I'm Just Really Curious, Daddy Pt. 03

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Jessica threatens Dad, and then gets plowed.
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/17/2023
Created 08/12/2023
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DAD is pulling clothes from the dryer, turning to his left and folding them on a very low, mid to upper thigh-high, stainless steel, sturdy restaurant table he uses as a clothes folding table. He is wearing only a white, V-neck t-shirt and a pair of navy blue sweat pants.

Entering the laundry room is JESSICA, DAD's very pretty eighteen year-old daughter. She has a sexy grown woman's body, but behaves like an immature, spoiled brat. Her hair is all pulled back into a single pony tail. She is wearing an old, shiny grayish-silver spaghetti string satin night gown that is much too short for her at eighteen, but probably went almost to her knees when she had first gotten it ten years before. Now it's just a bit too short, revealing her crotch below its hem and the bulging pussy mound under her white lace, nearly see-through panties.

She has no bra on and her erect nipples are immediately apparent. They are being pushed out even further by her perky, grapefruit-sized breasts. She is carrying something in her hand and smiling coyly.

JESSICA: Hi, Daddy! (she stops, turns, slams the door shut and slides the deadbolt)

DAD: (alarmed, shouts) DON'T LOCK THAT-- (deadbolt clacks into place, DAD deflates with a disgusted sigh) ---Door. Damn it! That lock sticks. (throws the folded shirt down on the stack and shakes his head) That's going to be a big pain in the ass trying to open again.

JESSICA: (giggles) Oops, sorry, Dad. (walks over to him and puts her hands behind her back, pushing her erect nipples out even more, and smiling like she can't contain her laughter) Speaking of a big pain in the ass... can you guess what I have behind my back?

DAD: (frowns, shakes head, continues folding) No, not right now. You want to help fold clothes?

JESSICA: I'll give you another hint. A big pain in the ass was your first hint. It comes in a blue tube.

DAD: I don't know, Jess. I'm a little busy here. Nobody else does a damn thing.

JESSICA: (hops up and down quickly on her toes a few times, her titties bouncing dramatically, whining) Come on, Daaaaddy! GUESS!

DAD: (sighs) I don't know, Jess. (thinks, shrugs) Toothpaste?

JESSICA: (smiles) Nope! Two more guesses.

DAD: Give me another hint.

JESSICA: (smiles excitedly) Okay... uhm... (bites lip, thinks hard, then eyes pop wide) Oh! I know! We could use it together.

DAD: (shrugs) Shampoo?

JESSICA: No! Together! At the same time! You're not even trying.

DAD: (puts folded shirt down, turns to her and leans his butt down onto edge of low table, purses lips, thinking) Okay, let's see. We could use it together... comes in a blue tube... and 'a big pain in the ass' are my clues-- (does a double take, scowls) You don't mean... is it lubricant?

JESSICA: (eyes light up, nods, smiling. She pulls KY jelly out from behind her back.) You can show me what anal sex feels like. (giggles) That's why I locked the door.

DAD: Right now?! Not happening. (turns, continues folding)

JESSICA: (disappointed) Why not?

DAD: (shakes head) Your mom is right upstairs watching TV on the couch. Way too risky.

JESSICA: (frowns, stomps foot and huffs a breath out her nose) Why do you always have to bring her up? (shouting) YOU HAVEN'T FUCKED ME FOR A WHOLE WEEK!

DAD: (startled, spins toward her, horrified) SHHHH! (holding hands up in stopping gesture, whispering loudly) Keep your damn VOICE down! Do you want your mom to hear you? Is that what you really WANT? She'll fucking axe murder us BOTH! Is THAT why you are shouting, Jess? So she'll fucking hear you?

JESSICA: (deflates with a sigh, whispers) No, Daddy. I'm just frustrated. I blow you so good every morning before school. I drink your cum, and I love doing it. I really do, but I want to FUCK again. When are we going to fuck? (lunges and hugs him) I just want to fuck again sooo bad, Daddy.

DAD: (frowns, inhales deeply, pats back) And I want to, too, Baby. I really do, but you know I'm afraid of getting you pregnant. We still don't know if you're pregnant from our first time.

JESSICA: (pulls head back, smiles and offers him the lube) So show me how to do anal. You can't get pregnant from anal.

DAD: (shakes head) Yeah, but that can be painful. I don't want to hurt you, Sweetheart.

JESSICA: I don't mind. As a matter of fact... I kind of like it... when it hurts a little, I mean.

DAD: (skeptical) Yeah, I don't know. Anal can be very painful for a---

JESSICA: (louder, interrupting) NO! REALLY! That's how I broke Carlos LeGrande. I was trying to see if my bum could take a REALLY hard thrust. (shrugs) So I used the wall to brace it while it was in my bum, and then I pushed back with all my--

DAD: WAIT! (scowls, incredulous) You braced that candle against a wall? While it was in your ASS? Are you fucking NUTS? You could have ruptured something.

JESSICA: (shrugs) But... but I just really wanted to know how it felt... getting it hard like that. You know... in the bum. I did it kind of hard a few times, but then the damn candle broke and ruined everything.

DAD: Wow! (glares at her, smirking, shaking head) You really are... a very horny little slut... You know that, Jessica, right?

JESSICA: (giggles, delighted, nods) A very FILTHY little slut. (looks down, bites lip, reaches down and rubs DAD's penis through his sweatpants) Your dick wouldn't break, Daddy.

DAD: (takes in sharp breath, thrusting hips out, enjoying JESSICA's touch) No. No, it wouldn't.

JESSICA: (smiles, bites lip harder, fondles his cock more aggressively) So, why not... lube it all up... and SHOVE it... VERY hard... right in my BUM?

DAD: (eyes drooping, breathing heavily) No. (licks lips and shakes head) I want to, Jess. I really, really want to... but your mom is... your mom is... right... upstairs.

JESSICA: (grabs and rubs penis) So what? (rubs, opens mouth, breathes heavily) The door's locked. She never... (rubs faster) comes down here. (shrugs, begins stroking DAD's now hard penis with longer strokes more deliberate strokes, whispers, very pouty) Plus, we never even did it in my bum yet. Don't you want to fuck me in my bum bum, Daddy?

DAD: (nods, whimpers) Oh my God, yes. Yes, I do, Jessica... but... but you might cry out. She might... she might hear us.

JESSICA: So what? Who cares about her. (moves hand up to belly then puts it down his pants, grabs DAD's cock, strokes it agan, jerking him off, whispers) Just do it, Daddy. Shove this big... hard... dick... right in my bum. Do it now.

DAD: (grunts, sneers, shakes head and grabs her stroking hand) NO! (yanks her hand out of his pants and pushes her away, his boner tenting his sweatpants) STOP! We can't!

JESSICA: (suddenly looking furious) I'll go tell her EVERYTHING! (shouts) RIGHT NOW!

JESSICA turns, walks quickly to the door and grabs the deadbolt. She struggles to open it. She pulls at it, but it doesn't budge.


DAD walks quickly over to her. JESSICA backs into the wall, scowling up at him.

DAD: (whispers loudly) STOP fucking shouting... and GIVE me that! (snatches tube of lube from her hand, stuffs it in pocket of his sweatpants) You want to get fucked in your ass? Is that what you want? (grabs JESSICA by her ponytail, turns and yanks her behind him.)

JESSICA: OW! THAT HURTS! (clutching at his forearm with both hands and stumbling, as he drags her by her ponytail across the laundry room) LET GO! I'M TELLING HER! I AM!

DAD: You ain't telling her shit. (stopping at the low folding table, letting go of her hair, he grabs her with both hands by her waist and lifts her up, pushing her onto the table)

JESSICA: I AM TELLING HER! (landing on her knees on top of the folded clothes, her hand reaches out, slapping against the wall to steady herself)

DAD: I thought you wanted your ass fucked? (pushes her back down with one hand, lifting her ass up with the other hand in the crook of her thigh and hip, he roughly spreads her dangling feet with his knees, spreading her knees wider as she kneels on the folding table)

JESSICA: (squealing and whining at his rough positioning) I changed my mind. I don't want to do anal with you. I'll let ERIC BEAUCHAMP do it!

DAD: (scowls) I think you made that guy up!

JESSICA: (spins head around, angry) REALLY? Well, guess what? I gave him head today... right in the back alley of the pizza parlor... and I swallowed his CUM!

DAD: (steps back, stunned) You... you did WHAT?

JESSICA: (turns beet red, eyes wide) Uh... okay... okay... just listen... I didn't mean it... I really didn't. It just happened so fast that--

DAD: (looking furious, scowling, loudly) DIDN'T MEAN IT?

JESSICA: NEVERMIND! Nevermind. I made it all up, Daddy. Nothing happ--

DAD: (shouts) BULLSHIT! (distraught, shakes head) I know exactly who you mean now. That kid who works at Santoro's Pizza. That kid, my ASS! He's a man, has to be in his late twenties. Tell me EVERYTHING that happened, Jessica. EVERYTHING!

JESSICA: (sits on the table, shrugs and nods) Okay... well... (swallows) we were sharing his cigarette like we usually do and...

DAD: (grimaces) You fucking smoke cigarettes?

JESSICA: (winces, shrugs) Sometimes...

DAD: So go on... what happened?

JESSICA: He called me a prude. (sneers) Well, I got REALLY upset at that. I told him I wasn't a prude. And then he told me to prove it... to whip out my tits and show them to him. So I said, "No, you whip out your dick," and then... then he actually did whip it out... and it kind of shocked me, you know? So then he laughed at me and wagged it around. He called me a fucking prude again, said I couldn't even look at his dick without getting embarrassed. So... I pulled my sweater down... and pulled my tits out... but he kept laughing at me... So I threw my backpack down on the ground in front of him, and I... (shrugs) you know... I sucked his... you know... his thing.

DAD: (shaking head) And you swallowed his cum?

JESSICA: (frowns, shrugs) Well... yeah... like I do in the mornings... before school... for you. (pleadingly) You know I'm always afraid of getting any on my uniform... so, yeah, Daddy... I had to swallow it. (looking worried) Are you mad, Daddy. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it--

DAD: Was it... was it a lot of cum?

JESSICA: (turns red again, nods) Yeah.

DAD: (nods, smirks) Good.

JESSICA: (confused) Good?

DAD: Yeah, good! I like it when you drink cum. (tilts head, squints) Can you do me a favor, Jessica?

JESSICA: Anything Daddy.

DAD: Tomorrow... I want you to fuck him.

JESSICA: (shocked) Fuck him? Why?

DAD: That way, if you are pregnant, we can blame it on him.

JESSICA: (grimaces) But I don't want to fuck Eric Beauchamp.

DAD: (shrugs) You WILL fuck him, Jessica.

JESSICA: (shakes head) No, I won't. There's a stinky dumpster back there. You want me to fuck him next to a stinky dumpster? No way.

DAD: You blew him next to a stinky dumpster.

JESSICA: That was different! He called me a prude!

DAD: Well, fucking him will prove you're NOT a prude for certain, won't it?

JESSICA: (grimacing) But I don't want to fuck him. He was disgusting. He smelled worse than the dumpster.

DAD: LOOK! (huffs air out) You don't get it. If you fuck that guy then I can fuck you. We'll have someone to blame for your pregnancy. Do you get it now?

JESSICA: (thinking) So... so you'll fuck me... if I fuck him?

DAD: Yes.

JESSICA: (grimaces) But I don't want to fuck Eric, Daddy.

DAD: You are not only going to fuck him, Jessica, you are going to suck his dick every night after school from now on.

JESSICA: (incredulous, sneering) Eeewe! No way! Why?

DAD: (shrugs) Because that's what filthy little cum sluts do. They drink lots and lots of cum.

JESSICA: (eyes widen) But I don't... I don't want to. It's so gross. He's stinky.

DAD: I am asking you to do it. Will you do it... for me... or not?

JESSICA: (thinking, shaking head, scowling, then exhales) I have to fuck him, too... every night?

DAD: No, just tomorrow night, but you do have to blow him every night... after school... and swallow all his cum... every single night, just like you do for me every single morning.

JESSICA: (frowns, sighs then nods) Okay. I will do it, Daddy, if you really, really want me to, but I really, really don't want to. He is... really gross. I wasn't even going to go back there again. He's sweaty down there... and it stinks.

DAD: Well... just tell him you'll blow him every day if he washes up... and wears clean underwear. If he ever stinks... then say you won't blow him. He'll wash up.

JESSICA: (giggles) I didn't even think of saying that. (eyes light up) Hey! Can I wait a day to fuck him... so he's all cleaned up... when we do it?

DAD: (nods, rubs his cock through his sweatpants) Now get into position.

JESSICA: (smiles) Are you going to fuck my bum?

DAD: (nods) Better than that! You agreed to fuck that loser, so now I can fuck your pussy, too. I'll fuck them both... just try to stay quiet for me, Sweetheart. Your Mom's right upstairs.

JESSICA: (squeals excitedly, jumps off the table and pulls her panties down, steps out of them) Put it in my pussy first then, Daddy! (hikes up nightgown, lays back on low table, legs spread, feet on floor, shoulders and head against wall, smiling, bites lip on one side, plays with clit)

DAD: (pulls sweatpants down, looks down at JESSICA's pussy, strokes cock) I am going to fuck that pussy so good, Jess.

JESSICA: (giggles, plays with clit faster) My bum, too?

DAD: (nods) Oh yeah... I'm going to cum in your bum.

JESSICA: (squeals, sticks fingers in pussy) Ooooh, (serious face) it is sooo wet in there, Daddy.

DAD: (grabs cock, falls forward leaning other hand on the wall, hovers cock over her pussy) Let me see how wet.

JESSICA spreads her pussy with both hands, breathing heavily, watching as he lowers his cock toward her pussy.

DAD presses the head of his cock into the opening of her clean shaven, silky, wet and warm vagina. He groans in ecstasy as he slides his cock slowly inside of her.

JESSICA: (gasps, whines) Ooooh, Daaaaddy... that feeels soooo nice. (he stops half way inside her) Thank you, Daddy.... thank you... more pleeease. (bratty, turns lip) I waaaant mooooore! (bucks hips up, pushing her pussy up his shaft)

DAD stays suspended, puts both hands on wall, breathes heavily and watches JESSICA buck her hips.

JESSICA: (whines, sneers and lets out high pitched little grunts, bucking hips, pushing her pussy up his shaft) Fuuuuck it, Daaaaddeee! (grabs DAD's ass cheeks with both hands, whiney grunts, and pulls as she bucks and thrusts her pussy all the way up his cock) Yeeee-heh-hesss! Fuuuuuuck it! Pleeeee-heeeez! (JESSICA, her little ass bouncing up off the table, fucks her DAD as he watches, smiling lustfully at the sight)

DAD: (standing, grabbing JESSICA's ass in both hands, pulls her up in the air) Here. Let me help you, Sweetheart.

JESSICA (her arms and legs wrap around him, as he stands and his cock plunges deep, airily, shouting) YES! Thank you! THANK YOU! FUCK ME, DADDY! FUCK ME HARD!

DAD: You want it HARD, Baby girl? (turns, takes two steps and pushes JESSICA into the back wall, begins pounding his cock into her pussy balls deep and very hard, grunting with each pump and talking between pumps) Hard(immM)... like(immM)... this(immM)... Sweet(immM)... Heart(immM)... (then continues pounding and grunting without talking)

JESSICA wails continuously and incoherently as her DAD fucks her hard against the wall. After fifty or sixty hard pumps, her whole body tenses up and she shrieks loudly, clenches her teeth and groans. Her body shakes and trembles, and her DAD continues his relentless pumping, as clear liquids gush out of JESSICA'S pussy and down her DAD's thighs.

JESSICA: (collapsing, arms hanging over DAD's shoulders and her head falling onto his chest, legs sliding down, still pinned to the wall by her mightily thrusting DAD, gasps for air, pleads) I can't... I can't take... anymore... (swallows, begs, taps shoulder)...all done, Dad... all done.

DAD: (chuckles, turns and drops her onto the folding table, his cock bouncing, out of breath, smiling) Get up... get up against the wall.

JESSICA: (out of breath, smiling, shakes head) Can't.... too weak...

DAD: (lifting her up by shoulders) I said... get your ass up... so I can fuck it.

JESSICA: (nods, smiling, lazily helps her DAD as he brings her up to her knees and turns her toward the wall, catching her breath) Okay... okay... almost there. (JESSICA stops, holds up hand, shakes head) On second thought, Dad. I'm done. We'll do the bum another time.

DAD: (scowls) Bullshit. I haven't cum yet.

JESSICA: (laughs) Now you know how I feel every morning after sucking your cock.

DAD: Well, I want to cum now, so at least blow me.

JESSICA: Nope. (steps off table, bends down, grabs panties. Puts them on.)

DAD: (incredulous) Really? You're going to leave me like this?

JESSICA: (nods) Yeah, just open the door, Dad. I'm going to go up to bed.

DAD: (annoyed) Screw that. Get back up on that table.

JESSICA: No. Open the door.

DAD: I am NOT opening that door. I said... get back on that table.

JESSICA: Fuck that. I said I'm going to bed... now open that door or I'm telling mom everything.

DAD: (angry) Go ahead, threaten me with that one more time. Do it.

JESSICA: (smirks) I'm telling MAAAAH-- (shouting in surprise as her DAD grabs her panties and rips them right off her in one violent yank, tearing them to shreds) DAAAADDY! OH MY GOD! Those were my favorite p-- (he turns her around, tosses her up onto the table on her knees and slaps her ass very hard) OW! THAT HURT! (flinches, tries to pull her ass away, rising up, bursts out crying and puts both hands behind her bum, palms out)

DAD: (sweeps her guarding hands away, grabs her hips and jerks her ass back towards him, shaking her whole body and planting her down onto the table) STAY in position... or I'll spank you again!

JESSICA: (crying, pulling ass away by straightening up) NO! FUCK YOU! I'M TELLING MOMMY!

DAD: FUCK ME? FUCK ME! (grabs back of nightgown, twists it in fist, yanks her naked ass back and spanks it very hard three times)

JESSICA: OW-HOW-HOW-HOOOOW! (screams crying, tears streaming and mouth wide open)

DAD: Get this OFF! (rips nightgown down off shoulders, breaking spaghetti straps, bearing JESSICA's large, perky breasts, twists nightgown several more times, making material into a tight belt around her slim waist, grabs ponytail with the other fist, pulls her head back and puts his cheek against her cheek from behind) You want my hard dick shoved in your bum? Is that what you said? (looks down at her tits as she wails crying. lets go of ponytail and slaps her tits, whacking them each several times)

JESSICA: (covers tits with hands, hysterical crying, shrieks) AAAH-HAAA-HOW! THAT FUCKING HUR-HUR-HURTS! (looks down at her breasts, pale white tits and light pink nipples now both turning red)

DAD: (grabs ponytail, shakes her with ponytail and nightgown belt, breathing heavily) Get into fucking position or I'll spank your ass and tits again. FUCK ME? No, Jessica! NOT fuck ME! FUCK YOU!

JESSICA: (still crying, nods, breathless, shrieks) OKAY DADDY... OKAAAY-HAY! I'M SAH-HAR-REEE!

DAD bends her forward, puts each of JESSICA's hands flat on the wall and pulls her ass toward him.

DAD: Arch your fucking back!

JESSICA: (whining, breathless) Okaaay-haay... okaaaay. (sniffling, complies, arching her back, her poppy round ass and big perky tits both pushing out in separate directions)

DAD: You want my dick shoved hard in your bum, huh? Well, you got it! (pulls lube out with one hand, keeping nightgown belt tight with the other. Rips cap off with teeth, spits cap to the side, pulls hard cock out and squirts lube on it) Get ready, Baby. Daddy is about to make you very fucking happy. I am going to shove my dick right in your bum. Just like you wanted.