In for a Penny


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"WHAT! You've got to be kidding!" ME?! With a woman living with me!!!!!!!!

"It's the only thing I could set up on short notice. Bart did up the papers so she's good that way."

That said a lot. Bart was 'on the edge.' He had been one of the top twenty world class forgers until he was caught. He became a consultant and was well paid for his knowledge. In exchange for not digging too far into some of his past customers, he had a permanent favor owed to Lynch. And he had called one in for this girl. This was some deep shit, and I wasn't too sure I wanted to get any further into it.

He looked at me, "You're my last hope."

He knew all the buttons to push. I sighed.

He chuckled and slapped my back, "Besides, you get your own personal porno queen."

I about fell on my face.

He laughed at me, he had seen me tongue tied around even Hattie too many times.

"She was kinda famous, then branched off into high dollar escort. That's where she overheard the conversation so I had to move quick."

This was all being said as he walked me through the gate to the generic Lear parked on the ramp. As we neared it this hot babe stepped to the door and looked like a lost kid. He knew there was no way I was going to say no once I saw that face.

I turned to him and made one more try to get out of it, "Where am I going to keep her? I can't go back to my place, the water is off."

He grinned with his hand still on my shoulder. "You'll have partial pressure by the time you get home. The crews will work on it all weekend, and they'll go through the building installing temporary filters until the pressure is back up to full Monday morning."

I stopped and started to boil. "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! You had this all planned, even made me go to Moms!" The 'going through installing temporary filters' would also let them do a surveillance run and plant a few bugs. I hope they bought them wholesale.

"How long has it been since you've seen them?"


"Awwww. You do love me."

I turned to look at the girl. A bit overdone in an outfit that wasn't all there didn't leave much to the imagination. Even in the fading light, I could tell there was some serious nipple jewelry under that thin top.

"You WILL pay for this."

He grinned and raised his arm toward the girl. She stepped down and he took her hand and put it in mine. "Mister Dollar, may I introduce you to your new wife Penny." He handed me a thick envelope and went behind her to get back on the plane. I began to lead her to my truck. How the hell was I going to explain this???

She had a little duffle bag and that was it. I got her into the truck with as little gawking as I could manage and headed back to my place. The asshole had the nerve to send me another smiley face as I pulled out.

It was a silent trip back and up the elevator. She froze when she stepped into the apartment. "The penthouse?"

"Not quite, that's three floors up." She was looking around like her head would spin off. "Have you eaten?"

"Not really, we had some sandwiches on the plane."

"I'll order some delivery, you have any preferences?"

"No anchovies."

"Bathroom is the first door on your right. Go ahead and clean up. Food should be here about the time you finish."

I'm a guy, I watched that ass in skin tight jeans wiggle away before I ordered.

I opened my drawer beside the stove and pulled out my stack of restaurant menus. The Chinese place has EXCELLENT bar-b-que. Hey! don't knock it until you've tried it.

My regular delivery man Carlos had just left, "FOOD'S HERE!"

I started unpacking. I heard footsteps and turned and froze. Penny was walking to the table stark naked. She was halfway to the table when my mind finally engaged mouth. "There's a robe on the back of the door."

"Okay," like it was no big deal, then turned and walked just as slowly back to get it.

I was ready to cum in my pants.

Most of the makeup was gone, but the trip down her body was a fantasy trip.

Sparkly jeweled nose ring -- check.

Diamond stud in upper lip -- check.

Diamond studs in the upper slope of both tits -- check.

Nice big gold rings in each nipple -- Fucking YES check.

Pierced belly button -- check.

Another pair of diamond studs in the upper part of her mound -- big double check.

Pierced clit -- OH FUCK YES!

Pierced pussy lips -- double check, no make that quad check, a pair in each.

Add to that little matching tattoos on the upper slope of her left tit and beside her slit and a fancy tramp stamp and she was sex on legs. I didn't care too much for the fake tits, but they weren't all that bad. The keyhole to mid-thigh was almost mind blowing.

She came back wrapped in my robe, barely tying it closed.

Even then she was hot as hell.

There wasn't much chit chat through supper, I think we were both just kinda taking it in.

After cleaning up, we kicked back on the couch to watch some mindless movie. Both of us just going through the motions. Well kinda.

After a bathroom break, Penny curled up under my arm and tucked her feet under her butt. That was hot as hell, but in the process. the robe came open and she didn't seem inclined to close it.

That bare tit was just inches from my hand, her shaved mound and studs drawing your eye and wishing that her legs were spread a bit so you could see her slit.

Now at my age I wasn't a virgin by any means, but I had very little experience with women. And anything above average looking had me thoroughly tongue-tied. Having a porn queen in my arms had me vapor locked. I was still looking at her as the credits rolled.

Penny looked up and me and just looked into my eyes, I turned to butter, a melted puddle of butter. "I guess I should ask. Are you tired? Wide awake? I have no idea what you've been through..."

She sighed, "It's been 'hurry up and wait' with Morty for the last two weeks."

I smiled, Morty. She got to him big time, almost nobody called him anything but Lynch, if I was pissed I called him Mortimer, and here she was calling him Morty.

"I'm wide awake and exhausted at the same time. Does that make sense?"

"Been there many a time, I've had a rather stressful day. I was thinking of taking a hot shower and crawling into bed."

"Okay," she said cheerfully.

I managed to untangle myself and not ogle her tits too much. The shower was good and bad. A long hot shower was wonderful, but thinking about the nearly naked woman in my apartment had the predicted result. I was rock hard and aching.

I closed my eyes and my mind made that trip down her naked body again. My pace picked up as I remembered. Going to my toes, I blasted the wall remembering her shaved mound and clit and pussy piercings.

I collapsed against the wall panting. Just standing in the water to recover. I had known one girl with one nipple pierced and was fascinated with it. My imagination was running wild with all of Penny's piercings.

I was still toweling off as I stepped to the bedroom and froze. Penny was in bed with the comforter only pulled halfway up. Head kicked back and short blond hair spread on the blue pillow case. Eyes closed and a smile on her face.

I was hard and aching again at the picture perfect woman in my bed. I usually slept naked, but I could see I would be in shorts for some time to come. I slipped them on with my back to the bed and softly slipped in. I had just gotten comfortable on my back when I nearly came in my shorts.

Penny rolled and plastered herself against my side under my arm.

I closed my eyes and took in the mental picture of what I felt. Such soft silky skin. I could feel her firm tits and prominent nipple jewelry in my side and chest. Her belly moving as she breathed, her leg across my iron hard cock.

I lowered my hand to her back and then down a bit like I was getting comfortable. I sighed, she was naked and against me, no sign of panty or thong. She was asleep in a matter of a few breaths. I saw the clock go past one before I finally dropped off.

- - -

I managed to crawl out from under her in the morning to take a piss. I still had to stop and stare at the wonder in my bed. Even curled up with my pillow her smooth back was sexy. The slight hint of titty bulge. The tramp stamp was just out of sight, but I knew it was there. I slipped my robe on and headed out to the main room before I acted on what I was thinking.

I grabbed a bottle of pop and kicked back at the little table on the balcony taking the morning in. I was well above most of the buildings around me. My apartment was the north facing unit on this floor. The top ten floors below the penthouse were two apartment layouts on a north south split. Two large rooms east and west with the kitchen, closet, and bath in between with floor to ceiling glass outer walls.

I put my bedroom in the west room facing the city and kept the drapes on the west and part of the north wall closed to make it a room. In the big living area, I kept them wide open for the view of the coast. I had sectioned off a corner for my office, but that was it. I wasn't close enough to hear the ocean, but I could watch the waves come in, see the boats and sail boards going all over.

Penny came out in one of my dress shirts... with only one button buttoned at her hips. I saw legs and a bit of shaved mound with every step. She leaned over to kiss my cheek and I got a wonderful view of hanging tits as she did.

"There's juice in the fridge and coffee pods on the counter if you want them."

"Okay." She turned to walk away, and even covered in my shirt that was one sexy wiggling ass. I had to rearrange myself while she wasn't around.

She came back and settled into the chair just around the table from me pulling her knees up and resting her coffee cup on them. If I had been across from her I could have looked right up between her legs to her bare pussy.

My phone rang and I got up to answer it. Even with my filters I still get a few junk calls. But I did need some information. I grabbed the envelope from last night from the counter and headed back out to the balcony.

The first few papers were the marriage paperwork, then some polaroids. The first was of the 'wedding'. Me in an Elvis costume, Penny in one HOT Elvira dress, the minister as a green alien. A few reception pictures, and a pile of receipts.

According to the dates I 'got married' tomorrow and we're spending the next week blowing money in Vegas. And it was all charged on MY credit card. Asshole. Then I grinned and sent a text.

'Morty, Penny says hi. How long is she going to be with me?'

It took a few minutes, but I had to chuckle at the bad news. 'NO ARRESTS YET. FEDERAL TRIAL.'

He was pissed at 'Morty', and I was going to have her for quite a while if she stayed with me. Some of these things can go years before going to trial.

I was taking her in without trying to be obvious. I guess I wasn't all that good at being subtle around hot babes.

"Ask," she said without even looking away from her cup.

"Sorry, I'm just curious. All that on a good looking woman. A little maybe, but all that? The piercings, the tattoos, the implants. You didn't need any of that to look hot."

I saw a little blush come up her neck before she answered. "Money and camera shots."

She turned to me and unbuttoned the shirt to cup and lift her tits. "Bigger tits equals bigger money." She released one tit and brought it to the nipple of the tit she was still holding. "My nipples are pierced at a slight angle."

I looked and realized they were, slightly in towards her cleavage.

She lifted and spread her legs then reached down to spread her pussy... WIDE. "I have one ring larger and it's silver instead of gold." She released her pussy but didn't drop her leg, merely hooked it on the arm of the chair.

"Combine them with the tattoos and it's pretty hard to argue about who's on camera. I get paid for my stuff and they can't get a body double for what I won't do."

I just sat there looking at her body on display. "Wow, makes sense. I hadn't thought of all that." Kinda stupid on my part. I spent most of my time on the computer trying to do or undo just that but in a different way.

"Morty says it's going to be a while before you can get back out there, so we're going to have to change your appearance a bit. Any idea what you want to do? Temporary or permanent.?"

She looked down at her body, then back at me, "I have no idea, what do you think we should do?"

I had to look at her body. My cock said jump her, my mind said respect her and reminded me that Mortimer carried several weapons. My mind barely won.

"Well, hair color can be easily changed. What about your tattoos? You can cover them with makeup or we can have them removed."

Penny kicked her leg out to put the one beside her slit on display... along with the rest of her beautiful mound. "Do you like them?"

I tried not to look, but I couldn't help it. My eyes didn't stay on her tattoo they went right to her glistening lips. "Not particularly to be honest. They get your attention but they seem a bit gaudy on you."

She smiled.

"The piercings will be a little more difficult or easy depending on what you want to do with them." I looked down at the studs on her mound wanting to get down and take a much closer look at them, as in tongue length look at them. "Do those get in the way of shaving?"

She snickered, "I had laser treatments a long time ago, so no shaving. And uh," she reached for one of the studs on her mound, gave it a twist and a tug and it came out in her fingers. "They pop right out." She did the same with the other one.

I have to say, for as hot as the diamond studs in her mound were, the baby smooth mound was making me salivate. "And those?" pointing to the ones in her tit.

She grinned and did the same to those and the one in her upper lip.

"So then some simpler jewelry in your piercings, remove the tattoos and change your hair color. That alone is going to make a big difference." I looked at her tits. If you looked you could make out where the implant sat on top of her tit.

They were nice, probably real nice before the implants. It looked like the implant had stretched out her nipple a bit making it more of a light brown circle with the piercing the only thing keeping her nipple standing out.

"What about your implants, you want to keep them or..."

She cupped them and jiggled them a bit. "They are a little bigger than I really wanted, but my agent talked me into them." She looked up at me, "What do you think, an honest guy's opinion."

"Well um..."

"Come on, if you could put anything you wanted here," giving them another jiggle, "what would it be?"

"What size were you before?"

"Thirty two B."

"I could see that," I said softly. Watching her cup and move her tits.


"In a perfect world?" I asked. She nodded. "Well, I think the B would be a good fit for your size, just right to go braless most of the time. A darker areola to show through thinner tops and a nice nipple bump would be hot but still let you cover if you had to."

"You don't think a B would be too small?"

"Not if they jiggle nicely as you walk. Hell, I'd be walking into light poles watching your tits move."

One hand dropped, the other had a finger circling her areola. "How expensive is all that going to be?"

"We'll put it on Morty's bill."

She laughed and kicked her foot out, but left her knee up on the arm putting her body on display to me.

I picked up my phone before I raped her, and because he saddled me with her, 'Morty, Penny needs an expense card."

'I'll send a courier asshole.'

"So then, I just need to get you some stuff to get by to actually go shopping. Um, what hair color, and um make up, and um..." I was having trouble forming sentences again the way she was casually laid back but on display.

"I'll make you a list." She got up and leaned over to kiss my cheek just outside my lips. It was all I could do to not wrap my arms around her and haul her off to the bedroom. The shirt gaping open in front of me didn't help one damn bit.

I recognized some things on the list, but most of it was a foreign language. I went to the mall. The hair color came from a salon. I just walked up to the makeup counter at Macy's and handed the smirking girl the list. "Well she has good taste in makeup at least," I heard before she turned and started pulling things from the shelf.

Fuck you bitch. I netted a little over a million dollars last year, but get tongue tied around pretty women. Life sucks and then you deal with it.

I spent over a hundred dollars on a small bag, the bitch had the nerve to smile at me when I handed her my black card. I wrote a big fat Ø in the tip spot, and wrote 'BAD ATTITUDE' beside it.

I had a bad attitude right up until I walked back into my apartment. There stood Penny gazing up at my posters. Fuck, hadn't thought of that.

I had four big posters of women in my apartment. They weren't nasty, even if the one in the bedroom was a bit more risqué. They were some of the old pinup style, but not the big prominent chest. They were smaller chested but with NICE NOTICABLE nipple bumps. The one in the bedroom was wearing some lingerie so her areola were showing through. "Do I need to take them down?"

Penny jumped. "No, of course not. You put them up to be enjoyed. Why would I ask you to take them down.?"

"Well, you are going to be here for a while. I didn't want you to be uncomfortable and all."

That last part came out a bit slow. Penny turned to face me. She still had my shirt on, but had not bothered to button it and it was hanging outside of her tits framing them NICELY!

"No, they're fine. Believe me, I've seen a whole lot worse, probably been in a few of those as well."

That made me think, some like mine, or some like the wild ones.

Penny smiled as she walked to me, took the two small bags, kissed me on the cheek, and sauntered to the bathroom. She backed out the door and grinned catching me watching her walk away. I probably turned a million shades of red.

I hid in my office.

I was plucking away at our latest project when I heard a throat clear behind me.

When I saw her, at first I thought Hattie had snuck in. The first impression was Goth. Black hair and eyeliner. But the cat's eye eyeliner was a bit different, and the bright red lipstick was mesmerizing. Penny had put my shirt back on right and slipped a pair of my shorts on.

I reached for my phone. "Gotta call Morty, somebody has kidnapped Penny."

Penny shook her finger at me grinning. "So this will do?"

"I had to look twice and I knew it was coming." She kept coming, scanning my monitors. I had four screens going. Two with 'normal' websites, and two with code.

"What are you working on?"

"Just hacking into the bank."

She pulled back, "What?"

I grinned and pulled her beside me, momentarily enjoying her ass in my hand. "It's what we do. We hunt for security breaches, holes, and back doors."

She sighed in relief. "Is that how Morty found you, hacking people?"

"No. I actually went to college for it. I have one that used to be way out on the dark side. Probably still does a little truth be told. But if she gets caught she's headed for a dark deep hole for the rest of her life."


"Yeah, the CIA doesn't take kindly to putting a picture of Goofy in place of the director's portrait."

She snickered, "I bet not. Surprised she's even on the outside."

"They tried, but even from the inside she swapped his secretary's picture for Linda Lovelace."

Penny laughed. "And they still let her out?"

"They tried to bully her, but she threatened to swap Goofy's picture out for a John Homes animated gif. She has an ankle monitor and works for me."

I chuckled at Hattie. She was the quintessential Goth hacker, and she looked every bit the part. The tips and tricks she brings us are priceless. I doubt we'll ever get all her hacks, but what she does give us cuts like a hot knife.