Indian Wife & Construction Guys Ch. 06


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"What thing?"

"That the chaste simple memsaab we see saying goodbye to her husband and seeing off her son to the school bus is just a facade. That she is a totally kinky slut. And she is completely in Sajid's palm. She would swear skimpy clothes and fool around with Sajid in front of them. And then Sajid would take her to the bedroom and close the door and spend a long time in there. And when they came out, she always looked extra happy and blushing."

"That is still just hearsay." Neel shrugged.

"Shhh...let him tell his story." Ajay said.

"Well, here's some actual fact. And I saw this with my own eyes." he said earnestly. "These guys started going there everyday. Spending a lot of time there. The rumors started. Then they stopped going. I heard that there had been some kind of fight or disagreement with her."

"More likely she lost her patience and kicked them out." Neel said.

"No, but that's the thing. A few days later, I was working near the compound wall. And the memsaab comes out. Except she is not wearing a sari or salwar kameez like she usually does. She is dressed almost like a school girl. Skirt, showing her legs. And a western top. She never used to come outside too much. That day she walked out, spent some time standing around, looking at the site. I think she was looking for Sajid and Rasul. But they were working on the other side of the building. She then went in. Came out again with a chair. Put it right next to our compound wall. Then came out with a cup of tea. And just sat there."

"Oh wow! A woman wearing a skirt and drinking tea in the compound! How scandalous!" Anuj said sarcastically.

"Wait, there's more. All of us were looking at her, admiring her beauty. She was a gorgeous lady. Soon word must have gotten around to Sajid. He came over, preening like a king. And I was very close by when he went up to talk to her. And I swear, she asked him to come by for a cup of tea. He said he was busy but would come later. And she looked so happy. Now tell me, if they were just going there for making phone calls and she was just a polite lady who let them stay...why did she come out and invite him over? What does a young housewife need from an old laborer?"

Some of the details and the timeline of what Bhola was saying seemed a little off. But the basic gist seemed about right. After all, it had been six years. It is natural to misremember some things. After all, he had presumably seen me as well, but did not recognize me. Part of it might have been because I had put on some weight, lost some hair, and grown a beard.

"Maybe she just needed his help to...I don't know...fix a leaking pipe or something. You are still jumping to conclusions."

"I saw this and heard this, okay?" Bhola said. "And this time when he went he was there for a long time. And the other guys too. They all came back full of stories."

"Anyone can make up stories." Anuj said.

Bhola seemed to think about what to say next. And then he started narrating something that seemed completely new. And even if true, different from the timeline Purva had told me. I couldn't be sure if this was something he was making up or if his memory was playing tricks on him. Or there was a third option. Purva had left it out. It didn't matter all these years later. But it was interesting to listen to it and wonder.

"Okay then hear this. The next afternoon I was stuck with some work on brick laying. I needed some instructions that only Sajid had from the contractor. I looked for him but was told he was next door. He was starting to spend more and more time there. I thought I should wait for him to come back, but I had to finish my work to get paid. So I went there and knocked. Rasul came and opened the door, and was very angry to see me. He gruffly asked why I had come over without being invited. I told him what I needed and he realized it was a genuine query. He asked me to come in but wait by the door. And then he vanished through a corridor. There were two other laborers in the living room watching TV."

"Now this sounds promising." Anuj said.

"A couple of minutes go by. And then through the corridor that Rasul disappeared into, comes Sajid. Except he looked very sweaty and was breathing hard. And his shirt was open, like he had just thrown it on. And from his pants, it was clear that he was erect. I was so taken aback and flustered at this, I half forgot what I wanted to ask him. He yelled at me to stop staring and spit out what it was I wanted. So I told him. And he gave me the instructions I needed. I was so terrified that maybe...maybe something illegal was happening."


"Maybe he was forcing himself on her. I got the information I wanted and almost ran back to the site. An hour later, Sajid came and watched me work. Then he took me aside and softly said not to feel bad that he yelled at me. I had just interrupted him at the wrong time. And then he said I should keep my mouth shut about everything. And if so, I would be rewarded."

"Rewarded how?"

"Never mind that. But now tell me. I saw this with my own eyes. Not rumors. No hearsay. The man is deep inside this rich people's house. Comes out sweating, shirt open, bulging crotch. Unless you think I myself am lying, what else does that mean?" Bhola emphatically asked, downing another drink.

The rest of us didn't have much to say. I was thinking about what he said, and the others had started buying into the story.

"This all just sounds so astonishing." Anuj said.

"You think I'm lying?" Bhola said loudly.

"No, no, I am not saying that. How did this ugly old man manage this? If she was some fat old frustrated lady, I can still understand. But the way you describe her..."

"Oh she was gorgeous. I can still close my eyes and see her in vivid detail. She had such an angelic and innocent face. Beautiful but also girl next door. Big gray eyes. Straight long nose. Thick red lips. And always this shy cute expression. Although she was a slut, she did not look like a slut. Except when she really got going. I still remember the first time I actually saw her engaged in such things."

"Tell us about that!" Ajay almost jumped up. "It's all fine to hear about how the old guy was shirtless and sweating, but I want to hear about the hot wife."

"I was working with a friend named Raghu on the second floor of the building. It was the side facing her house. From some angles, you could see her working in the kitchen. She would keep the windows open. before the thing with Sajid started, some of us would secretly look at her working in the kitchen and admire her beauty. Even in a sari or salwar kameez she looked so gorgeous. But when the affair started, she started closing the curtains all the time. That itself got tongues wagging. If nothing is happening, why suddenly close the curtains?"

"Maybe she noticed you guys leering and got conscious." Neel said.

"No, saab. Give us some credit. It's not like we would just hang around staring at her. This was just during the course of the work. Anyway, she started closing the curtains. And it was then that I was on the second floor. Raghu suddenly said, look, we can see her. I walked over to the edge and saw that although the kitchen window curtains were closed, the top was open."

"What top?"

"You know how some windows have that small top section that opens horizontally? It was open, maybe for ventilation. And the curtain started from below it. From the ground or first floor, it didn't really make a difference. But from this angle on the second floor, we could see part of the kitchen. And we saw part of her body working there. Under the neck up to the knees. She was not wearing Indian clothes like she usually did. She was in shorts and a skimpy top. And even from that distance, from that angle, we could see her cleavage as she worked at the kitchen counter."

" we're talking." Ajay said.

"So we worked, stealing glances at her cleavage and her nice round ass in those shorts. The life of a laborer is hard, so these occasional glimpses of beauty are nice to keep you going. After a while, she stopped working and walked away. When she came back a few minutes later, we could see Sajid next to her. The two of them seemed to be talking for a little while as she kept working at the kitchen counter. And then Raghu inhaled loudly. I went over and saw that Sajid had pulled her into an embrace. I was shocked. Until then I had no idea this was actually happening."

" this before or after the earlier story when he came to the door?" Anuj jumped in with a question I had too. The timeline seemed off.

Bhola paused and took a deep sip and stared into nothingness as if trying to remember.

"I'm not sure, saab. It has been many years. Maybe it was before."

"Who cares?" Ajay impatiently said. "Continue with what you saw."

"Where was I? Oh yes... she was in his arms. First it seemed like she was struggling, trying to fight him off, because there was a lot of movement of limbs. But then as we watched some more, we realized it wasn't like that at all. His hands were rubbing and fondling her all over. And she was reacting with pleasure, also hugging and rubbing him back. And although we could not see their heads, it seemed like they might have been kissing. Imagine the shock Raghu and I felt. This gorgeous young housewife we had been admiring from a distance all these days was suddenly in that old fart's arms. And seemed to be enjoying it."

"How do you know she was enjoying it?"

"Because after a while I saw her take her top off herself."

"You got to see her boobs?"

"Not that day." Bhola winked. "That day she was standing such that her back was towards us. But even looking at her naked smooth fair skinned back was such a turn on. Raghu and I just left our work midway, and hiding behind a column, watched. Just watched that young hot housewife standing there in just these tiny shorts as the old laborer played with her body. You could see from how she was moving that she was enjoying all this. It was the first time that I had actually gotten visual proof of what was happening. And I knew they weren't rumors anymore. If they were doing all this in the kitchen, who knows what they did in the bedroom?"

"Mmmmm." Ajay closed his eyes and smiled.

There was a slight break in the action as Anuj filled everyone's glasses while the others used the bathroom. I was sitting in the corner of the bed with a pillow in my lap. I was doing that to hide my erection. Listening to Bhola narrate all these things...some old some new...had brought back all those memories. I knew every detail of the layout, from how the kitchen window was to how our house had that big yard to of course, how my hot wife looked. As I visualized the details of everything he narrated, it was hard not to get hard.

Finally, with some will power, I was able to make it subside and then used the bathroom myself. When I came out, Neel was standing there. He smiled and asked me in English so Bhola wouldn't understand,

"Are you buying all this crap he's shoveling?"

"I don't know. Sounds a little too much."

"For sure. But it is an entertaining story. Let's see how far it goes."

I picked up my glass wondering, how far will the story go indeed?

Finally our little session re-assembled. Bhola, very thin and wiry, now seemed quite drunk. He was swaying his head and seemed to have trouble keeping balance. I thought maybe we should regulate his intake a little bit before he passes out.

" mentioned that Sajid promised you a reward. What was that reward?"

"Right the next day...or was it two days later? Not important. I was working with Raghu, that same guy who had seen it all through the kitchen window. He was a good friend of mine, but I still didn't tell him what I saw when I went to the house. He kept asking me again and again but I didn't say anything. After a while, we saw Sajid walking over to that house again. So after a while Raghu says, if you're not going to tell me, I will find out for myself. I tried to stop him but he almost ran there. I was standing by the compound watching him go there. I was sure that Sajid would beat him up."

"Damn! More people getting involved." Ajay said and clapped a couple of times in glee.

"So I see him walk up to the door. Suddenly he seems a little nervous. Stands there without ringing the bell for a few minutes. But then he pushed the door and it opened. It was not locked. He walked in. I cringed, thinking the next sight I would see would be Sajid kicking him and punching him out. But nothing happened for a while. Then suddenly Sajid came rushing out of the house alone. He walked out of their gate, into our compound and asked me where the supervisor was. I was confused, and told him the supervisor wasn't here yet. This made Sajid very angry. He turned back to face the house and we saw Raghu walking out with a smile on his face."

"Uh oh, busted!!"

"Yeah, it was a tense situation. Sajid stood there, breathing hard in anger, as Raghu walked back. And then he angrily accused me of breaking my word and telling Raghu about the other day. I promised him I hadn't. And was scared that I was going to get caught up in a fight for no fault of my own. I have told you already that Sajid was a bully with a dominant personality. Well, Raghu was hot-headed as well. Neither would take a step back. As soon as Raghu came near us, Sajid let out an angry string of ma-bhen curses. Raghu responded. A few of the workers stopped working and staring. Rasul had also come to support his uncle. It seemed like things were about to blow up. So I decided to step in and calm things down."

"Bhola the mediator!"

"Hehe, saab, someone has to keep the peace. I told the guys let's not fight in front of everyone. Let's discuss this quietly in private. So we decided to go up to the empty 5th floor and talk. Sajid and Rasul, accompanied by their 3 chamchas. And Raghu and myself. As we walked, Raghu excitedly whispers to me, I saw her tits I saw her tits. I told him to shut up. When we reached up there, Sajid and Raghu yelled at each other. Sajid accused him of lying and trying to muscle in on his action. Raghu replied saying, you disappear for hours to play with that slut while we have to do your work, and you won't even share her with the rest us. Only with your nephew and friends. Sajid said she is not some whore to be shared, but a nice lady. And so on and so on. They kept yelling and trading bards."

"Women...always causing fights between men." Neel sarcastically said.

"Anyway, luckily things calmed down after a while. And thankfully, there was no violence. Then the two of them started discussing things maturely. Sajid agreed that yes, he had gotten so caught up in that gorgeous vixen that he was ignoring his work which wasn't fair on the rest of us. But at the same time, he wanted everyone to understand that memsaab, while slightly bold and adventurous, was not some two bit whore. He said that as long as we stuck to some basic ground rules, we could have a little bit of fun. But we should stay within our limits. All these discussions and negotiations took a while, and peace was achieved."

"So wait...what were the rules exactly?" Ajay asked.

"Most importantly, to realize that when it came to sex or anything like that, she was solely Sajid's property. In that regards, the rest of us were not to try anything untoward, or things would get really nasty."

"Damn, possessive!"

"He then said she liked being exposed to a small audience. But she was still a nice decent lady. So no one was to talk to her directly. She might be okay with flashing her boobs and letting us have a quick grab and fondle, but that's it. Don't scare her by treating her like a brothel whore. Be respectful, he said. And most importantly, he said not to spread this around any more. Too many people knew already. We all agreed. Then Raghu said, he got only a quick glimpse of her boobs. He wanted to see them in detail. Sajid smiled and told Rasul to take him over. And then he set a schedule of when the rest of us could go for the same."


"So you see...that ended up being my reward. This gorgeous high class housewife's boobs."

He smiled happily. I looked at him, thinking, this narrative did fit with what I knew. I just had not known the other side story of how and why it happened.

"Wait...whaaat? You got to see them yourself?" Anuj exclaimed. "Why didn't you say that in the first place instead of all those other stories?"

Bhola just smiled and leaned back in his chair, holding his whiskey glass.

"You gents weren't believing me when I told you all those other simple stories. You would have believed me if I told you that right away?"

As I looked at him, I wondered what his underlying reasons were. Maybe he was just opening up slowly, giving more and more details as he got drunk. Or maybe he was just enjoying being the center of all the attention and embellishing the truth by inserting himself into incidents that he only heard about. There was no way to know for sure. I knew Neel still felt this was a tall tale. Ajay seemed to be really into it and wanted to believe it. Anuj seemed neutral.

I was the only one there who knew that the basic story he was telling us was true, even if the details might be somewhat inaccurate. Or at least I thought the details were a little bit inaccurate. How could I know? I only knew what Purva had told me. It was very possible that she had not told me the whole story. I realized that I had been only listening, not saying much, so I spoke up.

"Tell us, then. What happened next? What was your reward?"

Bhola took a long sip and looked at us happily. He definitely was relishing having us all hanging on his every word.

"So...Raghu went there with Rasul. And was gone for a long time, over half an hour. When he came back he looked so happy. We had to get back to work. So we did that and then I asked him to tell me what happened. First he teased me, saying I didn't tell him my secret when I had it, so why should he tell me his secret? I cajoled and begged and he finally started talking. Here's the story he told me, okay. I don't know how true it was. But here's how it went."

"Why do you think it wasn't all true?" Ajay piped up.

"Just listen. So here's what he said, after making me promise not to tell anyone else. He and Rasul went there and rang the bell. Memsaab opened the door completely naked. She blushed on seeing them, but let them in. Then they both played with her tits and ass happily for a while. Then Rasul told her to make tea for them. And the memsaab, still naked, made tea while the two of them took turns playing with her tits. Raghu said she hugged them both many times, and they both played with her wet cunt. Then the tea was made. She served them the tea naked. And then sat on their laps naked as they drank the tea and played with her."

"Fuck man, that is hot!!" Ajay said with some emotion.

"But you think that wasn't true?" Anuj asked.

I was going to ask that if he hadn't. From what I knew, things unfolded a bit differently. The idea that at that time, Purva was just happily prancing around naked in front of all and sundry, letting them finger her cunt, sitting on their laps...seemed a bit much. It just did not gel with her personality.

"Who knows? I think it was very much exaggerated." Bhola said.


"Because when my turn came, things were a little different."

"How so?"

"A couple of other guys visited her, came back soon looking very happy. An hour or so later, Sajid came up to me put his hand on my shoulder and said, if you want to go and enjoy yourself, you can, her door is unlocked. Just be nice. So I washed my hands and face and walked to the yellow house. I was feeling very nervous. I was a young man and still a virgin. The idea that the hot memsaab would welcome me into her home naked like Raghu said, was like a dream come true. When I went there, my heart was pounding against my chest. The door was ajar. I walked in. The house looked big and nice. I took a few steps and walked into the living room. And there was memsaab, lying down on the couch with her arm on her forehead and her legs spread."