Inevitable Turnings Ch. 01

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Amy Reigh learns something.
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Aaron ran into the house waving that day's mail. "Guess what I have! Who wants to guess what I have?" he called out to what looked like an empty house. He tossed his keys, phone, wallet, and most of the mail on the kitchen counter. He studied one envelope. He wanted badly to open the envelope. "Last chance! I am opening the test scores." He hooked his finger into the envelope and tugged enough to start a break and smiled as footsteps fell on both the stairs going up and the stairs to the basement.

Aaron's wife Amy Reigh- Aaron had thought including her middle name was a bit silly and the spelling pretentious when they met, but it had grown on him- charged into the kitchen from the basement door, and Aaron's daughter Alex rounded into the kitchen from the living room. Amy Reigh snatched the envelope from Aaron's hand.

Aaron recognized how lucky he was every time he saw his wife. Amy turned forty last week, but no one believed her when she shared her age. Normally she kept her blonde hair styled in some elaborate weave with some French name, but a ponytail hung nearly to her ass and swung behind her as she taunted Alex with the envelope. Amy Reigh was also always dressed to the nines when he got home from work, but she ran from Alex, circling the kitchen island, wearing a paint-smeared T-shirt, dirty sweat pants, and flip flops. Still, regardless of dress, Amy Reigh's five feet tall body carried one hundred ten pounds of perfection, and Aaron would challenge anyone who ever said differently.

Amy Reigh slowed and let Alex catch her and steal the envelope. Aaron knew if there was anyone in the universe who would ever stand a chance against Amy Reigh in a contest of beauty, it would be his daughter Alex. Alex was eighteen. She had not grown more than an inch in the past couple years, but she still stood three inches taller than her mom. She inherited her saucer sized green eyes from her mom, but, aside from a general beauty and confidence, their similarities ended there. Amy Reigh's beauty was elegance, grace, and precision. Aaron would never think of his daughter Alex in a sexual way, but he could not deny that she was blossoming into a more voluptuous woman than her mother. She wore C-cup bras last time Aaron knew anything about it- he asked Amy and Alex to discuss those things away from him. He suspected now she was at least a D-cup, but he squashed that thought immediately.

Alex hugged the envelope to her chest and bowed her head for a quick prayer. Her raven hair fell in front of her face. The air grew somber for a moment until Alex looked back up. "Show me a 31!" She ripped the envelope open.

Amy Reigh and Alex stood shoulder to shoulder as Alex looked through the pages of the report quickly. I rounded the island, and Amy Reigh jerked a page from Alex's hands. "There!" She pointed. "My baby genius got a thirty-three!"

Aaron met Amy Reigh in college. She was a foreign exchange student from England, and she comes from some old money. She even bragged that she was in the line of succession for the crown. If only a few more than four hundred people died, she'd be Queen of England. Aaron had done very well in his career with only a little help from Amy Reigh's father Walter. With Aaron's salary and Amy Reigh's family wealth, there was no hope for any financial aid beyond academic scholarships. They could afford to send Alex to school easily, but she wanted in the Quantum AI program at Lewis Thrum Advanced Technical Center, which allows only twenty new students each year. The first time Alex took the ACT, she got a twenty-nine. The advisor said she would need at least a thirty-one to be accepted.

"Champagne!" Amy Reigh snapped her fingers in the air. "Aaron, grab the good stuff. You're eighteen now, Alex, and this is about you, so grab a cup." Aaron opened the cabinet and reached for the bottle.

That night before sleep, Aaron and Amy Reigh lay in bed talking. She curled up against him in a tiny little package. He wrapped an arm around her. "Thrum is three hours away."

Amy Reigh kissed his neck and dragged her fingernails across his tummy lightly. Aaron could feel her nipples pressed into his skin; Amy Reigh always slept nude. "That's not too far." She snuggled into him even tighter. "She can come home every weekend."

"Yeah, I know, but every night she will be asleep three hours away." Aaron pulled Amy Leigh on top. In college and for several years after- even after Alex was born- Amy Leigh had been insatiable; she could never get enough sex. The frequency of their intimacies slowly declined until once a week became the regular and missing weeks was not uncommon. Aaron sensed she was in a playful mood, and he wanted to start the game. "Are you trying to get laid?"

"Depends, do you know someone who would fuck me?" Amy Reigh laughed. He tickled her and rolled until he was atop her with her legs around him. He felt his bulge escape his boxers and press against her wetness. "Oops, I think little Mr. Happy is trying to say something to me."

"You are a mean little firecracker." He pressed his lips to hers and she kissed him back passionately, He pulled back. "You're lucky I love you."

"Yes, I am." She pulled him back down and renewed their kiss. "Do me." She moaned through the kiss.

Aaron wanted his wife as much as he ever had at that moment. Really he always wanted her as badly as he ever did. But teasing her was too much fun when she got the hots. "Are you horny, baby?" he asked with his best Austin Powers impersonation.

"Just shut up unless you think you'd have a problem dumping your genius baby making batter all over my pussy," Amy Reigh challenged her husband. She reached around him and smacked his ass when he rolled atop her.

"You're feeling the champagne," he teased. Amy's language always got more playful and naughty if she's had a bit to drink. He covered her small breast with a hand and rolled her protruding nipple between his fingers. His hardness brushed against her. "Damn, baby, your pussy is on fire." He wished then as he often had that he had a normal cock. He'd settle for a rather small one. Instead he had to live with his micro endowment. Amy Reigh never seemed to mind, though. He loved her wife. She had to know it bothered him, and she had never once even mentioned it.

She arched her back and moaned. "Do me." she whined. He pushed his weight against her.. "Yes, baby, fuck me. Fuck me good."

Aaron's heart thumped hard and he paused briefly then continued smashing himself against her. She had used the word "fuck" a total of four- no, six, times in the past ten years- since she first learned of his infidelity. "You're such a naughty little girl." Saying those words made his burning body freeze to ice. He knew it was only nerves, but he shivered nonetheless. He had used those words so many times with his wife, but that was a long time ago.

Amy and Aaron stared into each other's eyes. The only movement was the rise and fall of Aaron's ass. The only sound was the rapid squelch and splash of the slap of their bodies. "I'm not naughty, you bastard," she whispered with a bit of a slur. The words seemed perfunctory, and lacked any real anger.

Aaron slowed his thrusts. He kissed her ear with whispers. "I think you are wrong. You are a very naughty girl." He knew he was playing with fire. Amy Reigh was a proper English woman. Being considered naughty was far from proper.

"You are the naughty one. Oh, God! I love you," she moaned. He pounded as hard as he could, mashing his bulge to a pancake against her pussy. His hard button of a cock hit her clit with every mashing.. She was so wet, that he slipped in and around her easily.

"I like drunk Amy Reigh." He pushed himself to his elbows for leverage. He was too drunk and his inhibitions were too lost. "Maybe, I can bring all the guys over here to fuck this naughty pussy.

"What?" She squirmed and pushed him off. "Get off of me. I am not a cheap slut! I am your loving wife!" She jumped from the bed and ran to the restroom.

"Fuck!" I cursed myself. "Fucking dumbass!" Aaron's marble-sized erection deflated, and his cold cock retreated like a baby turtle head. He lay there for several minutes hoping Amy Reigh would return. He heard movement and what sounded like tears coming from the other side of the closed bathroom door. He tapped lightly and the movement and tears stopped. "Baby?" No response. "Amy Reigh, I am sorry. I love you, and I am just a jackass." Still no response. "I will sleep in the extra room." He lay awake in the extra room for about thirty minutes listening for Amy Reigh til slumber took him.

"Get up, Daddy!" Alex clapped her hands and banged the wall of the extra bedroom. "Get up."

"What time is it?" Aaron rubbed his temples without opening his eyes.

"It is about eight. Mom told me to come get you." She stood and waited for him to wake. "What did you do?"

"Nothing. Well, I said some stupid things." He stood from the bed in his boxers/

Alex gavea whistle that embarrassed Aaron until he had his pants on. "When you're ready, you and your wrong words need to come have breakfast. Mom said we are going shopping."

Bacon and eggs waited for Aaron. "Did you sleep well?" Amy Reigh asked him. Anger was absent from her voice.

"He was out like a log when I tried to wake him," Alex said. The tight red top stretched over her ample breasts left her belly button visible, and Aaron had seen bikini bottoms that covered more ass than the shorts she wore.

"It took a while to fall asleep." Aaron answered. He looked from Amy reigh to Alex. "Honey, can you let me and your mom talk for a minute?"

"No." Alex chomped a piece of bacon defiantly. "You can beg mom to forgive you later. Now, eat and get ready; we need to shop." She bit into the bacon again as I stared back. "Daddy, I'm sorry, but if you guys talk, now, you either fight and-"

"It is ok, Aaron," Amy Reigh stroked Aaron's hair. "I'm not angry, and I missed you last night."

"I love you, baby. I missed you, too." Aaron wrapped his arm around her and pulled her tight. Amy Reigh stood next to him as he sat at the table. He rested his face in her bosom while they hugged.

"Get a room." Alex ordered. She stood and walked toward the kitchen with her dishes. The little bit of clothing that she wore clinged to her curves.

"We don't need a room, we have a house." Aaron answered. "Alex, if you had any less clothes on, they would take us to jail. You need to dress more if we are going shopping."

"Daddy, I am eighteen!" Alex stomped her foot and put her fists on her round hips.

"Aaron, all the girls are wearing stuff like that," Amy Reigh offered. She shifted her position to block Aaron's vision of his daughter. She still wore her thin green nightgown, which revealed most of her toned legs. Her nipples were not hard, but her areolas puffed against the thin fabric covering her small breasts. She leaned down and whispered, "Maybe, I should update my wardrobe to match." She shimmied and bumped the side of Aaron's body with her pert ass. "I'm going to go get ready. You do the same, cranky old man."

Aaron pictured his wife wearing little clothing as she walked away. If she wore something like that, every man who saw her would be lost in lusty dreams. The idea sent hot blood to Aaron's bulge. She rounded the hall to go to the master bedroom, but before she left his visage she gave him a wink and slapped her booty once out of view of Alex. "I love her," he whispered to himself.

"You better love her." Alex returned to the table with another helping of breakfast. "She is the best thing that has ever happened to you." She raised the fork but hesitated before putting it between her red lips. "Other than me, I mean. I'm the best thing, mom is the second best thing. You are lucky to have her" She tossed her black hair over her shoulder and continued eating.

"And you're lucky all that food goes to your tits and ass." The comment flew from Aaron before he could catch it. His face flushed. He should not be talking about his daughters tits and ass, even in a non-sexual manner.

"Daddy!" She crossed her arms over her chest in feigned embarrassment then continued eating. "Again, though, you are the lucky one. You get to see this all the time." She motioned her hands over her body. "I have to find a mirror to appreciate it."

"I'm going to get dressed." Aaron said. "Be ready in an hour." He headed to master bath.

The shower water falling was the only sound in the room. "Amy Reigh, would you like company?" Aaron asked into the bathroom. Steam filled the bathroom, but he could see the blurry shape of his wife through the shower door.

"Only if that company is my tall, sexy husband." She pushed the shower door open a finger's width. "Come on, daddy, get in." She inflected the word ‘daddy' with the drawl of a more American accent mocking the way Alex had spoken at breakfast.

Pulled his boxers down and off as quickly as he could. The waistband hung on his toes and he almost tripped to the bathroom floor, but caught himself on the vanity in time. "On my way, baby!" He pulled the door open and climbed in the shower.

Amy Reigh pushed him under the water and took his spot. "I need to lather my hair." She squeezed shampoo into her palm and lathered up her hair with her eyes closed. God she was so damn beautiful. The strawberry scent of her shampoo danced with his nostrils. She pushed her chest toward Aaron, her long, hard nipples stretched.

Aaron had always been a big boob man before he met Amy Reigh. Her breasts were hardly even a handful, but Aaron fell in love with her nipples. With the slightest touch, they would grow longer than any other nipples he's ever seen, and that includes porn. She reminded Aaron of an anime character, the way most of the details of her tiny body hid behind steam, but her nipples were obvious.

"I'm really sorry, Amy." Her nipple begged me to pinch it and wrap it around my finger, but I wanted to get through this apology, first.

"It's, ok, baby." she said, opening one eye. The other was covered in suds.. "I need to rinse my hair." Those incessant nipples poked along my belly as she squeezed by me, returning to the water.

After the way she reacted last night, Aaron doubted anything was really ok. "Don't dismiss it, Amy," Aaro pleaded. Amy Reigh arched her eyebrow at Aaron when he didn't include her middle name, but he continued. "I feel really bad, baby, it was a stupid, thoughtless, cruel, thoughtless, inconsiderate thing to say."

"It was, yes." She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair and rinsed the soap away. The thick locks extended past her ass when wet. She traded places with Aaron again and, after squirting soap into the shoffa, she lathered it up. "Here, let me wash you."

Aaron didn't complain as his beautiful wife served him in silence. She washed his shoulders and chest and kissed his nipple leaving suds on her lips and nose. "Turn around," she said and rubbed her hand across her face. Her big green eyes smiled up him, and Aaron knew she wasn't angry. Her joyful acceptance troubled him as much as her anger would have.

"Are you scheming something, Amy Reigh?" Aaron worried she'd finally get back at him for his decade old mistakes.

"God, no, baby." She stopped watching him and wrapped her arms around him from behind. "I love you more than you could ever imagine, and I will never, under any circumstances, do anything that I know will hurt you." Her light kisses tickled his back.

"Now, I feel like a real ass." Aaron shook his head in the water.

Amy Reigh reached around him and pinched his cock between her thumb and forefinger. "This is the only cock that will ever be inside me, baby." She palmed his entire package and held him. "I thought a lot last night. I know you heard me crying, but, please believe me, I am ok. You could have slept with me last night" She kissed across his back again. "I was disappointed when I exited the bathroom and you were asleep in the guest room."

"You looked for me?" Aaron's cock thickened and pushed against the inside of her palm.

"I was still horny." She continued kissing his back "I want to lick your dick."

Aaron turned around and kissed her, driving his tongue deep into her sweet little mouth. "You have my permission." He said with a smirk.

Amy Reigh laughed. "Oh, do I?" She pinched his button-cock and played with it again. Aaron was almost full mast now. "Remember Rachel Anderson?"

"Um, yeah." Aaron had no idea what his wife was getting at. "Why?" Rachel was the knockout in the office. She teased all the men at the office, and, if the rumors were true, did more than just tease several of Aaron's co-workers. Aaron didn't like to think about what Rachel knew about him.

"Remember at the Christmas party?" Her fingers danced across his back as she spoke. "When I got mad-"

Aaron laughed. "Mad? Mad is what you get if a person cuts you off in traffic, what you became that night.." He shook his head and laughed again. "Let's not talk about that night."

They stood beneath the falling water a moment in silence. Finally, Amy Reigh spoke, "Remember when you went upstairs with Rachel?"

He shook his head. "Amy Reigh, let's not rehash this again. I told you then, and it is still the tru-"

"Her husband kissed me while you were upstairs." The words flew out of her all at once.

"What?" He had to have misunderstood.

"Rachel's husband, Kyle, kissed me while you were upstairs."

"What?" Aaron struggled for words and it felt like everything inside him- his heart, his lungs, his liver- evaporated and floated away with the shower steam. Shame took him when he felt his micro twitch. He should not find anything exciting about this.

"I didn't really want to. I was just mad at you."

"Just a pop kiss?" His breath came quickly.

"His tongue was in my mouth, baby."

"Did you-"

"My tongue was in his mouth, too." She kissed his back gently. He remained silent. "He told me that Rachel was taking you upstairs to fuck you."

Aaron resisted a moment when she turned him to face her. "Why?" He finally said. He felt himself sobbing and trusted the shower to his tears.

Amy Reigh sank to her knees. "Did you fuck, Rachel?" She licked his micro. "I was mad then, but, now-" she licked again- "I think I would like it if you had fucked her."

"What?" Aaron put a hand on the shower wall to steady himself and enjoyed what Amy Reight was doing to his micro.

"You fucked her, didn't you?" She flicked his micro with her finger and cupped his bulge with the other hand. She pop-kissed him once then stared up at him smiling. "Tell me, baby. You did, didn't you?"

"I didn't." He had no idea where Amy was headed with this questioning. "I'm sorry, baby." He apologized when she shrank in disappointment. "You wish I had, really?"

She licked his bulge gently before answering. "Don't you wish I had fucked her husband?" She licked again.

"No!" A wrenching jealousy stabbed through Aaron's gut. "Did you?"

"Why did Rachel take you upstairs?" She flicked him with her lips and tongue as she talked.

"I don't know. I don't remember why we went upstairs." He closed his eyes. "Careful. I'm close."

Amy Reigh stopped clicking him and massaged his bulge with both hands. "While you were upstairs, darling. You fucked that tramp?" Her perfectly proper accent sliced through her words.

Aaron opened his eyes. Amt Reigh rested on her knees like an angel. The water bounced from his chest and splashed onto her back. Only her cute little face and her small hands that rubbed his bulge remained visible beneath the blanket of long, black, wet hair that surrounded her form. She still smiled. Beautiful. "Tell me, baby."

"When we entered the room, she wrapped her arms around me from behind after she shut the door." Aaron's heart quickened when Amy mewed as he spoke. "Then she just turned around and left." He was too embarrassed to tell her what really happened.
