In the Closet Ch. 07

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Thursday. Keith coats Zach.
2.7k words

Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/18/2023
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All characters are at least 18 years old.



I woke up to the biggest cock I'd ever seen lodged deep in my ass. With that sensation came rushing all the memories of last night, and I squeezed my eyes back shut. I'd given my first time to Keith. It was my ass, but it still felt virginal, definitely more so than if I'd penetrated anybody. He'd even gotten my first kiss. Again, it shouldn't have been that big a deal to a guy, but... it felt sacred to me, like how I'd imagine a girl would feel. It was so sentimental, and I... liked the feeling. Fuck, I'd even told him that I loved him. I was caught up in the moment, I reasoned. I wasn't gay, I just... deeply enjoyed getting fucked in the ass by a guy.

I didn't have time to analyze my feelings any further, because the hands on my hips gripped me in a firmer hold, and Keith made another attempt to pull his cock out of me.

"Hold still," he growled, and his manly rasp made me strain against my cage. The plastic restraint didn't hurt as much as yesterday, and I wondered if I was getting used to it. A scary thought.

Keith pulled again, making me clench down on him and exacerbate the problem. My dress was bunched up at my waist and was wildly uncomfortable -- more uncomfortable than a phallus in my rear, I mused -- and I pulled it over my head and threw it on the ground while Keith continued to extricate himself. It was growing more difficult by the second because he was hardening, delightfully stretching my insides. I was horrified by how good it felt despite how sore I was. I... I didn't like dicks. My brother was the exception. Not an exception, no. I didn't like him, I was just... vulnerable to feeling desired. Yes, that was it. Definitely not because I loved how sexy I felt when he ravished me, or how turned on I was by his masculinity.

Now fully erect, he suddenly slipped right out of my asshole, which squeezed shut as soon as I was vacated. A girly whimper escaped me, and Keith cursed under his breath before groaning.

"The condom's still inside," he sighed, and my cage twitched again. Then I felt a large object tug in my ass, contorting and sending shivers through my body.

His gigantic load was contained neatly in the rubber, and now he had to yank the whole cum balloon out through my hole. Before I knew it, Keith had finessed the filled condom out of me, holding it aloft so I could see it when I rolled over to look at him and it. I was a bit disappointed with how easily it came out, somewhat looking forward to a struggle to stretch me open again. Nope, nope, that was gay. Super gay.

Half the condom was filled with watery jism, the cream having melted during the night. There was no way Ellie's estimate of just a teaspoon was accurate. He handed it to me, not meeting my eyes. "Get rid of it," he instructed, his massive meat bouncing even as he made his distaste apparent. I took it and got off from the foot of the bed, eyeing the thin yellowing liquid. It was pretty gross. Nothing I would ever touch, even if it were my own. But my slutty brain had other ideas.

I made sure Keith was looking when I emptied the contents of the condom onto my chest, pouring it across so that I got good coverage. The pungent ejaculate ran down my body, into my cage, staining my thighs. I still had my wig on, and my makeup was probably messed up, making me look like a used whore. Keith looked on, sickened and motionless. Wow, that was so stupid, why did I do that?

He stepped over to me, taking me by the shoulders and forcing me to my knees. I barely had time to register what was happening before his cock parted my lips and invaded my throat, my brother grunting like a brute as he grabbed my head and fucked my face first thing in the morning. My puny dick was searing with pain as the chastity cage crushed my erection into submission, much like my brother to me.

His cock was filling my throat completely, and it was impossible to breathe. I started gagging hard, putting my hands to his knees and trying to push away. It only made him ram down my throat harder, and my cage hurt even more. My eyes rolled up in my head as I began to suffocate, and then suddenly he ripped out of me. Before I could gasp for air, fresh hot cream sprayed all over my face, filling my mouth and flowing down my neck. That's the stuff. I choked and swallowed, body spasming as my little clitty shot a blank in orgasm.

I was only allowed to breathe after gulping down everything that had landed in my mouth, and we both took a moment to recover. His cum was warm on my skin, and part of me wanted to just leave it there and savor the feeling. I cracked one eye open to see his expression, finding one of equal parts fear and revulsion. Interesting, very interesting.

"Shower. You fucking stink," he stammered, before yanking on some clothes and fleeing from me.

So yeah, that's what I learned about myself today. I was a massive cum-hungry slut.


"'Bout time you joined us, kid," my dad scoffed.

I sat down for breakfast, doing everything in my power to look at neither him or Keith. I mumbled a "Good morning" and tried not to think about what just transpired. That was a very long and cleansing shower; couldn't very well show up smelling like cum. Mom set down plates of eggs and bacon for all of us, ruffling my hair before returning to the stove.

"Thanks, darling," dad said as he dug in. "You see that footage of that parade they got going on? What, Pride Month? July can't come soon enough."

Jesus Christ, the timing of this conversation couldn't have been worse. I snuck a glance at Keith just as he did the same, and we ended up locking eyes. Thankfully dad didn't notice how quickly we turned away from each other.

"I mean, I thought the whole point was to be treated like everybody else," dad continued. "So why do they have their own month now, these LGBT people?"

"Q," I added, immediately regretting speaking up.

"What's that?" dad asked, sounding genuinely bewildered. Great job, Zach, draw more attention to yourself.

"It's LGBTQ now, dad."

"Another one? Why don't they just take the whole flipping alphabet while they're at it." Dad shook his head. "So what's this Q stand for?"

"It stands for 'queer' or 'questioning.'" Keith was staying noticeably out of the conversation as I explained things to dad.

"Queer? Aren't queers just gay folks?" dad asked with a frown, and I shook my head while chuckling nervously. "Hmph. Whatever happened to just being normal? Honestly, I think some of these folks are just hopping on the bandwagon because it's 'hip.' But as long as they don't shove it in my face, I honestly don't care what they do. None of these parades and flags and such..."

Keith finally spoke up, keeping his tone level. "Dad, Zach's friend Ellie is gay."

"I know! And I certainly hope it ain't rubbing off on you," dad said, waving a finger at me. I gulped, trying not to freak out. If he only knew what Ellie was rubbing off on me... "That girl's mother was a basket case, it's why she turned out like this."

I had to hold back my angry tears. My dad was insulting my best friend and I was too much of a pussy that I couldn't stand up for her. Maybe Keith and his friends were right all these years. I-- I had to try. I had to be a man and protect the people I cared about. "Dad, Ellie--"

"Ellie has been helping Zach with his confidence, dad," Keith stated. "She understands him in a way nobody else does, and I think she's doing a really good job."

Once again, Keith proved that he had more guts than I did. I really admired him for it, but at the same time it made me feel like a coward. The only solace I had was dad was more likely to listen to him anyway.

"If you say so, Champ," dad said while nodding before turning to me. "And hey, maybe you'll straighten her out, eh boy?" He guffawed and turned back to his breakfast, oblivious of the additional discomfort he'd just piled on me.

He headed off to work shortly after, and I excused myself before returning to my room. My feelings were in such turmoil, and I needed to talk to somebody. As much as Ellie was always the person I could talk to, she was involved in this now. Definitely couldn't talk to Keith. I had concerns that he just viewed me as another one of his girls, to be used and thrown aside. I knew it wasn't as bad as it sounded -- he really wasn't the type -- but it's just what things looked like from the outside.

I grabbed my phone and hesitated before making a phone call. It rang a few times, and I realized I'd forgotten to check the time. Maybe he was busy. But he picked up, and after so long it was good to talk to him again.

"Zach? What's up? Is something wrong?"

"Hey, Hank. Nah, it's just... Well..."

Hank chuckled. "Hold on, lemme put my shrink hat on." Hank was the eldest brother, and a psychology professor. He'd moved out of state to be with his girlfriend, and at the moment was teaching at a community college. "Alright. You sound pensive, so it must be something."

I was quiet for a while, and Hank patiently waited for me to begin. Finally, I said, "There's somebody I like, Hank. Somebody I'm not supposed to like."

"Are we talking about Ellie here?"

"No, no. Well yes, I like her, but she's not who I'm talking about right now."

"Then...? I'm sorry, I don't have much to go on."

I swallowed. "Promise you won't tell mom and dad?"

"I promise."

"It's... It's a guy, Hank."

There was a pause on his end, and I checked that the call was still connected before concluding that he was taking it in. "I see," he said finally, before chuckling. "Yeah, I suppose dad really can't know, huh?" I laughed too, and he made a sound of contemplation. "Is this a new development? As far as I knew, you were only into girls before."

"Yeah, it's new," I stammered. "A few days, maybe."

"Okay. And besides mom, dad, and Keith finding out, what are your problems with liking guys?"

He had just taken the news in stride. I smiled, grateful that he had accepted it just like that, then considered his question. "I dunno. It's changing me, I think. I never saw myself becoming this person, but..."

Another pause, longer this time. "I don't know what I'm supposed to say here. But as your brother, I guess I'll just ask you... Do you like this person you're becoming?"

Fuck. I had no answer for that. "That concept is a bit too abstract for me to understand at this time," I laughed. "So... You still coming back next week?"

"You know it. I'll be bringing Kelly, so you guys will finally get to meet her. And maybe I'll get to meet this guy you're seeing?"

"Ha, um... Maybe..." Fuck! It was our brother!

"Alright, well, I got another class starting soon. I'll see you next week, yeah?"

"Yeah, see you then. Thanks, Hank."

We ended the call and I let out a deep breath. Did I like this person I was becoming? I liked being Zoey, liked feeling sexy and desired, liked how Keith made me feel whenever he touched me. But I was still a guy, and I think that was the hurdle I was having trouble with. Give up my masculinity, or give up this newfound happiness? Did I have to choose? I couldn't figure out a middle ground.

I got a ping on my phone and checked the new message that came in, then groaned. Right. Forgot I had more problems.

Ellie: yo hows the cage hanging? wanna come over?

Me: Cage is fine. Sorry, can't talk today. I'll come over tmr

Ellie: ill hold you to that ;)

With a sigh, I threw my phone on my bed. Just after breakfast and I was already exhausted. I needed to feel productive. I wandered back out to the kitchen, where mom was still cleaning up.

"Help you with the dishes, mom?"

She looked over in surprise, but smiled genially and assigned me to drying. As we worked in tandem, she casually slipped into conversation. "I noticed you were uncomfortable with the conversation at breakfast," she murmured. "Is there something bothering you?"

I was quiet for a while before mustering the gall to speak my mind. "Why does dad have to talk about Ellie like that?"

Mom sighed and nodded sympathetically. "I think your father just doesn't understand. We grew up with the world one way, and now the world is another. You'll understand when you're our age, some things take more getting used to."

"I guess." We were quiet until we finished the dishes, and she thanked me for the help. Something was still bothering me, this time from last night. I'd told Keith I loved him. We brothers weren't the type to say that to one another as family. So... had I meant it some other way? I didn't want to think about it, but... "Mom? How did you know you loved dad?"

She looked surprised for a moment before settling into a wistful smile. "You've heard the story a hundred times."

But never with the mindset I currently had. "Tell me anyway."

She sighed, gazing out the window, reliving the moment in her head. "I had snuck out to go partying with my friends. Your mother was young once, too, you know. I was on my way back home after parting with my friends when I was stopped by a group of three guys. I don't like to think about what they'd have done if your father hadn't shown up. But he did, and he told them to leave me alone. At the time, he was a scrawny little kid, much like you. Did you know that?"

My eyes widened as we moved to sit down at the table. "No, you never told me that."

Mom chuckled, even as her brow furrowed when she continued. "They beat the stuffing out of him. By the time they were done, somebody else had seen and called the cops, and they ran off. And the first thing your father said to me, as he lay bloody and bruised on the curb... was ask if I was okay. And I just wouldn't leave him alone after that."

Mom laughed, and I couldn't help but smile as well. They seemed so different from now, it was hard to believe. "I've only ever heard you tell the story, never dad. Is it 'cause he got beaten up?"

She shook her head, smiling while she combed my hair a bit with her fingers. "It's because he didn't do it for glory. He did it because I needed him. Because he's a good man. He doesn't boast about those things." She sighed again, a bit more solemn now. "I know you and your father don't always get along. But for better or worse, he's still the same man he was then." She stood up and kissed me on the forehead. "I hope you find a love like that, sweetie, no matter who it is."

She thanked me for talking with her and left me to my thoughts, which was a good thing. She thought I was more like dad than I thought, but the truth was all I saw was Keith. Keith was the real man, somebody who would stand up for people who needed him. And... And I was falling just like mom had.

Fuck. Enjoying the feeling of Keith's cock and cum was one thing. But was I really falling in love with him?

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MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFerabout 1 year ago

Wow, one short conversation with Mom and the whole dynamic of this story seems different to me now. I originally felt this was going to be another of those hot slutty stories about incest. I suppose that is true to the extent that the two brothers are having sex, but this has gotten much more complexed than just that. Thanks to chapter #7, this story has now become very thought provoking. Great job!

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