Incest Quest (An ADMIN Tale) Ch. 08

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Jessica and Aaron go to prom, then enjoy their first time.
6.5k words

Part 8 of the 12 part series

Updated 01/05/2024
Created 10/13/2023
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Chapter 8 (Friday Night)

Jessica and Aaron had rested on the floor at the foot of the stairs following their mutual oral ministrations, but they both decided it would be safer and more comfortable to continue their loveplay in a bed. They made their way to Aaron's room and spent a good long while making out and caressing each other. Although her brother quickly got hard again, they both wanted their tryst to last all night, if possible, or at least until their parents returned, so they tried to avoid anything too intense at first.

When the anticipation became more than she could stand, Jessica climbed atop her brother and situated herself for a sixty-nine. She grasped Aaron's cock and quickly took the head back into her mouth, moaning around it when she felt his hands pulling her hips down further and his hot breath on her pussy. She jacked the shaft and swirled her tongue around the crown and into the hole, savoring the salty burst of flavor from his precum. "God, how can this taste so good?" she wondered. "I think I like it more than chocolate!"

Judging from the way Aaron was licking and sucking her box, Jess thought her brother might be finding her own taste equally compelling. Neither sibling could refrain from moans and grunts as they orally pleasured one another, and in their worked-up state, neither took very long to reach a crescendo. Aaron climaxed first, unleashing a load that was almost as big as the first one that evening, and swallowing his seed was enough to send Jessica to her own shivering peak, which echoed for some time as her brother continued gently lapping up her fluids.

The sensations finally became too intense and Jessica rolled off to the side, then quickly flipped head-to-foot and kissed Aaron again. She wondered if he could taste himself on her breath as easily as she could detect the aroma and flavor of her pussy. She wasn't sure if her brother would be interested in snow-balling, but made a mental note to ask him later. Jess started shivering again, this time from the evaporation of her sweat, and broke their kiss long enough to get under the covers.

The brother and sister snuggled each other sleepily for a while, then Jessica opined, "That was worth the wait. I hope you agree."

Aaron smiled and hummed affirmatively, giving his sister a kiss on the nose before agreeing, "Totally worth it."

There was again silence for a while before Jessica spoke up, saying, "I almost regret demanding that we wait until after prom to go all the way. Well, no, that's not quite right. I do regret it a little, but not quite enough to change my mind. What about you? Having second thoughts, yet?"

Aaron opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling thoughtfully for a few moments, then replied, "If you'd asked before I came twice, I might have said we should go for it right away. And if, sometime between now and the dance, you insist that you don't want to wait anymore, I doubt I could resist you. But I think we should stick to the plan."

Jessica snuggled in a little tighter, seeking reassurance, and asked, "You're sure? You're not just saying what you think I want to hear?"

Aaron kissed his sister's cheek and breathed deeply of her sweaty neck, confirming, "I'm sure. I've been thinking about it ever since you mentioned it. I know it'll feel more special for you if we make it kind of ceremonious, and that'll mean you'll enjoy it on a level aside from just the physical and the thrill of the taboo. The more you enjoy it, the more I'll enjoy it, so we should stick to the plan."

Jessica's stomach felt fluttery and she couldn't resist making out with Aaron some more, partly to distract herself from a growing conviction that Aaron was The One. "God, how depraved is that?" she thought as their tongues swirled against one another. "I don't know if I should wish he was as perverted as me or wish that we'll get it out of our systems and both move on."

The two siblings enjoyed one another's closeness for a long, languorous time until they heard the garage door opening.

"Bah!" Jess groaned dramatically. "I guess I'd better sneak back to my room in case they come check on us."

"Definitely safer. I hope we didn't leave any evidence downstairs," said Aaron, looking a little worried.

"I don't think so, but too late now if we did," Jess said with a fatalistic shrug as she clambered out of her brother's bed and tiptoed naked toward the door.

"Hey Jess?" asked Aaron, just as she was moving into the hallway, "Before you go to bed, would you message me the names of the girls who were picking on you? I want to make sure I recognize them if I see them at prom. So I can have some protective, big-brother insults ready if they try to say anything nasty to you."

Jessica smirked and said drily, "How gallant. But yeah, I'll send you their socials, if it's that big of a deal. Just promise me you won't start anything before prom, okay?"

"I promise," affirmed Aaron. "Sleep tight, sis!" He blew her a kiss as she shut the door, smiling.

Once back in her room, Jess crept into bed as quietly as she could, listening for any sound of their parents coming upstairs. Satisfied that they seemed to suspect nothing untoward, she picked up her phone and sent Aaron the information he requested, curious to see if he was being upfront about his stated plans. She took one nude selfie to send him as a nightcap before crawling under her covers and falling quickly into a deep, mostly satisfied slumber.

(Saturday Morning)

Aaron had been greatly relieved that their parents hadn't said anything or seemed the least bit suspicious about what their children had been doing with their Friday night. Breakfast Saturday had been utterly mundane, and the only slightly unusual aspect was how much the conversation revolved around dress shopping. When the meal was done, it was Aaron's turn to do the clean-up, while Jess and their mother got ready for their expedition. He gave them both chaste kisses on the cheek before they left, making Jessica smirk and their mother look slightly surprised.

With their father spending the morning puttering around in the garden, Aaron went upstairs to work on his own prom project. While he was legitimately preparing some nasty epithets to be used if necessary, his real plot was somewhat more nefarious. With a tool like the ADMIN app at his disposal, there was no reason to let his sister's would-be bullies get away with trying to ruin her prom. He'd been saving most of his tokens all week to make sure he could force his commands through now that he had the identities of his targets, courtesy of Jessica.

The main thing he wanted to do was make sure that the three girls in question would only be punished if they actively tried to embarrass or otherwise hurt his sister, but also avoid making them humiliate themselves in a way that could lead to the prom getting disrupted. He'd had to amend his original plan to make them start stripping to something a little less attention-grabbing.

"Any effort to say something mean or unflattering to or about Jessica O'Neill will result in a sexual-sounding compliment to or about her instead, involving the speaker, even if it is untrue," Aaron read out loud as he finalized his behavioral command. "Yes, that should do it. They'll pay a price only if they can't keep their big mouths shut." He smiled in satisfaction and spent his tokens profligately until all three girls had accepted the conditioning. He thought seriously about sending Jess a command or two to drain his battery, but the deep pile of neglected homework on his desk made him reconsider. With a sigh, he plugged his charging cable in and sat at his desk to get some work done, only then remembering why all of his stationary smelled like pussy.

(Monday Morning)

Jessica realized she was walking a little strangely as she entered her school. Aaron's jizz was especially fresh and voluminous against her pussy that morning, and it was making her panties stick to her own wet and engorged sex. They'd had no time all weekend to sneak off for a rendezvous, with their parents insisting that she stay grounded until Monday after school and demanding a family outing on Sunday. Ironically, they had gone to the beach, albeit one much closer and somewhat more crowded than their private cove. Jess had reluctantly worn a normal one-piece bathing suit, and other than a few stolen kisses and touches in the deep water while swimming, she and her brother had behaved very chastely. The denial had led to a very large load when she'd awakened him with a blowjob and captured his seed to wear.

"Welcome back, Ms. O'Neill," said one of her former teachers, smiling a little strangely. "I was sorry to hear about your suspension, especially since it was the first day of school you'd ever missed."

Jessica pouted a little and replied, "Thanks, Mr. Ebbins. That was the part that upset me the most. So close to perfect attendance!"

"Such a pity!" he said, then looked around and continued more quietly, "If you need a little more privacy next time, swing by my classroom and I'll loan you the key to one of the staff washrooms." He winked and leered at Jess before wishing her a good day in his normal voice and continuing on down the hall.

Jessica stared after him, shocked and somewhat in denial at the obvious innuendo. She supposed it was no surprise that word had circulated among the staff about the reason for her fight, and that she'd been literally caught with her pants down. But even so, to hear such a suggestion from one of her former instructors made her feel kind of sick and dirty, completely quelling the pleasantly simmering arousal she'd been enjoying up to that point. She'd been debating whether or not to duck into a restroom and play with herself or sext Aaron, probably both, but found she was no longer in the mood.

Although no other teachers or staff members said anything to her face, Jessica's anxiety grew all morning, and she began wondering if every smile directed at her was concealing scorn or lust. It was too much to hope that some version of the story hadn't made its way through the student body as well, even though the teachers present had threatened all four girls with legal repercussions for talking about it. Jess herself had thought it was a bluff on the part of the administration, so it wouldn't be surprising if Penny, Dina, or Jo had come to the same conclusion.

It was with a feeling of impending doom that Jessica entered the locker room, dreading the idea of facing the girls she knew had been a witness to her guilt. That they were guilty, too, was merely a technicality: they hadn't been caught jilling themselves. Penny was the first to notice her entrance, and the thick make-up she was wearing didn't completely hide the lingering bruises from her broken nose. She gave a mean smirk to Jess, but refrained from saying anything, probably because their teacher was being very obviously present nearby, probably suspecting that a confrontation was possible.

The three girls giggled quietly as Jessica changed into her gym clothes, whispering behind their hands, probably making jokes about her hairy legs or armpits. Although not her smallest and sexiest pair, the stained panties Jess was wearing did leave the upper fringe of her bush visible, not to mention her happy trail, although she did her best to keep her back to her erstwhile friends.

Penny closed her locker loudly and said insincerely, "No hard feelings, Jess? Time to let bygones be bygones?"

Jessica raised an eyebrow, presuming that the faux apology was mostly for their teacher's benefit, although she wondered if it only sounded insincere because she'd spent all day expecting the worst. Deciding that playing along was the only reasonable thing to do, she replied, "Sure, Penny. Water under the bridge."

The other girl turned her head away from their observer and smiled nastily, saying, "Great. By the way, I'd really love to have those furry thighs wrapped around my head while I lick you."

Jessica's jaw dropped in disbelief, and the simultaneous gasps from Dina and Jo suggested that her shock was shared. It took Penny a moment or two longer to realize what she'd said, then the color drained from every part of her face that wasn't caked with concealer. Her mouth opened and closed soundlessly a few times before she finally squeaked out, "God, you guys will believe anything. So gross!" It didn't sound particularly convincing as an excuse, but the other two girls followed Penny when she walked rapidly toward the door to the gym. Jessica trailed them, much more slowly.

(Monday Evening)

Aaron was doing his best to keep up with his sister on their jog. She'd seemed subdued all day, barely responding to any of his messages, saying only that she was very busy on her first day back in class. That seemed likely enough to be true, but it had left him feeling kind of neglected, not getting the usual effusive response to his attempted sexting. She'd greeted him warmly enough when he picked her up, though, so his concerns had subsided for a while, but out on the trails he could tell that Jessica was unusually tense. She set a fast pace that he couldn't maintain, and he was falling farther and farther behind since she wasn't making any effort to circle around him anymore.

Finally reaching the limit of his endurance, Aaron whistled once before grabbing his knees and gasping for breath. He was relieved to see Jessica look back and then turn around and jog toward him. He'd recovered enough to speak by the time she got close and simply asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Jess replied tersely, doing some stretches while she waited. Although she wasn't trying to be deliberately sexy, Aaron couldn't help but admire her form in the tight exercise clothes, not to mention the glimpses of her fuzzy underarms.

"Nothing, my ass," Aaron said. "Did someone at school give you a hard time about the hair? Or about the suspension? Or prom? What's going on? Please don't shut me out, even if you don't think I can help or don't want me to."

Jessica sighed heavily and stared at the clouds, collecting her thoughts. She stared Aaron in the eye and confessed, "Nothing bad happened, at least not exactly. Just some weird looks and comments."

"You seem to be pretty put out from plain old weirdness," Aaron observed. "Details?"

Still looking her brother in the eye, Jessica finally blurted out, "I think most of the staff at school heard about the sexting thing, and that I was half-naked when they broke up the fight." Aaron gasped in a mix of shock and outrage. He hadn't actually deduced that his sister had been exposed so fully, since she didn't explicitly state it in such a way when she told him the story, and he'd been too distracted to think of all the ramifications. That the teachers and other employees had apparently gossiped about it appalled him, although he supposed they were only human.

Jessica apparently could read his expression and grimly said, "It's maybe even worse. One of my former teachers kind of hinted that he was interested in helping me find time for a repeat performance. He wasn't exactly overt, but I took his meaning plainly enough."

"That's outrageous!" Aaron yelled furiously. "Who was it?!"

"It doesn't matter," Jess muttered.

"Yes, it does!" Aaron bellowed, "It's against!"

Jessica laughed loudly and happily, much to his surprise. "Not really! It's been two years since I was in his class, and I'm a legal adult," she clarified. "It might be unethical, and it's fuckin' creepy as hell to me, but I doubt it's actually a crime. Even if it was, who are we to judge, bro? What we're doing is much worse in the eyes of the law."

Aaron frowned but couldn't refute his sister's logic, though he wanted to very badly. He also wanted to use his app to punish the teacher in question even more, but perhaps there would be other ways to figure out which one it was, if Jess persisted in refusing to tell him.

"But the weirdest bit of all is that I think Penny might be gay for me," Jessica concluded. "Either that or she had one hell of a slip of the tongue."

Aaron smirked when he realized that his prom-protection order was probably already paying dividends, but with no way of claiming responsibility, he settled for jokingly asking, "Should I be jealous? Are you planning to leave me for her sweet, Sapphic embrace?"

Jessica blushed a little and returned his smirk, teasingly saying, "What makes you think I didn't already?" before darting off down the trail.

"You fuzzy traitor!" Aaron called after her playfully, but privately wondering just how interested his sister might be in sampling the fairer sex.

(Wednesday Evening)

Jessica was thoroughly loving the sweaty taste and aroma of Aaron's dick as she greedily gobbled it in the backseat of his car. They'd gone to his college gym for another session of strength training, and it had been all she could do to avoid dragging her brother into the bathroom and blowing him after watching him do barbell squats in front of her. As iconic as his manhood was, watching his butt flex was enchanting in its own way. The relatively large crowd of other users helped keep her libido at a manageable level while they were there, but soon after they left she'd demanded he find a secluded place to park for a while. It had taken very little convincing on her part.

Now the siblings were splayed out in the back, in a sixty-nine once again, both hoping that no police cruised by while they were enjoying one another. Jess was practicing hands-free oral at the moment, and her otherwise idle limbs were kneading her brother's thighs in a rather cat-like way, not entirely accidentally. After nothing else awkward occurred at school the last couple of days, her libido had ramped back up, and with it a desire to mark her territory somehow, or generally act wild. Aaron hadn't expressed any particular interest in other women while she was around, not even staring at them very much, which was almost disappointing since it failed to give her a good target for a catfight.

Jessica did her best to try purring while she sucked her brother off, not quite satisfied with the results, although Aaron's shuddering suggested he enjoyed the sensation of her efforts while he was inside her mouth. His hands started kneading her ass cheeks in the same rhythm as her own on his legs, causing a delicious synchronicity that soon had her moaning as her peak approached. Her thighs clamped down tightly on his head as she whimpered in the throes of a powerful climax, struggling to keep her mouth closed tightly around the crown of his cock when his own orgasm started moments after hers.

Aaron's load was large, having been saved up all day, and Jessica reflexively swallowed the first couple of shots, which hit the back of her throat anyway. The subsequent weaker ones she kept in her mouth, swishing the substance around to savor the taste and texture. She rearranged herself so that they were face-to-face once again, giving her brother a peck with her semen-stained lips, and not coincidentally, an invitation to share, made clear by her longing expression and slightly bulging cheeks.

Aaron's eyes went wide as he realized what she wanted. He hesitated for a few seconds but then cautiously opened his mouth, nodding his head slightly. Jess smiled as widely as she could with a mouth full of jizz and leaned down to give her lover the sexiest kiss she could manage. She resisted the urge to force the entire mass of viscous fluid into his mouth immediately, instead letting it be exchanged in dribs and drabs as their tongues dueled. While his response to her probing was a little stiff at first, her brother soon melted into her embrace, and before long the salty essence was diluted to a mere memory.