Incestuous Emailing


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Tom: but we aren't are we?

Cat: yes we are

Tom: not really Cat. As I said earlier I cannot look on you as my mother. I have only met you once and then in front of others and exchanged emails last night and now this.

Cat: So what do you look at me as Tom?

Tom: I told you in part earlier in the mails. I see you as an older woman

Cat: Gee thanks

Tom: I mean that as a compliment Cat, I have always been interested in older women

Cat: all young guys say that, it's a big fantasy

Tom: But true nevertheless and now mum I realise what MILF really means

Cat: MILF, what's that?

Tom: take a deep breath Cat. MILF = a mother I would like to fuck

Cat: Oh my god Tom

Tom: lol it is used generically Cat for younger guys to describe their desires for older women, it is not often used as specifically as we could

Cat: Tom you must not say that

Tom: Sorry

Cat: Maybe we should stop for a while

Tom: Why stop?

Cat: we are going to places we should not go

Tom: Like on a date Mum

Cat: yes, like a date.

Tom: And I know why a mother and son cannot date Cat?

Cat: I know I am setting myself up Tom, but why is that?

Tom: Simple, a date implies and is designed to provide intimacy

Cat: Stop

Tom: Yes Cat, intimacy probably leading to sex

Cat: No, no Tom stop.

Tom: I can't Cat, you have done something to me

Cat: I have not

Tom: You have Cat really

Cat: Look Tom it's nearly 7, we have been mailing and messengering for nearly four hours, let's have a break

Tom: don't go

Cat: I need to eat something. Let's take half hour and then I will mail you.

Tom: Promise, you won't just ignore me

Cat: Tom you are my son and I have just found you after all these years, I will not make that mistake again, I promise.

My dearest Tom,

I have eaten an omelette and had another glass of wine as I have thought about us. This really has gone far enough. I am your mother and you are my son, we are not people who date and even more to the point we cannot be intimate. Not only is that breaking the law it is also unimaginable. Well certainly in my mind at least.

If I have done anything to give you the impression that I would be willing to go further than a mother should with a son, then I apologise and state categorically that I look on you as my son with whom I can enjoy our future. I do not think that what we did last night and what we have been doing this afternoon should lead to anything more than us exchanging correspondence and enjoying relating the written word to each other.

Yes, my dear, I realise that you are a red-blooded young man. Yes, I realise that your hormones may be exploding, yes I realise that we may have shared a date with all that implies and yes I recognise that I may be what some would call a MILF. But that can be all our relationship can be. We cannot, and I hesitate before saying this Tom, be lovers.

If this has deterred you to the extent that you no longer wish to correspond, I will understand.

Your loving mother

Cat x

Dear, dear Cat,

I have no idea what has happened to us or why we are where we are. But then, mum, where are we? Yes you are to me a MILF, yes our discussion has become intimate, yes we are on a sort of date and yes, and please forgive me for this, our relationship is becoming sexual. And to be utterly truthful with you Cat, that really is what I want.

Ok I may be your son physically, yes I may have come from your body and yes you may have conceived and born me, but you have not raised me. I am not your son emotionally, Hence, I have not developed the maternal feelings for you that maybe a son should and normally does have. Remember I have only known you for a short while. And during that time I have not looked on you as a mother. No Cat I have seen you as a woman, a beautiful woman, a sexy woman, an older woman and a woman that any man would lust after as, Cat I am doing right now. In short Cat, I want you.

In any case Cat, I am your secret aren't I? You made it clear and I agreed with the lawyers that after they found me and brought me over from Australia that I can never be part of your main stream life. I am happy to do that in return for knowing my mother at last, for your generosity in relocating me to the UK and for funding my further education. For that, I shall be ever grateful. However, that will inevitably always be tinged with the regret that I cannot know my half siblings, cannot be part of your life and cannot meet your husband. I find being anonymous and a secret you wish to keep from everyone rather exciting Cat and I think that adds to the intimacy that we have developed.

I implore you to carry on with me mum, to explore further, to go that extra mile with me both here in email and in messenger. I think I know that we will probably never transfer whatever we have and do in the fantasies of those media to the harshness of reality. That I might wish to is not something I should burden you with yet. In my heart, I want us to come to a mutual conclusion as to how we confront reality when and if the time is right.

Please do not reject me without really searching your sole, if I have spelt that correctly!

Your loving son and ardent admirer.

Tom xxxxxx

Oh Tom,

you must not say that. You should not say such things. You should not put me in such a position. Please do not do that to me Tom. Do not put me in the situation of having to make such a choice. I am your mother Tom. I am another man's wife, other children's mother I am not an older woman playing the game Tom. And most certainly I am not and you should not consider to me a MILF. Even though, Tom, I have to admit, that you saying that excites me.

Totally confused

Mother x


I need to er, um 'date' you again. I want you on messenger. I want to talk to you.

Please log on again.

Tom x

Cat: I am here

Tom: Hello

Cat: Hi

Tom: You came back

Cat: Yes

Tom: Why?

Cat: I do not know.

Tom: What do you want Cat?

Cat: I have no idea, do you?

Tom: yes I think I do Cat

Cat: What is that Tom?

Tom: Please do not be alarmed

Cat: I won't, go on

Tom: I want to have sex with you Cat.

Cat: Oh Tom, no

Tom: Yes Cat, I want to fuck you.

Cat: No, no, no Tom, that's no possible you are my son

Tom: I am also a man Cat, a red blooded one as you said

Cat: We can't

Tom: Cat you did not say you did not want to, though, did you

Cat: That's not fair

Tom; But you didn't say it did you Cat?

Cat: No, no Tom I didn't

Tom: So Cat do you?

Cat: Do I what Tom?

Tom: Want to make love to me.

Cat: Oh Tom, Tom.

Tom: Do you Cat? Tell me, open up to me, be truthful Cat. Please tell me Cat. Tell me I am not mistaken.

Cat: What do you mean, how?

Tom: On here Cat, I want to make love to you on here.

Cat: I don't understand

Tom: It's simple Cat we just talk and do things.

Cat: Talk about what?

Tom: Sex, making love, what you would like me to do, what you are doing

Cat: Have you done that before Tom?

Tom; Yes, many times, lots of guys and girls do, it's called cybering

Cat: I see.

Tom: Do you Cat, do you see?

Cat: I think so yes'

Tom: What do you see?

Cat: What you said

Tom: I didn't really say

Cat: well do then, say what we do

Tom: we masturbate Cat, we both do it, that's what happens

Cat: oh my god, how could I do that?

Tom: lol don't say you have forgotten

Cat: I know what lol means and no of course I have not forgotten

Tom: Do you do it?

Cat: That's private

Tom: don't be daft, tell me, you do don't you, everybody does

Cat: Occasionally tyes

Tom: When?

Cat: What do you mean?

Tom:When do you do it mostly?

Cat: When Richard is away

Tom: why then

Cat: because I miss sex I suppose when he isn't here

Tom: He's away now isn't he Cat?

Cat: Yes

Tom: And are you missing sex?

Cat: Please don't go there Tom

Tom: But I have gone there, we have gone there, we are there Cat, right there

Cat: Where are we? What do you mean?

Tom: It's time Cat.

Cat: Time for what?

Tom: It's time Cat for you to tell me that you want me to fuck you on here.

Cat: Oh Tom

Tom: Oh what Tom?

Cat: Oh nothing, I just don't know.

Tom: You do Cat, you know what I want, don't you?

Cat: Yes

Tom: Then tell me Cat.

Cat: No Tom I can't

Tom: You can Cat, you can tell me

Cat: I can't say it

Tom: You can Cat, you can say it. You can tell me Cat. You can say what you want. What you want me to do, what you want us to do. Tell me Cat.

Tom: Tell me

Tom: Please cat

Tom: Cat

Tom: have you gone?

Cat: I will send an email, I have to go, bye

Tom: have you gone?

Tom: are you there?


Oh Tom,

I am so torn. I cannot fathom just what you have done to me or, maybe we have done to each other. In some ways, nothing has happened to me like this before. But then in other ways, my darling that is not true.

As you have spoken to me in messenger, increasingly my mind has been going back to before you were born, in fact to before you were conceived. It has gone back to when I was engaged to Richard and when I met your father. Of course, we did not have the internet, we did not have the ability to exchange messages the way we have nowadays. We had phones of course, not many mobiles maybe, but we also exchanged letters, yes people sent each other love letters. Your father wrote me some really beautiful letters; alas I no longer have them. More though, we talked. David and I were great talkers, on the phone, when we dated (!) and when we made love. It is the recall of those conversations that makes it untrue when I say nothing like last night and today has happened to me before, because it happened with your father and that led to us having our wonderful affair.

That, now Tom, is water under the bridge. Sweet and memorable water though it is, it has gone, it cannot come back and now the only thing left from that is you. You, my son, my darling boy are all that remains from that incredible period in my life.

I have thought very carefully about what you have asked of me. I have looked at it from every angle that I can and have considered as many possible consequences as comes to mind. In great fear that you will think badly of me later and in much trepidation Tom, I am prepared to try to do what you ask.

Please write back with your reaction to this extraordinary development.

Very, very unsure that this is wise

Cat xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


thank you, thank you, thank you. For both telling me about your time with my dad and for saying yes.

I realise I have put you in an agonising situation and I apologise. It was not done with any sense of purpose or deviousness. It was all done from my heart Cat, well I guess a combo of that and what hangs between my legs, yes like many men I , at times, think with my dick. I feel so enamoured by you, I feel as though I love you, yet hardly know you. And sorry mum or Cat, that love is not the love of a son for his mother, but the love of a young man for an older woman. Actually not even that, it is simply the love of a man for a woman.

I do not want you to do anything with which you are not comfortable. Love is not about that. Love is doing things together, things that both want, things that are mutual. So Cat, if you are not comfortable, then I do not want to do it. But if you are comfortable, then I would love to do it with you.

In hope

Tom xxxxx


Whichever way I look at it, I cannot honestly say I am totally comfortable with the idea. Actually, I have my doubts if many women would be and am certain that few, if any, mothers would with their sons. But we are all different. I have to admit and agree that I was aroused when we spoke earlier. You did get to me Tom, and as a woman and not a mother. I do understand what you mean about seeing me as an older woman and not, yet, a mother. Maybe that will come, one day. Maybe it won't and maybe somewhere in between there will be you and me. Mother/older woman/MILF and you son/younger man/MILF chaser. Who knows? In the end my lovely boy, we can only play it by ear.

What now?

Cat x


Oh Cat, such a phrase. What now? There is so much in that, so much I want to say and tell you. I want us to 'meet' on messenger, see each other on there and yes have a date on there. And we have discussed, Cat just what a date is, haven't we, so we are under no illusions are we?

May I impose on you? I need to be able to see you Cat. Sure I have a mind's eye of you from the meeting, but I want a photo of you. I want to be able to look at, no let me be truthful, ogle you as we do whatever we decide to do. Anything will do Cat, but dare I say it one with as few clothes as possible would be wonderful.

Now after all that build up, Cat, the let down. I have to go to a series of meetings this evening. The last thing I want to do is rush our time together and I realise that it would too big an imposition to ask you to meet me on messenger at three or four in the morning GMT.

Could I ask you to meet me at five pm your time tomorrow?

Your so eager younger man


Yes Tom, that will be fine.

In the meantime, please enjoy the attached. One was taken at a swanky do in the West end, hence the 'little black number' the other was taken in the garden here; it is very private, hence the bikini.

Until tomorrow at five.

Cat xx

Oh Cat,

you are absolutely gorgeous. You are beautiful. I love both photos and find each so incredibly sexy. They make me want you so much more that I can barely wait until mid-day my time tomorrow.

Sleep well my lovely

Tom xxxx

Hello Tom

I am ready to meet you. It is nearly five and I have been het up all afternoon for this surely is a date, isn't it? As you know I have grave misgivings about this and really I am not sure that I will be able to do what you are hoping for. But I have said yes and so, my lovely boy I will try. Even now, though I ask your forgiveness if I find myself unable to go through with it.

Cat x


I am ready and will log onto messenger directly I have sent this. I do understand your feelings and please if at any time you find it all too much, do tell me and we can er, talk about the weather, for instance. Just as a boy and girl would do on a date.

Until very soon,

Tom xxx

Tom: hello mum, welcome

Cat: Let's leave the mum thing shall we Tom, I don't want reminding

Tom: I understand, hello Cat how are you?

Cat: I am well, but so, so nervous

Tom: why?

Cat: you know why

Tom: as or more nervous than you would be on a date?

Cat: Well as I have not been on a date for so long it is hard to say.

Tom: How about a date with me, would as or more nervous

Cat: This feels like a date with you.

Tom: How?

Cat: well we arranged a time and we have both met

Tom: and.....?

Cat: And what?

Tom: We agreed what a date is didn't we Cat?

Cat: Yes Tom we did.

Tom: like to tell me

Cat: no, no Tom

Tom: we said a date was intimacy probably leading to sex didn't we?

Cat: Yes we did.

Tom: and talking like this is intimate isn't Cat?

Cat: yes

Tom: do you feel intimate Cat? Are we being intimate?

Cat: Yes Tom, I think this is a highly intimate topic

Tom: but are we being intimate?

Cat: I feel so Tom, don't you?

Tom: yes very much. Are you ok with it so far?

Cat: Yes

Tom: Is it ok to go further

Cat: yes, but slowly

Tom: of course, I will go slowly as I would if we were together Cat and we were about to make love.

Cat: Oh

Tom: Why oh Cat?

Cat: surprise

Tom: but you know that is on the agenda don't you? You know really Cat that making love is the agenda? And you know that a date is the intimacy that we are sharing probably leads to sex, don't you my darling.

Cat: yes, but hearing you say such things Tom, is strange

Tom: But is it ok?"

Cat: Yes Tom, yes it, they excite me

Tom: and are you getting excited about us making love Cat.

Cat: in some ways, but I am also scared.

Tom: That's natural

Cat: smile, just like a date I suppose.

Tom: lol yes very much. Btw the photos were amazing, but then you are amazing

Cat: You flatterer

Tom: it is true, you are gorgeous and so fucking sexy Cat

Cat: you shouldn't say that, I am old enough to be your mother

Tom: true mum, but also young enough to be a MILF, my MILF

Cat: Oh tom

Tom: yes Cat my MILF, my very own MILF, my mother that I would like to fuck

Cat: Oh god

Tom: That is what I want Cat, to fuck you, I want to fuck you so much. That photo in your garden gave me an instant hard on

Cat: Really?

Tom: Yes your breasts are awesome, I want them Cat, I want your breasts.

Cat: I am afraid they are not very detachable Tom.

Tom; That does not matter right now. God I'm so hard Cat, I wish you could feel it. Would you like that Cat? Would you like to feel my cock, my big, hard, youthful cock

Cat: Mmmm yes, yes Tom

Tom: The cock with which I am going to fuck you Cat. I am stroking it

Cat: What are you wearing?

Tom: nothing, I am naked for you Cat. You?

Cat: Jeans and a tee shirt.

Tom: take them off

Cat: Oh Tom

Tom: please Cat, undress for me. Take the tee off first

Cat: Tom this is too much, it's wrong

Tom: No Cat it's right. You know it is, you know it is what you want isn't it


Tom: Isn't it Cat? You want to take your clothes off, you want my cock, you want to touch yourself don't you?


Tom: don't you Cat? As you know that I am rubbing my throbbing cock thinking of it in you, you want to undress, to be naked for me, to let me have your tits, don't you Cat, say it, just tell me

Cat: Yes Tom , yes, yes I do

Tom: Then take your top off

Cat: Ok it's off.

Tom: Touch your tits for me Cat

Cat: I am I have been

Tom: Good, is it nice?

Cat: Yes

Tom: you have fantastic tits Cat, I want to suck them, take your bra off

Cat: Ok

Tom: is it off?

Cat: yes

Tom: lovely, god you are making wank so hard, I will not last that long. I want you to cum with me Cat. I want to fuck you and have you think I am fucking you. Is that ok?

Cat: Yes, Tom it is

Tom: Take your jeans off for me Cat, I want you naked. Will you do that for me Cat?

Cat: Yes

Tom: take them off then Cat?"

Cat: I am Tom, I am

Tom: and your panties Cat, take your panties off. Will you Cat?

Cat: yes, yes I will

Tom: are they off Cat, are you naked?

Cat: yes I am, I am naked for you

Tom: I want to see all of you Cat

Cat: yes, yes you can Tom I am bare, you can see all of me

Tom: I want to see your cunt Cat, will you show me your cunt?

Cat: Oh god Tom, I can't last

Tom: good, I don't want you to last, I want you to cum Cat, I want to cum too, I want us to cum together

Cat: Oh yes

Tom: Are you close

Cat: yes very

Tom: where are you rubbing cat?

Cat: my clit and my breasts

Tom; do you want to put some finger in you?

Cat: I have

Tom: how many

Cat: three

Tom: are you finger fucking yourself Cat?

Cat: Yes

Tom: are you imagining it is me Cat. Are your fingers my cock, am I fucking you Cat?

Cat: Yes, oh yes Tom yes

Tom: I am starting to cum Cat are you.

Cat: yes, of course I am cumming

Tom: cum with me, let's cum together.

Cat Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I have

Tom: I am shooting all up my chest, there is so much spunk Cat.

Cat: have you finished Tom?

Tom: yes have you?

Cat yes

Tom: I had better get cleaned up, I have a lecture soon. Thanks Cat, it was amazing, was it for you.

Cat: yes Tom it was good.

Tom; I will mail you later

Cat:Yes please do Tom

Tom: can we do it again Cat?

Cat: yes Tom, bye