Inflated Desires Ch. 08


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Once upon a time, he had liked how it looked. Now, the chimney, which was meant to be a feature of the wing of his mansion, to make it look more homely and cosy when he was taking his evening walks in the garden, didn't even register to him.

It had only been a chimney, after all.

They swelled, her tits heaving, yet they squashed into his chest so that Veronica did not have to lean back any further from him. She howled out her pleasure, juices squirting around his cock where it was rammed into her pussy, though it was the throbbing member pounding up into her arse that felt tighter, hotter, as if it was penetrating all the way up into the churning, swirling, heated core of her being.

Yet...she had to have more. With a shriek, she hurled herself forward, using her abs for leverage, bigger and stronger, sexier too, than she had been before -- than she would ever have imagined for herself. Gone was the prim and proper version of herself, the type of woman that wanted to do good in the world but had never really endured any real hardship for herself. Now, she was that hardship, set to cause chaos, even as she toppled him onto his back, smashing through an entire wing of the house.

The building crumbled and crunched under them, catching glimpses of other guests, cum blimps floating around, rolling and wobbling, the vessels holding the demon sperm so nicely, all for Fornucatus. They shifted, the building crunching, rising above it even as he laid back, sinking deliciously onto his cocks, squatting over him so that she could get the best and the deepest penetration, right up into her pussy and backside at the same time. Her hand came down in the rubble of that wing of the mansion, blinking out over the grounds, though nothing could capture Veronica's attention more than the dual-cocked beast under her.

Did the tentacle cocks count too? Okay, quadruple-cocked beast. She'd take that. She'd take that any day.

Still, they grew, reaching near one hundred feet tall, their bodies thick and bulky, his muscle rippling in the light of the afternoon. Vincent, after all, deserved to be seen as he was, towering and glorious, even as Veronica took control, all to ride him, cowgirl style. She was still facing him, though was on top, her hands on his chest, groping and squeezing his pecs and delts, running her hands over him repeatedly, all to relish in the glorious stud of a monster that he had, finally, mutated into.

Still, their growth continued, his foot going through the exterior garage where his personal car collection was housed, the shattering of windscreens barely noticeable even to them. What did they care? What did it matter? She howled as his cum spurted into her, flowing deep, her body taking it all, absorbing it, taking everything that she deemed to be her own -- or at least for Fornucatus, for she too was merely a vessel in the plans of one far greater than she.

Their bodies rumbled, bones cracking and crunching lightly as they expanded further, their size knowing no bounds. For they were no longer constrained by mortal restraints as they fucked and moaned, Veronica's womb and arse filled with cum, slickening the path of Vincent's cocks as he ploughed into her. Getting his feet planted down into the rubble, he bellowed as he slammed up into her, finding some manner of leverage and taking full advantage of it as their full height hit two-hundred feet and still increased.

The swell of stretching skin helped contain all the cum inside them, though Veronica's gargantuan tits, with no physical size comparison to place them against, bounced with every rock and every grind of her hips. They billowed out to either side of her body, each tit four times the width of her torso -- and yet her body held them. As her bones extended, adding to her height, expanding further and further, finally dwarfing even the mansion as they fucked in the ruins in it.

Finally, at several times the size that they had been when they first broke through the roof of the mansion that, prior, Vincent had so prized, they topped out at somewhere close to five hundred feet -- not that anyone was going to measure them, or even the thickly pounding force of the cocks driving into her holes, Vincent doing his job and doing it well. She moaned, bucking, riding him for all she was worth, though her lust devoured all too.

One of the cum blimps rolling about nearby, having fallen out of a smashed wall (they would have been far, far too big and fat to fall out of a window) caught her attention and Veronica casually snatched them up. Even at their heaving, bloating, wobbling size, incubating more demon sperm, they were tiny in her palm and she giggled boomingly at them, the sound not matching up with how she was used to such a gesture of mirth breaking her lips. But she was different then, very different, and she never again would be Veronica, not in any way, not as she casually gulped down the little cum blimp, who really wasn't all that little at all.

She swallowed them whole, no teeth, shoving them down her throat with her tongue. Delicious! She would have had more if she had not been concerned with fucking Vincent, for he still was very much her concern right then and there.

The bulge of the vored cum blimp travelled down her throat, dropping into her stomach, eventually, for it was an exceptionally long drop down. It was there that they would rest until they released their demon sperm, set to infiltrate, to demonise, to corrupt and to mutate to Fornucatus' content.

They would have their use soon enough...

She screamed, her strongest climax yet ripping through her, the tentacle cocks pounding her tits, her belly finally feeling fatter and heavier from all the cum that Vincent had pumped into her. She heaved and shrieked through climax, an otherworldly cry of complete and utter passion, letting the whole world know of her lust, milk squirting from her breasts as lactation set it. Her milk dripped and drooled and spurted from around the pounding tentacle cocks, which were hardly dissuaded from her heaving, wobbling tits from filling with milk too, driving furtively into them with long, single-minded strokes and squirming about inside.

They could take their power from her too, in another way, yes. It had only been her growing body, of course, that had stopped her from feeling the bloating weight of Vincent's seed so far, but that was about to change. Her pussy clamped down on his dick as if it was never going to let it go and it abruptly got more difficult still for him to thrust and for her to grind down onto his cock, all as climax powered on and on and on. With her juices and arousal slopping down in a messy mix to his crotch, spilling to the rubble of the mansion, she panted and cried out, head spinning with delight beyond her wildest dreams.

And then the ground rumbled, sounding through with a tremor. Glancing down, she widened her eyes, still aware, of the ground shaking, the rubble leaping and jumping as if a beast was straining to grind up from beneath it. Yet Vincent was right there with her and she did not know of more -- but some things were outside even her control.

The mansion, broken windows, smoking rubble, sparking electrics... It all hid something. Or many "someones" that had finally come to the end of their use.



One after the other, the party-goers, guests and more who had been swollen and bloated with all their fucking, the demon sperm fattening them up in incubation, popped. Their bodies burst in a splatter of cum and other bodily fluids, the demon sperm flying out, seeking out their next victims and targets with hungry, gaping mouths at the ready. Their lives were not gone, not entirely -- well, they had a new kind of life, one that was a part of the hive mind, one mind, one thought, just a singular notion to spread corruption and lust, the chaotic growth and greed of the great Fornucatus.

What more could there possibly be to life, after all? There was nothing, not in the hive mind.

Their bodies burst, some in entire groups, splattering one another with the sperm, wriggling and squirming, flopping over one another before they found their consciousness, the shape of their bodies. And yet they all flocked together, flowing like water, tributaries of demon sperm all coming together into a single river of thick cum.

Streaming through the rubble, they sought only one target -- and the one who would finally be able to spend his true load into Veronica.

Vincent grunted and rocked back as the demon sperm entered him, flooding his holes, not caring how they entered him. His body was theirs for the taking, as were the demon sperm available for his taking. They were all one and the same already, serving a greater purpose, his cock thickening and throbbing even further inside Veronica.


Her moan of delight was low, deeper than it should have naturally been for her, though there was no way to care. She let her head hang back, exulting in the moment, the demon sperm flooding Vincent, filling him up, forcing his dick to swell and thicken up even more inside her, fat and stretching her wider and wider and wider. For that was where every demon sperm had flocked to, taking their leave inside his body and going straight to his dick and balls, letting them bulge and tremble, nuts big and swollen halfway down to his knees, too big for anyone to handle.

He was almost too big for even her too, blobbing up inside, the head of his cock trembling, overly defined, raking over her G-spot with every thrust. The one rammed up her backside was none better, grinding back and forth, though the rumbling churn within him, as he forced her to accept his size, heralded his grand finale in expelling the demon sperm.

And yet Vincent, overflowing inside with demon sperm throughout his body, couldn't hold on and was never meant to hold on. No, that was not his purpose, not then, not ever, not as he popped too, bursting with a swathe and deluge of demon sperm, all racing towards the prize of Veronica. They flowed into her, an even larger flood of demon sperm -- so much bigger than the ones that had swarmed into Vincent! -- finding her holes, using his popped cocks to access her gaping holes easily.

She moaned as they flowed up inside her, leaving her on her knees, panting, heaving, the fat, gluttonous demon sperm wriggling wetly up inside her. Each was the size of one of the cum blimps, maybe at least twenty feet big each at their smallest, but her body was primed for them, her body swelling more and more with every demon sperm that found her and her body. They could go nowhere else, the hive mind having no other purpose in life, her head spinning, lips parted, accepting all that came to pass.

She had no say in it. And that would never concern her.

Her belly was the first to inflate, her womb and her stomach overfilled, swelling viciously, finally bloating out and out and out, like the bellies of the cum blimp humans that had gone before her. And yet she had an even more important use to Fornucatus as her hugely, grossly inflated belly expanded, all as if she was heavily present, her shadow stretching for miles upon miles at her great height.

She stood, shakily, but her body steadied her, the weight of everything rooting her in place, for her belly needed to have room to grow, yes, all to grow. Moaning openly, Veronica rubbed her stomach, letting the demon sperm swell within her, her breasts growing too, all to the point that she merely appeared as if she had three massive, round lumps on the front of her body. Her head, that time, could just about be seen still from behind her tits, but her belly pushed them up a little urgently, her nipples fat and dripping milk. Fit to burst, they quivered as if their load was too heavy to bear, milky dribbles running down her tits, flowing down her body, though it would have been enough to flood rooms, such as the true volume of it.

However, the ground shook and shook, more and more demon sperm flowing up inside, all from him, so much more. She took it all, every single one, many of the demon sperm merging into one being, one large demon sperm, though they would bloat and inflate her any way.

"Oh... Ohhh..."

There was no satisfying her gargantuan, heaving, massive body, no, not at all. She had to climax, her body aching for it, as roaring pulse after pulse of ecstasy flowed through her.


She bellowed, her voice so low, so deep, echoing across the countryside surrounding his mansion, though they were only a stone's throw out of town too. Vincent was a part of the hive mind, inside the power of Fornucatus, but she didn't worry about him, not as her pussy flexed and twitched, muscles contracting, straining around nothing, though the climaxes came and came and came.

One after the other. Oh, there had never truly been any holding them back as the mammoth orgasm ripped through her body, dropping to her knees with an earth-shattered thud, shaking the ground even more than the horde of demon sperm had done. She roared, like Vincent had done in the peak of pleasure, groping her tits, grinding her hips, even though she didn't have, at that time, anything in particular to grind against. Milk squirted from her tits as her hands landed on them, though she had to keep going, letting crashing orgasm after orgasm pound through her.

Her body was no longer her own, not anymore...but maybe that was all for the best, all truly. For, as she climaxed, milk and cum, all from the demon sperm that had inflated her body, blasted forth, forced from her pussy, even flowing from her mouth, though Veronica did not feel like she was choking at all. The sloshing, creamy, mixed load swirled and flowed around her, having claimed every guest and worker at the party, flooding the mansion, gushing through what was ruined, flooding rooms, spilling down even into the smashed-up garage underneath.

One climax after the other, however, would knock her down and out, either way, breasts deflating, only a little but slowly still, with every gushing squirt of milk that flowed from her breasts. She grunted and groaned, hardly even aware of her surroundings, yet she was comfortable where she was, revelling in the pound and the pulse of true ecstasy as she shrank and shrank and shrank.

Down and down and down... With the rock of her orgasms, she shrank, all the way back down, compressing in on herself, her inflated belly shrinking, even her breasts too and her overall size. Even when she passed out, she still leaked too much milk and cum, her body squirting it out and out and out, needing to expend it, to do the will of Fornucatus even though she was just a pawn in the plans of one who was so very much greater than her. Milk flowed and cum mixed with it, swirling around her as she collapsed, unconscious in the bliss of true orgasm, something that she could never have experienced without the aid of Fornucatus.

She would never know, however, what they had done for her. Not as her body gleamed with cum and milk, dribbling down her body, spurting, drooling, so slick, so heady, giving everything that they could ever have desired. The world came back into perspective, though Veronica did not see it, too lost in pleasure as the energy source for Fornucatus was completed, coming through, possessing Jessica while Veronica and the rest of the world were none the wiser as to what was going on.

They didn't have to know, not while they were in control.

And Veronica was only the start of it, floating and moaning in a pool of cum larger than the mansion and a good portion of the grounds too, orgasms spent, completely unconscious.

For Fornucatus was coming...

AmethystMareAmethystMare6 months agoAuthor

Hey there!

I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to take on mostly anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing

Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!

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