I'm Dating Our Mailgirl Ch. 07

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The mailgirls welcome Monica.
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Part 7 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/14/2019
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This story is a continuation of I'm Dating Our Mailgirl. The 1st 6 chapters of that story should be read first for context. All characters are 18 or older and are completely fictitious as is Seahawk Industries. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional.


I woke up and groggily tried to reorient myself. I saw an alarm clock on a strange night stand that said 7:04. I was naked in a large strange bed. I looked around and saw Joyce Parker sitting in a chair reading a magazine. She was wearing a robe over her nightgown.

"Good morning, sleepy head. I've been waiting over an hour so we could bathe." She came over and kissed me and led me into a separate bathroom adjacent to the bedroom. You can attend to your toilet will I draw the bath."

I thought it was strange that she stayed there with me while I, well, while I shit. She sat on the edge of a large whirlpool and adjusted the temperature of the water while it started to fill up. "Your excrement if fragrant, but it's pungency excites me." Good grief, did she have a scatology fetish? I finished wiping my ass. At least she didn't ask to do that for me. She settled me in the whirlpool and at last disrobed and joined me.

We soaked up the warmth of the swirling water. "Come, child, let me hold you next to me." I moved around so she could cradle me in her arms. She showered my face with kissed and then re-positioned me so she could caress my breasts. I figured I needed to reciprocate. "This is nice, but we've still got a lot to do. Let's get started." She soaped me up and proceeded to clean every part of my body. I mean every part. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when she inserted her soapy fingers into my asshole. "Let's clean this out well, I don't want any surprises." She then inspected her handiwork with her tongue. I had given 9 two rim jobs, but I had never received one before. I suddenly realized the heights of ecstasy that I could only hope I had provided to 9 with this act. I wanted to scream out in joy.

"I enjoyed that," I told her. "This was my first rim job. What have I been missing all my adult life." I kissed her, on the lips and breast and then I kissed her ass cheeks to indicate my appreciation. I wasn't motivated to stick my tongue into a 51-year old asshole, not yet anyway. I did eat our her pussy. She clearly enjoyed that. I showered kisses on her thigh and calves and moved to her feel. I was struck with how dainty they were and how smooth. They contrasted with 9's large calloused feet that had acquired a toughness from all the running around the Seahawk Building and now the 8 adjacent buildings.

We stayed there for awhile, but then she said, "Come, child. We need to dress and get some food. You may use a tooth brush in one of the guest rooms. Please dispose of it when you are through."

You don't want me to keep it in your bathroom?"

"That's a bit presumptuous of you, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry, but there are 5 unused holes in your toothbrush holder."

"Alright, if you insist."

I went to brush my teeth and returned with the toothbrush which I placed in her holder with a bit of a flourish, even though she couldn't see me do so. We had really not agreed on an agenda for the day. Frankly I had hoped that I would already be on my way home. But breakfast wouldn't be bad. I was famished. I went over to put my thong and my tuxedo back on. I did not put the shirt on but I looked at her seeking a form of assent. She read my mind and said, "Risque, but I do like the look. Maybe you can wear it on another formal occasion." I did put my black patent heels back on. I assumed she would be taking me home after breakfast.

"Remarkable lack of foresight in not bringing a change of clothing, Monica." I was properly admonished. "Here, child, take this notebook. You will keep it with you at all times we are together to record my wishes." I took the notebook and the pen she handed me and I opened it to the 1st page. "1. Always bring two changes of clothing, at least, including undergarments when you stay here. 2. You will bring 3 outfits to keep here for convenience, one dressy outfit, one informal outfit and jeans. The lack of sleeping garments doesn't seem to encumber you. So no sleepwear will be necessary. Besides, I prefer you to display your young nubile body to me at all times."

She grabbed a pair of designer jeans and a blouse and started to go to her bathroom to dress. "Joyce, I've seen you naked all night long. I think you can dress in front of me."

"Alright, I'm just not use to having someone present who genuinely admires my body."

"Well, you have someone now. I love feasting on you naked body." She came over and kissed me and removed her robe and nightgown.

She dressed and we went downstairs to get into her car. "Would you mind driving, Monica. I gave Jaime the day off."


She directed me to a hotel. When we got there, I started looking for a parking space. "Drop me off at the door and park the car." I did so. When I returned, I grabbed her hand and we went in. At the maitre d' stand, she said nothing. I finally spoke up, "Two for brunch." We were seated and I sheepishly commented, "I wasn't sure you wanted me to assume the role of the . . . ." I searched for the right word.



"I want you to be comfortable, my dear."

The brunch was a buffet. The waiter took our drink order. Joyce ordered a Champagne mule, I ordered a bloody Mary. I suggested, "Shall we get our food?"

"I want you to bring me back a plate."

"Whoa, you're putting a lot of pressure on me. You wouldn't even consult with me last night when you ordered."

"Maybe this is a little test of your tastes. I want to know how far I should trust you going forward."

"If I fail the test, is it going to be a deal-breaker?"

She laughed. "They are famous here for their liver and onions. Only if you bring that back will you have to walk home and update your resume on Monster."

I brought her a smoked salmon eggs Benedict with a strawberry french toast bake and the side. I had shrimp remoulade and a bird in a nest. "You've done quite will. I may have to keep you."

Joyce told me, "Unbutton your jacket." I looked up at her and kind of looked around at the tables near us, but I did as she requested. My breast were still covered, but someone might be able to catch a glimpse of them if my flaps flew open. I decided to help them. I scrunched down in my seat so that the flap of my jacket bulged so that someone could peek in and get a better view of my tits. Joyce leaned to her left. "I can see your tits."

I smiled, "I hope you're not the only one."

As we were eating, I said, "Joyce we agreed I was to cook and serve as your host for Thanksgiving. Shall we plan the menu?" I brought out my notebook and started taking notes.

"Turkey, of course. I prefer mashed potatoes but I'm sure your Southern heritage will insist on dressing."

"I'll do potatoes, that's no problem."

"No, no. I don't want to eliminate your southern roots."

"How about a sweet potato souffle?"

"Fine. And another casserole."

"Broccoli cheese casserole?"

"It sounds delicious."

"My mother always fixes creamed corn."

"Perfect. And dessert?"

"Pecan pie, of course."

"Yes, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it." I knew where I wanted to go next.

"Joyce, I'll never be able to prepare all this by myself."

"Well, I certainly can't be of any help. I'll have Maria, Jaime's wife, help you. She will also be there to clean up afterward."

"I need someone I can trust."

"You can trust her. She's really is quite an accomplished cook."

"We're not having frijoles and tacos." I hated myself for making such a racist remark, but I had to make my point. "I want 9 to help me."

That threw cold water on the whole conversation.

"Do I understand you correctly? You want to bring that little trollop into my home? A woman who is openly and notoriously vying for the favor of my lover?"

"Didn't you mean to say your concubine? She really is the best. It really is the most practical solution."

"The best what, the best whore?" I said nothing but I'm sure she caught the displeasure in my stare.

"We've already discussed that I'll be flying to Atlanta for Thanksgiving with 9. I've already identified a red-eye for us to take. We would have to leave by 10:00 and it is the most convenient arrangement for her to be there with me."

"Let's get something else straight, young lady. When we agreed to this, we both knew you would not be sleeping with me that night. I assumed you had enough common sense to figure out you would be going out with me Monday night to fulfill your monthly quota. You would be bedding me Monday night. Are you going to get her at 6:00 AM Tuesday morning?"

"No, I can bring her with me Monday when I come for our night of pleasure."

"Why, of all the effrontery. Have you taken leave of your senses?"

"I've counted at least 5 guest bedrooms. Surely she can stay in one of those."

"I'm flabbergasted! And what is she to do while we are entertaining our guests."

"She could help serve. That's what she does on the 42nd floor."

There was silence. A light seemed to go on in Joyce's head. I could practically hear the gears grinding.

"Yes, yes. She could help serve. But she would have to be naked."

I hadn't really thought about it. I just assumed Joyce, if she agreed, would not like a naked woman parading around her dinner table. Frankly, I didn't think 9 would want it any other way.

"Alright. I'm sure that won't be a problem."

"She certainly is not to eat with us at the table."

"I understand."

"She is not to speak the entire time she is in the house."

"Joyce, get real. We have to be able to communicate. How about she is not to utter a word while you are in the house."

"Yes. I can see this being a proper humiliation for her and, if I may say so, for you since you continue to align yourself with this bimbo."

"So it's agreed?"

She extended her hand to shake on it. I knew I was taking a considerable risk even beyond the obvious matters we had just negotiated. I hadn't even told 9 about this! What if she wanted no part of it?

I suggested, "And now the guest list." She started rattling off some names. I stopped her for spelling, but some of the names I knew. She listed the CEO of Seahawk. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Of course. Nothing like sucking up to the boss. And it won't hurt you to spend a pleasant evening of schmoozing with him."

"Even with 9 here?"

"My dear, are you so divorced from reality to think that he doesn't know all about you and your little love tryst you insist on having with a mailgirl?" She lowered her voice on the last word to load it with contempt. She listed the corporate comptroller, but not the CFO. "Rebecca Howell and add plus one to her invitation. She just broke up with one of the female interns in PR and I'm interested in seeing who she's muff diving with now." She listed two more women who I assumed were lesbians from there juxtaposition on the guest list.

"Don't you need a token gay male couple?"

"Careful, my dear. Soon we may become everyone's token lesbian couple when we are invited out. Put down Roger Collins and Eduardo Perez."

"Good, we get bonus points for a token latino." As soon as I said it, I was afraid I had stepped over the line, but Joyce chuckled.

"You ARE going to be an excellent social hostess for me." She leaned over to kiss me. She was up to 10 names, and she had suggested 12 as the ideal number of attendees when we initially discussed this.

"Can I make a suggestion?"

"I'm not going to invite that slug Bill Nelson nor Olivia Wallace."

"No, I'd like to invite a delightful couple I've become good friends with. You know them. Ted Winthrop and Jennifer Trent."

"Ted Winthrop? Ted Winthrop?" She was struggling to place him.

"The manure man? Silvercreek Enterprises?"

"Oh, of course. Such a droll little man. Yes, he will be a delight at the dinner table. What a marvelous suggestion. Alright, buy some invitations this evening. I'll email you everyone's address. Please send out the invitations. Dinner at 6:00. Business attire. Have them RSVP to Melissa Rivera. Include her office phone number and email address. Sign the invitations Joyce Parker and Monica Ross. No, that's too presumptions to elevate you to star billing. Joyce Parker and Monica. Let them all wonder who this 'Monica' is. I will be wearing fall colors."

"I have a spectacular pair of brown formal pants with a sexy cream white top with exposed shoulders. I don't think it will clash with what you plan to wear. In fact, I really think it will complement you. I'll send you a photo for your approval."

I told Joyce I was going to go back for the next course. Did she still trust my judgment? She nodded yes.

I brought her a cup of seafood gumbo. I had shirred eggs with ham and spinach. I brought bananas foster and a fruit tart in a pastry shell with whipped cream. "I thought we could split these two desserts."

"Since you'll be out of town almost a full week, let's plan our next date after Thanksgiving. The symphony will have a performance of Cole Porter and Jerome Kern tunes on December 3. You should be rested and over your jet lag."

I checked my calendar, "That's a Tuesday, That will be find. What's the dress?"

"Business attire will be suitable. Monica, we've done a bit of horsetrading tonight. Don't get hung up on the December date. We didn't have our first date until November 9. As far as I'm concerned, this is our final November date. You still owe me 5 for December."

I didn't want to fight her. I was sure her demands for December were going to cramp my plans with 9, but I let it go. "I can be reasonable."

She showed me her calendar for December. She had 1/2 of the dates filled out. "I'll email this to you and you can choose your dates for the most part. Make sure you keep December 18 open. That's the grand Seahawk office Christmas party." I stopped in my tracks. I really hadn't even thought about it, but I made an instinctive decision on the spot.

"I'm taking 9 to the party."

She was furious. But is was a quiet seething fury. Between clinched teeth she practically spit out, "You really insist on humiliating and demeaning me. Mailgirls aren't invited."

"I believe all invited employees are sent an invitation plus one. She's going to be my plus 1."

"Do you have any conception of the destructive path you would be on if you brought her to the Christmas party?"

"I'm going to be . . . , I'm going to sleep with you 5 nights in December. Six if you count December 2. I must be with her that evening."

Again, she sat back. I could see her calculating. "Yes, alright. That might prove to be interesting, having you show up with a mailgirl." She laughed a deep diabolic laugh. "Yes, you may have your date with 9 that night. Just be careful, my dear, what you wish for. You may get it back, in spades."

We sat there quietly for over 10 minutes, eating our food but saying nothing. "Joyce, this has been a lovely first date, both last night and today. I'm really looking forward to others. But I really must be getting home. Are you going to take me?"

"Well, I wasn't going to make you walk home. Or take a bus. Of course, I'll take you home." I think she realized it was best to bring the weekend to a close.

I drove to my house in virtual silence. When we got to my apartment building, I leaned over and gave her a passionate kiss. I took her hands and placed them on my breasts. She rubbed them, then leaned over and suckled them. "You really know how to end a disagreement."

"I've had a great time. I'll be in touch to complete our planning." I got out of the car, She walked around to get into the driver's seat. "Good bye." I kissed her again.


It was about 1:30 by now. I let myself into my apartment. 9 and Lisa were on the sofa. Lisa, fully clothed in jeans and a blouse was seated, 9, naked, was reclined with her head resting on Lisa's stomach. Lisa was stroking her hair.

9 spoke first. "So how was the opera?" I got undressed, but I did put on my shorts and a tank top.

"It was good."

"That's all you have to say, it was good?"

"What more do you want me to say. Boy meets girl, they sing a few songs. Girl dies."

9 burst out laughing, but not derisively as my description deserved. "Ha, ha. I'm sure Puccini would appreciate that summary."

"It was a beautiful evening. The performance was superb. The crowd was interesting. The meal was delicious. The conversation was witty. I was charming. And what about you two? Did you have to stay with 9 last night, Lisa?"

9 answered for her, "She didn't have to, but she did." She took Lisa's hand and placed it on her breast. Lisa looked very uncomfortable, but she did nothing to remove it.

"Look, I don't want to know what happened last night, if anything. I don't care. No, I do care. I just hope that you were happy. I hope that you are happy."

She smiled up to Lisa. "Oh, I'm happy. I'm very happy. Are you happy, Lisa?"

Lisa extricated herself. "Monica, now that you're home, maybe it's time for me to leave. You two may need some time together." She looked back and forth between us both, "Will you both be alright?"

9 gave out an unconvincing, "Yea. I'm sure we will be."

"Look, 9, let's do something productive. Let's make plans for Thanksgiving. I went on line to look for fights. Here's one leaving from here at 12:59 AM. Actually, it will already be Wednesday morning. We'll get into Atlanta at 5:46 AM. I'll have my brother pick us up at the airport." Before I book it, I want to make sure you are ready for this?" She was standing behind me, but she did manage to lift the hem of my tank top and she was caressing my breasts. "Umm, I missed that."

"Joyce didn't caress your tits?" I turned around and stared at her sternly.

"Look, it's not going to be very productive for me to give you a blow by blow description of the entire weekend. I haven't asked what you and Lisa did."

"Don't you want to know what Lisa and I did?"

I wanted to bring this discussion to an end. I told 9, "I don't care what you did, just so long as whatever you did was motivated by making yourself happy and not by trying to make me miserable. I'm going to ask you 1 question, and then the discussion is going to be over. Whatever you may have done this weekend, did it make you happy?"

"Not as happy as it would have been if it had been you and me doing it."

"That's nice, I think. I stood up and we kissed passionately. Let's get down to the task at hand. There's one more thing we need to discuss. My next meeting with Joyce. . . ."

9 corrected me, "Your next date."

"Alright, our next date, will be that Tuesday, the day we will fly out. Joyce wants me to prepare a Thanksgiving meal for 12 people and, of course, host the dinner. 9, I can't prepare it all my myself, I need help. I told Joyce I want you there to help me. All day."

"What? Have you take leave of your senses? You want me, your lover, there in the home of your new inamorata? Wow, this is beyond bizarre."

"Joyce is alright with it."

"Oh, great, I'm glad we got the permission of your fairy godmother. So how is this debauchery supposed to work?"

"You'll be off from your mailgirl duties, of course. We will get to her house Monday evening. On Tuesday, we'll go grocery shopping, come back and start the meal preparation. Dinner is at 6:00. You and Maria, her housekeeper, will be serving."

"Oh, so I'm not even worthy of being a guest. I'm just the scullery maid. Oh, great. Where am I sleeping Monday night?"

"in one of the guest rooms."

"And where are you sleeping that night."