Imperfect Offspring

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'No one ever became extremely wicked suddenly.'
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Hi Puddin'

Backstory minimal - typically incest starts early with dark origins - not permitted here

All over 18

Evie wore her hair tied back in a simple band. It was easier that way. She clocked in her job with a mask on her face and a hairnet. All she managed to wear was mascara, a little black eyeliner, panties, bra, blue jeans, work shoes, loose shirt with no cleavage exposed. There was enough of that on display already from some of the other females. She arrived at her station and started working. This was meant to be short term employment but she discovered she didn't mind the solitude. In addition, the mini soap operas that were going on around her were entertaining. The best looking guy on her shift, Rodney, drove a forklift. She was always trying to figure out who he was currently fucking. It was in the breakroom she learned most of the gossip. She overheard two other women comparing notes and discussing his dick. The only dick she experienced belonged to her older brother, Ben.

The QCs (Quality Control) on her shift were women, Jasmine and Eloise. Eloise was her favorite of the two of them. Eloise didn't hassle her like Jasmine did. Evie determined Jasmine was one of Rodney's harem. Yesterday Rodney had unexpectedly followed Evie into the breakroom when she went to lunch.

"Hey. Have a good weekend?" Rodney asked as he sat down near her after grabbing a water.

"Yeah," she replied surprised he was at her table.

"You dating anyone?" he questioned.

"Yes. No. Sort of. It's complicated," she mumbled. She struggled with her answer like she always did when someone was asking her out.

"Well, I play in a band on the weekends at the bar on North Avenue if you ever want to drop by," he stated looking at her. She met his eyes and smiled.

"No wonder you are so famous around here," she teased. He snorted and shrugged his shoulders.

"See ya around," he said as he got up and walked out the door.

She didn't touch her food after he left. Her brother was married. His wife, Nicole, was a nurse. She was eighteen years older than him. When they married a year ago she paid off all his debt and bought him a Harley. Evie lived with them initially. Before their marriage, Evie and Ben were often living out of their car. Nicole worked nights and weekends. When Evie's brother wasn't at work or with his wife, he was with her. Evie knew her brother always loved her. He had been forever both very protective and very possessive of her. He would ride his Harley often to her little duplex that he helped her pay for so she didn't need a roommate. Evie rarely went to his and Nicole's house after she moved out. She was never comfortable there. Tonight and tomorrow Nicole was off so her brother would not be coming by. It would be lonely as usual.

All day Thursday she was looking forward to him coming over. After work she was anxiously sitting out on the front stoop dressed to ride. She could hear him approaching; his bike loud and fast. When he pulled up she skipped to him and excitedly asked if they could go for a ride.

"Let's go baby," he grinned and he cut out down the street. He made the decision for them to eat in a local park so he gave her some money and had her run in a grocery store. He dropped his speed to 30 miles per hour and weaved along the curvy roads. He stopped at a picnic table and they kicked back for a while. They did not speak much as they sat in comfortable silence and ate. Evie kept glancing over at him after a while wondering what was on his mind.

"I'm thinking about divorce," he told her. He saw all the color drain from her face. She tried to keep her face neutral as what he said sank in but her stomach did a flip flop. She looked down at her plate and waited.

"Marriage sucks and it's a sham anyway," he continued.

"You tell her?" she asked still looking at her plate.

"She fought like hell when I told her yesterday," he pulled his leather jacket off to show her the scratches on his arms. The red marks were easily recognizable on the sections of his arms not covered in tattoos. "I never hit Nicole but I did have to hold her off me til she wasn't mad anymore and started crying," he said as he looked at her. He couldn't bring himself to tell her their fight started when Nicole asked him to run her a bath and get her off. He just couldn't do it anymore. Evie understood Nicole's reaction however. Evie wanted to do much worse to her brother when he told her he was getting married a year ago. The old hurt and anger resurfaced and she leaned over and hissed at him, "you should never, never have married her in the first place!".

"Damn it Evie. Don't want to fight about it again. I'm making it right, ok?" he flared back at her. "Come on, time to go," he demanded. They mounted up and began rolling through the park back home. Evie stalked in the duplex removing her outerwear when they arrived. Why was she furious? she thought. She should be rejoicing, she pondered. It was because she was afraid, she realized. Afraid Nicole would out her and Ben in her fury over the divorce. She and Ben were at risk, again. Evie summarized all this before her brother even got in the duplex.

She met him after he walked through the door, kissed him passionately and attempted to tug his jacket off. He finished removing his jacket and she jumped up, wrapped her legs around him, and he held her tightly. She missed him terribly the past couple of days so she pushed her worries out of her mind. He walked while carrying her over to the bed. He laid her down helping to remove her clothes and underthings. He then stripped. He crawled over her, his long hair tickling her skin then he positioned himself between her legs. She wrapped her arms around him pulling him close. He kissed her then with one hand he cupped her tit and kissed the soft skin. He squeezed and took her nipple in his mouth. He started sucking and licking. His lips traveled back up to her neck and he sucked hard marking her causing her to squirm. Then he kissed her passionately as she was moaning underneath him. She slid her hand between them and grabbed his dick. She had the thought her brother's dick was perfect. He groaned when she released him and lined his dick up with her entrance and thrust in hard going deep. She gasped and he maintained eye contact with her while he fucked her. She raised her hips and spread her legs further. He felt her pussy gripping his dick while she orgasmed. He rocked back and forth thru her pleasure til one final thrust driving deep inside her, he ejaculated. He kissed her lips and then rolled off her. She instinctively curled next to him laying her head on his chest. Her favorite position.

They dozed for a few hours then he indicated he needed to leave. "I gotta be there when she gets off work. I need to pack up my clothes," he said. He let himself out eventually leaving her asleep in the bed. She went to work as usual messaging him a couple of times 'good morning'. They had learned to be mindful of their messages to each other. After lunch break she was a nervous wreck as she still had not received a reply. She tried to call him on her afternoon break but no response. When her shift was over she raced out the parking lot and headed to Nicole's house. She drove in front of Nicole's house once before circling back and pulling in the driveway. She hurried up to the front door and knocked. When no one opened the door after a few minutes, she knocked again calling out her brother's name loudly. Nicole opened the door, stepped out on the porch, and pulled the front door closed behind her. Evie took a couple of steps back. Nicole looked furious.

"What do you want?" Nicole demanded with her hands on her hips.

"Where is Ben?" Evie asked carefully watching her.

"He had an accident on his way home last night. The truck driver called emergency services and they brought him to the hospital to check him out. He is home now. He has been asleep on pain meds all day," Nicole spat at her.

Evie gasped feeling like she had just been slapped hard across her face. "Nicole, you bought him that bike! It's your damn fault he got hurt!" Evie yelled at her. "You didn't call me to at least let me know what happened, if he was ok?" Evie screamed. She was shaking so hard and tears were streaming down her face. She put her hands in her pockets to try to stop herself from hitting Nicole.

Nicole took a step toward her and warned, "you leave right now or I call the police. I will tell the police everything I know. Got it? Get off my porch!".

Evie spun around to leave, her body wracked with sobs. She had a hard time making it back to her car. Once in her car, she pressed her forehead to the steering wheel and let the pain consume her. She needed to get home and hold her security blanket. She needed the comfort of just feeling, clutching that cold, solid, hard steel in her hand. The four inch barrel and pearl handle were a reassurance and would help her stop shaking. It calmed her. For her, there existed more terrifying things than death. The last time she took it out of the case was when her brother got married.

It was Saturday morning and she woke to the sound of her phone buzzing. She answered it without thinking, hoping it was Ben. It was Eloise.

"Honey, you looked so upset at work yesterday. You alright?" Eloise asked.

"Just some personal stuff," Evie explained.

"If you need a little company a few of us are going to the bar to watch Rodney play tonight if you want to come along," Eloise offered.

"Can I call you back later?" Evie wanted to get off the phone. Evie searched her phone for anything from Ben or Nicole. There was nothing. She drug herself out of bed and hit the shower. She tried watching TV. In desperation she got in her car and drove in front of Nicole's house a couple of times. She eventually called Eloise back and stated she wanted to go out with the group. She sent Eloise her address to pick her up as she planned on getting drunk.

Evie spent most of her time that evening sitting at the table drinking. Rodney visited with them a few times between sets and drew up a chair in the middle of her and Jasmine. He placed one arm around each of them. At first he placed his hand on her hip but later into the evening he was cupping and squeezing her butt. She was drunk and not concerned he would try anything else. She knew Jasmine would kick his ass in front of everyone. Eloise made the call when it was time to leave and as she was the only sober member of their party, no one argued.

Evie put her key in the front door and stumbled into the duplex without turning on the lights. She made a turn for the bedroom when she heard an angry voice, "where were you?". Her brother flipped on the lamp so she could see his face. Her reaction was to instantly run to the bathroom and hug the toilet. Between throwing up, she was sobbing. Her brother limped into the bathroom behind her and turned on the light. He sat on top of the side of the tub and pulled her toward him so she could lean on him. He pulled her hair away from her face and rubbed her shoulder as she cried.

"Where did you go? I have been here hours," he asked, "I lost my phone in the slide and this is the first time I have been able to leave Nicole's house."

"Eloise picked me up," she hiccupped and continued, "some of us from work met at a bar where one of the guys plays in a band," she sobbed and took a deep breath. "You didn't lose your phone and I bet a million dollars Nicole took it. What are we going to do?" she wailed.

Ben let out a long sigh. He was focused on Evie. He was grateful he had kept himself in check when she walked in the door. He was irate she wasn't home when he got there and he was wondering who he was going to have to maim for messing with his sister. She was all he could think about. He pulled her shirt over her head and unhooked her bra. He stood and gingerly removed his clothes. Evie reached up and started stroking his dick. She went to her knees and took him in her mouth. He groaned and stood in place for a few minutes enjoying her warm, wet mouth and the feel of her tongue sloppily licking his shaft. He leaned over and turned the shower on. He pulled her up and slowly removed her jeans, underwear, socks, and shoes. He carefully assisted her getting into the shower and stood behind her with his arm wrapped around her. He palmed her pussy with one hand and she moaned and released her bladder peeing on his hand, down her legs while he continued to hold her. She's trashed, he thought. He was so hard. His dick was up against her backside. If he wasn't hurting so bad he would have picked her up and fucked her but he couldn't. He was going to have to change the bandages/dressing on his wounds before sleeping. The doctor told him every night and morning. He helped soap her up and rinsed the both of them off being mindful of his injury. He barely got her to the bed before she passed out cold. He spread her legs, positioned himself as best he could, and fucked her hard. He desperately needed release and it didn't take him long to come.

Evie watched him struggling out of the bed in the late morning muttering about changing bandages, needing a piss, and taking a pill. She had a nasty hangover. She couldn't help but notice again how he had filled out. They both had been too skinny once but had eaten pretty well in the past year. Nicole liked to cook and her brother obviously took advantage of it. She started thinking about what they were going to eat when there was a loud knock on the front door. Panic immediately set in and she scrambled out of the bed. She grabbed a bra and some clean clothes trying to brush her hair at the same time. When the person knocked a second time she hollered out, "give me a second!". She stepped in the bathroom and whispered to her brother to be quiet because there was someone at the door. To her horror there were two uniformed members of law enforcement and Nicole standing behind them. "That's her," Nicole told them. One of the men looked at her and asked her name. They were there to do a Welfare Check. Evie tried to appear composed and answered his questions. She felt her brother come up behind her. She turned to look at him and her eyes got big as saucers. He was wearing only a pair of sweatpants sitting low on his hips. Oh My Lord, she thought. He appeared calm however she knew he was seething. Ben politely explained to the men he was in an accident and had just come from the bathroom changing out his bandages. He proceeded to show them his injury. Nicole was glaring at him. Evie had shrunk behind the door letting her brother talk to the group. After Ben answered a few more standard questions, the men seemed satisfied enough and they didn't ask to enter the duplex. Ben slowly closed the door. Evie stared out the window refusing to let out a breath til the three of them were gone. She dropped into the closest chair and put her head between her legs to prevent fainting.

"Come here," her brother called out to her from the bedroom. "Take off your clothes," he said when she stood by the bed looking down on him. He was nude. She shakily took off her clothes and cuddled up next to him. His warmth was soothing. "Shhhh. Dont say a word," he whispered as he nuzzled her neck and wrapped his arm around her. After a few minutes, she closed her eyes and blocked everything out except him, the feel of him next to her, kissing her neck. He was being so tender. He caressed her breasts and she relaxed loving the way he was touching her. "You and me," he whispered as he slid his hand between her legs. He gently rubbed her clit causing her to moan. His lips were on hers and his tongue was exploring her mouth. He inserted a finger in her pussy and she was so wet already. He grunted as he rolled on his back pulling her on top of him. She sat up putting her hands on his chest grinning at him. He was her world. He hungrily watched her slide her pussy up and down his dick. He grabbed his dick and positioned it allowing her to sink down on it and take in the length of him. He guided her hips. She rocked and he watched his dick going in and out of her matching his rhythm to hers. She arched her back and he found her clit bringing her quickly to orgasm. He started bucking underneath her grabbing her hard then he climaxed. She slid off him when he softened and snuggled next to him.

"Tomorrow, first thing, you turn in your notice at work. You got a message on your phone last night that pissed me off. Shut him down now," he said. She tried to hide her face under his shoulder but he forced her chin up to make eye contact with him. "Shut. him. down. now., you hear me? Or I will," he threatened. His anger was rising fast. She quickly nodded in response. He continued talking and she heard the words 'divorce', 'bitch', 'apartment', 'money', blah, blah, blah. She was holding him as tightly as she could. Her head was on his chest listening to his heartbeat. She was content and dozed off with the thought everything was going to be OK now.

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