In Her Eyes Only


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The woman in question was feasting on her globes while her male lover penetrated her from behind. Her long blonde hair hung freely over her naked shoulders. Close-ups of her face showed just how much sensual and sexual pleasure she was getting out of it.

One photo showed a woman laying on a bed sucking on Adera's massive breasts as Adera held her head in tenderness. Adera's eyes were closed as she was savoring the moment. It appeared that the two ladies were in a long term loving and intimate relationship.

I would learn later that the lady's name was Jasmine and the man whose face was hidden was Jesse. Whoever had sent the pictures was showing effectively that this type of conduct had been going on for quite a while.

The use of sexual aids like leather, feathers, ball gags, double-ended dildos, and other sexual aids could be seen in some of the photographs. It was clear that they were set out to be available for use when needed. It looked like but it could not be proven that cocaine was readily available during these sexual adventures because in one photo the traces of lines had been captured.

One that surprised me was seeing Adera's nude body arched in an organic bliss as a bunch of tiny feathers was being danced in and out of her swollen womb. The woman who was skillfully working my wife's private area had been the same one I has seen working her breasts.

A few of them I knew were taken in an office somewhere because they showed Adera on the phone conducting what I have presumed was business with Jesse or some unknown females head buried between her legs

The photographs that shock me to the core was seeing a group of wide-angle shots of three persons taken over a few minutes. In these particular photographs, Janice's Jesse was bound, tied, and bent over at his waist wearing two-inch heels so that he had no use of his arms and hands. His mouth was being filled by a naked woman wearing nothing but a mask and what appeared to be a double-ended strap-on. There was no doubt in my eyes that Jess had been turned into a complete submissive. I knew to accomplish that had required a lot of time and effort.

You could see he was wearing a set of falsies that almost seemed realistic because they were hanging down between the sides of the black silk like feminine blouse he was wearing. The matching tight black skirt he had been wearing had been pushed up to rest on his lower back exposing his tight boyish naked rear. The black panties that he had been wearing lay on the floor around his feet.

Jesse was wearing a long red wig tied back behind his neck in a ponytail and the makeup he wore made his look very feminine. If you glanced at him quickly you would think he was a girl. Jasmine a well-developed nude lady with huge, exposed globes was softly using her hands to hold his willing mouth in place as she plunged her double-ended toy into the depths of his throat quite easily. What was mind-boggling for me was that Jesse was appearing to be enjoying it.

When I spread out the photographs on the conference table, I saw that parts of the images overlapped. After matching the duplicate parts I overlapped the photos until it clearly showed a very wide image of Jesse being taken at both ends by two like-minded females. Someone had written beneath the photo's 'this is how we reward the feminized bitches that work for us.'

It brought back to memory the times my wife, her best female friend Tara, and I was getting to know each other. We were trying to figure out why some women picked out their prospective mates because of their ability to mold and feminize them. It seems in their dorms at that time it was an ongoing subject of discussion. Being a bit naïve it had been an eye-opening experience for me.

The one riding his ass with the huge double-ended strap on she was wearing was holding his ponytail in her right hand. Her facial expressions clearly showed the extreme joy and power she was getting out of the sexual act she was committing while dominating him. The way the photos' came together there was no doubt that she was the one controlling the situation as it was unfolding.

Both were females who were getting extreme pleasure in treating or rewarding Jesse for what they both were getting. She had the mask that would have hidden her eyes sitting upon her head above her brow wearing it as if it were her crown.

Even with the mask on I would have recognized the image being presented to me. The woman making Jesse her submissive bitch sing a new song was my wife Adera. Feminizing male lovers seemed to be part of her new kink.

Based on what the photograph was showing I now understood why my wife thought I was a sexual prude. What they were caught doing was well beyond something of which I would ever have considered doing.

I gathered up the photos to return them to the envelope and that was when I discovered the tiny blue ONN stick. I took it to my office door and plugged it into the computer. When I opened the file, I knew where the pictures had come from.

The sexual conduct of the three had been captured from start to finish. The sounds of their voices I could still hear in my ears if I thought about it. The three of them were definitely into it. Jesse had even decided what he was going to wear and how he was going to present himself to his feminine lovers before the session had begun.

Each time it appeared that Jesse was ready to spurt the ladies slowed down letting him know by their actions quite plainly that they would deny him a release until they were both worked up to a heated frenzy. A few of the words Adera said I would remember until the day I died.

"Jasmine, your pet is progressing quite well. It will not be long until she will be ready and willing to taste and take real cock. When she reaches that point, Jesse will truly be feminine in every way. You will have to award him with the perfect feminine breasts designed for her frame when were in Japan."

"Adera," Jasmine asked, "Do you still plan to stand beside me when I make Jesse my wife when your training of her is done?"

"On two occasions the one to make him your husband," Adera said. "And the second one when as a female she becomes your wife."

I watched in shock as I digested the knowledge that what they were making Jesse into was deliberate. He was being trained to be the perfect switch.

Jasmine pulled out of his throat and mouth and asked, "Jesse who do you love?"

Adera stopped ravishing Jesse's rear.

Jesse replied, "Only you now that Adera has gifted me to you."

"What is your primary job when we are not working?" Jasmine asked.

"Loving you and servicing anyone you asked me to. " Jess said without hesitation.

With that said Jasmine again brought her double-ended strap onto his mouth. I watched as Jesse moved his mouth in over it. That was when the action resumed with a faster tempo than before. Before the two ladies were done using his body, he was squealing like a pig begging for release.

I put the envelope and all the pictures through a shredder and locked the stick in the office safe. In their own words, they had proven this relationship had been going on for a while.

Adera had deliberately milked the pleasure from Jesse for all it was worth until she was ready for her ultimate release. Afterward, Jasmine had made him clean up his own cum and clean off the sexual aids with his tongue.

As further proof of their domination of him Jess had to bring them to another organism using only his tongue while Jasmine made love to Adera's breasts with her mouth. Adera was deliberately helping Jasmine in turning Jess into the perfect switch.

I knew that day that what was left of our marriage was nothing but a façade. It also explained why she was deliberately finding ways to keep herself away from home for long periods. After viewing everything I called her best friend Tara because she was the go-to divorce lawyer for the rich and famous.

For the next few days, it seemed to my family that I was walking on burning lava rock. I did everything I could to make sure that what I knew remained a secret.

My children could not understand why I was so quiet at home but questioned my conduct when I was giving the house staff instruction but stopped when they came into the room.


The party was almost starting to wind down. It had been a huge success. The band hired by my wife's parents had just taken a break before they started their third and final set. My loving wife Adera and I had always been the complete opposite in everything we thought, believed, and how we lived. Many who had known us most of our lives thought that it would never work.

I had met her the summer I had hitched hiked through Europe before the modern-day restrictions had clicked in. I met her outside a Hungarian Church that I was photographing because of the architectural value I saw in it. It was so old that it had some of the old traditional Christian symbols that had long ago lost its value carved by hand into the stone. Like the name of God written in its native equivalent carved into the stone above the church doors.

Most in our society today would have no clear understanding of what those letters meant because even in the bible the tradition of not using his name was being taken to the extreme. Modern versions had deliberately removed all traces of it. The elites were starting to remove God's name from mankind's minds.

She was there on vacation with her best female friend who was also in attendance. They were both free spirits back then and to a degree still were today. Both were spirited with thinking more inclined with those of the drug culture and hippy style of the seventies. Neither were virgins when I met them, but neither was I.

Both had nice packages that made them quite attractive and they dressed a little too abrasive for my style. Adera flaunted her sexuality constantly with her huge globes partly exposed and bouncing freely. I found that to be a bit of a turnoff. To me, she came across as a cheap low-class whore instead of a lady who came from money.

I on the other hand had grown up in a family that did not have the blessing of coming from money. Everything I had accomplished in life I had to earn on my own or borrow through student loans to put myself through school. It had taught me to be more reserved and quieter in everything I did. I did not go out of my way to become the center of attention like they always did. Back then I had watched every cent as I still did today.

My wife believed I still had the first nickel I had ever owned. Even today I was considered by many to be a private man even though the business I had built from scratch was now worth millions.

My architecture firm now has seven offices throughout the country and was one of the 'prestige' in the North American continent. At least twice a year one of the buildings we had designed was featured in one of the field's monthly magazines. Yet little was known about me as a man because I learned fast that I achieved more by keeping my image and personality out of it. I let our designs speak for themselves.

Adera found that I disclosed very little about myself when she knocked me over as I was kneeling lining up for an angled shot on the church they had come to tour. It had been her best friend Tara that had caught my attention because of how she conducted herself when Adera was trying to straighten out the mess she had created.

While Adera was shooting her mouth off trying to apologize Tara had knelt to help me gather all the lens that had fallen out of the carrying case, I had set down beside me. I found that to be one of the things that I found attractive about her. When we made eye contact a mutual interest was born. We even took the time to make sure there was no permanent damage before introducing ourselves to each other.

By the end of the day, we had shared a meal at one of the outdoor cafés in the City of Budapest and learned that the three of us were attending different universities in the city of New York. Once we were back in school, I looked Tara up. We had gone out on quite a few dates before Adera found out.

Adera took that as a personal challenge because in her eyes her best friend had gotten one up on her and that could not be allowed to remain. That is how our lifelong relation started. It was not until a year after Adera and I was married because she was carrying that I realized that she had from day one had been manipulating everything between the three of us to give her an advantage.

Because of what I was now learning I was starting to believe that Adera had deliberately gotten herself knocked up and informed me first so that I would step up and marry her because of my strong sense of obligation. Tara and I were now fairly sure that Adera and I were not sleeping together when Debbie was conceived.

We had brought three children into the world and until the last four years, it had been a perfect marriage. Everything had worked out great until her latest promotion which she had accepted because our children were getting older.

Now we were like two ships passing in the darkness of night and with a sex life to match which had allowed her to develop those new tastes and relationships that were more inclined to the new lifestyle she had created for herself as the globe trotter she was.

I was now eternally grateful to my father in law because of the prenuptial agreement he had coerced me into signing. It would forever leave me in the driver's seat going forward. In a way, I was pissed off at myself for keeping my marriage vows when Adera did not.

Our three children, two girls, and a boy had taken the mike during the band's break to express their warm greeting and birthday wishes. I had even said a few words to thank my children and my wife's parents for their arranging the surprise for Adera. I congratulated my wife for reaching another milestone in her walk of life.

My wife took the mike already slightly tipsy, " I want to thank Mom, Dad, Debbie, Deanna, and David for throwing me this surprise. I wonder how you were able to get it past my husband's objections because he is and always has been a stick in the mud. Raymond is so mentally old that he is just a relic because he refuses to keep up with what is considered normal in our ever-changing society."

That had been the first words she had directed towards me all night. Knowing it was headed downhill fast I tuned her out.

That was the moment, I comprehended completely just how little Adera cared about me or us as a married couple. I was just the one needed to look after the kids while she was off being an active member in the mile high club of the sexually liberated.

The love she had for me as her partner in life at one time was now long gone. There was no love, desire, or will left in her for me because of her new lifestyle. Her utter contempt of who and what I am was coming through to all present loud and clear.

Even my children who were usually blind to everything beyond what was in front of them had a look on their face that proved they had gotten her thoughts registered in their minds. Debbie, our oldest who had just turned sixteen a few months earlier had walked over beside me to take my hand into hers. As we glanced at each other I caught the tears in her eyes. I knew that Debbie had realized that she was watching the end of her parents' marriage right before her eyes.

I hadn't changed, but her views of who and what I was had drastically over the last four years. I knew it was because of who and what she now associated herself with regularly and their views of life, in general, that had changed her.

As my wife continued to speak, I used my cellphone to call our house staff to make sure that all of her personal items were packed and ready for transportation as soon as they were informed where to send them. Surprisingly, I found myself in a state of complete peace because I saw what was about to happen as a release of a burden I had carried for too long.

The very things about my personality that had originally attracted Adera to me were now the very things she hated. This one little impromptu speech she was making made me see just what my faults were in her eyes. Believe me, I knew there were many.

You see I am proud of who and what I am. I am proud of my moral values and that truth and honesty still mean something to me. I believe in accountability and that the words a person says out of their mouth still stands for something. I am proud that I believe in no harm to all mankind even those I consider my enemies.

All my building design awards had been because of how friendly the structure was to the environment that surrounded them. Each was designed to leave as little carbon imprint as possible. According to my reputation, I was a leader in the field.

My beliefs are that which allow me to stand up for what I believe and defend them no matter what the cost is. I still believe in an honest day pay for an honest day's work and that everyone should pay their way.

I believe that if you make your bed that you and you alone should deal with the circumstances you create. I still believed in our father and his son Jesus Christ whom many now claim is a figment of an uneducated man's imagination that the elite had picked up on and used to create a fictional book as a way to socially engineer the masses. After all, you must be a complete moron to believe and hold onto the false teaching and morals that the bible preaches.

I still believe it's what's on the inside of me that makes me the man that I am. Not the shell of my body which so many judges me by. I am proud to call all humans regardless of their race or the color of their skin my brother or my sister because we all have the same father.

Sad to most of the educated the bible cannot be true because we have evolved from the fifth and slime of the earth and as humans, most have the morals to prove it. That is why in their eyes there was nothing morally wrong or right. After all, they are just acting out like the animals they are and following their basic instincts.

I am still thankful that I don't hate those who have condemned me because in their eyes I don't have the right point of view. I guess they are like my wife who sees that my morals, principles, faith, and standards, in general, mean nothing in our society.

Most people like her believe that if they're old enough to bleed then they're more than ready to breed and were hoping that pedophiles would soon be part of regular society. After all, if your able to train them how to act, perform, and to service your particular sexual tastes when they are young it ensures you of some very pleasurable and self-serving very erotic moments. After all its what's in it for me is the only thing that matters to most.

A lot of animals in the animal kingdom have no problem killing their young. Most of society had found a legal way to bring that same right into human society even though all felt life should be protected. Even those who claimed to have some intelligence that was superior to the animal kingdom were proving by their ongoing conduct that they had none.

During this time Tina and Tara were by my side. Tara was pleased that we were accepting of the other.

"I guess I better go get the paperwork and get prepared for the show," Tarra said with a smile. "Tina you want to come because people are beginning to wonder what's going on."

Tina leaned over and kisses me on the cheek and whispered, "Thanks Dad for making this an evening I will never forget."

Janice Yelland walked over to me, and said, "Raymond, your handling Adera's comments very well. I would be fuming if Jess were saying some of the things, she said about me."

"Janice before we got married Adera's father had us sign a prenuptial agreement," I explained. "Tara, Adera's best friend at my request will be taking the mike to reveal to all who Adera's long-term lover is."