In the Garden...

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Shay's birthday present.
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It was a beautiful day in June. Not just any day, It was Shay's birthday.

Rick had asked for weeks what she would like to do on "her day." She would always reply, " I've had too many without you, I want this to be you and me doin nothin but hangin out with each other. All day and all night."

He thought to himself it sounded like it was "his special day." He knew they would both be giving and receiving of each other. They always made sure of that.

Shay had opened her eyes to an empty bed. He was up and doing his routine. An early morning bike ride before it got too warm.

Almost an empty bed. She picked up the yellow rose he had placed on his pillow. She held it to her nose and inhaled it sweet scent.


She knew that he had clipped the rose from their garden.

The two of them loved the garden that they had carefully put together. It started out small but had increased in size a lot. It was filled with rhododendrons, beautiful hydrangeas and beds of sweet 'forget-me-nots'.

The juniper and azaleas worked in the landscaping well.

Rick would laugh at her and exercise a lot of patients when she would garden with him. Shay had to have a story or reason for everything she put in the garden. And she would always go through her list as soon as someone would ask about a certain bloom.....he could hear her,

"Oh! That white rose, it's a 'white English rose,' his parents are from the English decent,"

"Oh!" she would laugh." That's my favorite over there! The Yellow Rose of Texas!"

"Oh, the little 'forget-me-nots'! Well, I know he put them in there for me!" she would say.

"Oh yes ... the pretty zinnias. They are planted so we can place a lot of color inside. They smell funny ... but they look pretty!"

On and on she would go.

Rick had really put a lot of time in making this garden a tranquil place. He had a nice size pond with goldfish and Koi fish in it. And the sound of the waterfall was so relaxing.

They would sit in the garden for hours sometimes. Lost in the colors and shapes of the plants and flowers. And each other.

At times enjoying the sounds of the different chimes that Shay loved so much.

There was a small patio area with redwood loungers and a chair with overstuffed cushions. A few steps from the patio was a double size macrame' hammock tied between two big trees that they were known to lay in for hours just holding each other. A gentle breeze would rock them and they would listen to the waterfall.

Daylight had found them there many times.


It was almost noon when Shay heard Rick coming through the back door whistling a tune to himself.

His hands took her hips from behind as he lightly blew the thin strands of hair from her neck and kissed it softly.

Shay inhaled slowly as she felt his lips working on her neck. She tilted her head forward so he would have total access, encouraging him to stay there.

He pulled away from her and began to sing, " Happy Birthday to 'My Shay,' Happy Birthday to you…, Happy Birthday to 'My Shay Shay,' Happy Birthday to youuu!"

Shay turned to him smiling and asked, " Where is it?"

"Where is what Baby?", Rick replied as he stepped to the refrigerator for a bottle of juice.

A child like smile spread across her face that made her dimples even deeper," My present!" she responded, maintaining her smile.

Rick held his mouth full of juice as he replayed in his head her response she had been giving him for weeks now.

Rick stood steadfast where he was, only turning his head, faced her and responded with, " what happen to ... 'I have had to many without you, all I want is you and me doin nuthin but hangin out, all day and all night' Shay Lyn?" and of course he done this in his best Shay impression he could gather. He then closed one eye and stared at her waiting for her hissy fit to emerge. He began to count down to himself, five, four, before three.....she blew.

"Richard! You took me serious! " by then she had grabbed a kitchen towel and was drying her hands quickly,

"I surely hope you did not ' fuck up' not only 'MY DAY' but your 'MONTHS' by listenin to me on that one!" Shay shouted as she crossed her arms and leaned against the kitchen counter, holding the kitchen towel.

Rick was really having to fight laughing at her little tantrum as he walked to her taking the towel from her hands and placing it around her head to blindfold her. " Now Shay don't start!" he snapped with a grin as he took her hand with his free hand and began walking her to the back door.

Shay shouted as she began to slap at the air trying to connect with him for covering her eyes, " What are you doing! Get this dayum towel off my face Richard! Now dayum it!"

Rick had her at the back door by then and out the door he pushed her gently and removed the towel.

Shay was still swinging her arms when she realized the back of his truck was full of greenery. Flowers and plants. Big bags of top soil and pine bark mulch.

Shay swallowed and turn to look at Rick to find him standing behind her with his juice bottle turned up to his lips, his eyes cut to her and drinking his juice. He glanced at her breast as she inhaled and exhaled quickly, then quickly made eye contact with her again.

"What is all this Rick?", she asked in a much sweeter tone.

Rick took the juice bottle from his lips and took her by the hand strutting like a rooster. He led her to the truck and as he lowered the tailgate he begin to whistle the tune of 'Happy Birthday.'


After the tailgate was down he sat the juice bottle on it and leaned to her taking her by the wrists, pulling her to him. Holding her close, he slid his hands in the back pockets of her shorts and looked her in her eyes smiling. "Shay Shay, I know how you like to tell a story about the things in the Garden. I stopped by the nursery and picked up a few things and I have a story about some of 'em for you."

He pushed a strand of hair from her face and kissed her lightly on her lips pulling her closer, and asked," want to hear it?"

Feeling a little more than embarrassed at this moment by almost going off on what she thought was the sweetest man in the world, at this moment, she just nodded to him.

He knew he had won the battle, he just wasn't sure about the war.

"Well," he started with confidence. He turned and leaned to a flat of greenery and pulled the information stake out of one of the five gallon pots. He placed it in her cleavage with a smile on his face and said, " Jasmine, because that's what my Baby smells like all the time."

Shay had no expression on her face. She allowed him to have his time of making her feel really guilty.

Rick then leaned more to a group of buckets. Pulling another information stake locking his eyes on hers and placing it with the other one, "Gardenias. Dwarf Gardenia Bushes because my Baby likes 'em."

Rick knew by the look in her eyes he was batting a thousand.

"I am doing good huh Shay?" he asked in a sassy way.

Shay smiled at him and replied softly, "Yes Shuggar, you are doin great."

Rick then assured her "No wait Baby! I saved the best for last!" Rick stepped up in the back of the truck and placed a ten gallon pot that had a beautiful, full Palm Tree in it. He then reached for some individual pots of Monkey Grass, and placed them around the pot holding the Palm Tree. He then squatted down in the bed of the truck and with a half smile he asked, "You know what this story will be Baby?"

Shay smiles a cheesy smile and replied honestly, " Not a clue Rick..."

"Well, I am gonna tell ya Shuggar!" he responded in his best Texas drawl ever. And he began," Shay, stay with me here." He pointed at the Palm Tree, " I love your soft palms on me, you know, when you are strokin me" then he winked at her. He points to the Monkey Grass and says," Baby, you remember telling me about a pine tree you had in Texas that when it pollinated it had these things sticking up on its branches that looked like 'Monkey Dicks." You called it a 'Monkey Dick Tree.' Monkey Grass...Monkey Dick Tree...You with me Shay?" he asked.

Shay tilted her head and tried her best to keep from laughing at him.

He then grabbed a sack and pulled out some beautiful bamboo chimes.

He knew how she loved chimes.

"Look at this Shay Lyn," he said as he pointed to the long, slender, shiny knobby sticks of bamboo.

Looking in her eyes he smiled and told her, "Me, my Dick. Hard, slick. The head is shiny and kind of knobby. You know that!"

Shay had all she could take. She felt laughter coming from her belly and he knew it was coming. It was showing on her face.

He loved to get her like that. She laughed at his little performance until tears were rolling down her cheeks and her sides ached.

Shay had to put her arms around him. She loved him so much. She thought to herself. He knew how she loved the Garden and how she loved watching him work in it.

She reached up and took his face in her hands and kissed him passionately.

When she felt he needed some air, she released him.

His smile spread over his face as she held it in her hands.

"Thank you Rick," she whispered "Let's start planting ok?"

He swallowed and told her "Hey, it's your day. Why don't you get you something to read? Kick back Baby. I will get this stuff planted for ya."

He knew that was a nice gesture but he also knew they usually "locked horns" as Shay would put it when they worked on the landscaping part of the garden. Choices of plants they agreed on. Landscaping was a different issue all together and he had it planned in his head where he wanted things to go.

"Oh Rick..." she whined, " you know I love to dig and help,"

"Ah ... yeah Baby, but its your Birthday. Kick back! You can water after I'm finished. Get to thinking about where you want those chimes hanging. How about that?"

Shay knew what he was doing. And she knew why. But she wanted to help. She also knew how to get her way.

With a sweet sigh of agreeing she replied, " OK Shuggar. I need to make a phone call and I will bring you a cold beer and watch you."

"That's my girl" Rick thankfully beamed as he started to the shed for tools.

Shay headed to the house with a smile on her face.


As Shay walked by the island in the kitchen, she picked up the cordless phone, punched *mem 4*, knowing that was the programmed number to Pizza Inn. When the employee answered the phone, Shay politely said, "Just seeing if you were opened! Bye now!" and clicked the phone off with a grin.

Now she told her self as she walked to her bedroom, that just covered me on making a phone call.

She knew what she had to do.

Some say a way to a mans heart is through their stomach. Not as far as Shay was concerned about Rick. It was through his eyes.

Shay had a weapon. The weapon was refereed to as her "Nasty Shorts." They were his weakness. Or one of them anyway. They were a pair of cut off jeans that were definitely dangerous. The legs were cut so short and at an angle that her tanned round butt was exposed almost completely, the only thing covering her butt was the back pockets. The pockets in front laid on her legs. The double seam in the crotch was all the crotch was. They rode on her hips low. Faded and frayed. Poor Rick didn't stand a chance.

She slipped her shorts off and slid into her nasty shorts. She loved the way the double seam fit next to her. It was always a pleasure not only for Rick to see her in these but for her as well to wear them.

She removed her top and as she removed her bra the information stakes fell to the floor. She put on a turquoise bathing suit top. One of her pockets on the back of her shorts cut in half was about the size of the two pieces of material that were covering her full tanned breast. The sides of her breast were not even being covered. Basically, her nipples were covered.

She stepped in their bathroom, slipped on her Nike sun visor and headed to the kitchen.

Shay took her and Rick a cold beer out of the refrigerator, slipped them in matching coozies and out to the garden she went.


Rick had unloaded the truck and had poured some top soil into the wheel barrow.

He was squatted down and measuring off a particular area when Shay slipped up behind him.

He had removed his t shirt so she touched his bare back with her knee as she handed him his beer over his shoulder.

"Thanks Birthday Girl!" he said without looking up.

"You are so welcome!" Shay responded in a playful voice.

She then started walking to an area that was straight across from the area Rick was focused on. He had looked over his shoulder and was counting pots of Monkey Grass as she got into his viewing area when he looked forward.

Shay squatted down with her beer in her hand and her legs spread and waited for him to face straight ahead.

The expression on his face when he seen her was priceless.

Rick remained in a squatting position, and so did Shay.

Their eyes were locked into each other as they both took a drink of their beer.

Rick's eyes took a quick glance between her legs and then back to her eyes.

"What ya doin Shay?" Rick asked in a raspy voice.

"Just watchin you work Shuggar." she replied.

Rick inhaled and exhaled in a strained way and said, " You might get them little shorts dirty right there. You might need to move back away from here." Taking his beer to his mouth never taking his eyes from hers.

Shay reached down and scooped a handful of soil in her free hand. Placed it to her exposed tummy and let it fall down her.

"You know I like to get dirty Rick. Especially in my old nasty shorts. Let me help ya. I will do what ever you need done," she responded in her sexy seductive voice that would knock him over ever time.

Rick knew she had won before any words were spoken.

They both took a sip of their beers and Rick told her as he had a habit of doing, " Shay don't play fair."

And she assured him he was right by answering, " ......I know."


The planting was going at a good pace.

Rick was trying his best to just keep his mind on what he was doing, not thought of Shay in her nasty shorts.

Shay was keeping her sights on him as well. She loved watching him work the garden. He kept his body in great shape. Not only tight but tanned as well. Whatever he was doing, his muscles in his arms, legs, chest, tummy, shoulders or back would glisten with the sweat that had formed on his body. Every line of his muscular body was accented with shadowing. He had this thing he would do when he would be thinking to himself. He would flex his chest muscles. Left then right. She always assumed he was not aware of her watching him doing this, then again, he probably knew she was and liked the expression that would always come over her face.

Rick was uncoiling the water hose and Shay was watching the fish in the pond.

Shay had knelt down and was scooping some leaves from the water. To reach them better she got on her hands and knees.

Rick was lightly watering the freshly planted foliage when he happen to see her in this most tantalizing position. He took the view in as if he was in a haze. Her tight tanned ass revealed more than covered. The seam of her nasty shorts was the only fabric between her legs. The fringed hem of the shorts laid on her ass cheeks they were cut so high. Rick smiled to himself as he thought about taken her right there from behind. He felt his cock agree with him. He could see her full breast hanging stretching her turquoise tub top as he looked between her legs.

Realizing that he had over watered in one area he moved a little closer to where Shay was, still on her knees.

Without turning to Rick, Shay remarked, " I am hot Rick! What do you think about me just going over in the pond..."

"Let me cool you off ," he replied as he slowly aimed the water hose at his target. He sprayed her nasty shorts with a steady stream of cool water reminding her as he laughed, " I told you that you were going to get those little shorts dirty!"

Shay began to squeal and stand as the cool water ran down her legs. It did feel good.

Rick turned the water from her knowing she would let it stop there.

As she approached him he started telling her that he was just helping her out.

"I was concerned about you Babe. You looked like you were overheating. It's them dayum shorts Shay! You need to get rid of 'em!" he jokingly shouted.

"Sure thang!" Shay replied as she unzipped them and dropped them to the ground.

"See Baby! Now you are delirious from the heat!" and Rick began spraying her naked ass again.

Shay managed to pick up a section of the hose and bend it to stop the water flow.

"You look kinda hot too," she told Rick as she gently pulled the Waterhouse from his hand. She loved the smile that came on his face.

Shay reached for a belt loop on the front of his cut off jeans and slipped her index finger in it. She pulled the shorts away from his body and placed the Waterhouse nozzle in the front of his shorts and let the water flow back through the hose. Rick stood there with his hands on his hips letting her have her moment. He loved her playfulness. He then reached for the snap, unzipped and slid his shorts off. Then he untied her swim suit top and tossed it.

They played spraying each other. He teased her breast and between her legs with the water. If she was not responding the way he thought she should, he would adjust the pressure flow of the water.

Shay done the same to him. Letting the water seduce and tease every part of his body.

The sun was almost down and they were still enjoying their water foreplay. Their bodies were naked, wet and so excited. They both loved long sessions of teasing and foreplay.

Rick took the hose and shut off the spray nozzle as he held her right nipple in his mouth. He then scooped her up in his arms and started whistling the tune to "Happy Birthday." He carried his Shay to the huge macrame' hammock that was tied between two trees by the pond. She had one arm around his neck and teasing his left nipple with her other hand.


Rick placed his mouth on her soft lips, and mouthed to her, " You are not afraid of me flippin you off of his thing?"

Shay replied still being held by his mouth, "You mastered this trick along time ago," he felt her smile under his mouth.

Rick stepped up to the hammock and pushed it forward with his thighs. He then turned a little and stepped over it, straddling the hammock. He then gently laid her down.

Shay carefully moved over as he laid his body down on top of her, his legs between hers. The slightest movement of their bodies caused the hammock to swing. Just a slow swaying like their bodies were suspended in air.

Rick took her left nipple in his mouth and held it there as he gently squeezed her right breast. Gently stroking the nipple with his thumb. His hard cock was pulsating on her leg where it laid between them.

Shay placed her arms around his neck, holding his head in her hands, as he began to slide up her. She flinched when she felt the swollen head of his cock touch her special place. Rick felt her hips rise a little. He began to whisper," Whoa Shay... Whoa....remember we are not on solid ground here Baby. You get too crazy and we will be..." a smile beaming down at her.

Her body wanted him and she wanted him now. Her need for him to be connected to her was so intense. More than ever before.

There was something different about her. He could sense it.

He noticed a tear trailing off from the corner of her eye. He touched it, wiped it away and asked her if she was ok.

Shay inhaled deep as if trying to push something way down inside her.

"Make love to me Rick. Slow and easy like we started," she closed her eyes.

Rick pushed up with his arms and let his legs go to the ground. He then slid his shaft between her legs. He took his fingers and spread her exposing her pink. With a slight push he was sliding into her.