Incestuous Casting

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Blowing her brother for fame and money.
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Author's Notes: Although their ages aren't mentioned in the story itself, both protagonists are over 18, with Xenia being 22 and Vlad 19.

The title of this story is a reference to a trope on TVTropes of the same name, described as a situation in which real-life relatives are hired to play the parts of romantic partners, with the most famous example on the trope's page being Christopher and Chyler Leigh playing the romantic leads in a 1997 movie called "Kickboxing Academy", going as far as having explicit kissing scenes in it, with the movie having gained a cult status thanks to this, a fact which is talked about in this story. Naturally, I found this to be quite an inspiration for my fantasies.

I have also, for some time already, wanted to write a story based on the fact that, although many people are unaware of this fact, incest between consenting adults is, whether through simple negligence or intentional decision on the part of those countries' lawmakers, completely legal in more than a few countries.

Those two ideas quickly coalesced in my mind, and I started wondering. If, in America, where incest is illegal and actors have a great number of protections against exploitation, siblings can still be made to kiss each other several times on camera for a mainstream production, just what could be completely legally filmed for mainstream consumption in countries where incest is legal and actors have to obey, or else?

Please, don't forget to comment, rate, and if you like it, favorite the story. Constructive critique and feedback is always welcomed.


At the shooting.

"Perish, vile beast!" the mighty warrior roared as he pierced the ugly satyr in front of him, and the Queen's eyes gazed upon him.

Out of all of her warriors, all of them fighting the demonic beasts and their mad human allies with unbreakable zeal and no fear to be found in their hearts, he was undoubtedly the greatest.

The outcome of the battle was undoubtable by now. Soon, only her warriors will stand tall against the pristine, green grass of the wide, open field, while only death awaited their monstrous foes.

This was not the only battle won today, however. The warrior did not know yet, but the Queen's heart was his by now. All she could think about was what will happen after the battle. This night she will call him into her tent, bare her body to him, and kneel before him to pleasure him in ways she had never pleasured any man before, not even her husband.

There was just a little problem, however.

Beneath the make-up, accessories, and robes which made her "Queen Emelleth" while the cameras were filming, she was Xenia, a young, amateur actress from a small Russian town who just a few months ago answered the ad to play this character.

Her brother, Vlad, also did so, and she was initially overjoyed to be taking such a large step in her career with her beloved little brother.

However, now that she was looking at him, slaying the monsters like no one else, she wasn't so happy anymore.

"And cut!"


Earlier that day.

For more than an hour by now, Xenia was aimlessly wandering through the studio, tightly clutching the screenplay she was given yesterday.

When she first opened it and began reading, she had no problem with it. Then, she made it to the part which was detailing interactions between her character, Queen Emelleth, and the character played by her brother Vlad, Markianus the Mighty, a part which only her screenplay detailed so-far, and she almost fainted reading it.

Even now, while she was aimlessly wandering through the halls of the studio, desperately trying to gain the courage to meet with the movie's director to talk about it, she took a couple of moments to sit down and read the scene again, line by line, to convince herself she wasn't just dreaming and the scene truly was written in the way it was, demanding from her what it did.

After passing by the door to the director's office for the fifth time in half an hour, something in her broke and her mind just went blank. Almost automatically, she lightly knocked on the door a few times in a steady rhythm, rushing inside immediately after hearing "Come in." from behind the door.

Seating herself on a luxurious, leather-bound chair, she looked at Isha, an Indian woman just a few years her senior and the director of their movie, gazing at her from behind a large, mahogany table.

"Hello Xenia," Isha said casually "What's the problem?"

"Um, it's, about," she said meekly as she lift up the screenplay in her hand, before putting it on the table "It's not bad, it's pretty good, but I read it all and, it's probably just a joke from the writers, but there's a scene, and..."

"It's pretty good, but Vlad is your brother and you have that scene with him there, right?" Isha replied, interrupting her.

"Yes, exactly!" she yelped, unsure of what to say after hearing it's a real screenplay and not a joke from some of the writers.

"Well, I don't like to crush your hopes Xenia, but that's a real scene and a real screenplay, approved by everyone above us, and it's what you are going to do and what is going to be filmed," Isha said bluntly.

"What?!" she exploded "I mean, OK, it's at least going to be filmed in the dark, we are going to use a fake dick, and so on?"

"No," Isha replied, still keeping the blunt, nonchalant tone "The scene is going to be well-lit, we are going to use at least five different cameras to capture it as fully as possible, and it's going to be Vlad's actual dick you are going to suck, to completion I might add."

Xenia just stared at her, slack-jawed, eyes wide open. "What?" she exploded again "That's, I can't! That's insane, that's fucking criminal, I can't do that, are you crazy?!"

"Xenia, please!" Isha replied, trying to calm the panicking woman in front of her down "I knew you'd ask, I knew this was how you'll react, I prepared myself. I'll explain everything to you, just please calm down and let me talk, will you?" she asked, looking Xenia in the eyes.

She got her wish, as one of the main stars of their movie rearranged herself in the seat on the other side of the mahogany table to a more comfortable position after her slight panic attack a moment ago. "OK, explain what this is, please," she said.

"First off, you knew you might have eventually had to do explicit sex scenes, it was in the contract, too bad if you didn't read all of it before signing it," she said "Second off, study the law a little. Incest isn't illegal, at least for us."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Xenia asked.

"Don't worry, lots of people are unaware of this," she replied, "Have you ever noticed that the people working on this film, well, they are quite a cosmopolitan group, and yet, not really?"

"Can't say I have," was the reply.

"Well, we have Indians, Russians," she said, pointing, respectively, to herself and Xenia "But no Americans or Pakistanis. Japanese, Koreans, and a few Chinese, but no Vietnamese or Taiwanese. Israelis and Turks, but no Iranians or Saudis. Brazilians and Argentinians, but no Chileans. A few Australians, but absolutely no New Zealanders. Ukrainians..."

"Oh, tell me about those," she said, cutting the director's monologue off, referring to the not-quite-stellar interactions she had with the people of that ethnicity working with them on the movie, due to the problems between their countries.

"Estonians and Belarussians," she continued as if she hadn't noticed the interruption "But no Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Romanians, or, regrettably given the work of art we are retelling with this movie, Greeks. A few western Europeans working as outside consultants, technicians, and so on. Namely, Spaniards, Frenchmen, Portuguese, but absolutely no Brits, Germans, Swedes, Austrians, or, rather annoyingly since there's a loophole for them, Italians."

As she finished her monologue and took a few deep breaths, she observed the woman standing in front of her. It was obvious Xenia was getting an idea of what she was talking about but waited for her to say everything.

"Noticed a pattern there?" she asked.

"Not really," Xenia replied.

"Everyone working at or associated with this movie, in any capacity, is a citizen of a country where consensual incest between adults is legal," Isha said, enjoying the look on Xenia's face as the realization of what was said hit her harder and harder. "Do you know why that is?"

No reply except for a blank stare.

"That's because incest, unsimulated, real incest, is the main selling point of this movie," she said, sounding almost proudly.

"OK, Isha, now I really don't know whether to scream, again, walk out of here, or first slap you, then stomp out of here," Xenia said, fully serious.

"Calm down Amazon, OK?" Isha replied "I think it's time to remind you that, by signing the contract, all the actors have agreed to financial and legal punishment in case they, without a serious reason, endanger the creation of the movie. You know we are talking about serious sums of money there, ones you can't hope to pay. Sure, you can challenge it in court, but all the producers, Mr. Golovkin, the Yoshimi family, and all the smaller ones, all have some seriously good lawyers."

Xenia sunk into the chair after hearing Isha's words. She was right. Hopelessness started quickly overwhelming her as she realized there didn't seem to be a way out of this for her.

"What the hell is wrong with you people," she blurted out.

"I know what you're probably thinking. Trust me, this is just for..." Isha said before being cut off.

"Is there anyone else who has to do this? Just me? If just me, then, just, why?" she stammered.

"We've had a couple of extras do it a few times so far, but you're so far the only major one who'll do it. Remember those two pairs, a soldier and a prostitute both, fucking side by side in that orgy scene from last month. Brother and sister, both of them. That French pair, the only Frenchies we've had as actors there, who fucked in that scene in that temple? Mother and son. That scene with that satyr roughly fucking the high priestess of a defeated city we've shot last week? Nephew and his aunt," was the long reply she got.

"Asking again, what the hell is wrong with you people?!" Xenia asked.

"That's exactly what I was getting to before you cut me off," Isha said, somewhat irritated "Have you ever heard of a movie called Kickboxing Academy?"

"The name sounds familiar, but I can't say I do," she replied.

"Considering how you look like, I'm pretty sure your brother watched it at least once," Isha said, waiting for a reaction which didn't come "Anyway, it's pretty solidly a B-movie. Low budget, mediocre acting at best, overdone plot, by all rights, it should've been long forgotten by now. But, it isn't, and even over twenty years since it came out in 1997, it remains a cult classic. Why? Because the romantic leads are played by a brother and sister, complete with a few kissing scenes. Actual kissing scenes between actual siblings turned a forgettable movie into something that's still talked about almost a quarter of a century later."

"And you want to replicate the same technique for this movie, only several times more explicit, am I right?" she asked.

"Exactly," was the answer.

"But, why? This movie's really good?" she continued asking.

"Yes, it is. And that's the crux of the issue," Isha said, obviously getting into the most important part of her pre-prepared speech "Just like the source material, it's not just a work of art, but a cultural relic. In my opinion, Dionysiaca is one of the greatest works of literature ever, and the near-total lack of adaptations of it is one of the greatest mistakes of film-making ever. The fact that we are not only adapting it, but also expanding and retelling it using storytelling methods much more advanced than anything that existed at the time Nonnus wrote it, including adding original characters like the ones you and your brother are playing, or adding influences from modern genres, like cosmic horror, erotica, and so on, that's something incredible to me. But."

"But, what?" she replied, knowing Isha wanted her to do so to continue.

"Ultimately, this is just a project a bunch of people from countries with second-rate, at best, movie industries decided to do. Simply put, we have a superb plot, excellent actors, incredible screenplay, but we simply can't complete with multi-hundred-million, over-CGI'd crap Hollywood and other centers of movie-making churn out. We don't have the money, expertise, or technology to compete. We are taking an ancient classic epic and turning it into a modern masterpiece, a tale of heroic fighting of an unwinnable war of normal people against invading hordes of monsters and drug-addled fanatics and sexual deviants, led by an invincible reality-warping demigod, with the entire war, all of the terror, suffering, and deaths, being nothing but a play between invincible, amoral gods," she said, taking a few deep breaths before continuing "Exactly the type of a depressing epic people love."

"So, if it's so good, then the incest is for?" she asked.

"As I said, we don't have the money, expertise, or technology to compete. The incest will make sure we won't need them, as it will catapult the movie, or movies if this does eventually turn into a trilogy as some people already expect, into the public consciousness for years, if not decades. If a run-of-the-mill B-movie can be talked about more then twenty years after it came out by having siblings kiss a few times, a multi-national epic with explicit scenes of actual incest will define film-making for quite some time, and may never be forgotten," Isha explained proudly, before launching her last argument "Besides, think about your career. You'll never have an opportunity like this ever again."

Xenia thought hard about what to say to her, before saying "Well, true, but after I'll do this, I also won't have any other career than as the chick who sucked her brother off on camera. It's easy for you to say all of this, about how awesome this is when you're not the one asked to do it."

"Yes, I am not," she replied in an almost angry tone of voice "And that's why I won't be the one talked about, catapulted to super-stardom by this. I will get a lot of course. The Yoshimi family, our sponsors, will adopt me to make me their heir if this does well. Did you know over ninety percent of adoptions in Japan are of adults? I didn't either until they told me that's what's going to happen to me." she said, her face beaming.

Xenia just scowled at her lightly.

"Now, listen," Isha said angrily as she bent forward over the mahogany table, her face just inches away from Xenia's "We'll all get a lot from this, but no-one's going to get more than you. You are going to be a fucking superstar, the trendsetter who forever changed the face of cinema by what she agreed to do. For the rest of your life, you will be drowning in money and fame. What's the average wage in the town you are from? A hundred, two hundred dollars per month? Every single woman wishing to be a prostitute in Moscow or trafficked to the West? Eh? Still better than where I came from, and I don't want to return there. Think, very hard, about whether you want to return where you came from, to be just one in millions of destitute women with no hope."

Xenia stared at her, completely at a loss of how to respond. Slowly, she nodded. "I get what you're saying," she said, "But, I already had a career growing, and this isn't the way I imagined it to go."

"Oh trust me, your career goes just perfectly," Isha said with a laugh as she brought herself back to her seat "For years, people will watch all those Church-financed shows and movies, and think about what happened to change that innocent, ideal little Russian girl, with her beautiful golden locks and shiny green eyes, into the big-titted seductress who sucked off her brother on camera."

Xenia wanted to mouth off something at her for the way she spoke about her, before an idea suddenly crossed her mind, her face lighting up. How did she not think of this sooner?

"Huh?" Isha asked, realizing Xenia was about to say something.

"What if Vlad won't want it?" she asked, "You're going to punish both of us, or what?"

"He will. Don't worry," was the confident answer.

"How can you be so sure?" was the follow-up question.

"Well, discounting the fact that I spoke with Vlad about this a few weeks ago, and he's one hundred plus percent in," she replied.

"What?!" was the only word repeating itself in Xenia's mind as she froze in horror at what Isha said "What?!"

"I mean, look at yourself. There's no way any dude wouldn't be down to fuck you. There's a reason why I just said how beautiful your hair and eyes are, and how big your tits are. Seriously, I'm one of the straightest women in the world, and even I want to jump at you right now," Isha finished with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Xenia asked, sounding genuinely confused.

"You are either even better actress than I thought, or you are genuinely clueless," Isha said dryly "Look at yourself, for fuck's sake. You are fucking beautiful. Look at the way you are dressed, you aren't even trying to hide those watermelon-sized tits." she said, pointing to her ample chest.

Xenia looked at her breasts, bemused. Sure, it was true that her breasts were quite large, and she now wore a rather form-fitting T-shirt, not to mention tight jeans in which she was sure her rather nice ass was showing off, but that didn't deserve a reaction like this from Isha.

"You are completely clueless, aren't you," Isha said, bemused "Everywhere you go, whatever you do, you are turning heads. Have you never noticed that?" she asked, sincerely "Anyway, that's all I wanted to tell you. You aren't going to get any other questions answered by me. I told your brother to visit you in the evening after the shooting is done, wait for him and you can talk with him then. Please, now get out of here Xenia and go back to the set, you have just a few scenes today, it's nothing."

As she finished speaking, she got off of her chair and walked to the door, opening it, Xenia's eyes following her all the while.

"Goodbye," she said, motioning for Xenia to leave her office.

Defeated, Xenia sighed and walked back out of the office, Isha shutting the door behind her.

With another sigh, she went to the set where her scenes were supposed to be shot.

Today was going to be a long day.


After the shooting.

"We're done!" someone yelled and the others started celebrating.

As Xenia made her way through the small crowd filling the site of today's shooting, she noticed some people speaking to her, a few of them seemingly trying to start genuine conversations while others just spoke some meaningless compliments at her, but she just ignored them all the same.

After the conversation in the director's office, she was in no mood to talk to anyone.

She tried to catch a glimpse of her brother somewhere on the set as she was leaving, but it seemed like he had disappeared.

"That little bastard," she thought to herself.

Before she bolted through the half-opened door leading to the hallway, she grabbed one of the plastic cups near the dispenser, drinking four cups' worth of almost ice-cold water to cool herself down before stepping into the hallway.

On the way to her apartment room, after checking if nobody was near to look at her, she stopped in front of a mirror to check herself out.

Was she as attractive as Isha said, so attractive any man, even her brother, wouldn't hesitate when presented with a chance to fuck her?