In the Bank


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"Unlike you, I don't get to the gym four times a week, and I certainly don't have your, ah, natural charms," Sam said, looking pointedly at Anna's large, firm breasts.

Anna laughed. "You have naturally good genetics then, because everyone knows you've got the best ass in town!"

They finished their lunch and walked back to the office, grinning the whole way. Sam really enjoyed working with people she could have fun with.

* * * * *

Landry felt the pull despite his better judgement. There were so many reasons to steer clear. She was a subordinate. She was married with kids. Her husband was a big guy and pretty well known, having grown up in this town. This could go so badly in so many different ways.


He was very horny and getting hornier by the day, and she was so pretty and energetic. There were pathetically few other women around. He was smart, and so was she. They both had reasons to be discreet. So it could work.

Yes, it could definitely work.

After the next all-hands meeting, he excused the tellers and made the announcement.

"Thank you for all the hard work you've been putting in these past few months. We've grown our accounts by 11% and, even better, our revenues are up 16% quarter versus year-ago quarter. And our new business is running 29% higher than last year. Those are amazing results, and you're the reason we're doing so well.

"I've talked with a few of you about how we could make your lives easier, and it seems like giving you greater flexibility and control over your workday is one area where we can get some traction. I really believe that you're in the best position to know what works best for you, so I'm proposing a six-week trial where you can decide for yourself whether you work from home or come into the branch.

"I'd like to see you in here at least one day a week so we can check in, but that's not written in stone, and I'm open to other ways of checking in. We'll get back together in six weeks and decide how we want to proceed, but starting tomorrow feel free to choose where you'll work best for the day. Just let your manager know where you're going to be and how you can be reached."

Sam was very excited with the news about the new flexible arrangements. She'd be able to work around the kids' activities better and still get in the time she needed to do her job. She smiled at Anna as they walked back to their offices.

"Landry just keeps making things better and better. This is going to be fantastic!"

"No kidding. The guy is incredible! Are you going to take him up on his offer tomorrow?"

"I need to see how my meetings look, but if I have a light day then heck yeah!"

* * * * *

The project was still behind schedule, but the team was making up ground. Sixteen-hour days can do that. John hadn't been home since Monday night, and since it was now Friday he was keenly missing all of his girls. Staying in a hotel was lonely, even if he only used the room to sleep and shower. His phone calls home and FaceTime sessions with Sam and the kids were short. He never said much, Sam seemed distracted, and the girls struggled to focus on their conversations on the small screen.

But he finally caught a break.

He was running the hydraulic/pneumatic systems tracks, and his team had worked all week to be ready for the second test, which was scheduled for today. Unfortunately the mechanical-drive team broke an actuator during installation first thing in the morning, and it was going to take a full day to get a replacement part onsite. So John's team was dead in the water until Saturday at the earliest.

John went through his e-mails and texts, updated his part of the documentation in the project tracking software, then checked in with the project manager to see if there was anything else that needed his urgent attention.

"You're good, John. Take off for the day. Stay by the phone though -- we may need you back here tomorrow. We'll work the weekend if it will help us get back on schedule."

John nodded and smiled, then headed for his truck. "Thanks."

He thought about calling Sam, but decided instead to drive to the house and surprise her by knocking a couple items off his honey-do list before making supper for everyone. Even though it was Friday he didn't expect her to be home until the kids were done with their after-school activities around 4:30, so he'd have plenty of time. He rolled out and drove towards home.

* * * * *

"Hey, Sam. How's it going with Warnick Electric? Got the LOC processed yet?"

Sam smiled into the phone. "Hi, Landry. Warnick is all done and sent off. We're waiting on the e-signature."

"That's my girl! I'd like to do a deep dive with you on another vertical -- do you have time? Around noon? We can meet at the Starbucks, although I don't like the idea of talking strategy in public. Maybe I can swing by your house?"

"That sounds great. I have a conference call with Melrose at 11, but it won't take that long. I'm excited to see what you've got for me."

"Excellent. See you at noon, Sam."

* * * * *

John decided to swing by Home Depot for a new doorknob for the linen closet and some spackle for touch-ups in the room the little girls shared. It was a zoo, so it took him longer than he expected. And since it was close to lunchtime he then drove through Subways and grabbed a turkey sandwich on wheat. As he approached his home around 12:30 he saw a champagne Lexus parked in his usual spot next to Sam's Camry. Puzzling. He hadn't expected anyone to be home.

He grabbed his sandwich and hardware from the passenger seat and lifted his overnight bag from the back seat of his king cab and headed into the house. The front door wasn't locked, so he walked in quietly. The house seemed still for a moment, but then he heard murmuring from down the hall towards the bedrooms. He left his bags on the floor next to the door and walked down towards the voices.

He could see light coming into the hall from the open door to the spare bedroom. He made out Sam's voice, and a man's voice answered her and chuckled softly. He frowned, but John wasn't a guy who shied away from curiosity, so he continued on down the hall, stopping only when he was in the doorway. He saw Sam first, and then Landry. He cleared his throat.

Sam started and whirled around to face him. She was sitting at her desk, but turned towards the sofa where Landry sat. Her hand when to her chest.

"Oh, my God! Honey! You scared me to death!"

"They sent me home early. I figured I could get caught up on some of the chores I've been neglecting."

Sam's breathing was still rapid, but she shook her head and smiled. "It's good to have you home, but you've got to stop sneaking up on us like that. You remember Landry, right?"

John nodded to the younger man, who stood to shake John's hand. "Good to see you again, John. I think we're done here, Sam -- unless there's anything else we need to cover?"

"I think we're good. Thanks, Landry. I can't wait to get started on these healthcare firms."

"Finish off the trades first. I'm sure you won't let me down."

Sam smiled. "I'll do my best. Let me walk you out."

"No need. I can find my way. Have a great weekend." He nodded to John. "Both of you."

When the front door closed, John looked at his wife with a quizzical look. "Why are you home on a Friday? Are the girls okay?"

"What? Oh, yeah, they're fine. Landry is piloting a flex work thing -- we get to choose whether we want to go into the branch or work from home. With you being gone all week, it's easier with the girls' schedules if I'm here. Didn't I tell you about it?" John shook his head. "I'm sorry, honey. It's so hard trying to keep everything straight when I'm here on my own. How much longer are you going to be going down to Rochester?"

"We're a few days behind schedule, but even so I can't see it lasting more than a couple more weeks."

"Thank God. I'm running ragged here. I know it's not your fault, but I miss you when you're gone."

He took her into his arms and kissed her, once, then again, and finally a deep kiss, his tongue testing her lips. Sam growled, opened her mouth and pushed back with her own tongue. She molded herself against John, pulling his head down to her with one hand and pulling his waist tightly against her flat stomach with the other. He grabbed her magnificent ass with both hands, and she could feel his erection springing up in his jeans. She ground her pussy against it and growled again.

John lifted her and swung her so he held her under her shoulders and knees, bringing out a squeal of delight beneath their smoldering kiss. He carried her to the master bedroom and over to their bed. He laid her down gently, then his hands went immediately to the hem of her shirt. He pulled it over her head, then nuzzled the tops of her breasts while he felt for the clasp of her plain bra. Her hands were busy unbuttoning his shirt and then loosening his belt. They each shed their own pants and underwear. She'd lost her slippers in the office, but he bent down to unlace his boots. She watched him through hooded eyes as he slipped off his socks. He was all man, and he was all hers. Her pussy flooded at that thought.

He bent down and kissed her inner thighs, nipped at them, and finally licked along her slick slit. She moaned heavily. He continued to lick along her labia and nibble at her clitoris, varying pace and pressure as she pushed her pussy to his lips. He loved to pleasure her like this, and he knew that one oral climax paved the way for several more when he entered her. It's why he always took his time to make sure she was as wound up as possible before they started fucking. He dove in again, pulling her against his mouth with both hands on her ass, then locked her hips down with one forearm across her pelvis while his other hand kneaded first one firm cheek and then the other. When he lashed her clit with his tongue, then sucked on it with his lips, she exploded in orgasm. He didn't stop licking and kissing, but he slowed the tempo and made all contact gentle as she slowly came down.

"Get up here, you beautiful, beautiful man," Sam said in a voice husky with partially-sated lust.

John moved up her body kissing it slowly, sensually, and in her heightened state she squirmed with every soft touch. When she could reach his penis, she took it and guided it towards her hot center. It was so hard. He let her line him up, then he pushed slowly in, retreated, pushed in again, pulled out, and finally reached bottom. They both gasped, then giggled. He kissed her firmly.

"I love you, Sam. I'm sorry I haven't been here lately to help you."

She looked into his eyes and smiled softly. "No apologies necessary, hon. We're a team. We both make this family work. And I love you so much for it."

John pulled out his cock halfway and then pushed back in. Sam cooed and rose to meet him, and they started slowly driving against each other, fully, deeply. Moaning and panting and groaning, they built tempo. After a few minutes they were slamming into each other.

As usual, Sam was the more vocal. "Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God...."

John's breaths were deep and rapid, and every third stroke or so he'd grunt or moan. He could feel his finish racing towards him, and Sam felt it too.

"Almost there. Oh God, John! OhGodohGodohGod!"

He started jerking, convulsing, and that detonated her explosion. They writhed together once, twice, three times, but even as he slowed and relaxed she continued to vibrate and shiver. After a few more moments Sam started to still, and John rolled them to their sides, still joined. He pushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead, her eyebrow, her nose, and finally her lips.

"Wake me in time to go to work on Monday."

Sam laughed, but she was also headed quickly for sleep.

* * * * *

Sam's cell phone woke them after forty-five minutes. It was ringing in the spare bedroom where they'd left it. Sam roused, and realized that she needed to answer it since she was still on the bank's clock. She disentangled herself from a drowsy John, and dashed to get her phone.

She saw it was Anna.

"Anna, hi! What's up?"

Sam heard a wrenching sob, and then hard crying. "He's... he's... he's..."

"Anna? Anna, what's wrong? What's wrong, sweetie?"

Anna took three deep shuddering breaths before she could say, "He's gone!"

She began wailing.

"Who's gone, Anna? Who's gone? What's happening?"

More deep breaths and sobs. "Teddy. He's gone."

"Where did he go, sweetie? What's going on?"

Anna continued to sob, getting out words as she could. "He left. He saw us and left."

"Saw who, Anna?"

"Landry and me. He saw us and left."

"Why that's ridiculous. You work with the man. Why would Teddy leave over that?"

Anna wailed again. "He saw us. We were in bed. We were having sex, and Teddy saw us."

Sam was stunned. "You? You what? You? And Landry? What?"

Anna cried hard again. It took a while for her to get her breath back. "It didn't mean anything at all. But Teddy saw us and left."

"Is Landry still there with you?"

"No. He's gone too."

"Okay, I'll be right over. I'm sure we can figure something out, sweetie. Try to get hold of yourself, okay? I'll be there in ten minutes."

John was standing naked in the doorway, listening to Sam's half of the conversation. He looked perplexed. "That didn't sound good."

Sam shook her head and stared at her phone. She let out a long breath. "No. Not good at all. Apparently Anna was in bed with Landry. Teddy saw them and left."

John's eyes went big, and he whistled. "Wow. That's a mess."

"I told her I'd be right over, so I'm going to get dressed and see what I can do for her." She kissed her husband, then pulled him into a fierce hug. "I love you, John. I really love you."

John squeezed her too, holding her until she felt his love returned to her.

* * * * *

John's project took closer to three weeks to wrap up, and he and Sam were equally glad to see it finally put to bed. Their daughters were happy to see him at home every morning and evening, and he and Sam made sure they got to bed early at least a couple nights each week, and most of those nights they made love.

Sam needed that reassurance, because everything at the bank blew up. Teddy's divorce attorneys contacted Robert White, and after three days of internal review, Landry was let go. Robert had stepped in to manage the branch on an emergency basis, and the bank was frantically searching for a longer-term answer.

The bank and Teddy's legal team continued to work on a settlement to avoid a lawsuit that neither wanted. Anna had not been into the bank since the fateful Friday, though Sam spent an hour or two every day at Anna's house going over their work and buttressing her friend emotionally. Teddy had made no demands about her employment. Landry had been her immediate manager, so he had violated bank policy, but it was unclear if she had. And Anna's performance reviews had been consistently strong, so the bank was very hesitant to let her go.

The affair between Landry and Anna had been in its early days -- they'd slept together twice before Teddy caught them, both times in her house when she was working from home. Landry had been making a point of visiting all his direct reports at their homes when they were working remotely. Teddy hadn't suspected anything. He'd just swung by the house to replace his tie after he spilled coffee on it. He'd lent his usual spare tie to a colleague the day before, and he was driving right by the house, so he darted in. When he saw the Lexus in the driveway he recognized it as Landry's, and he thought her boss had just stopped by to chat with Anna.

He claimed he'd never get over the sight of Landry pounding his wife into the mattress in their upstairs guest room or unhear her voice lustily crying out her pleasure and her encouragement. He roared his agony, shocking the lovers, then grabbed Landry by his gelled hair and threw him to the floor. Teddy hadn't spoken with Anna since he fled the house first in shock and then in tears, and according to his lawyers he didn't plan to. He felt shattered. Anna had been instructed to contact him only through his attorneys. Teddy picked up his sons for supper on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and for most of each Saturday, but he didn't go to the door, instead texting Anna to send them out to his car. Anna hadn't been served divorce papers yet, but she would be soon.

John had reached out to Teddy, and they shared a quiet beer or two after work one midweek evening. Teddy was uncharacteristically quiet, while John stayed quietly true to his nature. Teddy still thanked him when they went their own ways at the end of the night.

Sam was always pensive when she came home after seeing Anna. After supper, as she stood at the sink doing the handwashing, John embraced her from behind.

"How are you doing, Sam?"

"Okay, I guess. I feel so bad for Anna. She's devastated. Mortified. Completely at a loss. But I just don't understand why she did it. She says Landry was 'electric' and she was so attracted to his intensity from the very first time she met him. But I know she loves Teddy and the boys. How could she forget all about her husband and family and sleep with another man?"

John shrugged. He kissed her on her shoulder.

"I guess I can see the attraction part," Sam continued. "Landry is handsome and smart and funny, but Teddy is all that and he adores Anna too. Or at least he did. She's hoping he'll agree to counseling -- or at least go if the court orders it -- but she thinks it's going to be hard for him to forgive her, let alone try to work on their marriage. I hope he gives her an honest chance. At least for the kids. But I don't think she feels she has any chance at all."

Sam shuddered, then spun in John's arms to face him. Her damp hands went up behind his head, and she pulled his lips to hers and kissed him needfully. His hands went to her ass, and he pulled her hips against him. She felt his half-erection pulse and smiled. She was so lucky.

"Let's get the girls to bed. I need you. Now."

John smiled and released her. "You get Melissa, I'll get the other two, and I'll race you to the bed. First one naked wins."

Sam laughed. "You're on!"

Sam won handily -- she bribed Melissa with the promise of a Mommy-daughter shopping day -- and she took John's oral skills again as her prize. And she gave him a good cowgirl ride before they finished with a shared climax facing each other and kissing deeply.

She was so glad they were doing that more often.

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drbenchpress66drbenchpress66about 1 month ago

Haha I have conflicting opinions here. On one hand I think Sam was alright maybe worked too much yadayada but on the other hand I think she was destined to destroy her marriage as well. She was border lying delusional and it was interesting how she was so aghast about her friends affair haha. But shit man I also feel like I’m way off the mark and she was actually just a genuine golden retriever

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore1981about 1 month ago

The boss didn't destroy both marriages just 1 but the other marriage would have ended as well for the simple fact that the wife kept putting her job before her family until she had no other choice not to no husband would have put up that

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

excellent point of view 5/5

Tomh1966Tomh1966about 1 month ago

LOL. People just read the story and think, 'His universe, his rules.' Sam did not cheat and this story was a clear set up to lead you down one path and then end at an entirely different path.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 2 months ago

Sometimes the people who read these stories are delusional. They read into and see things in the story and make assumptions based on their own paranoia and biases. This story is obviously meant to make you THINK that Sam is going to be the cheater, but for the surprise twist of it being someone else. Sam was not sneaking around behind John with Landry nor was she going to in the future.

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