Incest During Apocalypse

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Gay boy is forced to have sex with his male family members.
3.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/08/2022
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[Themes: gay incest, domination and submission, conspiracy, smells, creepy uncle getting what he wants.]

~~ The world has been overtaken by zombies. During the first year, they slaughtered 98% of human population, as the virus causing it spread by airborne droplets.

After some time, the decaying processes rendered majority of them harmless but the survivors have learned to live in isolation, in fear of bandits and the fresh living dead.

Me and my family, consisting of four brothers, an uncle and two of his sons survived solely due to our natural resistance to the virus. ~~

The leader of our family was my uncle, Graham. He was in the army, just like his wacky son, so they knew how to make our group survive the hardships of living without civilization. I was never very fond of him, he was a jerk and his entire persona rubbed me the wrong way. As it eventually turned out, for a good reason.

Eighteen months after all of this began, our family was going through a bit of a crisis. Some of us were depressed, some angry and frustrated. In the brutal times of apocalypse, things like that could easily kill an entire group, so my uncle was searching for a way to boost everyone's morale.

We were living in an old bar, spending most of our time guarding the building. On one evening however, he decided to gathered us all, to announce something important.

"Okay, lads. Listen up. Things are not that colorful, despite the increase in safety and our large supplies for the winter. I can see that these hard eighteen months have finally exhausted you all. Having no fun, no way to relax, nothing to cheer you up after a tiring day... and in general, having no actual life, all of that is bringing the spirits down. To fix that, I thought of an idea... but let me warn you -- it's a controversial one." Silence filled the room for a moment, even though the eight of us were rarely quiet. "What I will reveal to you in a second will be placed under a vote. I want you all to speak out honestly and think twice before announcing your decision. Remember -- we all need a solution, or I honestly expect a wave of suicides to occur..."

"Get to the point, dad," the younger of my cousins, Jack -- not the wacky one -- insisted. He was right, his dad should really stop giving the guys ideas...

"I thought that the easiest way to improve the moods... would be to satisfy the very important need that every real man has." Uncle Graham grabbed his bulge, squeezed it and laughed disgustingly, like an idiot. "But since we don't have any women volunteers available... well, one of us will have to make the sacrifice..."

These words sparked some immediate doubts of both his reasonable son and one of my older brothers.

"You want us to go full gay and Alabama?!" Jack snorted.

"What a brilliant idea," my brother Travis added, sarcastically. "I was always somewhat in love with you, uncle."

"I'm flattered, lad, but you won't have much fun fucking my hairy ass, that's for sure," uncle Graham laughed. "No, I have a different candidate." I gulped, seeing how his dumb little happy eyes turn towards me. "Felix. You're not only a self-declared gay man, but also the best looking creature in this building. I'm amazed how perfect your haircut is, despite the current conditions of our life..."

"No, no, no, no," I protested nervously, raising my hands in a defensive stance. "A terrible idea. Let's not forget that I'm a biological brother of most of you here..."

Uncle Graham smiled in a smug way and squinted his eyes in some malicious expression.

"All of us have family ties anyway, champ. And you're still the best pick. Alright, gents! I want each person in this room to vote either yay or nay. As the one who came up with this idea, I'm obviously voting yay." He looked over at his dumb, muscular son taller than him by a head, whose entire outfit consisted of camo fabric. "Kyle?"

"I vote yay, dad. Great idea." Kyle looked at me with his crazed eyes, stuck his tongue out and gave the air a lick, in some dumb sexual gesture, I assume.

"Two votes to zero for turning our sweet little Felix into a sex doll," uncle Graham summarized, so pleased with himself. I was surprised when he proved that he can actually count to two. "Jack, my boy?" he asked his other son.

"Obviously, no," my cousin stood up for me, firmly. "And now carry on to his brothers to officially take down this dumb idea. Seriously, dad, you're embarrassing-..."

"Shut up, Jack," Kyle barked at him.

"Two to one," uncle Graham continued, clearly disappointed with his younger son. "Travis?"

"Felix's bony ass or continued abstinence? Difficult choice," my brother teased Graham. "Sorry, uncle, that would be a strong no from me,"

At this point, uncle became visibly upset.

"I urge you to think this through, boys," he barked. "We need our moods to improve and I don't exactly hear you coming up with better ideas... Kevin?"

That would be my twin brother. We weren't quite identical, but still had lots of similarities in appearance. Unfortunately, we were never particularly close, or should I say, he hated me, so his answer didn't surprise me that much.

"It's time that my brother finally becomes useful to us in any way," he said, crossing his forearms on his chest. "I vote yes."

Uncle Graham and Kyle smiled in satisfaction, while Travis looked at him in disgust and disbelief.

"Smart choice, lad. Smart choice." Uncle looked at me again. "Felix, my boy, I forgot to ask you first... if you're mature enough to accept your responsibility, we're carrying this vote for no reason... So, are you willing to take the dicks like a good boy?"

"No and I honestly can't believe that you're carrying this stupid vote!" I yelled in anger. "Should I reveal now that you always tried to get into my pants, even before this whole mess started? Now you're just doing the same..."

I could tell that my response made him very angry, but he just shrugged it and carried on with the vote.

"Kind of a dick move to make such disgusting accusations only to avoid the sacrifice to our community, but have it your way," he lied, carrying on with the vote. "Let's listen to our youngest family member now!" We all looked at Russell, my younger brother. When all of this started, he was only nineteen years old. "Think on your answer carefully, boy... if your big brother won't take the L, you're the next one in line, haha!" Uncle Graham chuckled as if he just told the best joke in the world.

"Don't threaten him!" I yelled.

"Shut your filthy mouth, bitch!" Kyle stood up, almost flipping his chair, and pointed at me, aggressively. "Have patience, soon you will be choking on my musky cock!" he said, spitting in the process. Like I've said, he was a true nutjob.

"Well, Russell?" Uncle Graham hurried my little brother.

Russell looked at me flustered, but then made a fake smug smile to my uncle.

"Wouldn't have it any other way, uncle. I vote yes!"

"Four to two, excellent."

"Four to three!" I corrected him. "Can't you count properly, uncle? I voted no!"

"I don't think your vote matters in this case..." my uncle attempted to manipulate the results but fortunately, Travis and Jack stood up for me again.

"That's not how it works, dad," Jack said. "Last vote is Dean's. If he says no, we will have a tie and your stupid idea will remain just as that -- an idea..."

"Dad is our leader, princess," Kyle barked at his brother. "His vote counts twice."

"Makes sense to me," uncle Graham immediately jumped to support his older son's idea.

"That's not how we carried the votes in the past," Travis cleverly noticed.

"Let me interrupt you, gents," my oldest brother, Dean, spoke, relaxing in his chair. "This discussion is pointless... because I vote yes." I looked at him in disbelief and he looked at me back, without any shame, just with some form of cold satisfaction. I couldn't believe it, since he was always so loving and protective towards me. I truly believed he was my best friend here.

"It's settled then," my uncle announced in a sick, cheerful tone, looking at me as if I was a piece of tasty meat he was about to devour. "In that case, let's establish the details of use of our newest balls draining toy..."


"Okay, son. Let's talk this through, before you says something you regret later," uncle Graham said, trying to stop laughter.

I was kneeling between his legs, with that creep Kyle standing behind me, holding my nape with his big strong hand, keeping my head respectfully low. My uncle stripped down and now he had only his white undershirt stained with mustard on him, as well as a pair of loose boxers. He had a typical dad bod, with lots of curly hair on his belly and chest. He stank like sweat and alcohol.

"This act that you're trying to put out is getting really tiring," he sighed. "We get it -- you're not a slutty faggot at all. You're not enjoying it. Does that satisfy you and can we move on?"

"Please, uncle... I will do what you tell me to, but at least don't make me have sex with my brothers!" I cried out. Kyle placed even more strength into his grip, clearly not liking this idea.

"No, your brothers, too, seem to be very eager to have some naughty fun with you. There's no reason for shame, champ. The world is fucked, the rules have changed. Who cares if we're all related? Ass is ass, dick is dick. You won't get pregnant with a twisted monster baby anyway. Am I right, Kyle?"

"Dad, you're speaking like a fucking sage," Kyle snorted. "Besides, this bitch will enjoy it a lot, too. She just doesn't know it yet..."

"I think so, too, Kyle. Think of this, Felix... Your sexy, sweaty brothers, rubbing their warm muscular bodies against you, hurling mean orders, filling you with their seed... Pretty fucking awesome for a fag like you, right?" He got no response out of me. "Okay, I'll put this straight for you, boy. You will do as you're told, obediently and with a proper eagerness, or we will throw you out of the group and your twinky little brother will take your place. Do you understand your position? You're in no place to make demands or refuse."

I sighed, feeling trapped, sensing tears in my eyes. It seemed inevitable. My uncle smirked smugly, clearly taking it as a sign of my submission.

"Besides, think about this, Felix. We've all been in celibacy here for so long... Was there not even a single moment when you looked at one of your brothers cousins and thought to yourself 'damn, I would love to sniff that armpit...'?"

My thoughts involuntarily reached to those moments when I indeed was really horny. It was so embarrassing, but I did jerk off few times to the sight of shirtless Dean moving planks for a barricade... or when Travis asked me to watch out for zombies while he took a quick bath in the river... or that time when Jack fell asleep on the couch with his socked feet up and I just jerked off right next to him, with my nose almost rubbing against them...

Now that I thought about it, I was a pretty big creep. Why should I care now, when almost all of my relatives admitted to being perverts willing to fuck me?

"There were moments like this..." I admitted, quietly.

Uncle Graham and Kyle laughed at me with satisfaction.

"Well, it seals it, then." Uncle spread his legs even wider and his son pushed my head closer to his crotch. "Let's test out what you can do. Come on, be a good boy. Your poor uncle was rubbing his cock thinking about you for a really long time, which apparently you were aware of," he chuckled in a disgusting way.

My nose was almost touching the average size hard cock protruding through his dirty underwear. It smelled bad, not in the fishy way, but more like sweat and piss. Kyle pushed my head even further, making me rub my face against uncle Graham's smelly meat.

"That's right... that's it..." Uncle Graham groaned. "Shit, even this feels so amazing... Don't stop, lad. Grab it with your lips and hold it." Still through his underwear, I surrounded his dick with my lips and slowly pushed out my tongue, tasting the dirty, salty fabric. "Oh, fuck. He's licking me. That feels so good," he kept reporting to his son.

Kyle, still standing behind me, was breathing heavily and from the sounds of it, he was intensely rubbing his bulge through his pants.

I looked at my uncle's face while rubbing his cock with my lips. He wasn't bad looking but that "creepy uncle" vibe made him really disgusting in my eyes. But now, placed in this fucked up situation, becoming horny myself, I felt my dick twitching nervously. That smug, old fuck... so pleased with himself for finally getting his heart's desire, so excited to have me service him... I've felt some weird, pleasurable sensation in my chest, as if my submissive nature manifested that way, guiding me to accept that sick darkness and fully give him what he was expecting from me.

Suddenly, I backed away from his crotch.

"Tell him to leave me be, uncle," I asked while pointing at Kyle with my head. "You got me, I want to do this..." Uncle Graham's expression made me think that he didn't believe me. "Check my dick," I told him in an annoyed tone.

"Check his dick, Kyle," uncle Graham ordered.

His dumb son squatted and I've felt his big hand grab my crotch. I groaned in reaction to his power and aggression.

"Yeah, he's rock hard," Kyle confirmed with satisfaction.

Now, uncle Graham wanted to check for himself. His hairy arm dove between my legs and he began molesting me with his arm, while staring me down.

"You horny little faggot," he growled into my ear, while carefully examining the outline of my dick and gently massaging my balls with his thumb. I moved my own hand and grabbed his sweaty cock. What a hard and excited rod that was. He looked me deeply in the eyes with desire I could never possibly satisfy.

"Let's move to your bed, uncle," I suggested. He happily obliged, almost dragging me on the furniture. He confidently lied back, while curiously observing what will I do next. I began undressing. "Perhaps you should strip down as well, Kyle," I advised my cousin who was just staring at us like stupid, rubbing his huge bulge. I reached out and grabbed it. Damn, was that caveman well-endowed...

"Don't get distracted, lad," uncle Graham barked at me.

I took off everything but my underwear and socks. I jumped on top of him and his one-person bed squeaked loudly. I sat comfortably with my butt on his crotch, feeling the twitching hard-on under me.

I leaned over my uncle and raised his hand, diving with my face straight into his hairy armpit. I started licking off the sweat from his dark bush, while getting intoxicated with his musky smell. I began grinding myself against him, humping on his cock with mine, both still covered by our boxers. They were like two large pouches filled with blissful pleasure, rubbing, pushing against each other, generating sinful, overwhelming pleasure alongside heat.

He grabbed my ass with his strong hand, pushing fingers into the fat flesh of my butt, bringing pleasurable pain. I felt like there was no more escape from what we were doing. I began licking the middle of his chest, like a grooming cat. I noticed that Kyle sat down next to us, but this time wearing nothing at all. He was similarly hairy as his father, but not chubby. On the contrary, he had some rock solid abs, impressive pecs and muscular arms that I've been thinking of sometimes when masturbating. My dumb cousin loved choking me with his biceps sometimes, thinking that I hate it.

Now he was furiously pumping his cock with a hand, watching us as if we were some cheap porno.

"You're a fucking pervert, lad," my uncle barked between his heavy breaths. Our joined hips found a united rhythm and it was just so pleasurable... Never before have I felt this much blissful, mind-shattering pleasure. The thought that I was doing it with my uncle only made this sweeter in some fucked up way. "If your dad saw us now, he would fucking rip me apart," he laughed into my face. "But he's not here, so you're going to by my fuckboy, understood?"

"Yes, uncle, I'm your slut. Just please, don't stop..." I begged him, holding to his arms, hoping not to bring any unnecessary movement that would interrupt the stream of pleasure he was bringing upon me.

"Ohhh, you needn't worry, lad. I'm not going to stop. This isn't going to stop. This is just a beginning," he kept taunting me. It made the pleasure I was feeling even greater. "I promise you that you will endure a nightmare that your faggy brain will interpret as a dream..."

What a sexy fucking creep... My cock head began filling with overwhelming pleasure. I was sure he was waiting only for this, my final humiliation...

"I'm about to cum, uncle..." I moaned into his face, eagerly, submissively, wanting nothing in this moment but to witness him win this game. A disgusting smile showed on his lips and I moaned again. "Please, don't stop rubbing, uncle! It feels soooo good..."

I pressed my ear to his hairy chest, allowing uncle Graham to fully control the pace. His heart was beating like crazy, but not as crazy as my cousin beating his cock. He was watching us with open mouth and in the fervor of arousal he even lifted his feet slightly above the ground, with his toes curling in excitement. His eyes were blank, his mind was overwhelmed with bliss. I pulled my tongue out and licked uncle Graham's hairy nipple in front of me. And then my cock surrendered.

I felt bliss filling my cock head, as it kept rubbing against uncle Graham's hard meat. My pisshole spat the first load of cum straight into my underwear but I didn't care. I noticed that Kyle's cock head sprouted a fountain of white liquid that left droplets on his hairy abs. So nice of him to join me in orgasm.

My uncle came the last, grunting hard, holding me so hard that he was almost crushing me against his body. In the heat of the moment I looked into his tired eyes and leaned over to kiss his lips. He scratched my face with his beard and immediately went to French kissing.

But then... the post nut clarity hit me like a truck. Adrenaline slowly perished, my cock softened and then, out of the sudden, I was just a nasty pervert lying on my naked uncle, who just creamed his boxers because I rubbed myself against him naughtily...

I quickly jumped off of him and touched my crotch. My undies were drenched with semen.

"What the fuck did I just do...?" I let these words slip. Kyle looked at me, tired after an orgasm.

"What you will be doing from now on to the end of your life, every fucking day, multiple times a day," he barked, looking around for a cum rag. "Dad, can I fuck him now?"

"Huh? No. Nah..." uncle Graham sounded like he was still coming to senses after his cumshot. "Let him rest. It was just his test ride."

"Can I go?" I asked.

"Go," he responded, indifferently. "Son, pass me some boxers, I'm fucking sticky now..."

I wasn't dumb enough to just leave, however. I stuck around behind corner, sure that I could find out more about their plans. I didn't wait long for a payoff.

Few minutes later Travis, the only brother of mine that actually was against this whole idea, entered their room, leaving the door slightly open.

"And, how was it?" he asked them. "Did he obey?"

"Yeah," Kyle answered.

"Only until he came, though," uncle Graham added. "The moment post nut clarity hit him, he became regretful and noninteractive."

"Just as I suspected," said my brother. "Well, at least we know what to do now, then."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Wow, Kyle. This guy..." Travis sighed. "If post nut clarity is standing on my brother's way to being constantly horny for us... we will have to find a way to stop him from nutting ever again... It's this simple, really."