Indian Mom's Debauchery

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An Indian mom's affair with husband's white boss.
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Chapter 1

This incident which happened around 8 years ago is still seared in my memory. It was in the late 90's and I was in my first year of college at that time maybe around 18 years of age. It was that age when you are just out of school and into the relative freedom of college; the age of discovery so to speak. Girls, pizza, hanging out with friends and the like.

My dad was a deputy director in a financial consultancy farm in Mumbai but was transferred to their Baltimore office in Maryland, USA about a year before this incidence. At that time I was in my 12th standard. So mom and I decided to stay back and later join him after my board exam. I passed my board exam with flying colours and after scoring high in SAT it became a lot easier for me to get into colleges in the US. I got admitted into a community college nearby and started preparing for university.

We lived in the suburbs of the city in an upmarket neighbourhood. I was the only child of my parents. Dad was in a high paying job in an MNC. Mom was a typical housewife. She got married to my dad at the age of 19 while she was still in college and became a mother even before reaching her 20th birthday. By the way, her birthday was on 31st December, always a reason to celebrate.

She had completed her graduation after marriage but never really worked and after I was born, dedicated herself to my upbringing and other household chores. Our lives in India were quite comfortable I'd say, I went to a top private school and we had quite a few European vacation during my school holidays. So we were used to affluence. That's why mom never needed to work and she could indulge in looking after herself and leading a lavish lifestyle in high society. Money had never been an issue.

Now that I look back, let me describe my mom. She was petite at 5'4". She had bright mocha skin and of average built. When I say average built, I have to say that giving birth to a child had not really changed her physical constitution. Maybe, just maybe, she was a tad thick around the waist area and probably around the booty that actually added allure to her mature sexiness. But no way she could be called fat that most middle aged Indian women tend to develop to. In fact she had near perfect round ass almost the shape of an "O" when looked from behind. Her admirer would call them bubble butt. She was also not voluptuous but had maintained her body well, genetic or the result of doing daily yoga and regular visit to the parlours. But the one thing that set her apart from the other women of her age, was her face. She had perfect oval face with sharp nose and sparkling eyes that do not look her age. Her shoulder length hair complements her face nicely. Also, she dressed conservatively in sarees as majority of housewives do in India, to avoid the roving eyes of lecherous men and hormone charged teenagers. In short, she looked a beautiful saree clad Indian lady in her mid-late thirties. The sort of women mature men would go for.

One thing I believe is that every woman when naked looks the same, I mean not that somebody has 3 boobs or two pussies. But the one thing that attracts males is the personality or should I say the seductiveness of a woman. That is the one thing that charges up a man to take that woman and make love to her. And my mom had that in abundance.

But, let me be upfront, I was like any other guy of that age. The age of discovery. That turbulent time of youth when your hormones are pumping and you have no clue what was happening. The age when I could recognise the sexual tension between men and women.

I have seen men, both in India and in the West gazes upon her in awe. Indian men more with lust and the western men more with admiration. I have seen dad's friends or colleagues tried to flirt with her, and she, being a lady in her prime quite enjoyed all the attentions. But she never reciprocated or gave them slightest of hint that she would be available.

A few months after mom and I arrive in Baltimore, my dad's company threw a summer party to celebrate a successful takeover of another small company. Employees were encouraged to bring their family too. Being an adult son, I was not supposed to tag along with my parents but since I was still living with them, both mom and dad insisted that I should come with them. Besides, it would be a nice way to meet new people in a foreign country.

It was a Friday afternoon in mid-July, and we were getting ready to go. It was quite a warm day with temperature around mid-eighties Fahrenheit. As it was a casual summer party, there were no dress code. So, we decided on casual summer wears. Dad and I put on jeans and polo shirt and mom was preparing to wear a floral summer dress. That's when dad said that she should perhaps try a saree as she always looked best in them. Mom changed into a chiffon saree and a sleeveless blouse which had a deep cut.

Now, Indian readers know that when wear properly, an Indian woman can look her sexiest best in a saree. And mom did exactly that. She draped the blue chiffon saree in such a way that it hugs her figure, accentuating every curves along the way. One could see her deep navel as the saree was tied well below her belly button. The white sleeveless blouse was struggling to hide her 36D asset. She decided to wear a strapless bra underneath as the flimsy material of her blouse might not be ideal for a strapped bra. When she was done, she asked dad how she looked to which dad looked mesmerised. His jaws dropped a bit before he steadied himself and said "you look ravishing". Now being in the US, I think mom got a bit relaxed about dressing because unlike in India, here no judgement from the relatives and no prying eyes from the onlookers. She indeed liked to dress up and spend money on expensive clothing and jewelleries. She usually wore gold bangles in both hand and golden anklets on her feet even at home. Compliment this with her mangalsutra, her diamond wedding ring on her left ring finger, a tiny diamond studded nose pin on her left nose and a pinch of sindur on the parting of her hair, I must say dad was right. She looked ravishing. She applied only light touch of make up due to the heat - eyeliner, a touch of mascara and some lip gloss. Her shoulder length silky hair tied in usual ponytail and she put on her favourite stiletto heels. With the heels on she was looking 2 inches taller. Although I never had any incestual feeling towards her but looking at her that day I genuinely thought she was one hell of a sexy mom and lot of men going to have raging hard on that night just by looking at her like that.

My emotion at that moment were quite mixed. In a way I was feeling proud for my beautiful mom, but the other part of me was slightly jealous. There would be a lot of men in the party who'd eye on this exotic beauty and one or two might even try their luck to flirt with her. Now mom was quite used to handling this type of attentions, but I was not sure for how long she could fend them off. This was completely unknown territory to her and there would be men who could sweep her off the feet. Don't get me wrong here, she had been fiercely loyal to my dad all these years, but with the benefit of hindsight, I could see there were tell-tale signs that she was getting sexually frustrated as she was approaching the end of her sexual prime and might get swept away if not careful enough. Nevertheless one thing was for sure that she was going to be the cynosure of the party.

We arrived at the party around 6 in the evening. The cab left us near the entrance to the dock which led us to the floatel where the party was arranged. Upon boarding, we were greeted by the host with welcome drinks. We moved to the main deck. There were already quite a few guests hanging around and more people started arriving soon after. A few of them came with their young children but I didn't see anyone of my age. Even the younger employees were perhaps 10 years older than me.

As more and more guests started arriving, the music got louder and the two bar either side of the deck got busier. Dad just saw someone he knew, he gave him a smile and started walking towards him.

Mom and I stood at one corner not knowing what to do. This was the first time we were at a party in this country, so not quite sure what to expect amidst a bunch of unfamiliar faces. Although I could see that people, both men and women were glancing at us occasionally. The men perhaps were holding their gazes a bit longer on my mom. I even saw couple of younger looking guys walked past us towards their way to the bar. They were talking to each other, but suddenly fell silent when their eyes fell on mom and then on me. Couple of seconds and they chuckled and made some comments between them. I was sure it was about mom. They looked over their shoulder while passing us and their eyes were all over mom sizing her up.

Although my mom was quite confident in this kind of situation, but I felt she was looking a tad nervous. This was understandable as we were in a new territory in a new country, literally among a bunch of strangers. We were the only brown people there; majority of the guests were white with some black people among them.

As the crowd started building up, there was an announcement. The company hired a stand up performer for this event and he was going to start his act. Everybody's focus moved toward the centre of the deck while the comedian started his routine.

There were few good jokes that made the crowd burst into laughter. That also made mom started getting relaxed a bit. Meanwhile dad came back and joined us with a bottle of beer in hand. He was about to ask mom and me something, perhaps if we'd like to drink and that's when I heard the booming voice "Hey, Mr. Gupta".

I saw a tall, blonde, white guy approaching us. He must be well above 6 feet probably by 2 or 3 inches. He had well defined physique, kind of body we used to see in Hollywood movies. Not a beefy body rather an athletic one. Tattoos on both arm poking out of his short sleeve Hawaiian shirt. The shirt somewhat clung to his body and I could see the silhouette of his washboard abs. He was wearing a linen pants and a pair of canvas slip on. What was most impressive was that he had a warm almost childlike smile on his face. He must be around my mom's age, may be even couple of years younger.

"Hey, Mr. Gupta." He said approaching us "How are you man? When did ya come?"

I guess dad got a bit startled hearing his voice all of a sudden, but immediately composed himself and then turned around to greet him.

"Hey Mr. Mcleod, finally you're here. Nice to see you". He extended his hand to which the guy also extended his and shook firmly. I could see the stark difference in size in both their hands. His palm almost gobbled up dad's. His upper arm was easily twice the size of dad's. My dad was 5''7", had grown a pot belly over the years. As a result, he looked even shorter. It looked like he was towering over my dad.

"Nice to see you man. And this must be your family" he said looking at mom and me.

"Yes" dad replied. "Let me introduce. This is my wife Anjali and my son Sandeep. And this is Mr. Allan Mcleod, my boss and the VP of our company."

Mr. McLeod looked at my mom and immediately I could sense a spark jolted between them. The kind of sensation you can only feel but can't put in words. Their eyes met and both got transfixed for couple of seconds. As if someone cast a spell on them, they looked at each other's eyes for those 2 seconds oblivious of the surroundings. Then the spell broke and both came to their senses. In those few seconds I saw something in Allan's eye that years later when I think about those moment, I saw unbridled lust in his eyes. In that split second I had no doubt that this guy, Allan wanted to get between mom's legs. He wanted to fuck her. And a part of me was curious to see that happen. But that momentary feelings evaporated as soon as it surfaced.

I guessed mom was bit nervous in that situation and put her guards on. It could be the sexual tension rising and she could sense that too.

Mom said a meek "Hello Mr. McLeod" in her Indian accent.

"Call me Allan" He quickly came back to senses.

Mom said "hello Allan" with a shy smile.

"Hello, I'm Sandeep" I said clearing my throat.

Allan turned to me and said "hello". But his mind was elsewhere.

"You're a lucky man, Sridhar. You have such a gorgeous wife." Allan made his observation clear.

Both dad and Allan burst into laughter. Mom joined them with a shy smile. I didn't know how to react, but I did admire his guts. That man had shown chivalry.

Mom, dad and Allan had few small talks before some more guests arrived at the deck that caught Allan's eye.

"Excuse me, but I have to attend the guests. You guys make yourselves comfortable. I'll speak to you later." The last sentence he specifically said looking at mom before he walked off.

"Nice gentleman" Dad said. Mom and I agreed.

"It's quite impressive to become a VP of a big company at this young age. He must be very smart." Mom said.

We all agreed.

A minute later dad went back to join a group of his colleague. Mom and I again stood there watching people for about 10 minutes.

"Hey guys, how are you doing?" I heard Allan coming our way.

"Are you getting bored?" He asked. Then added "Allow me to get you a drink, madam."

"It's alright." Mom said.

"Oh, come on. Don't be shy." Allan persisted.

Mom smiled and nodded.

Mom was a social drinker. She mostly liked to drink wine, beer or cocktails. She was a connoisseur of expensive wines and cocktails.

"What do you want to drink?" Allan asked.

"Ummm.. I don't know. A glass of white wine may be." Mom was still not fully out of her shells.

"And you Sand.. Sand..,?" He struggled to remember my name.

"Sandeep, sir" I replied.

"Yes. Sandeep. What would you like?"

I was not legally allowed to have alcoholic drink.

"Any soft drink." I was not really bothered.

"Would you like to come with me?" Allan turned to mom and gestured towards the bar.

Now mom got in a spot. She didn't expect this and neither did I. She didn't want to leave me and go with Allan but turning him down would be rude.

She looked at me first then hesitantly accepted his invitation.

They walked off towards the bar leaving me behind. After a couple of steps, I saw Allan put his palm lightly on mom's back and guided her through the crowd.

That was interesting. Allan met mom barely half an hour ago and now he was touching her back. I never saw a man got so close to mom that soon. He definitely had balls.

They walked up to the bar, placed order, and waited for their drink. There were quite a big crowd at the bar so I assumed it would take a while to get served.

I watched them started chatting while waiting for the drinks. Mom's body language gradually eased up, she was smiling, talking and making frequent eye contact with Allan. She was also making hand gestures while talking. She didn't look out of place anymore.

After about 10 mins their drinks were served. Mom had a flute of champagne while Allan had a beer glass in one hand and a glass of fizzy drink in other.

They walked down to where I was. Allan handed over the fizzy drink to me. We raised a toast and took a sip from respective glasses.

"So Sandeep, what do you study?" He asked me.

"Doing BS with a major in economics." I replied.

We kept on chatting about my college and other stuffs for a while until I heard someone called out Allan.

The three of us looked at the direction of the voice and saw a middle-aged gentleman, smiling and waving at Allan.

"You have to excuse me. That is Michael from our Arizona office. You guys please enjoy the party." Saying that Allan walked off towards Michael.

From the corner of my eye, I saw mom was looking at Allan as he walked away.

It was almost 7:30 pm. The sun was behind the horizon. The sky was getting darker and the air a bit chillier.

A member of the host came out from the lower deck and announced that the dinner was served.

The guests on the upper deck started moving slowly to the lower deck. Dad came and joined us and three of us moved to the lower deck.

Buffet was ready. There were round tables with chairs around. We took our food and sat on one table along with some other guests. Dad was speaking to one of them earlier.

The dinner was followed by reward and recognition for the employees. And there was a pleasant surprise.

Dad's name was announced as he got promoted to Executive Director. Because of the merger, he now had the added responsibility to supervise a team at their Arizona office. That meant he had to travel to the Phoenix office frequently, at least once a month.

Diners at the tables started congratulating dad. Mom and I felt proud seeing that.

Allan showed up at our table and congratulate dad. He then turned to mom and said

"Sorry Anjali. Sridhar is going to be a lot busier from now. I hope that won't make you resentful."

Everyone at the table had a laugh.

After the dinner the tables and chairs were cleared, and the space turned into a dance floor. Normal lights were put off and the strobes were on. The place got darker as in real discos. There was a DJ on the podium. He started with a peppy number. Slowly people started shaking their legs. Initially only few people but gradually more and more would join them.

Mom, dad and I were standing at a corner looking at them. A group of slightly senior looking guys almost dragged dad away to join them in a drink. Perhaps, dad now belonged to their club after the promotion. They went up to the upper deck.

Mom and I were contemplating whether to join in dance, suddenly Allan appeared from the crowd.

He was holding 2 glasses of red wine.

"I saw you are not drinking. Here is one for you. Hope you like red wine." Allan handed one glass over to mom.

Mom took that without hesitation and said "Yes, I do." She took a big sip from the glass and immediately belched out by the sudden rush of alcohol into her system.

All 3 of us cracked into laughter.

A moment or so later, Allan looked mom in the eye, reached his hand out and asked mom "Let's dance" and gestured to the dance floor.

Mom was a bit taken aback by his assertiveness. Neither she nor I was expecting this. She looked at me not knowing what to do, then decided to comply. She asked me to hold her drink and put her left hand on Allan's outreached hand. Allan gently pull her to the dance floor.

Allan was a decent dancer, but mom was bit shy at first. Allan tried to hold her hand and twirl but she started giggling which made Allan giggle too. One thing was clear, she was enjoying his company.

They broke away from the dance floor and came to me. I gave mom her drink back. She took couple of sips probably to calm her nerves a bit.

Then when Allan asked "let's try again", she had no hesitation to join him. She handed me the near empty challis and went away with him.

This time they both danced better. Initially they were freewheeling but gradually found a rhythm. Often they were holding hands and danced. Mom tucked her pallu in the waist fold of her saree. Her bare midriff, back, cleavage, belly button were clearly visible. The mangalsutra was dangling between her boobs. She was visibly a bit tipsy from all the drinking since evening.

The music reached a crescendo and the melodic numbers came out. I saw Allan wrapped his arms around mom's waist and pulled her closer. She also wrapped her arms around his neck. Their bodies pressed against each other's. They grooved with the music slowly. The contrast in their height was palpable. My petite brown mom was grooving in the arms of a tall white man. He slowly rested his palms on her shapely butt and she rested her head on his chest. She looked a little tired now.