In a Bottle... Ch. 04


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"That... was wonderful," she sighed, still a little breathless.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Alan smiled. "It was pretty amazing for me, too. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I told you that I would repay you for saving me. I'm glad to have been able to meet these lovely assistants who help you with your secret technology, among other things," she noted glancing once more at Lucky, a little more pointedly than before, who smiled at her without stopping what she was doing with Alan's penis. "I should probably be going for the night before I get too relaxed and encroach on our boundaries."

"You're welcome to spend the night if you need to," Alan quickly offered.

"You see? That's what I mean," she countered, forcing herself off the couch, and sauntering down the hall. "I'm going to take a shower before I go if that's alright."

- - - - - - - - - -

Heather had just finished getting cleaned up and was getting dressed in Alan's bedroom when he opened the door a crack and knocked.

"Heather? Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah, come on in. I'm almost done," she answered.

He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He was treated to the sight of her still topless, wiggling her slender hips into her tight jeans.

"I called a cab company to take you home, they should be here in a little bit." He paused for a moment, assessing her demeanor. "How--Are you doing better? You know, after what happened earlier? I wasn't sure if I should bring it up so soon, but I want to make sure. I feel kind of bad for smacking your ass so hard."

She finished donning the shirt she had gotten from the genies' dresser and turned to him with a smirk. "I think you've done the best job of making me forget that anyone could hope to. Thank you. As for the spanking you gave me," she paused as she looked into his eyes, "I found that incredibly arousing. You didn't even leave a red mark."

"You are welcome to stay if you want. I mean, there are no issues with space or jealousy if you would like to be a part of the harem. We would take good care of your needs."

Heather simply shook her head. "I don't need anything more than what you've given me. I have a place to live, plenty of friends, and a job that I need to take care of. Before today, I would have said my life was perfect if you'd asked me. I didn't come home with you exclusively to thank you, I also needed someone to be with just for tonight; a man, a guardian, a master, a hero." She punctuated 'hero' with a special look and leaned over to kiss him gently on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Alan. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime."

Alan reached into his pocket and gave her his phone number on a business card and a twenty dollar bill for the cab. He cautioned her to be more careful in the future and to contact him if she ever needed his help, feeling like a cliché superman all the while. He escorted her to the door just in time to see the cab arrive, wished her a good night, and returned to his bedroom to get some rest.

- - - - - - - - - -

As Alan's consciousness drifted on the border of sleep he saw a small blue light floating amidst the darkness. As he tried to gather his wits to discern if it was his mind playing tricks on him it drew closer. He blinked his eyes and there were two of them -- along with the unmistakable soft padding of bare feet on the floor. Finally, he made the connection: Two blue eyes. Magik.

"Master?" came a shallow whisper in the dark. He could sense a sort of urgency in her voice and quickly banished his sleepiness, sitting upright in bed. He reached over and yanked on the cord for his blinds, blanketing the room in moonlight.

"What's the matter, Magik?"

"Earlier when we were role-playing... I wasn't acting when I said that I had been waiting for you all day and, well, I got so turned on watching you today that I can't sleep."

She came into the dim light and he could tell by her face that she was extremely uncomfortable, both with her body and with entering his room uninvited. Alan felt his heart sink a little as he realized that he was the reason she was unhappy.

"My balls are empty. I'm not sure I can go again. What do you want me to do? I could eat you out if you would like," he offered.

Her mystical blue eyes slanted as the corners of her mouth rose in a slow smile.

"If that is the only problem, then there is no problem, master. That is within my limited power to fix -- with your permission."

He looked blankly at her for a moment. Magik had already granted him the desire to know illusion magic. He nodded that she had his permission, unsure of what that meant.

Her smile grew wider and he then realized that she could very easily conjure more fluids for his body without using much power at all when he felt the odd sensation of his balls filling back up. Briefly, Alan considered the possibility of using this unanticipated quirk to achieve multiple orgasms.

He was about to ask when she said, "You did very well with your illusionary magic, today. Don't let Misty discourage you. She was only worried for your safety."

He frowned at her in confusion. "I appreciate the vote of confidance, Magik, but how can you know that without having been there?"

"Because I know that you went unconscious from the bond we have established in case you need us, and when you got home today I could tell that your magical prowess had grown considerably. I felt my own grow slightly, as well. I believe this is because we are bound by the desire you asked of me."

"I don't understand what you just said..."

"Neither do I completely understand it, master. It is as I was attempting to explain to you this morning: Magic is more potent when used for the benefit of another. It has to do with the way it flows. Perhaps saving Heather had such a large benefit that it affected my own magical strength through teaching you to use your own magic."

Alan was trying to wrap his mind around this new idea when he realized that his balls had now expanded past full and were beginning to reach the point of blue balls.

"Ow, that's starting to get painful, Magik," he warned her. "Is this what you feel like?"

"Yes, master. I am so hot right now. I feel like there are serpents filling my stomach and tying themselves in knots. I tried masturbation, but that seems to only worsen things."

"Well come lay down in my bed with me," he slid over to make room for her to lay beside him. "But there are no clothes allowed in here so you're going to have to do something about those silks."

She smiled at him and began slipping off her silks and draping them across his body. He loved how they felt against his bare skin, exquisitely soft and still warm from her body heat -- he couldn't help becoming aroused. She shed the rest of her silks revealing her tear shaped breasts, which he still loved more than any other pair of breasts he had seen in his life, and her pristinely smooth mons. Alan couldn't see a single hair on her. He felt his mouth water in anticipation. He opened his mouth after swallowing as she approached the bed and she obligingly bent over, sticking her left nipple directly onto his tongue and swirling it around.

"Mmmmm," she moaned as her nipples immediately became hard.

Alan reached up and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into bed with him as he flicked his tongue across her areola. She landed with a thump and he broke contact with her breast to clutch her mane of brown hair and bring her face toward his for a deep kiss. She fell into him as they kissed, feeling his cock come to life and rise up against her leg as it filled with blood. They kissed passionately for a few minutes while she wrapped herself around him and ground her hips against his leg.

"I love your breasts," he fawned between kisses, palming them desperately. Her two droplets fit perfectly into his hands and felt like liquid velvet against his skin.

They stopped kissing briefly and Alan's attention was unconsciously drawn to her florescent eyes. His concept of time was beginning to slip away when an idea came to him. He whispered to her, "You know, one thing I've occasionally fantasized about that I never thought possible was to have a woman with a tongue in her vagina. It's something I read somewhere and couldn't ever get out of my head. I wish that you had a fully functional pussy tongue." He frowned and said, "I don't think you can do that with your restricted abilities, though."

She nodded, "That is true. However, you may be able to fulfill your own desire with the proper enchantment, master."

Of course! He could use magic to make others think that they were injured. Why couldn't he do just the opposite for himself? Use magic for pleasure.

He concentrated on all of the sensations that would be involved and realized that she was right. He would have to give her muscular control, which would be very difficult, but the tongue itself wouldn't be anything that he hadn't already done.

He focused on the feel of a normal tongue: the wetness, the smooth surface, the flex of the muscles inside... He could sense it all taking shape, and by the surprised look on Magik's face he knew that it was a unique experience for her already.

He sifted through his knowledge of magic buried deep in the corner of his brain trying to understand how he could tie the muscles to her without knowing what she was thinking. He couldn't read her mind. After some trial and error he realized that it was possible for her to control it, but she had to feel it entirely -- like creating a third arm, this too would have a series of muscles inside that were each capable of independent movement.

"Well, shall we try it out?" He asked a moment later, barely able to contain his excitement.

She smiled at him and grabbed ahold of his headboard to pull herself up, slithering her body past his face treating him to the delights of her nudity until she was poised in a squatting stance over his face. He couldn't tell that anything had changed from inspecting her pussy, even with it right in front of him. Her cunt lips shimmered with her own juices as she lowered herself onto his waiting mouth.

He began to eat her and was rewarded with the most wild feeling imaginable as a tongue snaked its way out of her pussy lips to meet his and began to french kiss him. Instead of being coated in saliva, it was her sweet pussy juice that was being pushed into his mouth. He broke for air when he ran out and lay there panting and watching her glistening pussy drool on his face from above. The tongue slid out again and luxuriously licked its lips, cleaning the excess juices off before returning to its home.

"Man, that was sexiest thing I think I've ever seen," Alan stared in wonderment as Magik smiled down at him.

"Ready for more?" She asked with her sly smile. He licked her pussy in answer and she slithered her pussy tongue back out. Alan alternated sucking on her tongue and clitoris, each earning him a small series of hip thrusts from Magik who whimpered at his ministrations.

"Oooh, master! This is so much better than kissing!"

Alan pulled away before Magik got too close to release and insinuated two fingers into her deep wetness and began a steady pumping motion while her nether tongue flailed about in search of him.

"Magik, see if you can use your tongue to lick yourself," Alan whispered excitedly.

She curled her pussy tongue forward and pressed the tip against her protruding clit and began to run tight circles around it.

"Oh, fuck!" She swore, surprising him, as she pressed with just the right amount of pressure. Between gasps and pants she yelled, "That feels amazing! Oh, this is so hot. I'm giving myself cunnilingus. Master, why didn't you tell me about your idea sooner?"

"Honestly, I'd forgotten about it with everything new that has been happening," he admitted, increasing the tempo of his fingers while she squirmed. He grasped her ass with his free hand and watched her tongue stretching out of her pussy licking her own clitoris with wild abandon. "I don't think I can watch this much longer, Magik. Just watching you stimulating yourself is driving me crazy, and my balls already hurt."

With a loud cry of pleasure something inside Magik snapped and she went over the edge, her pussy tongue never missing a beat. Streams of love juice squirted out of Magik's pussy and Alan, still underneath her, got most of it in the face due to his close proximity. He barely had time to close his eyes before she drenched him. He opened his mouth, hoping to catch some of the sweet nectar before she finished, just a little taste. A few more squirts sprayed at him and he managed to catch one in his mouth purely by chance. He'd forgotten how sweet pussy juice was and rolled it around his tongue for a blissful moment of eroticism, keeping his eyes closed to help pick out the unique flavors.

Barely had she finished cumming before Magik had her cunt on top of Alan's iron hard cock. His eyes snapped open when he felt her body sink down onto him. They both stared at each other for a moment, not saying anything yet. Magik's pussy tongue slithered down to cup his balls as she sat impaled upon his manhood, smiling down at him.

"Your turn," she whispered, inducing a moan of pleasure from Alan.

She slid up and down his shaft to lubricate his whole length before pulling him all the way out of her and just resting the tip of his cock between her slippery lips while the tongue wrapped itself around the base of his cock and tugged it up farther inside bit by bit.

"I could let you do that... all... night... long," Alan grunted as he felt himself being pulled up inside of her, his body tensing and relaxing in synchronicity with her tongue. He soon found himself sitting halfway up, keeping himself from falling backwards with his arms. His mind rode the crest of pleasure as she sucked him in and let him slip back out.

He determinedly pushed her back onto the bed and took initiative as the sensations bombarding his nerves began to overwhelm him. His balls were just too full, his instincts were telling him to move his hips, to hump, to fuck, to cum. His need continually growing, Alan began to thrust into her trying to find the right spot that would push him over the edge with enough pressure and friction.

He slammed his cock into her wet tunnel as it tried to suck him in deeper, the tongue grasping onto the tip until it was all the way at the entrance, and then with a pop he pulled out, breaking the suction. An orgasm like he had never known racked his body and he shot wave after wave of warm jizm across Magik's lubriciously lubricated pussy, coating her lips and arcing up onto her abdomen in long streams.

Just as he felt his substantial orgasm coming to an end, Alan recognized that feeling of blue balls returning in the pit of his stomach. He looked up at Magik, and in those vibrant, magical blue eyes he knew what she had done. He jumped a little when he felt her pussy tongue slither out and press itself against the glans of his still-twitching cock and start to wiggle in continuous undulating motions. He loved it.

As he was consumed with the bliss of post orgasmic radiance, he suddenly felt his balls tighten again and a second, more intense orgasm hit him. Weakened by his first, it was all he could do to hold himself up as fresh jets of cum exploded from his cock coating Magik a second time and spilling all down her loins and across nether tongue.

Struggling to maintain muscular control, Alan released the illusion and half-fell onto her, penis still oozing, and kissed her over and over.

"I've never heard of a guy being capable of multiple orgasms. That was unforgettable," he said after taking a minute to gather himself, and then as an afterthought added, "We're going to have to show Lucky that trick."

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it as much as I did, master." Magik squirmed beneath him. "You made a very big mess."

He smiled at her observation and struggled to stay conscious, realizing how much using complex magic for an extended time was taking out of him. He felt exhaustion pulling at his eyelids and rolled his weight off Magik as his mind drifted in the brainfog that was often a precursor to sleep. In his final hazy thoughts, he managed to form a coherent sentence.

"Stay with me tonight, Magik?"

"Yes, master."

- - - - - - - - - -

Heather stepped out into the cool night air and retrieved the twenty dollar bill that Alan had given her from her purse. She paid the cab driver and closed the car door. Still deep in thought about the events of the day as she walked up the path to her front door, Heather didn't notice the stocky man in his dark suit leaning up against the railing on her porch until she was about to bump into him. She jumped back quickly in surprise before she recognized him and calmed a little.

"What are you doing here so late?" She demanded, a little upset at being caught off guard. She stepped past him to put her keys into the lock. "I can't believe you want to talk again this soon."

"Yes, Heather. My associates have what we'll call 'an interest' in your new acquaintance." The man smiled at her ignorance. "There are a few details we have to talk about. May I come inside?"

"Of course. Brodick, was it? You'll have to excuse my clutter."

"Bróktic actually, but you may call me Brock if it is easier for you," he replied as they stepped into her house.

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MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

Heather is a traitor spy!!! Bad things happen to traitors...

garolopevigarolopeviover 5 years ago
Pussy Tongue

Wow ! Awesome idea !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Fun tale

This is a fun story. The characters are a little shallow but the flow is good and the

Imagery is clear. I really wish there was more toreador. Unfinished stories leave a hole.

But thanks for this part at least.

C_frommnC_frommnover 11 years ago
Well Written

Now we need for Brock and Heather to be Exposed and to have Alan and the Ladies to deal with the two of them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Very well written

It seems greedy Broktic is looking to exploit weaknesses and that has peaked my interest. I hope you resolve your problems and can find the time to finish the story.

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