Influential Factors! Ch. 04

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The Morning After.
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Part 4 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/23/2017
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The next morning I awoke wondering why I was still in my dress. I looked at my cell, which I also used as an alarm clock, and it was all ready eleven am. I thought for a second... and figured if I was still in my dress I was still in makeup. I got up, sat at my vanity and cleaned up my face then got up to go take a shower. My cell began to hum; it was a text from Mike so I picked up.

Mike: Hey beautiful! How r u feeling?

I giggled as I rearranged myself in the chair.

Me: Great, just got up

Mike: I just wanted to wish you a safe trip

Me: Thanks

Mike: About last night

Me: I had a great time (a few more dates will prove to Jill I'm not gay)

Mike: Good, I thought that maybe you were thinking we were moving too fast

Me: No, I'm fine

Mike: Great!

Me: Why would I think otherwise?

Mike: Because of last night

Me: What happened last night?

Mike: You know

Me: We didn't have sex did we  (I teased flirtatiously followed by a smiley face)

Mike: You don't remember?

Me: Did I enjoy it?  (I teased flirtatiously followed by a smiley face)

Mike: You definitely keep me laughing

Me: Enlighten me (I really have no idea what he's talking about)

Mike: You really don't remember

Me: I remember my dream last night (Now I was getting worried)

Mike: I really wasn't expecting anything to happen

Me: MIKE!!!

Mike: You gave me a head job

Me: A what?

Mike: A blow job on your couch before I left. I'm sorry!!!

"A blow job!" I let out as I jumped up from the vanity chair and ran into Jill who apparently entered my room while I was texting; she always comes to my room in the morning to lay out my outfit for the day.

"What did you say?"

"I'm late," I answered as I ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

"April," Jill knocked on the door.

"Sorry, I'm on the john I replied then taking a swig of Listerine and began swishing it around my mouth.

Mike: U still there?

"Well, hurry up we don't want to be late okay," Jill called out.

"Okay," I yelled after spitting out my mouth wash.

"And make sure you let Mike know you had a good time," she told me.


"You have to get at least a few dates under your belt," she told me.

"I know,"

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm good Jill,"

Mike: We were drunk

I grabbed my toothbrush and paste and started brushing my pearly whites, my tongue, and the roof of my mouth.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs,"

"Okay," I mumble as I brushed my pearly whites.

Mike: R u mad?

I saw his text but I kept brushing.

Mike: I'm sorry!

I rinsed out my mouth and grabbed the floss and went at it.

Mike: April

I grabbed the Listerine again but figured it was too late...the dirty deed was done and there was nothing I could do at this point.

Mike: April

Me: Sorry, just getting ready

Mike: I know you wanted to take it slow. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you

Me: It's okay

Mike: I really like you

Me: I like you too!

Mike: You're not mad at me?

Me: No

Mike: Thank you!

Me: Did you enjoy it?

Mike: You were awesome, the best I ever had

That's not what I wanted to hear.

Me: Thanks but don't expect another one... I still want to take it slow

Mike: I understand

Me: Thanks

Mike: You're welcome

Me: Jill's calling me

Mike: Call me when u land so I know you're safe

Me: My guardian angel!!!

Mike: Just want to make sure you're safe

Me: Thank you XOXOXO!

Mike: Great, c u when u get back and don't forget to call me

Me: Okay

Mike: Talk to u later

Me: Bye  (I teased flirtatiously followed by a smiley face)

First, I removed all our text in case Jill was going to see it for whatever reason, took a quick shower, and changed into loose clothing Jill laid out for me. Apparently my dream about me giving Mike a blow job wasn't a dream but real. What the hell was I thinking? Maybe I wasn't thinking? Maybe it was natural for be on my knees in front of a man pleasing him? No, that's Jill's mindset not mine; but what explains my actions then? No way was I telling Jill about this, it was going to be my dirty little secret and mine alone.

I dressed in the loose clothes that Jill laid out for me and met her downstairs.

"Good morning April,"

"Good morning,"

"So how did it go last night?"


"Just good?"


"I heard you come in last night but I didn't want to interrupt the two of you,"

"You didn't want to spy on us?"

"Oh, I did,"

"You spied on us?" I asked nervously wondering if she actually saw me giving Mike a blow job.

"No, I closed my door softly not to disturb you but I really wanted too!" she laughed.

I sighed in relief.

"Does he want to see you again?"


"Do you feel the same way?"

"Jill, I'm not gay!" I exclaimed afraid I would give my actions away from last night.

"I didn't say you were gay,"

"It certainly sounded like it to me," I kept up my appearance.

"That's not what I meant, well, maybe I did,"

"I'm sure that's what you meant,"

"Did you have a good time?"

"Yes, it had its moments,"

"What did you do?"

I looked at

"April," she looked at me back like it wasn't a question.

"Fine, we went out for lunch at Burger's Etc, then we went to Kone On Da Beach, and then to a club were we danced the night away,"

"Sounds like fun!" she said excitedly like she was talking to one of her girlfriends.

I looked at her hoping she would drop it but she was all smiles.

"Come on April, tell me, what was your first real date like?" she inquired as she put the palm of her hand on the top of mine and smiled.

"It was, everything was perfect, even his kisses," I explained eagerly not being able to resist her charm.

Jill's face was beaming as her smile seemed to stretch from ear to ear.

"I mean he kissed me," I said in a monotone voice pretending not to care.

"Sounds serious!" she again was excited for me, maybe for her.

"I's not like I could stop him or did want me to go on a few dates...that was the deal, right?" I tried to cover my ass because I was now thinking about Mike.

Maybe I did care, I was drawn to Mike...but giving him a blow job wasn't on the original menu...or brain was hemorrhaging. Thinking about last night seems totally disgusting but I did it; obviously enjoying every moment of it. How / why could I do such a thing?

"You know you shouldn't see him for about six weeks until your breasts heal,"

"I told Mike I was flying back to the east coast to take care of my mother, who fell down the steps, and I wouldn't be back for at least six weeks,"

"Wow, very original,"

"I had to tell him something,"

"So you like him,"


"Well, you are seeing him again aren't you?"

"Just because I have too; you wanted me to get a few dates under my belt,"

"I'm just teasing you," she giggled.

"Really," I threw my hands on my hips and tilted my head.

"I still can't get over how you've stayed in character all this time,"

"What do you mean?"

"Like the way your hands are turned on your hips...and your voice,"

"I just don't want to fuck up in front of anybody," I said though I wasn't aware of staying in character around her.

"You're such a natural I doubt you ever fucked up in fem,"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"That you're a natural at being a woman, that I think your transsexual, and once you have boobs you're never going to want to get rid of them,"

"I'll admit it'll be nice to have a t-e-m-p-o-r-a-r-y set of boobs for the experience but don't count on me falling in love with them,"

"Let's go, we'll have plenty of time to talk after you get your implants,"

"No problem," I answered sarcastically.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, and ready to prove to you that I'm only an excellent cross-dresser and nothing more," though I started to have serious doubts of my own.

"Let's go,"

The ride there was quiet. All I could think about was the apparent blow job I gave Mike; the surgery never entered my mind.

Once there I changed into a gown a nurse gave me, they prepped me, and I was starring at the lights above me.

"100, 99, 98.97, 96, 95, 94 and then... out.

I awoke groggy in a room with a nurse standing over me.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"Good, I'll let the doctor know you're up and she'll be right with you,"

I shook my head.

"Hey, you're awake, are you feeling okay?" Jill asked.

I shook my head.

"Good, you'll be going home soon just relax everything turned out perfectly," Jill told me.

I shook my head but I felt there was more to it than she was telling me. I closed my eyes and the next time I opened them I was in my bedroom.

Awake, I made my way to the toilet for a much needed pee.

"Sit while using the throne!!!" the note stated that was taped to the wall.

I did as instructed, washed my hands, and became startled when I looked in to the mirror.

"April, you're up," I heard Jill's voice.

"The bandage on my nose; did you give me a nose job?"

"Yes, it's called rhinoplasty,"

"My eyes...what did you do to me?"

"I did an upper blepharoplasty..."

"In English,"

"Yes, I removed some skin on your upper and lower eye lid..."

"You made me look like a girl," I interrupted.

"No, you already looked like a girl, I just removed your defects,"

"Damn it Jill,"

"You don't like the new you?"

"No, yes, I mean..."

"Like I told you's all in the contract; it's all reversible though your nose and eye lids are androgynous; prove to me you're not in to men and you'll get your life back...,"

"I'm not in to men Jill; I'm only a cross-dresser," I insisted. "Prove it and I'll even support your cross-dressing,"

"But my face,"

"It's all in the contract April,"

"I don't believe I went along with this,"

"You knew the consequences,"

"How long have I been out?"

"One week but you weren't totally out of it; you did use the restroom on your own... with a little help,"


"The nurse helped escort you to and from the toilet,"

"Great, how much longer until all this comes off?"

"Two to three weeks...oh...Mike called when you were out,"


"I let him know how interested you were in getting together once you got back to California,"

"You're pressing me in to being a woman when I don't want to be," I said though I don't know if I'm even being honest with myself. Hell, I even went down on Mike without any encouragement from Jill.

"No, I'm proving to you that you have a serious gender issue,"

"Don't push it; if you believe I'm transsexual it'll happen naturally,"

"Don't make such a big deal out of it; being a woman isn't that said so yourself," she laughed.

Jill was taken this whole thing as a joke; I was literally shocked.

"Fine, don't see him again, I don't care. You were suppose to call him a week ago "when you landed" but you didn't, I thought I was doing you a favor,"

"Some favor," I said as I calmed down; it wasn't such a big deal though but my face threw me for a loop .

"How about some breakfast; I'll make French Toast?" she asked cheerfully.

French toast is my favorite; especially the way Jill makes it; really crispy and full of cinnamon.

"I'll wait for you downstairs," she knew she didn't have to wait on a reply if she was making me breakfast; especially French Toast.

Jill constantly made light of everything as the weeks went by. I eventually healed, she took a few pictures for the hell of it, and the next chapter of my contract began.

I got acquainted with my new breasts playing with them every chance I got they were very sensitive and my nipples got hard when played with. The sensitivity started a few weeks back to my curiosity but a lot has happened since then and would deal with it later. On the other hand Jill did an outstanding job with my face; the eyes and nose are exactly like she described but I think my lips are ever so slightly fuller. I mean it's hard to say but I swear they are; something I'll have to ask Jill about.

I headed downstairs and into the kitchen.

"We're going out tonight, this is your new identification," she said handing me my new license.

" did you get this?" I asked looking at my new license stating I was a female.

"Friends in special places," she giggled.

"What places?"

She laughed.


"We're going clubbing tonight; but first we have to pick up Niki from the airport,"

"Fuck! Why didn't you invite her over AFTER you took these damn implants out?"

"First, Niki always comes out this time of year for a short visit before spending the summer with us. Secondly, why take your breasts out now when you just got them?"


"April, just go along with the plan and stop whining like a little BITCH!"

"Bitch?" I asked.

"April, I'm sorry; but I need your cooperation...please,"

"I'm not your play thing..."

"April, please, this hasn't been easy for me either. Niki's my sister, I needed to tell someone. I'm sorry!"

"So you told her about everything?"

"Of course...she's my sister!"

"I don't believe this,"

"I don't believe this!" she exclaimed handing me her phone.

Shock can't even describe how I felt watching myself give Mike a blow job in the living room.


"It was a mistake, I was drunk, you and your stupid contract, I didn't want to do it...I like women...I'm not gay,"

"Listen, I didn't want to bring it up but you're being difficult,"

For a brief second I turned inwards looking for a word, a statement, a sentence, a paragraph, anything to just escape the moment; but I couldn't. I calmly accepted my fate, without thought, with silence, until...

"No one is blaming you; by the look on his face you did an absolutely perfect blow job... it's truly amazing how you lapped up every bit of cum after the fact,"

"I didn't want to get it on the couch,"

"Okay, I'll forgive you this time but next time..."

"They'll be no next time...I promise,"


"Then we're good?"

"We're good,"

"Did you tell Niki about the video?"

"No, but she does know about your transition,"

"There's no transition,"

"Whatever...but you do realize that you had an extramarital affair?"

""I'm sorry...please..."

"I need mine now; it's in the contract. I'm entitled to my free fuck or it's adios,"

"What?" I was in disbelief.

"It was in our agreement,"


"It was in the agreement to deter you from sexual misbehavior; you should have read it,"

"Fine," I agreed half-heartedly.

"Don't blame me, you willingly went down on Mike,"

"But you're going to fuck some guy for revenge,"

"There's no revenge in our relationship, speaking for myself I have never fooled around on you and I expected the same courtesy from you. Mike didn't force you in any way to grab or suck his dick, you did it on your own,"

"Okay Jill, you'll hear nothing more from me on the matter so let's move forward," I

I didn't want a divorce and I didn't want her fucking anyone else but I was trapped like a rat in a cage. I've made my deal and fucked up my relationship with Jill by apparently giving Mike the blow job of his life.

"Great!" she smiled rubbing it in.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" I sighed.

"For as long as you've been dressing I think you should be able to figure out what needs to be done at this point!" she branded me.

"Then stop laying out my clothes for me,"


"What's the plan so I know what to wear?"

"That's better; we're going to pick her up from the airport, go to Piper's Restaurant, head back here to change, and then go to a club," she then waited for my reaction.

"Fine, I'll meet you back down here in...?" It still bothered me Niki knew about my cross-dressing and boob job; I just hope Jill doesn't tell Niki about the blow job I gave Mike.

"No later than forty-five minutes," she insisted.


I knew right then and there what I was going to wear. A red tie off the shoulder blouse tied at the sleeves with elastic running across the top of my breast and high and low hems. Next is a pair of white skinny jeans stopping inches above the ankle and cork thong wedge sandals with white front bow detail; and accessorized in my typical gold tradition; I love gold but who doesn't. In fact, I love all jewelry!

We met downstairs and then off to the airport; our conversation was like two friends going out with entirely no animosity towards one another which was really relaxing for us both; you could hear it in our voices.

When we finally arrived at the airport we located her flight and waited for her arrival.

"Jill," Niki called out approaching us.

"Niki, it's great to see you again," Jill said kissing her on the cheek and then giving her a big hug.

"Great to see you again Niki; beautiful as ever," I said kissing her on the cheek and then giving her a big hug just like Jill told me to do on the way here telling me and I quote

"Dress like a woman, act like a woman".

"April thanks but you're making me jealous," Niki replied.

"That's a lie but thank you Niki," I giggled knowing there may be some truth to her statement.

"'re gorgeous," Niki told me.

"Thanks," I blushed.

"Are you blushing?" Niki asked.

Niki was always a little forward and a bit wild; I didn't have time to answer her.

"Shall we go," Jill lead by grabbing one of the three small suitcases by the handle and began to wheel it behind her. Niki brought three small suitcases because I had taken some of her clothes.

Niki and I grabbed the other two bags and followed Jill out to the pick-up only area where we parked. We placed the luggage in the back of the SUV; Jill got behind the wheel, Niki sat up front, and I sat in the back seat; but in the middle because I didn't want to miss anything.

Niki turned to me, "How long have you wanted to be a woman?"

"I'm just a cross-dresser," I replied.

"April is in denial," she told Niki.

"No, I'm not in denial I just like to dress in women's clothing and that' as far as it goes," I reiterated.

"Just hit play Niki," Jill handed Niki her cell phone and she immediately began to laugh as the video of me making out with Mike than giving him a blow job played.

"Jill, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked thinking enough was enough.

"Sh!" She hushed me.

Niki continued to laugh as I heard Mike call out my name.

"Niki..." I began.

"Sh!" she's watching," Jill remarked.

"Wow April, you definitely have a future in the porn industry!" Niki exclaimed.

How much did Niki need to know about me anyway?

I was speechless to say the least.

"Niki, I was drunk, I didn't really understand what I was doing," I said but there was doubt in my own mind.

"The fact remains the same, cross-dressers cross-dress, their heterosexual. When you went down on him that puts you in a different category all together and that's not heterosexual; heterosexuals like the opposite sex," she giggled.

"Seriously, I'm just a cross-dresser, it was a mistake. Haven't you ever made a mistake?"

"Come on April, you went along with this makeover, you blew some guy on your sofa, and you insist you don't like cock; what's up?" Niki giggled.

"Thank you Niki, my thoughts exactly," Jill stated.

"The thought of being fucked by a man never entered your mind?" Niki inquired.

"Niki," I giggled shaking my head.

"Yes," she smiled.

"I'm a cross-dresser; I don't like men in any form of the word," I added.

"Oh, you definitely knew what you were doing to, um..." she began.

"Mike, his name is Mike," Jill added.

"Mike, so he wasn't a trick," she giggled.

"Niki... stop, you'll embarrass her," Jill giggled.

"April, you look as though you were really getting off on it. It looks more like you brought your date home for a little privacy," Niki giggled.