out, I'm pretty much finished with school, all I really have to do is show up on graduation night, that's it. But the reason I'm even here, is because daddy had to come back to town to finish up some legal matters on the house after we'd sold it. So since he was planning on being here for a few days, I asked to come with him. And so...here I am!"

"And so...here you are!" I said grinning at her.

"Yeah, I ran into Susan believe it or not, got to talking with her, asked her how you were doing. Which is when she and Michelle mentioned they were actually coming over here tonight to spend some time with your sister. Asked me if I wanted to come along with them, maybe even see you if you were home. Hearing that, I knew I had to...wanted to."

I watched as Diane suddenly stood, smiling at me, her hands coming up as they began undoing the buttons on her blouse. She must have seen the surprised look on my face as she did that, she smiled, laughed, continued to undo her buttons, finally removing it as she reached around behind herself, unclasping her bra.

"You and I...have some unfinished business."

To be continued...

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And, to "Olebill"...I think you are reading the story wrong...you gotta give Rob more credit for being able to control himself in the face of the temptations being thrown his way....he is going to show the girls what he is capable of!


Hhhhmmmm....yes, a decision to make here....sounds like Rob and Diane may have been on the cusp of at least Rob losing his virginity. And, now, here she is, waving herself in his face.

Rob is a good guy...and he has made his position clear to Kris, Michelle, and Susan; this REALLY DOES strike me as an attempt to sway his determination in regard to his virginity, and his wanting his sister to be intimate with him for his first time...it is HIS CHOICE, much like anybody else's, who he give his virginity to; AND he has made it QUITE CLEAR that he is going to stand by his statement to the three girls. As he should...

Kris, I think, is the most surprised by Rob...the 'ball is now in her court'...she essentially threw down the gauntlet to Rob, and he has given her his VERY CLEAR AND CONCISE ANSWER!! She now must consider her response...Diane is NOT a good idea, either!!!!

I am really love this story, it should be clear the author has a lot invested, and will continue entertaining us...I hope the women here realize they should show him the level of respect he deserves...much like many women deserve!!!!

Five**5**Stars, most definitely!!🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀💥💥💥💥💥

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearabout 5 years ago
Trap or not?

I feel like Diane is a trap for Rob. I think what she told him is only half truth. I think the other girls are using her (maybe unbeknownst to her even) hoping that they have intercourse (meaning he give her his virginity) and not Kris, so that Kris can reclaim the control over him she's lost with her Ultimatum.

OlebillOlebillalmost 7 years ago

Can't read anymore I thought this was going to be between siblings but no it about an orgy with every girl she knew change heading to orgy not incest. God I was so looking forward to a good story but just got depressed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

You keep using the word "revelry" when what you want is "reverie."

"Revelry" is hard partying, debauchery, riotous fun, as in Mardi Gras.

"Reverie" is daydreaming, thinking about fanciful or imaginary scenes or events.

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