In The Dog House Ch. 02


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"One moment, please," said Roger. Then he pushed a button. "Well, I recognize our friend Wilson. Do you know the others?"

"Yes. Charles Sundock is an executive producer on the show. He's also a creep. I've never seen the lawyer or the cop before."

"Well, you go get changed and you can leave with them. I'll keep them comfortable until you are ready."

Jolee stood beside him uncertainly for a few seconds and then walked to the bathroom, scooping up the box and taking it inside with her. She put the box on the toilet seat and opened it. Just as she expected, all her belongings were in it, including a very plain business card she hadn't brought with her. On one side it had the name Roger Laplace and a phone number. On the other side something had been written boldly in ink: 'in any trouble call me for help'. The word 'any' had been underlined.

Jolee put her hands on either side of the sink and looked into the mirror. Her eyes were getting moist. She dabbed them with the hand towel and then slowly started dressing. She stopped when she heard a man's voice raised in anger. Wearing only her panties, she put her ear to the door and listened.

Roger put his hands up. "Look, I don't know why you are being so hostile. I told you she is unharmed and you will be able to speak to her very shortly. She is currently indisposed."

The lawyer smiled coldly. "Any delay tempts us to issue charges against you. We already have a deposition from Mr. Wilson explaining the dramatic change in Miss Rider's behaviour after entering your club and your physical attack upon him before you threw him out. He was acting as Miss Rider's chaperone and protector and we can only assume that you took full advantage of his absence to...menace Miss Rider. She has been held here against her will overnight and we fear for her safety. Turn her over to us now."

"I did tell you that she will be here very soon. She is unharmed and in perfect health. She has not been harmed or molested in any way and I take offence at the suggestion that I might have sought to harm her, sir." To Jolee, Roger sounded chivalrous. "I have invited you in to a private club and if you persist in this rude and threatening behaviour you will be asked to leave."

"Do you deny laying hands on Mr. Wilson?"

"No. Does he deny he was in possession of something belonging to Miss Rider? I merely acquired it from him with some aggressive negotiations, before ejecting him from the premises."

Wilson spoke up. "That footage was mine!" He turned to the producer. "And it was good stuff, too. I got a good long shot of her tits and pussy before she realized what I was doing. We can use it for the show and it will drive up ratings."

"Aha!" shouted Roger. "So he admits to taking video of an unwilling participant. I was merely obtaining that illegal footage on behalf of the victim. You can ask her yourself when you see her in a few moments."

The lawyer oiled his way into the conversation again. "The ownership of the footage is in dispute. Miss Rider is a public persona and, as a result, images of her fall into the public domain. Also, her image is used by Mr. Sundock and others to sell their television show. So Mr. Sundock and his associates might, in fact, own Miss Rider's image, not the young lady herself."

Sundock now chimed in, pointing a finger at Roger. "And we demand all other images taken of that girl while she has been in this club. We know you run some sort of sado-masochistic porn ring and we demand all videos and images you have taken which include her. If you don't turn them over we have a search warrant to allow us to search the club."

Jolee's heart pounded in her chest. This was terrible! Roger was getting accused of so much and he had been so nice to her. She thought furiously. What could she do to help Roger?

"And what do you intend to do with such images, if they exist and you find them?" asked Roger.

"Why, show them to the public and sell any we can for a good price, of course. The same as you would. Having trash like that splashed in the media will triple our viewership. Hell, it could quintuple our viewership! She has this image of being this nice girl from next door. A few videos of her getting fucked by either men or women and her face will be in every newscast, every newspaper and magazine. She'll be all over the internet, too."

Roger spoke very slowly through his clenched jaw. "I believe you have a search warrant. But I don't believe you could possibly get a search warrant allowing private citizens to seize the property of other private citizens, if such property existed. You doubtless have the legal right to tear this place apart looking for Jolee, but I'll be damned if I'll let you say one more thing about her..."

"Hello everyone," called Jolee, closing the bathroom door behind her. "I'm not intruding, am I Roger?" She stood still for a few seconds and ignored everyone but Roger. She allowed all five men to get a good look at her and she knew that standing naked before them was the best way to take the wind from their sails.

"Uhm, Jolee?" asked Roger in some confusion.

She sauntered over to him and put her arm around his and then stepped partially behind him, as if for protection. She looked up into his face. "Do you want me to go, Roger?"


She turned to the others. "Then I'm staying."

The cop and Wilson were grinning like idiots as they stared at Jolee. The producer looked her up and down and then frowned and turned to his lawyer. The lawyer stepped forward, staring at Jolee's large breasts.

"My dear. You have obviously been through quite an ordeal or else you would not be forced to parade around naked. You must come with us for your own safety. This man and the others here are very dangerous people."

"Look at my face, you reptile." A look of fury flashed across the lawyer's face and then he appeared calm again, but he was staring at Jolee's face. "Number one: I have not been through an ordeal since I came here. Being on the show was an ordeal, especially as I was not adequately protected in certain circumstances. But I can always sue the producers. Number two: I was not stripped naked. I removed my clothes for this man of my own free will. This man asked me to remove my clothes and I did so because he is more of a man than anyone else I've met for some time, unlike any of you. Number three: if you try to remove me from this club I will scream as loudly and as often as I can until you are all charged with assaulting a defenceless woman. Number four: if you say anything nasty about Roger again you will quickly find that I am the 'very dangerous person' that you should be wary of. I will fight like a girl. I will kick you in the balls, scratch your face and bite your fingers."

The four unwelcome visitors stared at Jolee without lust for the first time since she walked into the room.

The lawyer sniffed. "Obviously, she is very confused right now. We shall have to return with a court order demanding a doctor examine her to determine if she is mentally fit to make her own decisions." He grinned evilly. "I can fight dirty, as well, you little sl..."

"If you dare finish that sentence, then I will be compelled to put my fist in your face, sir!" Roger roared. His hands were balled and something in his eyes spoke a warning to the large policeman.

The cop put his hand on the lawyer's shoulder. "We'd best be going now; we don't want any trouble."

"Arrest him, officer. He threatened me," said the lawyer, pointing a finger at Roger.

"That he did. Considering what you were about to call the naked babe, what kind of punishment do you think he would end up facing? It isn't worth the paperwork. Let's go."

Three of the four stormed out. The cop followed them out at a slower pace, swaggering a little.

"I guess I'll get dressed and leave, too," said Jolee with a sigh.

"I'd rather you stayed," said Roger as his shoulders drooped.

Her eyes lit up and she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Roger didn't reciprocate. Jolee let him go, stepped back and looked at him uncertainly.

"Do you forgive me for leaving my room last night?"

"Yes." He glanced at the camera. "I'll still get in trouble for letting you stay despite breaking that rule, but I'll fix things so you can stay as long as you like and you'll be happy here."

"I'll only be happy if you're here too, Roger. Now will you tell me what really goes on here?"

Roger laughed, long and hard. "Is your middle name Pandora?"

Jolee smiled. "Maybe it should be. But this is a big part of your life and I want to get to know more about you and what you do here."

"I cannot tell you. It's against the rules and you'll eventually understand why it's against the rules and you will eventually understand exactly what goes on here, but you can't be told right now."

"I understand and obey, my Den Master," she said with a curtsey.

Roger 'ahemmed' while looking a little embarrassed. "I have a delicate subject to bring up with you." She raised her eyebrows and thought, at last! "Each female is offered a dog. We could go to the kennels now. Does being sniffed by several dogs while unclothed put you off? If you are uncomfortable with the idea then I can show you back to the lady's area and we can see if you're up to it tomorrow."

"I'm getting a dog? But I thought these dogs were very valuable, pure-breds or something. Don't you sell them?" Roger shrugged. "Well, I'm okay with dogs sniffing away at me while I am in the buff. I can always walk away if I feel awkward. They're just dogs. Let's go see the kennels. Do you have big dogs?" She was feeling oddly calm, despite having just thrown her career away to be kept naked in some strange, exclusive and mysterious club. And Roger has been very nice to me, she thought, unlike most of the men I've known. Could I be falling for him?

"Yes, we have some big dogs, Jolee." Roger pressed a button on the desk and then led her from the foyer. A man approached them from the other end of the hall and Jolee self-consciously covered her breasts and groin with her hands. The man was probably in his thirties, with an average build and a pleasant face. "Max, are you busy right now?" asked Roger.

The man was dressed in coveralls and looked from Jolee to Roger. "No, not right now. What do you have in mind?"

Jolee was impressed: here was yet another man who didn't ogle her when he had the chance.

Roger glanced at Jolee and then turned to Max. "This female is ready to choose. And we need someone to watch the front desk for a while." Roger then faced Jolee. "I am sorry, Jolee. I'm afraid I forgot I'm supposed to be elsewhere right now. Max will take you to the kennels and then escort you to your room, afterward."

Max approached Roger. "It was my time," he said, glancing at Jolee.

"I know Max, but this is a special circumstance. Can you remember when my last time was?"

"You...never...participate. Okay, for you I'll wait for another turn. To be fair, though, I'll notify some of the other..." he glanced at Jolee as if he had forgotten she was there " be in the kennel as well. The regulations clearly state that there must be competition. You cannot sit up front and pick out..." he glanced at Jolee again. "Well, you know what I mean, boss. Give me a couple of minutes to talk to the...dogs." And Max walked back down the hallway.

Jolee dropped her hands and looked at Roger curiously. "Roger, with you I am now willing to take a lot on trust, but that was a very odd conversation."

Roger looked a little mortified. "Perhaps you're so beautiful that you made him nervous, Miss Rider?" She laughed at that and by the time she had finished laughing, Max had returned and Roger took his leave. When she thought of covering herself with her hands again, she thought it fruitless as Max had time to really take a good long look at her body. Not that he actually did, as far as she could tell.

Max led her to a door down a second hallway, peeked in and then closed the door. At Jolee's questioning look he explained, "Uhm, we can't go in quite yet. He hasn't changed...I mean he's not there...I mean they're not ready yet."

"Do I make you nervous?"

"Nervous?" he asked her with a surprised look on his face and his response confused her, in turn. His eyes dropped to her breasts and then quickly returned to her face. "I suppose you do, miss. You are quite beautiful and while the females we have here are each beautiful in their own way, you seem to have a legendary beauty about you."

"You're a smooth talker, Max," Jolee responded with a smile. "Call me Jolee."

"I cannot. Regulations do not allow for members to show too much familiarity with unmated females. I would hate to be cast out of this Club."

"So females are 'mated' here? So, I am walking around naked to attract my future husband who'll be a Club member?"

"I'm sorry, miss, I can't talk about that. I'm sure Roger will answer all your questions, eventually. But none of us will force you to do anything you don't want to do. If anybody even tries then you tell Roger." He glanced at the blonde woman and put his shoulders back a little. "Or you tell me."

Max peeked through the open door again and then opened it wide. "Well, everything is ready. See for yourself." The room was the size of a school gymnasium and there were five large 'dogs' sitting at attention. There were no people in the room, so Max's earlier misstatements seemed even more odd to Jolee. Who had he been waiting for, she wondered, I only see dogs. As Max and Jolee came into the room, the dogs focussed their attention on them.

Jolee did notice that these weren't ordinary dogs by any stretch of the imagination. Each looked to be a large wolf and she knew what wolves looked like. These animals were larger. But they also appeared to have dog features and dog colourations. She supposed these beasts could be very intimidating if aroused, but they all sat calmly and purposefully. What wonderful animals, she thought, to be trained so well as to sit at attention while in a room with no trainer.

"What do I do?" she asked timidly.

"Take a look around at the various dogs. When you tell me you are ready, I'll signal for play time and the dogs will act as they see fit. None of the dogs here are dangerous. They are all in contr...well trained, and if you want me to get them to stop I will utter the command that causes them to sit as they are now."

"What breeds are they? I don't recognize any of them? Are they part wolf?"

"Yes. But don't worry, Miss Rider. Take your time and choose well. You are perfectly safe with them."

Jolee began to walk about the room and all the beasts followed her every movement with their alert eyes, but also appeared to keep an ear twitched towards Max in case a command was issued. She found a dog that looked part labrador retriever and part wolf that she immediately took a shine to, but there was also a german shepherd-wolf mix that was simply beautiful. She walked around all the dogs. "I can't decide." The dogs were staring intently at her face and they were not distracted once, not by anything.

"The decision is not only yours. The dog has to decide he wants to be with you, as well. Are you ready for them to move around?" Jolee nodded yes. "Break!" called Max.

All the dogs rose up on all four paws simultaneously. Jolee noted that these were indeed big dogs and the smallest came up to her hip and likely outweighed her. Two rushed over to Jolee, sniffed her once and walked away in disinterest. A great dane-wolf mix seemed particularly enthusiastic about Jolee, put his front paws upon her shoulders and sniffed her face. Its jaws were massive and she had no idea how the dog was balancing itself, because it certainly wasn't leaning on her. She tried to push the dog far enough away so that she could ask Max to get them under control when she felt a dog pass by her legs. The great dane-wolf mix dropped its front paws to the ground and looked down at the large shepherd-wolf mix that stood between it and Jolee. The shepherd barked once and the dane walked slowly away, almost sulking. The shepherd then looked up at Jolee. It had a bit of grey in its fur but otherwise looked strong and healthy. She looked down at those large brown eyes and knew instinctively that this was one smart dog. It tentatively brought its nose towards her to sniff her groin. She stood still allowing it to bury its nose between her legs. Suddenly another animal that had been sniffing away at her bottom gave Jolee a firm push in the rear. She was pushed forward and the german shepherd's cold nose rubbed her pussy lips. She shuddered as heat filled her groin and she felt her nipples beginning to tingle. The dog sniffed in deeply. She felt herself grow wet and she worried the dog would breathe in her moisture. Then it suddenly sniffed out strongly, almost like a sneeze. The air felt like it jetted past her labia and into her vagina. She felt her nipples tingle even more strongly. The german shepherd-wolf mix lay down at her feet and she asked Max to call them to attention.

She began to walk over to Max, unsure of her decision and feeling a little shy about what he had just witnessed when she heard a whine behind her. The german shepherd was standing on all fours and was whining at her. She stopped walking away from it and stared at its deep, intelligent, brown eyes again. There was something there that she could trust. And somehow those brown eyes looked familiar...

Max approached her. "It looks like you've found your dog, Miss Rider." He went over to the dog and looked at its tag. "Someone has a sense of humour: its name is Master. Master do you want to go with Miss Rider?" The dog whined again.

"Well, Jolee, do you want this dog?"

"Yes. Yes, I do. Uhm, are they all crossbreeds between domestic dogs and wolves?"

"They're not crossbreeds, miss. They're all purebred..."

Master barked once, interrupting Max's explanation.

"Do I need any special command words to control him? He's so big I could actually ride him. I don't think I'll ever be able to physically control him."

Max started laughing.

"Well I guess the idea of a naked cowgirl riding a giant half-wolf half-dog is pretty funny," she giggled.

"Well then, I'll get you to your room. You and...Master can get to know each other a little better. You'll find his stuff delivered to your door shortly. I'll have to ask Roger to record the transfer of ownership tomorrow morning. He'll see you some time in the morning, too."

"Wait. I'd like to see Roger and maybe have lunch with him..."

"Don't worry about it, Jolee. You'll see Roger tomorrow, meanwhile you learn about and bond with your new dog."

"But I was really hoping to spend more time with Roger today." It came out a little more petulant than Jolee intended.

"Roger has become...tied down, let's say. He won't be able to see you until tomorrow. I know he would spend time with you today, if he could." Master barked, seemingly in agreement. When Jolee looked down at her new dog, he was happily staring back at her with his tail wagging.

Max led Jolee and Master out of the room, up the stairs to the third floor and down another hall. Picking the second last door on the left, he opened it and led her and the dog into it. "I believe this is your room."

"I like the window, but I'm in the buff and someone outside could see me," pointed out Jolee, remembering her concern from the previous evening. "Can I get blinds or curtains?"

"Whenever you wish to make the window opaque simply turn that dial at the side there. The regulations are very specific that the female must stay alone in her room for the remainder of the day with her new beast. Someone will bring you lunch and dinner, today. Breakfast will be first thing tomorrow morning and you'll likely meet some of the other females at that time. I'll come and collect you for breakfast. Have fun, Miss Rider. You too, Master," he said, smirking at his private joke again. The dog responded with a dismissive bark.