In the House of Spite Ch. 07


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That ... that wasn't one hundred percent her kink.

"Uhm ... I ...?" As slow as her words were, they were still faster than her thoughts.

"Don't worry, Little Girl. Daddy will take care of you."

He pulled his fingers out. Then Pearl heard him opening the condom's wrapper. In her mind, she told herself not to freak out, not to say anything about how she felt so weird. The word Daddy made her think of her father, and that wasn't sexy.

Darren gripped her buttocks, his thumbs stroking into the crack. He groaned as he pushed his dick in her pussy. She groaned too. It felt a little deeper than normal, but not so intense that she'd go into a drunken state. Three thrusts later, she knew she'd have to hold on for dear life. She also knew that she wouldn't be able to raise her voice a for a good while after this was over, because she was in a constant state of primal screaming.

On and on. Her arms gave in. Her wild noises were muffled at some points. When she was finally cumming, her voice stopped. She could hardly breathe. She heard Darren egging her on. "Don't stop! Baby, don't stop! So good!" She felt him taking short pauses. Then a final movement as he clung to her hips.

Pearl just collapsed.

She really wanted some water.

After Darren threw the condom away, he sat down on the bed, cradled Pearl to him, and held a water bottle to her lips. She was fully capable of holding the bottle herself, but he just wanted to do it. She didn't think trying to stop him would lead to good things, barely thought at all. Her brain was still overloaded.

Later on, when the couple was all cleaned up and putting in the effort to sleep, that was when Pearl's brain finally cleared up and stronger thoughts popped in.

She really didn't want to call him Daddy.


"This is a treadmill," Darren said as he tapped the machine with his palm.

Pearl knew what a treadmill was, but she didn't know what ninety percent of the devices in this building were, so she didn't mind him explaining. Regardless, she didn't know how to operate a treadmill.

"I know you don't want to do anything too heavy," Darren said, "but you can still do a few things." He pointed off to an area where people, mostly women, were trying to ... balance ... on giant balls that made Pearl think of the cages of huge plastic balls in grocery stores and sometimes Walmart. When she was a child she'd always wanted one, although she was certain these gym balls were much sturdier and not designed for child's play.

"You can try using those," Darren said. "We have lots for you." He gestured at a few people that were lifting dumbbells. "You can try that out too, but start small." He petted the top of her head and grinned as if he wanted to laugh at her. "But don't get too buff. I like you soft and cute."

Pearl imagined some women would've been highly offended by him. How dare he tell a woman how to workout? How dare he tell a woman how she needs to look? None of that was important to Pearl. She liked being soft and cute, and she liked that Darren liked her soft and cute. And if anyone ever told her she was somehow giving into some mysterious patriarchy, then Pearl would've told that person off.

She watched Darren demonstrate a few ways to operate the treadmill. Then he watched her walk on the lowest setting. It was kind of fun. Darren kissed her cheek and told her to text or call if she needed anything, but he wouldn't be far off. She watched him walk away for a few moments. He looked so nice. Black T-Shirt with the gym's logo on the front and the word employee on the back, clean blue shorts that stopped just above his knees, and a walkie-talkie attached to a belt that subtly announced, "I work here."

As unfair as it was, a man with some level of authority was sexy as fuck.

Earbuds sending political commentary to her ears, never daring to increase the speed on the machine, Pearl kept walking. She was in such a fine mood. She was wearing a cute shirt Darren had given her. It was from the gift shop, a darling pink thing with the gym's logo. He'd even had it washed beforehand so it would feel more comfortable and cozy on her. She was also pretty sure he'd hugged it under his armpit or something because it fucking smelled like him. And she saw no problem there.

This particular row of treadmills was on a second level, overlooking a yoga class, of all things. Pearl didn't really understand yoga. It all looked like complex stretching. She thought it might be a perfectly fine thing to do, but she also didn't think it would really help anyone lose weight. But she wasn't a fitness expert. Pearl was happy to mostly ignore the class before her and listen to her phone. She wondered if the other people around her were doing the same or if they were ogling the students as their backsides went up in the air.

After who knows how long, Pearl got bored. She turned the treadmill off, then stepped a bit away. She guzzled down a bit of a sports drink. Then she thought to herself, "Hey, aren't you supposed to wipe off equipment you use? Sweat and all that?" So, she crouched at a brand new gym bag Darren had given her. She took an extra towel and wiped up the spots she thought were wet, then the spots that might not be wet just to be sure.

When she was done, she realized that the yoga class was done and the students were walking away. One of the students caught her eye. It was a young woman with an hourglass body and an ass that just was asking to be admired. Pearl wasn't immune to the charms of a fine ass no matter the person's sex. God. Damn. That woman's ass was like a damn peach. And her hair was so pretty, blonde with a few pink streaks.

Pearl shrugged and packed up her gym bag. Then she decided to go wandering around. Walking was still the best workout for her, or it was in her opinion.

Eventually, she happened to find the gift shop. It looked pretty cheerful in there. When she stepped in, she saw that some people were carrying boxes in from a room with a sign that read, "Employees Only."

Ah. Restocking. Looked dull enough.

Pearl would've walked off right then, but when she saw a girl as small as she was trip and spill a box of towels, Pearl went to see if she was hurt. She wasn't. The towels were in neat little rolls. Pearl didn't see the harm in helping her put the towels back in the box. When she was done and that employee went on with her job, Pearl happened to see that pretty blonde with the curvy body walk by. Whatever. Pearl went off to see if there were any neat things to purchase.

After a while, as her feet went off in what felt like random directions, Pearl heard Darren's voice.

"Don't worry about it. We all trip sometimes. I'm just glad you're okay."

Pearl stood behind an aisle and peeked around. Darren was apparently giving the employee from before a pep talk. That employee said something like, "Thanks, Boss!" Then she picked up a now empty box and left the scene. That was when Pearl saw that curvy blonde from before suddenly approach and initiate a conversation with Darren.

"Hey, I've seen you before," she said with a smile. "I didn't know you were the boss around here."

"That's what they call me," Darren said with a mildly distracted voice. He put his walkie-talkie close to his lips, held down a button, and spoke. "Hey, it's Boss. We need someone to check the security cameras for the gift shop. Someone tripped and I need to figure out if we can do something to keep it from happening again." After a voice on the line gave some sort of answer, the blonde woman spoke up again.

"Wow, you keep a tight ship." She moved some hair out of her pretty eyes and bent one of her knees in a girlish, almost innocent way. "What do you do when you're not keeping everyone in line?"

His eyes darting over to her as if he'd forgotten she'd been there, Darren said, "I don't know. Normal stuff. Got to go now." He turned away, but then that blonde woman did something Pearl almost didn't believe.

She put a hand on his arm! She put her hand on this six foot something beast and pulled on him.

Frowning, Pearl wondered if she should do something. After all, she was supposed to be the only one tugging Darren down to pay attention to her like that.

Darren did try to shake her off. "Hey! Don't touch me!" His face was really alarmed, big eyes, high eyebrows, and dropped jaw.

"What's your problem?!" the blonde said with such an offended, self-entitled tone. "You gay or something?!" She tried to grip his arm again, but Darren stepped back.

"Woah!" That came from Pearl. She dropped her gym bag and marched over to the scene. "Stay away from him! He doesn't want anything to do with you!"

Her nose rising as she stared at Pearl, her nostrils scrunching as if someone had waved a dog's used newspaper in front of her, the blonde put a hand on her hip and said, "Go ring somebody up or something!"

"I don't work here!" One of Pearl's hands formed a fist while the other made a shape like claws. "And if you grab my boyfriend one more god damn time somebody's going to grab you!"

"Who do you think you are?!" The blonde woman had a temper like Pearl's, or so it seemed. She was up in Pearl's face within three seconds, waving her hands and yelling. "A skinny-ass midget like you?! The only people fucking you are pedophiles!!"

Oh no.

Not the sore spot. Not the weakened nerve. Pearl couldn't handle that with dignity.


"Yeah, we need some security guards here. Now." That was Darren.

The blonde was the first one to make the physical move. Her manicured fingers went right to Pearl's hair. Before Pearl could give an adequate counter attack, Darren stepped in. He grabbed that blonde's arms and got her off of Pearl. He was able to keep that squirming, screaming blonde away from a trembling Pearl until the security guards arrived.

When it was all over, Darren was laughing at her, as he tended to do whenever Pearl was angry at someone else. Pearl was quiet, but still fuming. They were sitting in the employee's cafeteria. Darren had made a point of telling everyone this was his girlfriend and she needed a break to eat.

Whenever someone stopped by to ask what happened, Darren told the story as if it was a grand fairy-tale. The reactions varied. Laughter. Understanding nods. Even shock as they gawked at the little woman that had so viciously tried to defend their huge boss' honor.

Feeling almost ashamed of herself, Pearl pouted down at a vending machine sandwich Darren had purchased for her. She was loosely holding it. She hadn't seen such a vending machine since she'd gone to a community college more than a decade ago. Even while stewing in her lingering fury, she'd been impressed enough to stare at all the options for a while.

"One of these days," she said to Darren, "I'm going to yell at the wrong person, and I'll get myself killed."

Gripping and patting her thigh, Darren told her, "You're not stupid. You don't start fights."

"But I am a loud idiot." She sighed and took a bite of her food. "That girl could probably whoop my ass, but I screamed at her like I could do something."

"Some people need to be screamed at." Darren had a can of some kind of protein chocolate nonsense, and he took a sip of it. Then he said, "And some people need a big old helping of 'Shut the Fuck Up.'"


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