Imperfect Strangers


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"Cum on..." she groaned down to her engorged cunt, grimacing in prolonged passion. The sweat dripped from her eyebrows, nose, ears, temples and chin. "Cum on! CUM for her!"

Her anxiety was slowly turning to anguish. She couldn't bear it another second. Her trembling fingers reached for the switch to turn the vibrildo to the next setting.


"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" she repeated as it finally happened. The climax ripped and raged through her, at long last, from her spinning head to curled toes. She flopped and wriggled the following fifteen to twenty seconds until it died down. Her body's imprint in the bed transformed into a pool of afterglow. She almost fell asleep, until she felt the vibrildo still on inside her.

"Ouch..." she murmured, reaching to turn it off. Her pussy was utterly spent, very tender, and needed some time to recover. She could let the toy sit where it was, caked in cum, for now. She'd used up all her energy. It was Thursday, after midnight, and she was about to drop dead till morning. She stretched her limbs, laid her head back, and processed a final thought before surrendering consciousness.

Well...I know what I'm thankful for today.


La trama se complica

Tuesday, December 13th, 2016, 5:28 p.m.

"...And as little Ellen's family hugged her, told her they loved her, and they all began to sing carols together, it was then Ellen knew she had found the true meaning of Christmas," read Laura, finishing another story for their visiting audience. "The end!"

Applause followed. Everyone eventually filed out, including Bonita, who'd come to the library much more often in the last few weeks. After Thanksgiving, the staff had prettied it up in decorations, including the tree, under which presents would be placed for the annual Secret Santa. Librarians and visitors alike were excited, with that extra dash of holiday spirit in the air. Laura today was decked in one of her festive fuzzy sweaters, which she hadn't taken off all day even though it was warm in the building. Bonita followed at her side like a puppy, as she now often did at Laura's job. She liked to tag along and watch her work. As she'd told her that first night, Bonita really did like it at the library. Laura of course didn't mind, and hoped others around didn't much either.

At the same time, she couldn't help wondering why Bonita didn't seem to care about getting another job. Not that she didn't want her around, obviously. But she felt bad for Bonita losing her previous job at the antique store, whatever the circumstances—the chica never had been quite clear on why she lost the job. And wherever she was living, Laura presumed money was running low to pay the rent. Unless there was something else going on here, like, say, she was rich. Or she lived at a shelter. An explanation such as these would nicely clear up those mysteries. And she had to admit her curiosity was growing.

On the other hand, though she hadn't yet been invited to the chica's elusive habitat, Laura'd taken Bonnie home to hers, where one of their dates took place. Others saw them in various eateries, shopping at the mall, playing mini-golf, going to the (actual) movies, and getting ice cream for free due to a promotion at Dairy Dreams. Except for this last arena, each outing cost money, which Laura volunteered while oblivious to Bonita's financial situation. Sometimes they went Dutch. But Laura didn't want to allow her to pay for any one entire date. Bonita seemed agreeable, leaving Laura still uncertain and a bit worried. She thought Bonita would speak up if she really had enough dinero to look after herself. Maybe she was shy. Maybe it was one of her buttons.

Unbeknownst to Laura, she actually had a reason to be worried. And Bonita was afraid to tell her. But sooner or later, she had to.

"So...Bonnie..." Laura flirted, affectionately sneaking in her little nickname. "...Whaddaya wanna do tonight?"

"Well, uh...I was thinking maybe we could go to the Candle Grove..."

"Ooh, I love that place. That sounds nice."

"Or-or maybe we could go to the Opal Room and dance..."

"Oh, how romantic."

"Or, eh...we could go bowling..."

"Cool. I like bowling."

"...Or...maybe we could just get married."

Laura broke up laughing. "Get married??" she guffawed. "That's hilarious!"

She pushed her cart of books to the next destination, but this time Bonita lagged behind a few feet.

"...Yeah..." she uttered to herself. "Hilarious."

Oh, Dios mío...

How am I ever going to tell her?


Dejando caer la proverbial bomba

Friday, December 16th, 2016, 10:15 p.m.

Bonita waited a few more days, then decided she couldn't put it off any longer. Today Laura helped close, her shift ending at 10:00. So Bonnie took her to her car—where she'd parked beside Laura—got in with her, shut the doors and turned the heat on. She didn't want to broach this while Laura was on the clock. She started up the ignition, Laura noticed, but was in no apparent hurry to go anywhere.

"So...what's going on?"

Bonita felt her heart beating a mile a minute, wishing she could predict how Laura would react.



"S-sí...mi amor, mi cariña...I, um...I have to tell you something."

"Okay, go ahead."

"I'm so very afraid of how you'll take it, though."

"Well, what is it, Bonnie? You know you can talk to me about anything."

"No lo se, Laura..."

"C'mon, babe, I'll be cool. I promise. What, are...a-are you actually straight? Are you really a dude?"

"Uh, no, and no. But...well, okay, here it is..."

Bonita swallowed, trying to think of just which way to go with this. She probably should have given her decision more thought, but she was rather pressed. She went with her impulse, praying to God it was the right thing to do. She took Laura's hands.

"Laura Stephanie being hilarious, no kidding around, dead serious...

"...Will you please marry me?"

No one could adequately describe the look that came over Laura's face. It was several moments before she spoke.

"...Uhhhh...say what?"

Ay, mierda. She knew it. She knew that was the wrong move. Bonita now felt like Laura must've felt asking her out on their first date.

"O-ok-okay, that...that w—...I-I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry, Laura. Yo lo siento. But, I...I have to just tell you the truth now.

"I can't stay with you. I can't stay after two more weeks. I'm...I'm an alien. An illegal one. My green card expired, and I've been permanently denied renewal. I can't work, and I can't stay in America without it. I...I have...until the f—..."

Bonita began crying.

"...Until the first of the year...then I'm being deported. Back to España. And, I...

"...I can't ever come back."

Laura sat beside her in the passenger seat, trying to process all this. It was new, very sudden information, and quite a bit of it. She let Bonita continue to hold her hands, but was now realizing the enormity of the situation. She listened to Bonita cry, and recognized the sound. That was the same sniffling, weeping noise she made back on November 1st when they'd originally met.

So that's why she was crying.

"...I...Laura, I-I love America," Bonita went on. "But even more importantly...I...oh my God, I...I want so badly to say I love you...even if we haven't reached this point together. But I know if I went back, I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about you. And...and I don't think I'd ever get the chance to be truly happy again. I think I have that chance with you, Laura. I honestly think I do love you. And I swear...I totally, absolutely swear, upon everything I've ever loved, I am not just saying that because..."

Sniffle. "...Because..." She sighed, feeling defeated.

"...Because the only way I can stay in America now is if you marry me."

Laura was at a complete loss for words. She slowly took her hands from Bonita's. Bonita did not take this as a good sign. And she grew more apprehensive still as Laura placed both over her face, and let out her own sigh. A hundred thoughts pushed and shoved about in her mind. Maybe she couldn't consider every angle at once. But what she was considering in this situation...she didn't like.

"...I don't believe this."

Bonita felt her heart start to break. "Laura...I sw—"

"And you're telling me all this now?" Laura asked, removing her hands from her face.

"Well, it''s not the kind of thing you blurt out to someone you just meet for the first time."

"And it never once occurred to you in a month and a half to bring it up?? Just all of a sudden out of the blue with only two little weeks left? Wh-what'd you think, that you'd just pick me at random, some gullible do-gooder type to be your Samaritan, charm me off my feet, make me fall for you, then hope the timing would be right, and...and use me to keep you from deportation??"

"N—I—no!" Bonita insisted. "Laura, please! I swear, I...w-well, all right, if I have to be honest, maybe a little bit that first day. But that was before I got to know you! Laura, sweetie, darling, if that was all I wanted, I wouldn't be crying right now! I..."

She sighed and leaned back over into her own seat, now angry with herself.

"Oh, this is exactly what I was afraid of! I knew I shouldn't have done this! Now I've lost my home, and I've probably lost the woman who means more to me than her entire country does. I'm...I'm so sorry, Laura," she sobbed. "I'm just so sorry. You're right. If I'm too chicken to be upfront with you, and I can't handle this with any kind of dignity, I deserve to be deported."

She meant all her words; they were true, and from the heart. But she still hoped they might make Laura feel a little sorry for her, and maybe take a bit of pity. Laura, however, was not quite ready to be sympathetic just yet.

"H— do I know that, Bonnie? Bonita? If that is even your real name?...I mean, you told me you wanted to be an actress. Have you just been playing some kinda...character with me??"

Bonita covered her face and bawled harder, her feelings clearly hurt by that remark.

"...I mean, if kept a secret this big from me until now, when it really serves your interests...what do I even know about you?

"...Who are you?"

Bonita dropped her wet hands to her lap.

"You're're right, Laura. Everything you're saying is absolutely right. I don't deserve to have you marry me. I know it seems like I played this so selfishly and I was only thinking of myself. But Laura...please just let me say one thing. If there's anything I can do to prove to you this is truly how I feel...and to prove everything I've told you about me's the it. I swear to God, I'll do it. I really will do whatever it takes to keep you in my life. Even...even if I have to go back to España for you to forgive me."

She waited. Laura didn't say anything, though she did remain in the car. Bonita hung her head and shut her eyes until she heard words.

Finally, several moments later...

"Okay...there's something you can do for me."

Bonita gasped, hope coming back within reach. She opened her eyes to look Laura straight in hers.


" me your ID, and proof you're gonna be deported."

"Of course!" Bonita reached for the backseat. "Of course, they're right in my purse." She began digging.

"Uh...uh...'s see here...uhhhh...oh, shoot! Why is there so much crap in m—ah! Okay, here's my driver's license. There you go, and...and I know my paperwork's in here too...somew—¡sí! Got it!"

Laura really just wanted to know she hadn't lied about her name or living status. Once Laura'd perused the information long enough, she returned them. Bonita put them in her purse, silently praying she'd won back some trust. Again, she waited till Laura spoke.

"You swear you think you love me?"

She nodded, taking a breath. "Laura...I'm gonna tell you something right now not even my Mama and Papa knew about me. This may seem silly, but please just go with me. You know how I told you I love comic books, and I've got thousands of them?"


"Well, here's the thing. I've been collecting them since I was a kid. I used to buy them with my allowance, but when I took them home I'd have to hide them. Dear old madre and padre wouldn't have approved of that kinda nonsense. The first time I went to the store and bought one was September 10th, '98. And I remember that 'cause I wanted to make a regular thing of it. So the next time I went just happened to be October 10th. And then November 10th. And I thought that was really cool. So ever since then, I've gone to the store—either back home or here in the States—and bought one on the 10th of every month. Every single one, weather permitting, and as long as the store's open every day. So I just collected one right after the other, and the whole time, my parents never knew."

"Wow. Okay..."

"So I kept it up as my little tradition all this time since then. And after my parents died, I was heartbroken, but I wanted to keep their memory alive. So as my own tribute to them, I let them take their not knowing about it to the grave. And I still hide my comic books today, even though there's no one else around. I just want it to feel like Mama and Papa're still there."

Laura let out a quiet "Awww..." and turned to the side. Bonita saw she could now admire her face from this angle.

Oh, my gosh, her Kate Middleton nose is so damn adorable, I just wanna nibble on i—okay, stop it, Bonita; focus!

"And-and so, I bought one September 10th, this year. And one October 10th, and November 10th. But..."

Laura turned back to her.

"...But...not December 10th?"

Bonita shook her head. "No. I didn't. See, I did go to the store. But...I was on my own 'cause you were at work. And we'd been out on a bunch of dates since then. you's been the most wonderful thing that's happened to me in a long, long time. You make me so happy, Laura. You make me forget all my problemas when we're together. Soon it got to the point where you were all I could think about. I thought I was falling in love with you, but I wasn't sure. So I was at the comic book store, on December 10th, and...and, well, buying these things has been just about my favorite thing in the world, for all these years, but...without you there with me..."

She brushed a tear away.

"...I couldn't do it.

"It was like...doing the thing that I've loved best since I was little...I-I just couldn't enjoy it anymore without you. I needed you there with me. And it was in that moment I realized...I actually know what love is. It's not being able to do the thing you love best without the person that means even more to you. So...that's it, Laura. That's the story. That's how I found out I love you."

Laura gasped as a shiver of warmth and devotion went through her. Bonnie'd just said the three little words. If she indeed wanted to be an actress, Laura had no idea if this was any sort of a performance. But if it was, the chica deserved an Oscar. But Laura doubted even the most skilled thespian could concoct up a story like this, and tell it with such honest conviction. And Bonita had of course told her she loved comic books on their first date.

"So, you...left the comic book store empty-handed? For the first time in..."

Bonita nodded. "Eighteen years."

"Eighteen ye—...oh my God, mean it? You really...can't buy a comic book without me?"

She shook her head again. "No. No puedo."

Laura whistled. "Dios o."

She waited a minute, then reached back over and took Bonita's paws.

"I believe you, Bonnie."

Her companion's heart swelled with elation.

"Oh, thank you, Laura. Muchas gracias. I swear, it's all true. I'll show you my collection sometime, know..."

Laura found herself a bit unsure of her next move. Normally when presented with such a proposal, she'd object, partially based on the fact that she didn't even know the person. But in this case...she had to think back and consider just how very, very much she'd learned about Bonita. She actually did know Bonnie pretty well. And Bonnie her. And that may have been only skin-deep, but Laura didn't know if she'd find someone whose pulchritude ran quite this deep ever again. She reviewed for a moment and took stock.

Very possibly the most beautiful girl she'd ever met in her life...was asking marry her.

Did it really matter a dealbreaking amount that she'd only known Bonita a month and a half?...Perhaps it mattered a bit more that if she denied her this monumental favor, her heart would be broken, and she'd be sent back out of the country.

She nodded. "Okay, Bonnie...all right..."

Bonita waited hopefully, holding her breath.

"There's one more thing I'd like you to do, Bon-Bon. It's kinda unusual, and...kinda mean for someone to make someone else do...but it'll definitely convince me. Do this one more thing for me...and I'll marry you."

Bonita squealed with delight, clasping all four of their hands together.

"YES! Of course, my darling! Anything! Anything!"

"Okay." Laura opened her car door. "Turn it off, and let's get out."

Bonnie did as told, following Laura out to between their vehicles. Laura fished out her keys, popped her trunk and removed something. Bonita saw as she laid it over the pavement. A big blue blanket. Once Laura had it spread out as she wanted, she clapped off her hands.

"A'right, go ahead and stand right there for me."

Bonita again obeyed, still unsure what was going on, but guessing she'd find out.

"Good. Now take your clothes off."

Bonita's eyebrows leapt straight up.

"Ehhhhhh...come again?"

"We'll discuss our sex life later. You heard me, sweetheart. Naked. Right now."

"...B-b-but, L—'s the middle of December."

"It's not that cold. It's in the high 40s; it's not gonna snow. And you like the cold, remember?"

"...But, um...what if...if someone sees me? What...what if I get arrested?"

"Then you can stay in America, in a prison cell. And I'll bail you out. Eventually."

It was Bonnie's turn to make an indescribable face.

"I'm kidding you. That's not gonna happen. The library's been closed for half an hour, and the streetlights are off."

"Yeah, but...uh, Laura...I...I just wasn't exactly expecting this when you asked me to do one more thing for you."

"Well, then, Bonnie, I guess you were lying. I guess you don't love me, and aren't willing to prove you do after all. Enjoy Spain."

"Okay-okay! Okay. I'll...I'll do it."

Frankly more concerned with temperature than embarrassment, Bonita gave an initial shiver and began with her Hush Puppies while unbuttoning her shirt. As she dropped her clothes into a pile, Laura went into her coat pocket and retrieved half a roll of Lifesavers.

She nodded with a bit of a smirk as Bonnie got down to her bra and panties, and turned even pinker than she was already.

"M-my-my...underwear too?"

"Sí , señorita," Laura smiled. "If you wanna be my señora, underwear too."

"Oh God," Bonita meekly whimpered, reaching behind to unhook her bra first. Laura couldn't help but get excited at what she was about to see. What a way to make your girl prematurely show the goods, she thought.