Incubus Ch. 06


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Now their matriarch gazed upon Britt.

"Pleased to meet you," Britt stammered.

Isabel turned her attention to Damian. "Have you heard anything?"


"And you, Britt, have you heard anything?"

Britt shook her head.

Damian ushered them all into the living room.

"Are you sure?" asked Isabel when they were seated. "You are, after all, bound to Kat."

"No. Nothing."

"Perhaps you don't know what to listen for. I'm certain that I'm not mistaken in my belief that you can capture thoughts."

"I... I don't know what you mean."

Damian looked at Britt quizzically.

"Have you heard voices?" asked Isabel impatiently.

Britt recalled hearing what seemed to be wisps of thought from her ex-boyfriend that morning in her office. She described the sensation to Isabel.

Isabel smiled. "It's a start."

"Is it like reading minds?"

"No," said Isabel. "It's more like catching stray thoughts of those who aren't disciplined enough to shield them. In a way, it's not unlike what incubi do when they project and catch human responses."

This was the first indication of what Kat had hinted at weeks ago -- that Britt would inherit powers with the awakening of the demon half of her.

"I haven't caught so much as a whisper from Kat."

"There's a possibility that I can help you get past Kat's defenses. Damian, is there a room where Britt and I may have some privacy?"

Damian silently led them to the study. His eyes betrayed concern as he closed the door softly behind him.

Isabel sat opposite Britt.

"Believe or not, you're only the second cambion I've met."

"Who was the first?"

Isabel didn't answer directly. "He's gone, and just as well. You, however, have a strength that he lacked; you've been able to keep the two parts of your nature in balance and derive the benefits of both. And in that ability, you may well be unique. I wish I had more time with you. There is much we could learn from each other."

"It seems that I do have a lot to learn," said Britt.


"Like being bound. I honestly don't know what that means."

Isabel sat back. "It seems that Damian has been remiss, or perhaps distracted." She looked meaningfully at Britt, who could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks. "Being bound is both a blessing and a curse, depending on how you look at it. Which do you want first?"

"The curse."

Isabel took a deep breath and leveled her gaze at Britt. "You can have no other. Being bound is for life, much like marriage but with no convenient escape clause. It's no accident that the words binding and bondage are related. That you are bound by two demons is almost unheard of, and adds some complexity to a life that seems to have had its share in the last few weeks. In essence, you thrive as your master thrives, and you suffer as your master suffers. Your lives are now inextricably entwined. For this reason alone, it's important that we find Kat."

"So I'm a slave? To both of them?"

"I prefer the term consort. And yes, being bound to both is a problem."

Britt closed her eyes as the reality of being bound sunk in. "I'm ready for the blessing now," she said weakly

"First of all, being bound offers you protection from both humans and other demons who would harm you. You'll live longer and more intensely. Latent abilities will come to the fore. You will find no one more dedicated to you than your master. That being said, you are a cambion, so that dynamic will likely be different in ways I can't imagine."

"Essentially I'm married to two demons with no chance of parole."

Isabel smiled. "You could put it that way. Does that worry you?"

Britt shrugged. "Worrying about it now won't get me anywhere or change anything. Besides, it's Kat I'm worried about."

Isabel nodded and stood. "Good. Now, let us see what we can do to hone these latent abilities of yours." She held Britt's upper arms. Britt needed no instructions to gaze at the ancient succubus's eyes; they were magnetic -- ice blue with an undercurrent of heat. There was history in these eyes – a lot of pain, some pleasure, and great knowledge.

At first, Britt sensed nothing out of the ordinary. They locked onto each other and the study gradually dissolved around them. Britt became aware of a low electric thrumming at the base of her skull that sent tendrils up and over the crown of her head. Her brain hummed like an engine winding up with a power that was barely contained. Britt felt herself swelling, filling the room, extending her reach far beyond her body.

Isabel broke the connection suddenly and staggered back a few steps. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, collecting herself.

"What's wrong?" asked Britt, alarmed.

"You're truly remarkable, Britt."

"That's it?"

"You speak of an impressive pedigree. Your mother was remarkably strong. The fact that she was able to carry you to term speaks volumes."

"And my father?"

Isabel remained silent for a few moments, her eyes unfocussed. "I must do some research. But let's get back to matters at hand. Do you hear Kat?"

Britt wanted to hear more about her parents. She was about to speak but Isabel's countenance strangled the words in her mouth. Britt obediently closed her eyes. She heard nothing.

"Concentrate on Kat. Picture her in your mind. Think on the moments you shared. Reconstruct her -- her body, her smell, her taste."

What did she know? wondered Britt. She shook the thought out of her head and took a deep breath. She followed Isabel's instructions, casting her mind back to that day in Kat's bedroom, the feeling of Kat's skin against hers, the glow of warmth and power that enveloped her, and her taste.

An image of Kat coalesced in her mind. Alone. Seated on a bench in the shadows. Around her, more benches. "She's in a church," said Britt finally.

"Good," murmured Isabel.

"In a pew at the back."

Isabel's voice seemed to come from a distance. "Leave the church. Go outside. Do you recognize it?"

Britt concentrated. "I... I think so. Yes. It's not too far from the university. I know it."

"You've done well."

Britt blinked.

"I think we should be going," said Isabel.

* * *

The only illumination in the church came in the form of weak light that barely penetrated the stained glass above the main doors.

Britt's eyes adjusted to the gloom and recognized Kat curled up on a pew to the right, just as she had seen in her mind.

Britt slipped into the pew next to Kat.

"Britt. I knew it was you who would find me."

Britt wrapped an arm around Kat's shoulder. "You've caused a bit of a stir."

Kat regarded the altar and remained silent.

"We've been worried."

Kat still said nothing.

"Why a priest, Kat?"

"Funny, I was asking myself the same thing." Kat reached up and gripped Britt's hand. "I don't think he was a priest, Britt. I think he was a monster who happened to wear a collar."

"He's dead."

"I know. I watched him die."

Britt shivered.

"You think I'm a monster too, huh? I see how you're looking at me, thinking that perhaps this priest and I are not so different."

Britt looked away.

Kat spoke quietly and Britt strained to hear. "I told you weeks ago that mankind alone is capable of far greater evil than the likes of Damian and me. As much as this priest might claim that he was possessed, and in so doing take our name in vain, the fact is that he and he alone is responsible for the evil he inflicted upon those children. Do you know what the difference is between him and us?"

Britt shook her head.

"It's that whatever sin we visit on our victims, it is something they have invited, albeit unconsciously. Do you think these kids invited any of what they suffered?"


"It might surprise you that we never prey on children. Never. One reason is that there's nothing in it for us. True, there would be fear, but there would be no desire. When you think about it, innocence is the absence of desire and is therefore beyond the reach of evil. So when an emissary of virtue preys on the innocent, it goes beyond evil. That's something I can't abide."

Kat shook her head sadly. "Then, of course, there's what was done to you."

"To me?"

"What we awakened in you could easily have lain dormant for the rest of your life. I wonder whether you would have been better off for it."

"Damian had no way of knowing. Besides, as you said before, I invited it."

"And you have no idea what that invitation entailed."

"I have two new friends," suggested Britt weakly.

Kat smiled. "Despite it all, you still maintain some innocence. Hang onto it."

Kat returned her gaze to the altar.

The conversation had made Britt uneasy. "Why did you come here? Damian and Isabel wouldn't enter."

"To make peace with myself, if you can believe it, and to try to figure out why this priest bothered me so much."

"And have you?"

"No. I still have trouble with a religious organization relying on secular justice. But I do know one thing: if religious justice can only be meted out after death, I'm not upset that I was able to expedite it."

She turned to Britt and smirked. "What would Jesus say?"

"I don't know."

"Neither do I."

They both regarded the altar but sought comfort in each other.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you."

Kat glanced at her and quickly looked away. "You didn't hurt me, Britt. And neither did Damian. In fact, I envy the two of you. After hundreds of years, the fates have decreed that Damian can now enjoy a small corner of his life that is pure. Perhaps I'm a bit jealous too."

"What about you, Kat? What happens now?"

"I think I need to go away for a while. It seems that I've become a bit of a loose cannon."

They sat in silence for several more minutes.

"I'm sure that Damian and Isabel are anxious to see you."

Kat nodded and rose tiredly. "Let's not keep them waiting."

* * *

They returned to the farmhouse after an almost silent drive from the church. On their return, Kat and Isabel locked themselves in Kat's bedroom for an hour. Britt tried to entertain the brooding Jean-Paul but eventually gave up.

At length, Isabel returned to the living room and spoke to Damian. "Kat will see you now."

On entering the bedroom, Damian took in the suitcase that lay open and partially filled on the bed. A steamer trunk, lid open, rested on the floor.

"You don't have to go," said Damian.

"I do, and you know it."

Damian sat on the edge of the bed and watched Kat pack.

"I'll miss you." The inadequacy and triteness of the statement make Damian cringe inwardly.

Kat smiled and sat on the bed next to Damian. "We've been through this before. We've always found each other again."

"This doesn't feel like any other time. Be sure that you do come back. Please."

"I will. And you have to promise to be good to her, Damian."

Damian took a deep breath. "I promise."

Tears threatened to spill from Kat's eyes and Damian's grey misty. "Some demons we are," said Kat, wiping her cheek.

Damian laughed weakly and left Kat to her packing.

* * *

Damian swirled the single malt scotch in the tumbler, observing the flames in the fireplace through the amber liquid.

Kat had left hours before. In the silence of the old farmhouse, Britt and Damian tiptoed around each other as though unsure of their footing, both hurting in their own way.

The logs crackled and hissed -- the sounds of rural comfort. The first snow of the season hurled itself against the window, sounding like waves of static.

Britt rose from the sofa and knelt at Damian's feet. She leaned her arms on his legs. She looked up at him, eyes searching.

"We owe her everything," she whispered.

Damian nodded, overcome by the magnitude of all that had happened. Uncharted territory again. Then again, he'd been navigating uncharted territory ever since he'd met Britt.

He gazed at Britt, this mystery of a woman who'd been thrust into his life. At once he realized that he welcomed the unknown and the challenge of getting to know it. He slipped off the armchair to kneel with Britt before the flickering flames and heat emanating from the hearth.

He slowly stroked her face with the backs of her fingers and touched his lips gently to hers. He eased his arm behind her back and lowered her to lie on the rug.

He lay next to her, head propped on his hand while the other traced the contours of her face, down from her cheekbones to the firm line of her jaw and then down her throat. His fingers ran from her breast to abdomen to hips, as though learning her geography for the first time.

When had he last touched someone with no motive beyond the simple comfort of contact? He couldn't remember.

There was a world to explore in this woman, he thought.

He slipped his hand under her sweater, pressing against the silken skin and feeling the soft, warm vulnerability of her abdomen.

"Take it off," she whispered, raising her arms above her head.

The sweater soon lay rumpled on the floor. Damian shook his head at the vision before him. Britt's face lay turned to the fire, hair spread out like a shimmering halo on the rug, a vision of purity and innocence. Flickering light glinted off the rings that adorned her nipples and played on her breasts, casting her captivating curves in sharp relief.

He placed his hand on her chest, feeling her heart beating beneath it. The corners of her mouth teased up, revealing a slight dimple in her cheek that he hadn't noticed before. She moved on the rug, stretching the body that God had given her and that the devil had refined.

At length he shifted his hand and kneaded the softness of her breasts, stroking and then pressing the pink and puckered nipples between his thumb and forefinger. She arched her back and he lowered his face and pulled a nipple into his mouth. He slid the flat of his hand from her chest down her abdomen and then beneath her skirt until it reached her mound. He curled his fingers around to nestle in the yielding ripples of her sex.

"I want you." She turned to him then, eyes softened.

They made love unhurriedly, secure in the knowledge that the future contained countless tomorrows.

Some time later, when the flames in the hearth had exhausted their dance and only a bed of embers glowed on the grate, Britt turned to Damian. "I don't want to go back."

"To what? School?"

"No. My apartment."

Damian's eyes widened. "You want to move in? With me?

"If you'll still have me."

Damian smiled the smile Britt had grown to love.

-- The End --

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I really enjoyed the series...I hope you add more!

YesarubYesarubalmost 6 years ago
I don't want this to be the end

Please return to them. There is so much more to this tale!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Binged the whole series

I love this story! You are so eloquent when you write, and your descriptions always bring me right into the story. Your characters are also super relatable! Thanks for the good read.

Also, I would be fascinated to learn more about demon lore in this universe, is another story in the same world still in the works? If So, I'll be looking forward to it!

TerriVTerriVover 6 years ago

This had me totally enthralled all the way!! It was a real "page turner" so to speak!

aanonimitaanonimitover 8 years ago
Don't get how this can be the End?!?...

There are so many questions left unanswered that its kind-off annoying to see the 'The End' written at the end of this story.

But as this was up-loaded a while back - guess that's that.

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