Indian Wife in the Prison of Spring


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"I have to go home." she said.

Dutt frowned. He considered being assertive and making her stay. But he also understood the turmoil she must be going through. He had already crossed the biggest hurdle. He knew she had enjoyed what she did. He also guessed, correctly, she she had never experienced an orgasm before. He had a hold over her now. he could afford to relax the line a little, like a skilled fisherman.

"Ok." he nodded. "Should I call the driver?"

"No, I'll just take a taxi." she said, still not making eye contact.

Mansi picked up her purse, and taking uncertain steps, walked towards the door. Dutt stayed seated where he was, and watched the beautiful young housewife leave. A part of him wondered if she was guilt stricken enough to just cut off all contacts from now on. But from experience, he knew that the more likely outcome was that she would come back for more.

Mansi was in somewhat of a daze as she took the lift down to the lobby. Her mind was a hot cauldron of conflicting emotions - guilt, shame, pleasure, anticipation, doubt and many more. In the lobby, she fished out her phone from her purse. Then opened the Uber app.

"No need." a voice next to her said. "I'll drop you."

She looked up. It was Reena aunty, smiling at her. Reena didn't know the exact details of what had happened. But she was aware that Dutt had planned to make his move. She assumed that he had gone all the way. So she had told her staff to notify her whenever Mansi came down again.

"It's...okay." Mansi sullenly said.

"I insist. Come."

A while later, Mansi was in the passenger seat staring out of the window as Reena drove, talking almost non-stop.

"I know you must be feeling guilty. Conflicted. Used. But think of it this way, Mansi. You have been used your entire life. Tell me...did you enjoy it?"

Mansi didn't make eye contact, but started sobbing a little. Reena had asked her the question that was troubling her the most. She had indeed enjoyed it. Those moments Dutt gave her goosebumps by just playing with her toes and calves, she gave in to it completely. When he touched her in the most private of places, she didn't think about being a married woman and him being essentially a stranger over twice her age. She didn't think about her husband or her daughter, or what was right or wrong. She just gave in. Gave in to her deeper baser desires.

"Mansi...remember that time we had lunch. And I ordered that dessert for you. How much you loved it. You told me that you almost always ate at home. But you took pleasure in that occasional eating outside. Doesn't mean you don't like homecooked food. Think of this as something similar. You always sleep with your husband. Today was like...the occasional eating out experience. Doesn't mean you love your husband any less. And you make even more money to improve your lives."

That little speech somehow made Mansi feel even worse.

"Please stop the car." she said, wiping her tears.

"What? Don't be silly. I'll drop you home."

"No, please stop the car. I don't want to go home yet."

"Okay, we can go shopping."

"No. I want to be alone. Stop the car NOW!!" she yelled.

Reena stopped the car. Mansi got out without saying goodbye. She was still in a bit of a daze, still lost in a storm of emotions. She had no idea where exactly she was, although it seemed like Kandivali. She started walking in the general direction of her house, trying to sort out her thoughts and feelings.


"Oh you're finally back." Amar said sarcastically as soon as Mansi walked in the door. He was playing chess with Pinky.

She had spent almost three hours just walking around aimlessly until she regained some semblance of self-control. She still hadn't fully sorted out the situation in her head. But she at least had enough composure to face her family.

"Mamma, I'm hungry!" the little one whined.

"You didn't give her anything to eat?" Mansi asked, surprised.

"I gave her some biscuits." Amar shrugged.

"You could have made her a sandwich or ordered delivery or something."

"But you said it would only be a few hours, so I assumed you would come home and make dinner."

Mansi felt a slight surge of anger. This is the man she was feeling guilty about betraying? Someone so self-centered and insensitive that he couldn't even arrange their dinner while she was away?

"Mammaaaaa!" Pinky whined again.

"Yes beta, I will make you something right away."

Mansi went to the kitchen and quickly fixed up a sandwich for her daughter, while she started dinner for her and her husband. Throwing herself into cooking seemed like the best way to clear the cobwebs. She decided to not think about the Duttsahab situation anymore. As it is, he was leaving for Europe the next day. So she had two months to figure out what to do next.

She did however also realize that this meant two months without any extra income. Maybe she really could do the job that she had been pretending to do. Help out Reena aunty with special events. If she asked, Reena aunty wouldn't say no. Although Mansi realized that she had been very brusque with Reena aunty a few hours ago. She might have felt offended.

Pinky had her sandwich and then the three of them had dinner, while watching TV. After a while, Pinky started feeling sleepy and went to the bedroom. Mansi was thankful that at least Amar hadn't invited his friends over that night. She really wasn't in the mood to put up with that extra duty. She just stared at the TV without registering anything that was happening.

"Should we sleep?"

After turning off the TV, Amar said, and then added.

"Why don't you sleep in a gown tonight? And take Pinky..."

"Not tonight." Mansi instantly said.


"Not tonight." she simply repeated.

" it...that time...?" he uncomfortably said. Even after 8 years of marriage, the learned professor felt awkward talking to his own wife about her periods.

"No." Mansi said, getting up. "I just don't feel like it."

Just like Mansi had experienced something entirely alien and new earlier in the day, Amar also had a novel experience. His wife had actually brushed off his instructions to get ready for sex? Who did she think she was?

Mansi went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and then laid down in bed next to Pinky. Her mind was still in turmoil. But the long three hour walk and the experiences earlier in the day had made her body a little tired. So she fell asleep soon.

Mansi was having a dream, replaying the events of earlier in the day, over and over. Then the dream changed a little. There was a hand at her ankles. And her sari was being pulled up. Maybe her toes would be sucked next. But instead her sari kept being pulled up. That's when Mansi realized it wasn't a dream. It was her husband, at her feet, his pyjama and underwear already off.

"Amar!!" she whispered and looked to her right in panic.

"Relax." he whispered. "I took her outside."

"Please Amar...I told you..." she said, trying to gently stop him.

"Just a quick one, Mansi." Amar said, by now rolling the sari and petticoat to around her hips.

"But Amar..." she didn't know how exactly to stop him. Part of the reason for her reluctance was that, having never experienced anything like what Dutt had done, she wondered if there might be telltale signs of it. That was the level of her sexual ignorance.

She felt his hands grab her panties by the waist and pull them off. She froze, wondering if, even in the darkness, Amar saw something that gave him an inkling of what she had done. Of course, he didn't.

He quickly got on top of her and penetrated her. She braced for pain, but was surprised to note that her vagina was already well lubricated. She didn't realize it was because of the dreams she had been having.

The bed creaked as Amar fucked his wife's warm wet cunt in rapid strokes. She closed her eyes and yet again, Dutt's face swam in front of her eyes. This time, she didn't try to resist it. She took the pounding from her husband as she mentally replayed how his thumb had given her so much pleasure.

"What are you doing?" Amar whispered.


"With your hand..."

Mansi had no idea when her right hand had slid down between their bodies and was trying to find her clit, even as Amar banged her rapidly.

"Oh...just an itch." she quickly said and pulled her hand away.

And then lay there letting her husband finish what he wanted. Once he came inside her, she couldn't help note to herself that she did not feel even a hundredth of the pleasure with him that she had from just Dutt's thumb and fingers. She wondered what Dutt was capable of if he could do whatever Amar did.


The next 56 days were full of emotional ups and downs for Mansi, and also taught her a lot about herself. Here are the notable events.

Day 2

Mansi was having a bucket bath after Amar and Pinky had left for work and school respectively. After soaping and washing the rest of her body, she started cleaning her private parts. And as she soaped herself down there, she suddenly remembered what Dutt had done. Using her fingers, she tried to locate the right spot. After a few attempts she did. And then, sitting naked on the bath stool, she tried to remember what exactly Dutt had done and tried to replicate it. The motions, the swirls, the pressure, the pace. And soon she was pleasuring herself. Sitting there with a soaped up crotch, masturbating for the first time in her life. She thrashed about on the bathroom floor as the orgasm hit. Then, feeling a combination of satisfaction and guilt, proceeded with the bath.

Day 5

"What is this picnic Pinky was blabbering about?" Amar asked one evening after getting home.

"You know, their school picnic. To Esselworld." Mansi shrugged.

"But we didn't send her last year because it was so expensive." Amar said skeptically.

"With my work, we can afford it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Do you want me to give you accounting details?" she testily said.

"No, no, if you think it's okay, then it's okay."

In reality, it had been a significant hit to her cash reserves. After that day in his suite, Dutt had transferred the largest amount until then - 10,000 rupees. But most of it had gone towards this picnic. It wasn't just the Esselworld ticket cost. Pinky went to an expensive school that spared no expense, because the rich parents would pay any amount. The picnic included transportation in premium mini-buses, catering and snacks from five star hotels, clowns and balloon artists and magicians to accompany the kids throughout, and of course, extra compensation for the teachers and staff accompanying them.

The previous year, it had been impossible. But this year, with some money at her disposal, Mansi didn't have the heart to refuse Pinky the opportunity.

Day 8

"Oh hi, Mansi! Long time!" Reena answered her phone.

"Namaste aunty. I just want to say sorry for my behavior that day." Mansi sincerely said. "You were being nice, and I was so rude."

"Don't worry about it, sweetie. You were in an emotional state. I understand."

"Thank you. And sorry again. I was Duttsahab coming back soon?"

"You know more about his schedule than I do. I think he is in Europe."

" you have any other job I could do to help you out at the hotel?"

"You mean someone else you could...accompany?" Reena smiled.

"No no, not that!!" Mansi said instantly. "I what I have been telling Amar...helping you out with events and parties etc."

Reena paused. She actually could use Mansi's help for such things. But Dutt's instructions had been explicit. And he had paid Reena over and above her usual commission to keep it that way.

"Sorry, Mansi. With all the hotel regulations and union rules and so on, I can only hire you if you work full time, at least 8 hour shifts daily. And the pay won't be that high." she said.

"Oh, I understand." Mansi sadly said.

"Money problems? I can lend you some cash if you want."

"Oh no, nothing like that." Mansi said. "We're doing okay."

Day 16

Mansi had been masturbating during her bath daily, sometimes even twice or thrice. Initially, she assumed that just like with men, once she had an orgasm, she could not have another for a while. But she had started reading up a bit online and discovered that women didn't suffer from that restriction. As she searched more online, she found more information.

That was the first day she had a desire to do it in the middle of the day when she was home alone. She made sure the door was locked, the windows and curtains were closed, and then stripped naked and lay down on the bed. Then, replaying the time with Dutt, she played with herself for a couple of hours, having more orgasms than she could count.

Day 23

"How is your job going?" Amar asked one evening.

"It's fine." she simply said.

"Our financial situation is okay?"

"Very much. Why?"

"Well...for years I have had my eye on this early edition of Churchill's memoirs. And you know...if we can afford it...I mean it's my birthday in a few days so I was thinking...just a thought."

" much does it cost?"

"Let me show you online."

The next day, Mansi made another big withdrawal from Pinky's college account.

Day 27

"Mansi, you don't go out during the daytime as much as you have been recently." nosy old Deshmukh aunty from next door said one day when she was returning from grocery shopping.


"Amar was saying that you had gotten some part time job. Which is why you wearing foreign clothes some days. And riding in those fancy foreign cars."

It was so annoying to live in a society where everyone thought they could just interrogate you about your life. And she knew how everyone liked to gossip. Soon word would get around to Amar that she didn't seem to have that job anymore.

"Oh, the last few weeks have been a little slow. But it's still there."

Day 28

Mansi dressed up in a skirt suit and called an expensive Uber. She made sure Deshmukh aunty was watching as she got into the car. She then just went to a nearby mall and fent a few hours there window shopping. She would do this every few days to keep up appearances.

Day 32

Amar's birthday. Mansi officially gifted her husband the early edition Churchill memoirs. She still could not believe a stack of musty old books could cost this much. But Amar had assured her it was a great bargain. And also that it was like an investment, because their value would just keep going up. Then the family went to a nice Chinese restaurant. That also cost a pretty penny, but not that the family had gotten used to these indulgences, it was difficult to say no.

Later that night, after sex, Amar noticed that his wife took longer than usual to come out of the bathroom. What he didn't know was that his wife, unsatisfied with the sex they had, was masturbating in the bathroom. By now, she had gotten really good at playing with her clit.

Day 39

"What is this?" Mansi asked as Pinky handed her an envelope.

"Invitation to Ira's birthday party."

She looked at the card. At the bottom, it said as always, "NO GIFTS PLEASE!" Mansi scoffed, knowing how meaningless that line was. the first couple of times she had taken Pinky to parties like that, there were tables full of gifts. And she felt embarrassed about coming empty handed. The next few times, she sent Pinky with a decent gift within their budget. But once or twice at parent-teacher meetings, she had overheard taunts about cheap gifts. That she new were directed at her.

"Let's get you changed and go to the mall." Mansi said to her daughter.

Later as she paid for the designer plush toy, Mansi wondered if all the gifts she had gotten in her childhood cost as much combined as this one did.

Day 44

She sent an sms to Dutt.

- r u back yet?

There was no answer.

Day 48

Mansi stood in her bedroom that afternoon, wearing just her bra and blouse, nothing else. She had the landline receiver in one hand. And was reading a webpage on the cellphone in her other hand. She still could not believe this would work.

She laid down on the bed. Set her phone to maximum vibrate. And remembering the instructions, placed it at her clit and then folding up her legs, clasped them around it. Then she dialed her cellphone number from her landline.

"Ohhhh...hmmmm!!" she closed her eyes and squirmed as the phone started vibrating.

This was even better than using her fingers, she realized.

Day 53

"But I want those shoesssss!!" Pinky was throwing a tantrum outside a shop in Borivali west where they had gone to visit a relative. She had just seen pretty rincess shoes in the glass display as they were walking by and made a demand. By now, Pinky was used to getting every demand of hers met.

"Pinky, please don't make a scene!" Mansi said, embarrassed as people on the stret stared at them.

"But why not?!!" she started wiping her own tears.

"Trust me, beta, I don't have the money for it." she said, remembering how the college account was almost down to what it used to be.

"I hate you." the little one sulked.

Day 56

Mansi was in the middle of using her phone as a vibrator, when it buzzed a little more than it should have. It was an SMS.

- Hello Mansi. Just got your message. Just returned from Europe. Will be in Mumbai tomorrow.

Mansi read the message, smiled, and then put the phone between her legs again. And dialed its number once more.

to be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Next page please continue

So much suspense, a master piece please write more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
The real way fo an Indian wife

Based on Hindi film Aastha the wife's seduction to a hot wife very well written

rodryder44rodryder44over 5 years ago
Indian Wife Prison ch 1

Very long. Dutt is a good seducer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Descriptive and insightful.

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