I'm Dating Our Mailgirl Ch. 12

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Monica and Joyce's relationship is transformed.
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Part 12 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/14/2019
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This story is a continuation of I'm Dating Our Mailgirl. The 1st 11 chapters of that story should be read first for context. All characters are 18 or older and are completely fictitious as is Seahawk Industries. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional.


The love making Saturday night was nice, but it wasn't spectacular. We really hadn't resolved 9's outfit for the Christmas party, but it looked like it was going to be a decision by indecision. In 9's mind, she was going in her mailgirl "uniform" and although I didn't like the idea, that wasn't a fight I wanted to continue. I could see 9's point. All those hypocrites at Seahawk had no problem ogling 9 in her nudity 13 hours a day, and now she wanted to give it to them in spades. I made up my mind to accept her decision, but I just didn't say so. I didn't want to give her that satisfaction.

I had trouble sleeping that night, but it gave me time to reflect on my relationship with 9. She could be a pain in the ass sometimes, but all in all, I was so lucky to have her as my girlfriend, my lover. She was such a compliment to me. Despite everything I had experienced in the past 3 month, I was still fairly straight laced. 9 was free and open. She had no problem displaying her body, her sexuality, openly. Going to the dinner naked, well, that was just who she was. And if in the process she could make a point about the hypocrisy of her coworkers, well, so much the better. I knew there would be hell to pay with Joyce, but I could mollify her. Maybe not Wednesday night when there would be fireworks when we came in, but later as I was suckling at her cunt and as she was massaging my sphincter. In a way, I was looking forward to a big brouhaha so that Joyce and I could have great makeup sex sometime afterwards.

I lay there admiring 9, and congratulating myself for having such a special lover. In a sense, I wish I could clone myself, one clone to bring 9 with me to the dinner and another clone to be there with Joyce so we could tsk tsk 9 and Monica #1 for coming to a formal supper in such an openly brazenly defiant way. And, secondly, I would have two very different forms of love making afterward.

I fixed breakfast for 9 and me Sunday morning. She was ready to move on from our argument since she did not bring up the subject again and she was glad to join me naked on the balcony when I served the meal. I joined her in her nudity. I had to take 9 back to the Seahawk buildind at around 5:00 since she was working the 42nd floor that night. I drove her while she was naked. She could make a quick dash into the building without any problem.

When I dropped her off, our farewell embraces and kisses were still not the most passionate we had ever had, but they were warmer than they had been Saturday night.

"Nine, Sweetheart, would you mind if I don't pick you up after you are through on the 42nd floor tonight?"

"You're still mad at me, aren't you?"

"No, no. You've won. You've convinced me. Let's just move on and look forward to a great evening Wednesday. It's just that I'm really tired. Our lovemaking this weekend has worn me out. Joyce and I are going to a dinner Tuesday night; and I need the rest. And I think you do too. She gave in and we parted. We both knew she could walk back to the warehouse after her evening shower. She would be escorted by one of the security officers. As she got out of the car, I looked at her and said, "I'm looking forward to Wednesday." She smiled but did not respond.


When I come to work Monday morning, I realized I still had one more task to perform before Wednesday night. First thing, I called Joyce's secretary, Melissa. I still knew despite our relationship I couldn't just drop in on Joyce, I had to set up an appointment. "Melissa, this is Monica. Can I have 15 minutes with Joyce some time today?" She checked Joyce's calendar and said I could come by at 1:30.

I showed up in her office and was greeted in a businesslike manner. Since I was about to ask her something, I knew I needed to grovel and flatter her. "I've missed you, Joyce. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow evening."

"What should I wear, Monica?"

"It's just a dinner party, right?"

"Yes, but the Stavros' always knock themselves out with their food to make it special."

"Why don't you wear a cocktail dress, one that isn't too formal. I want you to show off your beautiful legs. How about a split leg number, an extreme split leg dress. I want people to be able to tell you are not wearing any panties. But you can wear your C string if your wish so you have some covering over your pussy."

"That sounds perfect. What will you be wearing?"

"Oh, I think I'll wear a formal pants outfit. That will establish me as the top in this relationship." I gave out a nervous little laugh since my establishing myself as the top really wasn't important to either of us. I really don't want to wear something too feminine and revealing since I was saving that for Wednesday.

"Do you want to shower and dress here at, say, 5:00?" She gestured toward her private bathroom.

"Yes, that will be fine. Will you be joining me for the shower?"

"If I do, we may have to make it at 4:30." I was glad to see her flirting with me.

"Joyce, my love," I threw the "my love" in to continue flattering her, "I have one more thing I need to ask you."

"What is it, Monica?"

"I want 9 to get off at 4:00 Wednesday so we can get ready for the Christmas party." That request immediately brought the mood of the conversation down. There was a long silence.

"And what do I get in return for granting you this favor?"

"I hadn't thought about it."

"Monica, I know you are much too adept a negotiator not to have come in here without a bargaining chip."

"I really didn't, Joyce. I can't think of anything I can offer you. You already have my social life in your control, my career, my body, my lips, my mouth, my tits, my cunt, even my asshole."

"Very well, child. I shall subject myself to the added humiliation of having you, my lover, my concubine, attend MY Christmas supper, with YOUR lover, your OTHER lover. I shall grant you the privilege of having her get off from work early so that she can, I assume, make herself more beautiful for you. But I've got one in the bank, one that I can use with you later."

The openendedness of that was a little ominous, and frightening. "Thank you. Can you set it up now?"

"What do your mean?"

"Call Olivia to arrange it." I didn't ask her, I told her. And she obeyed. She picked up her phone. "Olivia? Joyce. Listen, I want you to make sure 9 doesn't have any assignments after 4:00 on Wednesday. She is going to leave the building early. Yes, I assume she will be taking her evening shower, even though she won't have an audience. No, no one else will be with her." It occurred to me maybe I could have also arranged for me to join her, but that would have been pushing it TOO far. "She isn't to be given any demerits for leaving early."

"Oh, I hadn't even thought of that. Yes, yes, I like that. I like it very much. I'll set it up. You are a sadistic, devious and cunning little cunt." The was a pause in what I heard as I imagine Olivia was reacting. "You should take it as a compliment. That's how I meant it."

The subject clearly change, but she continued with Olivia. "Yes, I'm looking forward to it. Stop being so needful. Yes, I'm looking forward to being with you that evening." Did Joyce arrange for Olivia to be her date for the supper? That hurt, but I had created the void and Olivia had wasted no time in rushing in to fill it. "You can bring your outfit for the evening to work. Yes, you can use my shower to freshen up and get ready." She was letting Olivia use her shower? My shower? Was she going to leave the door open so that she could watch Olivia soap up her chunky little Linda Ronstadt-like body? Was she going to invite her naked body into her outer office after she finishes washing? I didn't want to keep contemplating it. ""Yes, I told you I was looking forward to it. I'll see you then. Oh, and thank you again for your suggestion. You never fail to affirm my decision to put you in charge of the mailgirls."

She hung up. "Having to spend an evening with that porcine little slut is probably the worse part of the humiliation you are inflicting on me."

I wanted to laugh out loud, but, of course, I didn't. That last confession made the bitter pill of Joyce and Olivia going to the supper together a lot more palatable. This brought home how much Joyce really adored me that she had selected me to be her lover, her concubine, although she had to resort to blackmail to seal the deal.

"Olivia thought having 9 take her evening shower by herself didn't make much sense. I know you are going to want to freshen up before the big evening. You will join 9 in the shower."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 5 minutes earlier I regretted not suggesting this myself and now it was being handed to me as my punishment. I didn't want to show that I would enjoy this exercise so I had to fake outrage."

"You can't possible expect me to shower in the fishbowl."

"I do, and you will."

Not that I would have minded an audience, but at 4:00 there shouldn't be anyone else present. "If that's the price I have to pay, alright. Is that why you called Olivia a 'sadistic, devious and cunning little cunt'?"

"Of course."

"So in your opinion she is a "sadistic, devious and cunning little cunt and a porcine little slut?"

"That just about sums it up."

"I wonder what you say about me behind my back."

She reflected for about 15 seconds and then said, "You have the absolutely best asshole I have ever eaten out."

"And that's a compliment, too?"

"Of course."

"So how many assholes have you eaten out?"

"At least two. Beyond that I won't say."

"So you're telling me my asshole is better than Amelia's was?"

"Yes. But don't let it go to your head."

We ended the conversation with her saying, "I'll see you here at 5:00 tomorrow." Then she added something rather curious, "This is going to be a momentous evening for us." I didn't ask her to elaborate.


I returned to my office not really concerned about having to shower in the fishbowl with 9. I found the concept rather arousing. Besides, at 4:00 in the afternoon who was going to be there?

I got my answer when I opened my email. There it was, sent at 1:47 from Joyce Parker head of HR to all employees and independent contractors (security, food service, health services) in the Seahawk headquarters building.

"On Wednesday December 18, it will be necessary for 9 to take her evening shower at 4:00 PM. To the extent your schedule permits, you are invited to come to this special shower. To provide an incentive for your attendance, you will be treated to Monica Ross in the Mergers and Acquisitions Department joining her. Let's have a spectacular turnout for this very special event."

So there it was. I was now to have my first official shower in the fishbowl. I needed to tell 9 about our arrangements for Wednesday. I went to the fishbowl at 8:00 and met her as she was going into the dressing room. "I've got to talk to you to make arrangements for Wednesday. Come out into the viewing area when you finish your shower." She agreed; we kissed each other more tenderly than we had at the end of the weekend.

When she came into view in the shower area, she was holding hands with 5. Too bad Rose wasn't there to see them perform, which they did. As I watched, I wondered would we just be showering Wednesday, or would we also perform. We had already had public sex before, 3 times, but it was in the warehouse performing for her fellow mailgirls. Was I prepared to perform cunnilingus or to have it performed on me before my coworkers? Although the thought was daunting, I really didn't think I would have any problem with it since it would be with 9, and I wouldn't be able to see our audience.

After her shower was over, she came into the viewing area, naked. "I've arranged for you to get off from work Wednesday at 4:00. You will still be required to take your evening shower, but that should be alright since I'm sure you want to freshen up for the supper after running around all day and sweating up a storm."

"So what price did you have to pay to arrange that?" Funny how she instinctive assumed Joyce, or perhaps even Olivia, had extracted some price from me to arrange that. I guess she understood better my position than even I did.

"I'm going to have to join you in the shower."

"Ha, that's not much of a price for you. You've been wanting to do that for awhile now."

I kissed her, "You know me too well, sweetheart. We'll dress her and then leave for the party."


Tuesday morning when I left for work, I had to bring both the outfit I would be wearing to the Stavros' and the outfit for the Christmas party. I left tomorrow night's outfit in my office. I brought my formal pants suit outfit to Joyce's office at 5:00 Tuesday. I hadn't seen her all day, but unless she had worn a not-appropriate-for-business dress with a severely split side to work, which I doubted, she had already changed into her attire for the evening. "You look lovely, my dear. All eyes will be on you this evening," I complimented her.

"I'm sure you will have your share of admirers this evening. Well, stop delaying. Take off you clothes and get your shower." She had closed the door but didn't lock it. I undressed, and adjusted the water temperature of the shower. "Would you like me to call a few people in here so you can get used to tomorrow's performance?"

"That's alright. I'm fine. Tonight you are the only audience I need." I showered and dried myself, but before I dressed, I noticed Joyce seemed a bit apprehensive. I was wondering if I was making her nervous, not my nudity, she should be used to that by now. I wondered if it was my nudity in her office in the middle of the afternoon. But I had been nude there in mid-afternoon also. I enjoyed toying with her. I walked around the office. I adjusted the blinds between her office facing the rest of the HR suite. I made sure they were wide open. I positioned myself in such a way that anyone in the suite could see my full frontal nudity. I took her by the hand and led her to the couch. "Sit here next to me. Why are you so apprehensive, my dear? Don't you want anyone to see your lover, excuse me, your concubine prancing around you office in the middle of the afternoon in the nude?"

"No, no. It's not that. It's just that I'm nervous about revealing myself to you later this evening."

I was surprised, "But I've seen you completely nude. How much more of yourself is there left to reveal?"

She was silent, perhaps contemplating her response. At least she said, rather ominously, "My soul. Tonight I will reveal my soul to you."

"What do you mean?"

She kissed me. "Later, my love. There will be more of that later."


I dressed, slowly, sensuously, and at last we left for the Stavros party. We were both very quiet as Jaime drove us to the affair. When we arrived, Joyce appeared to have put on her happy face. We were greeted by the Stavros' and they made me feel extremely welcome. Joyce introduced me to various guests. She appeared back to normal as she took pleasure in introducing me as her concubine and she seemed to revel as I expressed pleasure in wearing that label.

Three female servers were handing out Greek Shrimp canapes and tuna stuffed avocadoes. They were wearing the traditional Greek military Fustanella and nothing else. That is the stiff tutu-like skirt worn by Greek soldiers. Everything else was bare, their breasts and their pussies. The servers were the only ones provocatively dressed. I thought it was significant that this was the first time Joyce had me accompany her to a social event where some form of nudity was seen. Well, except for 9 serving our Thanksgiving supper completely naked.

I noted to Joyce, "These are interesting."

"The hors d'oeuvres?"

"No, the servers."

"The Stavros always like to add a little touch to keep everyone interested. Do they increase your appetite?"

I didn't respond but my demure smile betrayed my answer. Joyce kissed me.

Then I noticed Ted and Jennifer Winthrop. It had been awhile since I had seen them, but I shouldn't have been surprised to find them in attendance. I knew there was some overlap between their and Joyce's social circles.

Ted approached us and said, "How delightful to run into two of my favorite people." Ted betrayed no surprise at seeing me there with Joyce. I quickly ran through my mind how he could have known that we were an item. How could I have forgotten: we had invited them as guests at the Thanksgiving supper at Joyce's a month ago. "Joyce I want to thank you for the invitation to the Seahawk Christmas supper." My face must have given away my puzzlement that Ted and Jennifer would have an invitation and Ted rushed in to fill in the details. "After the acquisition of Silver Creek by Seahawk, I was a regular invitee at their big Christmas Party. I guess I fell off their invitation list about 5 years ago. I didn't make a big deal about it. I figured that was Joyce's fastidiousness in purging invitation lists but I didn't take it personally. Well, guess what miraculously appeared in my mailbox last Wednesday? An invitation to this year's party. Maybe my captivating personality at the Thanksgiving dinner convinced Joyce it was worth moving me back onto the A list."

Joyce coyle smiled and responded, "Yes, that was it. Ted you know I have always found you a charming addition to any social gathering. I felt you would make a significant contribution to this year's party. Any there may be some added fireworks to keep even you entertained."

"Are you going to go?" I asked.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. We'll see you two there." I didn't dare correct Ted by pointing out that we would both be there, but we wouldn't be together.

Nicklos Stavros got up to address his guests. "Welcome to our annual Feast of the Nine Fishes. We have some guests who are here for the first time. Robert and Roxanne Harrington. Brian and Mary Watts. And Monica Ross, who is the guest of Joyce Parker. Joyce is joining us again after 4 years of morning the loss of her lover Amelia. Welcome back to the world of the living Joyce." We each acknowledged his words as he called our names.

"The Feast of the Nine Fishes is an Italian tradition usually held on Christmas Eve. We have taken two liberties. We hold it earlier in the Christmas season to allow you all to join us and since I am Greek, my wife allows me to prepare some Greek dishes to go with the traditional Italian dishes. We are counting the two appetizers, the shrimp canapes and the tuna stuffed avocadoes, that I hope you are all enjoying as the first two dishes. Now enjoy the sauteed smelt."

Each "course" was served buffet style and each was delicious. Although most of the guests went to the buffet as each course was served, several of us allowed the wait staff to serve us. I have to admit, I enjoyed the show. We had calamari and clams. But after the fifth course Joyce was getting noticeable restless and agitated. "Can't we please leave, now?" I was surprised that, first, she wanted to leave early. I thought that she was enjoying the food, the company and the adulation showered upon her and me, her for coming back into the social arena and for her having such a young and if I may say so, vibrant and attractive companion. Secondly, clearly Joyce was the alpha bitch in our relationship and she could have simply commanded me to leave.

"No, I'm enjoying the food and the company too much." I surprised myself with my boldness. My boldness was further emphasized by my anticipating the humiliation that Joyce was going to put me through tomorrow by having me shower and shave with 9 in the fishbowl. At lease I'm sure she consider it humiliation even though I was looking forward to it.