Indian Wife in the Prison of Spring Ch. 02


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"That's more like it." he said, biting her shoulder hard.

"Owww!!" she cried out.

"Easy with the biting, Bhaskar." Dutt said moving closer. "We don't want to leave any telltale marks for her husband to discover."

"Oh right right." Bhaskar said as Mansi started moving a little faster. "The poor sap doesn't even know his wife is whoring herself out like this, huh?"

Mansi felt insulted but also turned on. She started rotating her hips in a circular motion.

"Oh that is good." Bhaskar said throatily. And laid back and enjoyed one of the best fucks of his life.

Mansi's eyes had been closed as she fucked this stranger and was actually starting to feel her orgasm approaching. Dutt realized it too, so to help things along, he bent down started stroking her clit. And a few seconds of that, combined with an accelerated bucking motion, pretty much did it.

"Wow, she is a screamer." Bhaskar said grabbing her waist as she started hollering. That was too much for him. He started cumming as well, shooting his seed into the young tight shuddering cunt.

About halfway through her hollering, Mansi felt like she heard a strange noise. Like a knocking. But she thought she was imagining it. Maybe it was her brain knocking against her skull. But as she felt that ultimate release and her senses started registering reality again, she saw Dutt pulling up his pants and walking away. her cunt was sticky with Bhaskar's semen. But she was thinking about the noise. And this time she heard it clearly. It was knocking indeed. Someone was outside the room. And they must have definitely heard her shriek like that.

"Yes?" Dutt said, reaching the door.

"Your food, sir." a voice said.

"Oh right." Dutt said, and with his hand on the door looked at his two companions.

Mansi felt Bhaskar roughly pushing her off his lap. She staggered a little but retained her balance.

"Make yourself decent, whore, unless you want to flash the waiter." Bhaskar said, pulling his pants up quickly.

Mansi had just a couple of seconds to roll down her dress to cover her thighs and then pull up the front and slip her arms through the straps. It was a race against time, but she just about made it, standing there breathing heavily as Dutt opened the door.

The waiter walked in, feeling a little uncomfortable. Just as he knocked, he had heard that wail of a woman having an orgasm. Either that or being killed. And when he walked in pushing the food cart, his suspicions were confirmed. He saw a young woman in a sweat stained skimpy dress, her hair a mess, and her chest heaving as she stood there staring at the floor.

"Ummm...should I just leave it here, sir? I can come back later for your signature." the guy asked, wondering if they wanted privacy. Dutt was about to say, yes, come back later.

But Bhaskar was a pervert who was loving how uncomfortable this was making Mansi. So he spoke up.

"No, please put it on the table and serve us."

Mansi thought she would die of embarrassment. What must that waiter be thinking? That she was some whore who had just been fucked by these two men? was true, wasn't it?

The waiter behaved very professionally, taking care not to stare at Mansi. But he remembered her. He had met her briefly in the lobby when she asked him where the lifts were. Then she had been wearing a simple sari. Now she was dressed like a whore. Dutt was mildly amused at how Bhaskar had engineered the situation. he took his time signing the slip.

"Thank you sir." the waiter said after he got a generous tip and left.

Mansi was still rooted to the same spot. It was embarrassing. But she had also just had an orgasm, which felt great.

"Come, let's eat." Bhaskar stood up and tapped her on her ass.

"I'm not hungry." she said in a sullen voice.

"Shut up and eat. You will need your strength for the post lunch session."

The two men walked to the dining table and sat down. Reluctantly, Mansi went and joined them. And the 3 of them started having lunch quietly.


The more Mansi ate, the more she realized how hungry she was. She ate like a starved person, having twice the number of rotis as usual. Throughout lunch, Bhaskar kept staring at her and fondling her. Dutt kept his hands to himself though. Halfway through lunch, Bhaskar demanded that Mansi roll down the top of her dress and eat with her boobs exposed. She complied at once. That made Dutt feel something he often did. Boredom. Once a wife was bedded and broken, there was no sport left in it any more. He would still enjoy fucking her, of course. But he knew that soon, he had to move on to his next conquest.

Soon they all finished eating. And Mansi found out that Bhaskar was right about her needing strength for the post lunch session. As soon as she got out of the bathroom after washing her hands, she was dragged to the bedroom. This time, her dress was slipped off completely and her fully naked body was thrown on the bed. Dutt was a little disappointed that she had left her mangalsutra home this time.

Dutt got the first go at her cunt again. She was laid down sideways with her legs together and folded up as Dutt banged her cunt from behind. Bhaskar laid down near her head and made her suck his cock. After ten minutes in this position, Dutt made her ride him again, while Bhaskar sat next to them playing with her tits. She was handed over to Bhaskar for another round next. He just fucked her missionary style, slapping her occasionally, while Dutt attended to some business calls. Bhaskar wanted to cu in her mouth this time, and she had to swallow. Then Dutt returned and the burly brute fucked her standing up and her arms and legs were wrapped around his body, suspended mid-air.

It continued this way for a couple of hours. Both men were on Viagra, so there was no limit to how often they could get it up, going alternately. She was banged in every conceivable position by the two men, and had more orgasms than she could count. She was also slapped around by Bhaskar and spanked by both of them more times than she could count, although they were careful not to leave an marks. Her cunt started feeling sore and her thighs were hurting. But above all, she was feeling satisfied.

Finally the two men grew tired as well. Mansi's cum splattered and sweat drenched body was curled up on the bed as the two men sat outside drinking scotch. After twenty minutes of taking rest, Mansi got up and looked at the clock. It was time for her to get going if she had to be home before Pinky returned from school. But she could not go back smelling like this. She took a long shower in the bathroom. But this time, there were no tears.

The two men looked up when she came out of the bedroom, dressed in the same sari she had worn when she arrived. Fully showered and cleaned up, she looked a far cry from the naked slut they had just ravaged. But she was walking a little funny, as was to be expected after the prolonged fuck session.

"I need to get home. Pinky will be home soon." she said, avoiding eye contact with either of them. Bhaskar did reach over and gently fondle her round ass over the sari though.

Dutt nodded and said,

"I will have the money transferred to your account."

"Oh right, money reminds me." Bhaskar said. "Do I give you the full amount and you give Reena her cut or do I pay her separately?"

Dutt gently slapped his head. He knew that Reena planned to come clean to her about the whole thing soon, but at a time of her choosing. His big mouthed old friend had mesed things up. Mansi just stared at Bhaskar with her mouth open.

"Well?" he said, grabbing her boob playfully.

"Duttsahab." Mansi said in a tense voice. "What is he saying?"

"'s okay." Dutt said.

"What happened?" Bhaskar was confused.

"What does he mean Reena aunty's cut?" Mansi said, now almost shouting.

"Come on, Mansi. Do you really need it spelled out?" Dutt asked.

"Yes." she said angrily, although reality had dawned on her.

"Fine. Reena is like...a agent..." he said.

"A pimp." Bhaskar chuckled. "She really had no idea?"

"Shut up, Bhaskar." Dutt said. "But yes, that's basically the fact. She is like a talent spotter, but for...well...prostitutes. High end prostitutes though. Her specialty is finding educated college students or housewives or struggling actresses or..."

"Enough." Mansi raised her hand. "So all this time...I was just a whore to you?"

"Well, I wouldn't say it quite that bluntly." Dutt said, sipping his scotch. "But yes, from day one, it was my intention to get you into bed."

"All that stuff about art and how I had so much potential and wanting to be more than a friend and all that other nonsense..."

"I meant it all, Mansi." Dutt said and got up.

He tried to hug her but she pushed him away.

"And how much does Reena aun...madam charge for luring young women for you?"

"There is no fixed rate as such. It depends on the particular...talent. And the work involved from her end. Some women are easily willing to do this for some extra cash. Some even approach her for it. My tastes are a little different. It requires a lot more planning and work from her end. For you, I gave her a flat initial fee of fifty thousand. And then after that, 25% of whatever you get."

"I don't believe this. I feel so...betrayed...and used."

"It was your choice though. Yes, she hid the true nature of her interest in you. But be honest Mansi. You have enjoyed the ride thoroughly. The last couple of hours in that room...that wasn't just a woman objectively using her body to make money. That was...that was you."

She stare at him. He had a bit of a point. Although the thing had started and then after a short break continued with money in mind, she could not deny the way her heart skipped a beat every time he touched her. And she could not deny how orgasms with him were the most memorable ones, like they meant something more. Which made this all the more difficult to swallow.

The clock on the wall bonged.

"I really need to get going." Mansi said.

Dutt tried to kiss her. But she pushed past him and walked away.


Mansi walked out of the room and got in a lift. Her thighs hurt and her pussy was sore. She wasn't sure what she was feeling. Her brain was a stew of conflicting emotions. On the physical and carnal level, she could not deny that she was very thoroughly satisfied. Her first ever threesome had been even better than her first time with Dutt. Bhaskar wasn't as skilled as his friend, but boy could he keep going on and on. She also found herself liking his brusque arrogant manner. By the end, she was starting to positively enjoy his slaps.

But that final revelation had soured her mood. How could she have been so naive as to think that some random woman she didn't know too well even in Meerut would be genuinely concerned about her well-being? How did she not see that it had been an elaborate scheme all along? Reena had betrayed her trust, and that hurt more than anything.

Then there was the growing self-realization that she had been deluding herself about what she really was. All along, she had fooled herself into believing that what she and Duttsahab had between them was something special. A forbidden kind of relationship, but real and passionate. She had often asked herself if she was falling in love with the man, and if he too was falling in love with her. In idle moments, she would daydream about being with him full time. Leave Amar, take Pinky with her, and spend the rest of her life with the charming suave lover who satisfied her in a way Amar never could.

But that day's events had shown her that she wasn't something special to him. How easily he had shared her with another man. And never spoken up to stop Bhaskar from doing whatever he wanted. She wasn't a mistress or lover that Dutt showered gifts on. She had been, all along, a whore to him. And now that she had willingly let another guy fuck her with him, she was just a whore. Full stop.

The lift stopped on one of the middle floors. The door opened and she immediately looked away. It was the waiter from before, pushing another cart. He smiled politely at her, trying not to laugh. Look at her, he thought silently. Looking so innocent and decent in this sari. And yet he remembered how she looked in that slinky dress up in the room. Sweaty and just-fucked. Dress stained with who knows what. And he remembered how sticky her legs looked. Must have been the old men's semen. He wondered how much she charged. Not that he could ever afford her, but it might be a good way to make some extra money.

"Excuse me, ma'am." he said.

Mansi kept looking away and pretended not to have heard him. It was embarrassing enough being in his company after how he had seen her. She did not want to talk to him.

"Ma'am...if you have a number or something, let me know. Lots of rich businessmen stay here, and they are always asking for good company. I'am ma'am?"

The lift stopped at another floor and Mansi just ran out and took the stairs. This was further confirmation that she was just another whore now. Yes, a well paid one. But a whore nonetheless.


Amar came home that day with his friends, but found his wife in bed. She said she wasn't feeling well. She had come home, showered again, and then after Pinky got home, given her some food and sent her downstairs to play without doing her homework. And she just lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, letting her aching limbs rest. Her phone rang. It was Reena. She didn't answer. She assumed Dutt had told her everything by now. Reena tried calling her a few more times before giving up.

The exhaustion and tension was very clear on Mansi's face. So Amar didn't try to goad her into cooking anyway. He close the door of the bedroom and told his friends they should all go out somewhere else. She heard them all leave.

Amar got back late, and seemed tired himself. Mansi was glad when he didn't initiate sex. Despite being so tired, she slept fitfully that night. Events of earlier in the day kept appearing in her dreams and waking her up. Finally in the middle of the night, Mansi found herself in the bathroom, sitting on the stool and fingering her clit.

The next day she logged into the bank account from her phone. It was richer by 40,000 rupees. Just as she was looking at the balance, the phone rang. It was Reena aunty again. She pressed ignore. A while later, Dutt called. She pressed ignore.

"She ignored your call too?" Reena said angrily, sitting in the limo.


"Who does the slut think she is? I am going to send her an SMS. And then we will see."

Reena started typing. Dutt looked over her shoulder. It read

- Stop being so high and mighty and answer the phone. If not, I will go to your husband's college and in front of his students I will

"Don't." Dutt grabbed her phone and deleted the message. "Just let her be for a while."

"Duttsahab, her behavior is unacceptable. It's not like anyone held a gun to her head. And it's not like she has returned any of the money."

"I know, Reena."

"And you yourself said she enjoyed the sex."

"Very much."

"Then what the fuck is her problem? Useless little small town bitch, no qualification, no skills, always whining about her life. I showed her a new world. And helped her make money than she could ever dream of. And now..."

"I know. But just give her a few days. I know how her mind works. She needs to cool off and process her emotions. If you try to push her too hard right now, she might break. Give it a week or two." he said.

Reena sat in the car fuming. Dutt let her calm down and after a couple of minutes, said,

"It's not like you have no other sources of revenue. You were saying you had a new one for me?"

"Oh right. This Mansi nonsense made me forget."

She took the phone back from Dutt's hand and pulled up a picture.

"Gayatri. Age 36. A lawyer in Pune. Met her at a corporate event in the hotel. She's well educated and highly qualified, not like that small town bitch. But stuck in an unsatisfying job. Says she has hit the glass ceiling at her law firm. And her husband recently got laid off. They have a big mortgage payment that eats up most of the salary. I don't think it will be too difficult to reel her in. Seems like the flirtatious type already from what I saw."

Dutt looked at the picture.

"Not bad. I guess I could visit my Pune offices soon. And might come up with the need for a lawyer."

"Great." Reena said. "Umm...what about Mansi?"

"I told you, give her a few days."

"Yes, that is fine. But do you...I mean will you..."

Dutt shook his head.

"She's a sweet little thing, but I am done with her. No more challenge in it."

"So once I bring her in line..."

"Yes, you may take her to others. In fact, here's a lead for you. Talk to Reddy from FineMedia. He was really ogling her at an event when she was with me."

"Reddy from FineMedia." she noted down on her phone.


Three nights later, Amar woke up to a strange sensation in the middle of the night. A hand was at his waist. Drowsily he opened his eyes. He was shocked to see his wife, completely naked, hunched over his crotch. Instinctively he looked to the right.

"I put her in the living room obviously." Mansi said, in a husky and almost hungry tone of voice he had never heard her use.

"What are you doing?" he said as she untied the pyjama and fished his dick out.

"Shhhh." she said.

And then Amar laid back and sighed happily as his orthodox wife started sucking his dick. He had seen it in porn. He had read about it. He had fantasized about it too. But Mansi had always been so old fashioned. All these years of marriage and he couldn't even bring himself to ask her about it. And here she was in the middle of the night, doing it herself. It was like a dream come true.

Mansi sucked the cock hungrily and it was soon fully erect. It felt strange to her that her husband's was the third cock she was sucked. How unfamiliar it looked from close quarters. How strange it tasted. Very different from Duttsahab and Bhaskar. She gently touched his pee hole with the tip of her tongue like Bhaskar had taught her. Amar visibly shuddered. Not wanting him to cum too soon, she immediately got on top of him.

Although feelings of betrayal and guilt had ebbed as the days had gone by, the one feeling Mansi could not shake off was horniness. She masturbated every hour, but her body craved something more. It craved actual penetration. It craved a man. By that night, her desires had reached boiling point. She woke up in the middle of the night from another sex dream. Then she had slowly picked Pinky up and taken her to the living room. And quickly stripping naked, joined her husband on the bed.

Amar got his second shock of the night. His usually shy wife was being really adventurous. With the grace and agility of a nymph, she got on top of him, and holding his shaft erect, lowered herself onto it. They had never had sex in this position before. And yet she was moving with so much...expertise.

"Mansiiiii!!" he moaned in confused delight as she started moving back and forth. He reached up and grabbed her boobs.

And was surprised again when she bent down and started kissing him passionately.

Amar didn't last long. How could he? As it is, he came pretty quickly. The pleasant erotic surprise of his wife attacking him like that, seeing her big tits heave and sway, all that was too much for him.

Even after he ejaculated inside her, she kept moving her hips. Kept moving them until his dick fully shrank back to normal. She felt disappointed. Dutt and Bhaskar had both made her cum before they came themselves. With Amar, she was just getting into the groove of things before it ended. But it was still better than nothing. She stayed like that on top of her husband.