I'm into You Ch. 05

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No turning back now.
8k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/28/2021
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Warning, I have a taste for interracial love stories of black women being used in forced love/scenes, dubious consent, and non-consent scenes roughly by white men, and unfortunately, there are far too few of them - far too many of the interracial stories involve black men with white women. If this is something that you are not interested in and do not enjoy reading this type of theme, there are other stories out there you may like. Once again, everyone else, please enjoy and thank you. If the grammatical errors are too much, stop reading and do something else. It would be best if you did not burn your brain cells. The others that enjoy my story, please let me know how you feel. Thank you

Shout to Kenji Sato for editing

A/N, this chapter was a bit long. Don't be surprised if the next chapter is short. Hopefully, you will enjoy this chapter, and I Thank you once again.


Jordan didn't stop talking to his friends as he walked to a table in the canteen; his gaze shifted in her direction, tracking her movements. He could still smell her scent surrounding him, as she walked past him, both hypnotic and sweet. He could still feel the warmth of her breath on his ear. The sensation had sent a wave of shock through his body. There was something pulling him towards her, an attraction that even he couldn't deny. He thought about Aiden and Suraya, knowing it was crazy to be jealous over a her, but that was exactly what he was. Jealous. He tried to ask Julie about it , but the conversation went nowhere.

Jordan let out a low growl, he was annoyed at his stupidity. What the hell was he thinking? He didn't have a right to be jealous or to even be thinking about her like he was. It's not like he had any chance Suraya loathes him.

"Fuck," he grumbled.

"Bro, are you okay?" Tony's gruff voice tore Jordan away from his thoughts.

He turned to face his friends, barely able to mask his annoyance. "What did you say?"

Mike, the chunky one of the group boys, frowned at him. "You even listening?" Mike said.

"My bad, I'm distracted." Jordan shrugged his shoulders.

"We all can tell."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Dunno, you seem frustrated," Mike said, taking a bite of his sandwich. Just then Darius dropped his tray on the table.

"Finally, the entertainer is here. Where you been," Mike huffed. "You're late! Can we talk about your party, Jordan is in some funky mood."

"I'm glad, no one should be listening to your ideas," Darius said, "I'm still trying to scrub the jello of the hot tub."

"I mean that bikini contest was so worth it."

"Bro, no it wasn't," Darius scornfully spat out, "I almost got sent to military school."

"Please, don't chew my head off about it," Mike ruefully spoke. "Plus, you haven't answered the question about where you were?"

"Oh yeah, that. My bad. I had to handle some things." Darius' smile was like a sudden beam of sunlight.

"Was it personal, or was it school-related?" Mike asked devilishly.

Darius said, "It's someone special," while playfully checking his phone.

"What the fuck do you mean someone special!" Jordan bellowed, trying to keep his frustration in check — he failed miserably. There was not a sound amongst the group; the air was so brittle it could snap. And if it didn't, Jordan might. No one spoke, what was there to say? Even he knew that was too much.

"Bro, you good?" Darius asked, crookedly. "Is it about you, that thing?"

"No... yes... just forget it. My bad," Jordan said, in a rusty tone, taking a bit of his French fries.

"You sure?"

"I swear I am good."

"You know you can talk to me anytime," Darius smiled, mysteriously.

"I said I'm good, quit asking," Jordan coldly replied.

"See, D. I told you he was being nasty," Mike said scornfully.

Just then, Wes, Chris, and Cody walked up to the table and sat down to eat. Jordan was actually relieved. There were other people there that they could focus their attention on. He didn't want to keep having outbursts because he was sexually frustrated about a girl.

"Hey, Darius, what happened to you the other night?" Cody asked.

"Umm... can we not talk 'bout that now, Cody?" Darius spoke, in a sober tone.

"Suraya, and I were worried. When you and Aiden went missing."

Jordan felt as if a marching band was playing in his ears. He must have heard Cody wrong. "You and who, Cody?" The words sounded like a swish of water coming out of his mouth. "I thought she was dating Aiden?"

"Hell no," Cody laughed. "I thought the same thing. Turns out they are just really good friends," Cody said, triumphantly.

His smile only brought Jordan pain. 'Why did she lie to him?' he thought, as a puzzled look spread across his face.

"She didn't say yes, at first. If it wasn't for Darius. So, when you and Aiden disappeared, Suraya's only focus was trying to find you two." Cody sounded annoyed.

"I just happened to be in the hallway at the same time. It wasn't even a date," Darius spoke defensively.

"So what would you call it then, D?" Jordan grilled, visibly upset as his stare tried to pierce his friend. Jordan had told Darius everything, even about him thinking about Suraya and asking what he should do. The betrayal he felt. Darius could sense it, too; the pain Jordan had in his eyes.

"It was a group setting, so don't call it that. We all were just a group of people hanging out," Darius spoke.

"It was great, until we had to look for Aiden and Darius."

"I don't care about that, I'm asking what's with you and Suraya? Did anything happen between you two?" Jordan spat out, his blood boiling. He didn't like the fact this Pete Davidson wannabe was pushing up on his territory and his best friend didn't say anything to him.

Cody cheerfully added, "Nothing, yet, but really soon."

"Shit, that's crazy, Jordan, had her half naked in his room. Jordan how did you touch those enormous tits and still not fuck," Wes chuckled, nudging Chris.

"Those things look super soft," Chris said, making hand gestures as if he was playfully grabbing a handful.

Wes commented, "If she wasn't so stuck up, maybe I could have got her started," as he winked at Jordan.

"Suraya doesn't seem like that." Cody firmly spoke.

"Jordan, how long did it take you — two or three days, maybe a week?" Chris weirdly laughed.

Jordan shouted malignantly, "Shut the fuck up! I told you never to talk about her like that," slamming his food tray on the counter.

"Come on, let's chill," Darius spoke grimly.

"I see what the problem is, Jordan is jealous he got competition," Wes laughed ugly.

"Whatever," Jordan grunted, turning away. Jordan felt as if the walls were caving in; his breathing became rigid. He could longer sit at the table. Jordan putting away his tray, he left without saying a word.

Lost in his thought, Jordan didn't hear Darius calling his name.

"Jay, fuck man, wait," Darius grunted out. "Jay, slow down, you're not in a marathon, so slow the fuck down."

"I wasn't even walking that fast, traitor."

Jordan stared coldly at his friend.

"Don't say that. I was going to tell you about the date, I swear Jay. I wouldn't do that to you." Darius said, feeling like a leaky faucet. "I'm really sorry about what Wes and Chris said back there. They're just assholes, but just the ass part. There isn't a hole big enough for them to fill."

The word 'date' echoed through to his eardrum. "I thought you said it wasn't a date."

"Bro, it wasn't a date, technically. That would mean that Aiden and I would be a couple," Darius laughed nervously.

Jordan was confused where this shyness about Aiden came from. "Tell me, about the date?"

"It wasn't a date. Anyways, you might not like what I have to say."

"Bro, I already don't like she's dating, and you hiding shit doesn't make it a lot easier."

"One, I wasn't hiding, I just didn't tell you right away. Plus, I have a source."

"So do I know this source?" Jordan asked, raising his brow. "Is this the same special someone that you were talking about?"

"Yes and no. I wouldn't say you know them, but you certainly wouldn't take time out your way to talk to them."

"How do you know that I wouldn't talk to them? How reliable is this source?" Jordan asked curiously.

"Very reliable. Jay, you wouldn't, I know you," Darius laughed.

"I don't believe that, she only hangs out with three other people. Unless one of those people is them, then your source isn't reliable."

"Im telling you the truth. Fine! You can believe it if you want, apparently she likes another guy, but she won't say who." Darius added, "Plus, she has kissed this guy."

Jordan's eyes widened and rolled. He thought, great, she actually likes someone and kissed someone else.

"You have to help me, please," Jordan begged. "We have to find out."

"I am already one step ahead of you. My close friend said they will get her to come to the party."

"How would this help me?"

"But seriously, Jay, use your head," Darius said, flicking Jordan's forehead. "I don't know, that's why I'm telling you to use your head."

"Bruh, she won't have a conversation with me. How is this supposed to help me?" Jordan replied, unsure of where this was supposed to lead.

"Bro. I am giving you a helpful hint. Take it or leave it."

Jordan didn't see this information as a helpful hint; all he could see was the burrowed frustration that was arising in Darius.

"Okay, If have an idea, but if this goes wrong, D. I swear."

"Listen, eight out of ten times, I am right."

"D, who do you think you're selling bullshit to?" Jordan gave Darius a half-cocked smile.

"Maybe five out of ten times I am wrong. Bro, I swear Boys Scouts Honor." Darius made the Attack on Titan symbol.

"Ugh, you have never been in Scouts, remember, we grew up together." Jordan let out a huff.

"That's the only scouts I know." Both guys laughed.

"I am trusting you."

"That's all I ever wanted is blind trust," Darius said, his smile completely enveloping his face.

It was the day of the party. Jordan arrived at the house, or more like a cabin-style mansion. After maneuvering through a throng of clearly inebriated teens, Jordan had walked past a group of friends holding red plastic cups. Half of the guys were wearing red and white letterman jackets. Giving everyone a high five, Jordan grabbed himself a cup, as well. Checking his phone, the time read 11:33pm, and still no sign of Suraya. Most of his friends were either drunk or high, and the ones who weren't, were well on their way to being in that state. Jordan sipped on his second can of beer. Jordan had already walked the the house, front and back, top to bottom. In that time, he witnessed Mikey convincing a group of girls into a wet underwear contest. Another group of people fought, and Darius' bouncers broke up the fight; a few were people vomiting. Jordan even walked in on Wes eating pussy, while Chris was getting his dick sucked by the same drunk blonde in a bikini.

"Oh fuck, Jay, you wanna join in?" Chris grunted, as he thrust into the blonde's mouth.

Jordan notice the blonde girl's movements were slow, as if she had taken a sleeping pill. "Is she okay?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, she's okay, don't worry about it," Wes said, removing his lips from her wet pussy. "She's a friend of Chris."

"Ye... yea... she... my friend," Chris groaned, and grunted even more. Wes guided Jordan out of the room. Before Jordan was pushed out of the room, he thought he heard the girl say 'no'. Jordan felt a buzz, but wasn't sure. Feeling a vibration in his pocket, Jordan reached for his phone.

:where you? 12:10a

:come down to the basement, Suraya is here and she's playing 7 mins in heaven.

Jordan's face was paper white. Rising past the crowd he made his way to the basement. There were four groups of people already playing. Jordan scanned the room and his eyes fell upon Darius who was signaling for him to sit next to him.

"Where is she?" Jordan asked, breathless.

"She's in the closet."

"Fuck." Before Jordan could guess who it was in the closet, the door opened. He was relieved to see it was another girl. When Jordan saw the girl, he wondered if the other person Suraya liked, was a girl. His face turned pink, he didn't mind sharing her if that was the case. He smiled at all the possibilities. His face lit up as he caught sight of her. He couldn't stop smiling. Jordan and Suraya made eye contact. She wore a backless white halter top which revealed the swan-like curve of her neck and her lean, toned arms; blue jean miniskirt; and white sneakers. As she walked past him, her skirt rose up high on dark brown thighs, making his mouth water.

Just then, Darius stood up and started shouting at the crowd, snapping Jordan out of his daze.

"Ladies in gentleman, the next couple to see God in heaven is Mark and Lauren, come on down." The crowd cheered for the next couple. Sitting back down, Darius turned to face a confused Jordan.

"Who else has been in there with her?

Where's Julie?"

"So far, she has drank nine shots, and been in the closet twice. Don't worry, she's been with girls only." Darius spoke confidently,

"She's sick." He acted his words.

"For real?" Jordan sounded a bit skeptical.

"I told you, I had a source. Now, don't worry. I got you."

Jordan felt like steam was coming out of his ears. He breathed in and out through his nostrils. He wasn't a nervous person, but It was something about her that caused him to get knots in his stomach.

"All right, Suraya, girl it's you again! Who's the lucky gal or guy? Ohh it's Jordan."

The ringing sounded throughout Jordan's ears. Jordan turned to face his friend.

"Me?" Jordan mouthed.

"Yeah, you," Darius said, helping Jordan get to his feet.

As she walked toward him, Jordan tried to swallow; his throat suddenly as dry as an over-cooked turkey leg. "You sure about this?" he asked, as he cleared his throat.

"It's just a game, Jordan," Suraya said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Right, just a game." He felt as if all eyes were on him and her as they walked towards the closet. The door closed behind. The sound of laughter and rap music could be heard behind the door, but he tuned it out.

"What's up with you and Cody?" The words shot out before he could hide his irritation.

"Jordan, who told you about that?" Suraya's eyes widened. "It's none of your business who I date," she huffed.

Jordan looked around in the closet; he knew he didn't have much time, pushing Suraya to the side.

"What are you doing?"

Jordan ignored Suraya and continued looking throughout the closet.

"Yes!" Jordan shouted, holding three neckties in his hand. Suraya watched Jordan as he maneuvered the neckties around the door knobs and the hanger rod, pulling it tight. Jordan jiggled the door, making sure the door wouldn't fly open.

"Jordan, what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Jordan covered the space between them, his unreasonable jealousy, a volatile beast hiding just beneath the surface. "I don't like the idea of you dating anyone," he said, in a low voice, his hands fisted at his sides. As Suraya peered up at him, he felt her eyes teasing him. Jordan couldn't hold himself much longer. "Sai, please give me a chance to make it up to you."

"Jordan, you blew it. Let's get this thing over with."

"I'm serious, give me a chance."

"Jordan, I'm dat—"

Jordan cut her off. He slipped his hands around her waist pulling her flushed against him. His lips brushed against hers, chastely. It wasn't enough for him because he immediately deepened the kiss, biting gently on her lower lip. The sweet smell of her filled his lungs. He moved his hands up her bare back, cupping her shoulders. The softness of her skin and the addictive flavor of her tongue were driving him insane. Without breaking their kiss, he pushed her further back. Cradling her face in his hands, he pressed her against the wall.

"I miss you. Fuck," Jordan breathed out, a warmhearted smile on his face while he panted, eager to take in more oxygen. He rested his hands on her breasts. Jordan was suddenly smirking, as Soraya's nipples were in between his two sets of fingers. His eyes flicked down to look at her. Jordan searched her face for something other than pleasure, finding nothing else. Jordan smirked again, and repeated his action. Seeing Suraya's eyes squeezed shut, while her teeth cradled her lower lip, was a lovely sight for Jordan.

Jordan removed Suraya breasts from her top. He searched for a moment, caught up in the look on Suraya's face. Jordan's calloused fingertips brushed over a hard nipple.

"Hmm," Jordan started, biting her lower lip gently in excitement, "do you like that, Sai?"

Suraya could not answer coherently, she settled on nodding, agreeing quickly.

"Aaaw, you gotta tell me." He leaned down, flicking his tongue over the hard nub, feeling Suraya shiver beneath him. "Use your words, baby." Jordan raised his eyebrows as he waited for Suraya to answer him, surprised at how submissive she was.

"Y-yes, I like it," came her shaky response.

Jordan felt an odd sense of pride well up in his stomach. "Good," Jordan praised. He leaned down and sucked softly on one, earning a pleasured hiss from Suraya's lips.

"Damn, Sai, your nipples are so perky and huge." He looked up at Suraya through his eyelashes while he teased the bud with his tongue. "They definitely take the cake."

"Jordan," Suraya moaned, as she ran her hand through his short hair, desperately wanting more. "Fuck..."

Jordan flexed his cheek slightly, winking at Suraya, before re-attaching his lips to her nipple, his teeth grazing ever so gently. Suraya groaned deeply, feeling Jordan's hard cock twitch on her thigh. Jordan smirked and ground down lightly, the action seeming almost playful with the way he continued to suckle on her nipples.

"I could suck on these nipples all day, if you let me."

Suraya groaned loudly, as Jordan continued to suck around the huge bud in his mouth. Jordan knew she had cum in her jeans.

"Your time is up. Open the door." Darius shouted from outside the door.

Jordan panted out, "Sai, can we talk after this, please." Jordan spoke while trying to readjust his cock in his pants. Jordan turned to face her, and waited until she fixed herself before he opened the door.

"Sai, can we please?"

Suraya bit her lower lip and glanced back down at her feet. Jordan walked out first and Suraya followed behind. Jordan heard the cheers and whistling once he and Suraya left the room.

"Damn, were y'all fucking in there!" someone shouted.

A female voice shouted, "Of course they were, she's a slut."

"Ohhhh, I mean who could blame him, Suraya got a nice fat ass."

"Jordan is known for being the cherry popper king."

"Ain't that right, Jay man."

He started to lie, "Sai, I'm not—"

But, she cut him off, as he turned back to face Suraya. She released a sudden sigh. "Save it Jordan. I am just another notch on your damn belt?" she said, before pulling away, walking towards Aiden.

Jordan's nostrils flared, he stood there for a brief second. Jordan closed his eyes, he tried to control his rage. The things they were saying were untrue. He balled his fingers into a fist and drove it through the wall. Jordan's hand ached and his heart sunk to his feet; he twitched, only because his body reacted. But when his fear faded, everything returned slowly. Darius stood next to him, holding a towel over his bloody hand. Jordan saw the shock and terror in Suraya's face. Jordan lowered his head.

"Bruh, are you okay?"

Jordan held on to the towel and disappeared among the crowd of drinking, dancing partygoers. He needed to get away; he found a secluded area by a couch to calm himself down. Sipping on his fifth beer, he glanced around, and the party was bursting at the seams, with rowdy, half-drunk people everywhere. Jordan looked up to see a short brunette in a green tank top and cut-off denim shorts staggering towards him. Jordan watched as the brunette attempted to sit down beside him, but fell into his lap, causing him to spill a quarter of his beer. Jordan let out a sigh of annoyance as she shifted her ass on his dick.