I'm Not Asking, I'm Telling Pt. 02


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"So where do we go from here? You know my identity, there is plenty of physical evidence of my kidnapping and torture, you know where to find me. I guess I do have to sell you to the Taiwan whorehouse."

"Oh, don't be melodramatic, take these cuffs off and let me worship that wonderful cock of yours while you heat my ass up some more. What was that thing you first used on me, with all the leather strips?"

"It's called a flogger, some call it a cat or a cat o' nine tails."

"It frightened me when you used it, but I think I would like to feel it again."

"I think I can manage that. Come with me," he said as he helped her out of the chair.

Leading her to the bedroom he retrieved the cuff key and got them off. He told her to lie down on her stomach. She started to lie on the floor, but he chuckled and pointed to the bed. He got the Noxema out and coated all her stripes. Two had broken the skin and he used alcohol and antibacterial cream on them. He helped her stand up and brought her the bathrobe hanging from the bathroom door.

"You had a good idea a while ago. Let's get something to eat then relax and recover."

Bridget looked a little disappointed but led the way to the kitchen. Opening the meat drawer of the refrigerator she showed him two Porterhouse steaks. His smile showed he approved. Pointing to the large flagstone patio and the huge stainless steel gas grill she asked, "How about baked potatoes and a Caesar salad?"

"Sure, that sounds good, I bet you have a nice Cabernet in that wine cabinet too."

"Even better," she told him, "I'll open a couple bottles of a very nice Malbec from Argentina."

Grinning he said, "To paraphrase George Herbert: Eating well is the best revenge."

She laughed and said, "Eating well, beating a bitch's ass then fucking her is the best revenge. Get those steaks on, medium rare for me please, Master."

He paused with his hand on the door and looked at her. She was smiling and moving around the kitchen with the robe on, but not tied shut. How can this be the same woman that just a few hours ago would barely acknowledge his existence?

They had a very pleasant supper. Bridget was fascinated by his stories of the Bagram Girls. Morris was surprised to learn she had graduated with honors and had an MBA. She had never used it, having gotten married a month after graduating, apparently bank VP's wives do not work.

They polished off both bottles of wine and were a little tipsy. They cleaned up the kitchen and headed toward the bedroom. Bridget hesitated at the door, looking thoughtful.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Now that I want you to punish me, and hopefully fuck me, I am going to be cheating on my husband, I have never done that. I find I don't want to. Damn it, I need to be whipped, I know I will always need it from now on. My husband would never be able to hurt me as deliciously as you. He would have no idea what I desired, if I had to tell him it would not work."

"Yes, I can understand that," he said sympathetically. Picking up the flogger he leaped at her and grabbed a handful of her thick hair then started dragging her through the house. He got down to the garage level and found a bedroom that was probably meant to be a maid's room. Stripping off her bathrobe he shoved her face down onto the bed. Putting a knee in her back he pulled the belt off the robe using it to tie her hands to the headboard.

"Please don't," she whined, "I don't want to do this."

"You are pretty stupid for someone with an MBA. Get it through your thick skull, I don't care what you want, this isn't about you. I'm going to stick two fingers up your pussy now. If you are not wet, I will let you go and never bother you again. But if I find a wet gooey mess down there, I am going to fuck your slutty little cunt. Then you are going to give me a key so I can come back whenever I feel the urge to beat you. It will be fun letting myself in and sneaking into your bedroom while you sleep next to your husband. I will force you to come with me to this room and I will put stripes on your thighs, ass and tits, I will make you come so hard you'll pass out. Then I am going to come in your hair and sent you back to your husband. Have you figured out how you are going to hide your pleasure stripes from your husband? So how about it bitch, are you wet?" he asked as he slapped her well striped ass.

"Oh my god, of course I'm wet. I just had an orgasm when you spanked me. Morris, Morris, Morris, please fuck me. I can't stand it, you can do whatever you want and I can't stop you so please, take advantage of me, use me."

The blue pill he had taken had worn off a long time ago but listening to her beg had him as hard as he had ever been. Stripping his clothes off he climbed between her legs. Her red ass stared back at him and he couldn't resist tracing the stripes he had left on her. He touched her labia and she raised her hips off the bed to give him better access. He teased her with his fingers until her legs were shaking with desire.

Morris was definitely ready and picked up the flogger to put his first stroke on her abused ass. She screamed, but not in pain, she was spraying her juices all over the coverlet of the bed. He kept laying the flogger into her and she didn't let up her vocal enjoyment. Throwing the flogger on the floor he sank his hard cock deep into her vagina.

"Fuck that feels good," she screamed, "you know exactly when to change things. Fuck you are fantastic, keep fucking me I'm coming. Yes, oh yes, slap my ass while you punch me deep you wonderful man."

That was all he could take and he bathed her insides with his sperm.

Bridget started screaming and twitching as she felt her pussy being filled for the first time ever. The way she was squirming Morris couldn't keep his cock in her and he pulled back watching her gyrations. Just as she calmed down enough to sink down onto the bed, he gave her ass five quick smacks with his hand. Her hips rose up again and more fluid soaked the bed.

"Stop, please stop, I can't come anymore," she begged. Then she let out a weak laugh saying, "That is the first time I have ever said those words."

He untied her and went to get them bottles of water. When he came back she had changed the sheets and had the bed turned down.

"I want to sleep with you, but not in the bed upstairs. Does that make any sense?"

"Yes of course it does," he assured her, "I am going to go home and leave you to sort this all out in your head. You need to figure out what you want and if we are going to continue to do anything together. I assure you, seeing me again will be up to you. What we do will be entirely up to me. I am going to gather all my stuff and take off now. I will leave a business card on the kitchen counter, use it when you have made a decision. If you think that you have benefitted from this, I am glad. I know it helped me."

With that he went upstairs and packed his bags. He went into the kitchen to leave his card and found a front door key and a garage door remote waiting for him. Smiling, he picked them up, slipped them into his pocket and made his way to the garage.


Two weeks later he was sitting in his car waiting for Kaitlyn to leave for work. At 7:35 am, like clockwork, the garage door opened, her Toyota Camry backed out into the street and turned toward the High School. This was the same routine as every other school day since he began watching. Today was different because it was the last day of the school year for Assistant Principal Kaitlyn Brown.

She was leaving for a solo ski trip to Australia in the morning. He knew this from three sources. One was his sister, one was his BFF and surprisingly the third was one of Kaitlyn's best friends. Bridget asked him if he was going to do something similar to the other two cheerleaders she still hung with. After telling her yes he was surprised when she offered to help. She told him they deserved a wakeup call like he had given her.

They had had one other session since their first time. Bridget had left a message on his work phone that she needed an afterhours service call in two days. He had not responded but had just shown up at eleven p.m. and let himself in with the key she had given him. He found her asleep on the couch. She was naked under a warm blanket. He had woken her by clamping an alligator clip to her left nipple. The sun was coming up when he gave her a final swat on her red ass as he was leaving.

Bridget had also helped by giving him her key to Kaitlyn's house and the code for the garage door. Waiting until he couldn't see any traffic on the street or the sidewalk he pulled into her driveway. Getting out he entered the code for the garage door he drove the car in and closed the door. Retieving three large equipment bags from the trunk he carried them down to the basement. It was unfinished with bare cement block walls and open beams and rafters on the ceiling. It did have a half bath next to the laundry area. There were three small windows high on the walls, so his first task was to tape thick black plastic over them. It wouldn't do to have light showing in a house that was supposed to be empty for the next two weeks.

After the windows were blacked out Morris began the transformation of the bare basement into a medieval torture chamber. He knew Kaitlyn would not be back from school until 3:30 that afternoon. Plenty of time to set the stage for her humiliation and punishment.

Finishing his preparations about 1:30 he drove to the motel where he had taken a room. He went to the hotel coffee shop and had his lunch. He walked to a nearby strip mall and bought a couple of sub sandwiches then called an Uber. He had it drop him six blocks from Kaitlyn's place. Walking slowly and making sure no one paid any attention to him, he got inside without being seen and had forty-five minutes to wait.

He went over everything the women had told him about Kaitlyn. Bridget had confirmed the stories about her not liking to be restrained in any way. Morris had made or purchased several items he thought would make Kaitlyn regret her, according to Bridget, ongoing treatment of everyone around her as an inferior.

Right on time he heard the garage door open and her car pull in. He was waiting in the mud room just inside the door from the garage. After entering the house she turned to close the door and he threw a black canvas bag back over her head. Bridget had told him that Kaitlyn practiced martial arts and self defense, so he had taken the precaution of wearing steel toed boots and a flak vest. She let out a short scream then stomped on his foot and rammed an elbow into his stomach. She was at a loss as to her next move when she nearly broke her ankle and hit something very solid with her elbow. Morris slammed her body into the wall and used his body weight to hold her immobile while he quickly brought her hands behind her and got the cuffs on. She wildly kicked back and connected with his shin. He grunted in pain then swept her legs out from under her. She had barely hit the floor when he dropped onto her knees and used the duct tape to wrap her ankles tightly. Moving up to sit on her stomach he used the tape to bind her legs at the knee. Kaitlyn was screaming and swearing at him, but her efforts were somewhat wasted by the thick canvas bag over her head. Grabbing her by her suit jacket he jerked her to her feet then bent and picked her up in a fireman's carry and started down the stairs. Kaitlyn was now crying and begging. When that didn't get a response, she started swearing again.

Setting her on her feet under the main beam, he attached the handcuffs to a rope and hauled on it until her arms were painfully high behind her. That brought her verbal abuse to a sudden halt.

"Kaitlyn the reason I am doing this is to try to teach you that you are not the most important person in the world. Hell, right now, you aren't even the most important person in this basement. Now, I have two weeks to convince you that you need to change your ways. If you have not really and truly learned your lesson, I am going to sell you to a whorehouse in Taiwan. Do you understand?"

"I understand you motherfucker that I am going to see you hang for this. Take the tape and handcuffs off right now. You are in so much trouble right now you pig."

She abruptly broke off when he began striking her ass with a bamboo rod. Morris gave her ten swats as she squirmed trying to somehow avoid the blows, then calmly asked if she understood about changing her behavior toward others.

"Take this fucking hood off me asshole," she demanded, "I think I am going to throw up."

"Well that would certainly make a mess wouldn't it, the smell would be atrocious."

"Exactly, you better get it off before you have to clean up a mess."

Morris laughed out loud. Moving in front of her he slapped her three times through the hood she wore. "Listen cunt, I thought I had made this clear but apparently you are a slow learner. Probably why you're an administrator. I am in charge here, you have no power or status whatsoever. Listen closely: you make a mess, you clean it up. The first time I will allow you to use your clothes to clean up, any further messes you will lick up. Comments?"

"I think my nose is bleeding, you have to help me." She told him. She had not asked politely, she had told him.

"Well, let's hope it stops soon then."

He picked up the spreader bar from the table he had brought in from the laundry room, knelt down and attached it to one of her ankles.

"I am going to cut the tape from your legs now, if yo-"

"About fucking time you prick," she yelled.

He rose to his feet and used the bamboo rod on her ass again. He was pissed and didn't spare any effort. Kaitlyn alternated between sagging down and letting her weight pull at her painful arms and rising to her tiptoes. Neither of them helped her in any way. Morris got control of himself and gave her four more light taps with the rod. She stood there helplessly sobbing. Gently he started rubbing her ass through her pants and making soothing sounds near her ear. She stopped sobbing but he could still hear her muffled crying.

Kneeling at her feet he tried again. "What I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted was, I am going to cut the tape off your legs, if you try to kick me I will kick your legs from under you and all your weight will be hanging from your bent backwards arms. This will likely dislocate one or both of your shoulders. It would be a very painful two weeks if that happened. Do you understand what I just said?"

She didn't respond immediately so he reached up and gave an open handed swat on her ass.

She screamed and frantically yelled, "Yes, yes, I've got it, just no more hitting."

"Were you asking, or telling Kaitlyn?"

"I, uh, was asking?" she said questioningly.

"That's correct bitch, I tell you what to do. You can ask, politely, if I will do something but you are never, I repeat never, allowed to tell me to do anything. Is that understood?"

She hung there not answering and he lightly rested his hand on her tortured ass.

She instantly yelled, "Yes, oh god, yes I understand."

Morris cut the tape from her ankles and knees then grabbed her right ankle and started sliding it out from her body. This pulled more on Kaitlyn's arms and she groaned loudly. He kept sliding her foot until he could attach the other cuff of the spreader bar. Standing he slowly let the rope holding her arms come down. The blood returning to her stretched arms caused the loudest scream so far. Removing the handcuffs he shook her arms to get the circulation back.

"After all," he said, "I wouldn't want you to get gangrene and have to cut your arms off. Although an armless whore in Taiwan might make for a good freak show. Better now?"

She didn't speak but she did nod her head as he continued to rub her arms.

"Good, I'm glad you're not permanently injured, that might happen of course, correcting a lifetime of a person's mistakes is a dangerous business, accidents do occur. Now, take off all your upper garments."

"And what if I refuse you sick son of a bitch? Big tough guy, beating on helpless females to get his kicks."

As they were talking, Morris had been fashioning the rope he used to string her up into a noose. He let her finish her tirade then slipped the noose over her head and pulled all the slack from the rope. She brought her hands up, frantically trying to get her fingers under the rope. She realized it was hopeless and hurriedly started working on getting her clothes off. After each piece of clothing hit the floor Morris eased the pressure on the rope. By the time she had rid herself of her blazer, silk scarf, matching silk shirt, and very sexy lacy bra, there was no pressure on her neck at all.

Morris tied the rope off and moved to her front. He did not remember her breasts being that large in high school. They were a large C, maybe a D cup. Pinching a nipple he raised her breast up, there was the telltale scar that told of implants. Letting go he watched as the breast barely wobbled as it settled on her chest.

"Nice tits Kaitlyn, what else have you had done to try to convince some poor unsuspecting clown that you aren't really that much of a cunt?"

"I had a nose job and Botox in my lips," she sounded proud of having these things done.

"And how did those things help you? I'll bet you have not had a relationship that lasted over six months in your entire life, have you?"

Her silence was answer enough.

"Have you ever wondered why that was? I mean, here you are with a decent looking face, not a bad body, although your ass is probably not your best feature right now, good job, nice house. It's not those things is it? What have you talked yourself into believing about the what, thirty or forty men you have been involved with? Is it the way you treat people perhaps? Or are you really that bad in the sack? I'm thinking it's a combination of both. Well that's what this next two weeks are all about, modifying your behavior. If we can't improve your outlook on the people around you, then perhaps we can teach you enough about sex to make you into a good whore."

Kaitlyn stood there with her head hanging down as far as the rope around her neck permitted. "How is torturing me going to turn me into a supposedly better person?"

"You are going to experience pain and humiliation for the first time in your life. You will learn the consequences of your actions. You will learn the fine line between pleasure and pain. You will learn you have to give of yourself to have someone give you what you so desperately need. It will teach you how to love and live."

"You don't know anything about me," she replied, "I have been in pain lots of times, I have been humiliated and mistreated."

"What, the pain of losing a lover? We all suffer that pain in our life. Because your grandmother locked you in the basement? Why do you suppose she did that? Was it to punish you or just to get some relief from your constant complaining and your belittling of everything, including her I suspect?"

"How do you know about my grandmother? Do I know you? Is that what this is about? I somehow hurt your feelings when we were in school? You probably deserved whatever you think I did to you."

"Jesus, you're just like the other one, nothing is ever your fault, you are perfect and it's the rest of the world that's flawed. Tell me, did your grandma's punishment ever make you think or change your behavior in any way?"

"No, she was just a mean old woman. She never cared about me."

"So why did your parents send you to her I wonder. I think the answer was to get away from you and try to keep their sanity. Did your parents ever try to talk to you about your mistreatment of everyone else?"