Inheritance Ch. 05: The Korean

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John returns to he harem to break in his Korean slave.
4.2k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 06/09/2023
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I woke the next morning to the sensation of soft lips wrapped around my shaft and a silky tongue flicking over the head of my cock. So much for coming back to LA for a break from all the fucking. Amber was under the sheets, head bobbing up and down as she greedily devoured my morning wood.

"Does your shrimp-dicked boyfriend ever get the pleasure of being woken up like this?" I teased as I flipped the sheets off of her to reveal my naked Asian ex girlfriend going to town on my white cock.

"Of course not, White Daddy!" She purred. "I rarely give him head at all. My Asian mouth was designed for sucking big white dicks." She was really starting to get into mocking her fellow Asians. Especially her loving boyfriends.

She had called him the night before and made up some bullshit about having gotten too drunk on margaritas with her girlfriends and deciding to sleep at their place. Her loser Asian boyfriend was so trusting that he didn't even notice her heavy breathing on the phone as she took a pounding from me doggy-style while talking to him.

The idea of fucking a woman while she is on the phone with the partner she is cheating on has always been a fantasy of mine. And seeing as it was one of the only fantasy's I couldn't fulfill with the five sex slaves waiting for me back home, I took full advantage of having Amber be my willing fucktoy to make it a reality.

After a nice morning fuck, Amber scampered off to the kitchen to make us breakfast, while I got in the shower. I got out and was immediately greeted by the smell of my favorite breakfast. Chocolate Chip Pancakes and orange juice. She remembered what I used to get when we went to the greasy spoon down the road when we were dating.

I followed the smell from the bed to the kitchen table, but to my surprise she had only set out a plate for one person.

Amber saw my confusion and smirked as she got on her knees. "I figured my White Daddy would like a blowjob from his new Asian fucktoy as he ate his breakfast." She teased me as she crawled under the table. "Plus, my stomach is already full of my White Daddy's cum."

Not wanting to turn down that offer, I sat down at the table and scooted forward on my chair, spreading my legs enough to give her easy access to my dick and balls. Feeling like a king, I enjoyed the breakfast that had been made for me, while Amber got to work getting my exhausted dick hard again.

When breakfast was over (And yes, Amber got to eat too. After swallowing her second load that morning, of course) she headed home. I commanded her to give her boyfriend a nice long kiss when she got home so her boyfriend could taste my cum on her breath.

Feeling satisfied with my time in LA, I decided to head back to Montana. I was missing Stella, and I still had three more Asian slaves to break in. I texted Amber that I would be back in a few weeks, and that once I got settled into Montana more, I would invite her out for a visit.

As the plane took off, my mind was busy imagining what was to come. Which slave would I break in next? There was Vivian, the 32 year old Shanghainese woman whose boyfriend was framed with her disappearance. And Sawako, the 28 year old woman my grandfather had imported from Japan. But I decided to break in the second youngest of my late grandfather's slaves. And the youngest one that I hadn't slept with yet: Crystal, the 26 year old Korean tourist who never made it home from her trip to America.


That night, as I arrived back at the estate I inherited from my Grandfather only a week or so prior, I was on cloud nine. I had just finished turning my gold digging ex girlfriend into my personal fucktoy back in LA. And I was about to enter my new harem. I was excited to see Stella, who despite being my slave, I was starting to fall for. There was also Winnie, the slutty youngest slave who was very enjoyable to fuck.

And now it was time for Crystal. I wondered what new adventured fucking her would bring.

As I entered the harem, I went straight to the Master's chamber and checked the video monitors. All the women were in bed, but the cameras apparently had some kind of night vision that allowed me to see them. I pushed the button to summon Stella, and saw her jolt up and hop out of bed instinctively.

After briefly fixing her hair, she headed to the door of her cell. I relaxed on the sofa as she came into my chambers.

"Good evening, White Master." She dutifully greeted me. "I wasn't sure when you would return, I apologize if my appearance is not to your liking."

I assumed she was referring to the fact that her hair and makeup was not done, but she was as stunning as ever. Her body completely perfect, and her face was beautiful even without makeup.

"Don't worry about it, Stella." I assured her. "I came back unannounced and it is late. But could you fetch me a cold beer? It has been a long day of flying." I commanded, still enjoying the fact that I could order these women around.

"Of course, White Master." Stella replied before bowing and hurrying out of the room to fulfill my request. I could tell she was legitimately happy whenever she could serve me.

She returned moments later with my beverage.

"Now I want you to go wake up Crystal and tell her to get ready. No rush, I want her hair and makeup done to perfection. It is time I broke in my third slave. And I want to do it properly. Then, I want you to come straight back here so we can chat while we wait for her to get ready."

"Yes White Master." I could see Stella smirk as she again bowed and left the room to follow my orders.

Moments later, she returned to me and I patted the sofa next to me, motioning her to join. She smiled and sauntered over before leaning up against me. Her beautiful naked body contrasting with myself, me being fully clothed and all. I smiled as she leaned in for a passionate kiss.

We made out for a few minutes. Neither of us feeling rushed to break off the kiss and start talking. I was just happy to be back with her. I know it is crazy to have decided to keet my slaves. And even crazier that I felt I was falling in love with one of them. But I genuinely felt a connection to Stella. And even if she was trained to serve, she seemed to really enjoy my company too.

Finally, I pulled away from the kiss. By now her long, toned legs were draped over my lap and my left hand was resting on her bare breast.

"So, how was LA, White Master?" She asked, seeming genuinely intrigued. Like a dutiful wife asking her husband about his business trip.

"Well, I ran into my ex-girlfriend. A Korean American chick named Amber." I confessed. I wondered if she would show any hint of jealousy, but Stella seemed oddly excited by the prospect.

"Oh, so that is why White Master chose Crystal..." Stella teased me with her naughty grin. "You got a taste of Korean pussy back home, and you want more."

I laughed. "Something like that. Any advise for Crystal? Anything I should know?"

"Not really, White Master. She is your run of the mill Korean slut. Well trained, very attractive, and pretty submissive. I suggest you do whatever you like with her. She will do her best to serve you." Stella responded. Being responsible for the training and 'maintenance' of all of the slaves (herself included), I got the feeling she was almost bragging about how good of a job she did.

We continued chatting. I entertained her with the story of how Amber and I met in LA. How I put the gold digger in her place and turned her into my newest chink slut. How she quickly embraced her submissive side.

As I told the story, it seemed to turn Stella on more and more, and by the end we had stopped talking and resumed our heavy petting. Passionately making out on the sofa as I helped myself to feeling up her body. Groping her tits and even starting to finger her. I was tempted to have Crystal go back to sleep and carry Stella over to the bed to make love to her instead.

But there would be plenty of time for that later. I had a whole lifetime to enjoy my time with Stella. For now, I wanted a new pussy. And right as I was thinking that, I noticed there was someone else in the room with us. Crystal had quietly entered and was standing in the doorway, waiting as I made out with Stella.

God she was amazing. I had to give it to Stella, she kept these women in great shape. Her legs were slender and well toned, making them look long and sexy. Her stomach was tight but still looked like it would be soft and silky-smooth to the touch. She had wider hips and a more shapely ass then the other slaves.

Her breasts were round and fairly busty. Much bigger that Winnie and Stella's. But they looked natural. Her nipples came with larger areolas than the other two as well. I usually don't prefer larger nipples, but something about the was they looked on Crystal made them hot. They made me want to breed her. To put a Hapa baby in her fertile pussy.

As my gaze continued to rise, I looked at her face. Her submissive gaze was staring straight at the floor in front of me, not daring to look me in the eyes. But her eyes were beautiful. She had high cheekbones that reminded me more of French women than a Korean's. But her eyes were definitely Asian. I could tell her dark almond eyes would look amazing staring up into mine as she sucked my cock.

"Ah, Crystal! A pleasure to finally meet you." I greeted her. I was much more confident now than I had been with Stella and Winnie.

"You must be our new White Master." Crystal said, bowing with reverence. "Stella has told me good things about you."

"Yes, and she has told me good things about you as well. Please, come kneel in front of us while we finish up." I commanded.

Crystal dutifully knelt in front of the sofa, submissively keeping her eyes on the floor as I turned back to Stella and resumed our make out session. The fact that a gorgeous Korean girl I just met was kneeling fully nude waiting for us only made it hotter.

I let Crystal wait another few minutes until I finally pulled away from Stella.

"Alright, time for you to go back to getting your beauty rest. I will see you tomorrow." I told Stella.

"Of course, White Master." She obeyed, standing up. Then she looked down at Crystal, who was still kneeling in front of the sofa awaiting further instructions. "I hope our White Master enjoys himself tonight." She winked at me before sauntering back to her cell.

I reclined back into the sofa and gazed down at Crystal for a few moments.

"Look up, Crystal, I want to see your eyes." I commanded. She slowly raised her gaze until she was looking straight at me. She had beautiful eyes. Well accentuated by the slutty makeup she had put on while Stella and I were having our little chat and make out session.

"So Crystal, I will ask you the same thing I asked Stella and Winnie. Do you enjoy being a white man's chink slave? Or would you prefer to be given your freedom?"

I don't know if Stella had prepared her for this question. To be honest, I don't know why I was even asking it. I was already in far too deep. I had fucked two Asian slaves, and kept them down here for a week. Even as I flew back to LA and fucked my ex.

What would I do if she asked for her freedom? I couldn't possible risk letting her go. Having her tell the police. Even if I didn't go to jail, even if the police believed that Stella and Winnie consented, I would lose my harem. And I honestly didn't think I had it in me to give it up. I was addicted.

"The truth, White Master?" Crystal looked at me, clearly wanting to know if I wanted her to be honest. I heard a slight Korean accent. But unlike Winnie's vulgar imitation of a 5 dollar Thai streetwalker, this one seemed natural.

"Of course"

"I enjoy being a slave, White Master. Life here is simple, and I enjoy sex with white men. A big reason I came to America on vacation was to... experiment. But I do miss my family. I worry about what my parents must feel, not knowing what happened to their daughter. But they have my little sister. I am sure they have moved on by now." She bowed her head again, averting her gaze as a single tear fell down her cheek.

I felt a small pang of guilt, this was the first woman who had shown any hint of unhappiness with their situation. I got up and squatted in front of Crystal. I gently lifted her chin up so she met my gaze again. Looking into her damp eyes, I wiped the tear from her cheek.

"Does that mean you would prefer to be set free? To go back to Korea?" I asked.

She looked into my eyes for a second and hesitated.

"N-No, White Master. I heard from Stella that you asked her and Winnie. So I have been thinking about it. I was tempted if I am being honest. But life in Korea is not easy for a woman. Korean society is still very sexist. I don't want to move back there and face the pressure to get married and be a Korean man's submissive wife. I would prefer to be a white man's submissive slave. If you will have me." She said, seeming to gain conviction. "Plus, I don't know if I could face my family anyway. I don't think they would accept me anymore."

Hearing that, I leaned in and kissed her. 'If I would have her?' Was she crazy? She was mine. And I wanted to assure her that she had a place here. Even if that place was on her knees between my legs.

We kissed gently at first, slowly letting our passion and horniness grow. Finally I got up and stood in front of her.

"Well? If you are going to be my gook slave, you better start by undressing me."

"Of course, White Master." She responded diligently.

Still on her knees, she started undoing my pants. She slowly pulled them down, anticipating the big reveal. As my erect penis sprung into view, she gasped.

"You like that big white cock?" I asked.

"Wow, I love it, White Master."

"Good, because you will probably spend the rest of your life worshiping it."

With that, I grabbed her by the hair, and guided her mouth onto my dick. And just like that, she was my slave. Just as Stella and Winnie were.

And to an extent, Amber. But I had to take the time to break her. To show her who was boss. But not Crystal. Just moments after meeting her, she was mine.

I wasn't lying to Crystal. From this day forward, she would worship me. She looked up at me with my dick in her mouth. Maintaining eye contact as she swirled her tongue around the tip of my cock.

After a couple minutes, she started groaning as my cock went down her throat.

"That's a good chink slut," I reassured her as I tightened my grip on her hair, pumping her head back and forth, using her throat as a fleshlight. "Take my big white cock down your throat. You love this white cock, don't you?"

"Y-Yesh, Ww-Whit Masht-aah" She moaned in response. Her words muffled by my dick.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, slave!" I ordered, slapping her in the face. "Suck your White Master's cock like a good little gook whore."

She obeyed. Crystal had clearly been well trained. And she seemed to love it.

Still maintaining my grip on her silky black hair, I yanked her to her feet and pushed her onto the sofa. She leaned back, instinctively spreading her legs, giving me full access to her shaved yellow pussy. Offering me full use of her body. I kneeled before her and started licking her wet slit.

"Ohhhhh, yes White Master!" Crystal cried.

"Do you like that? Do you like the way your White Master licks your chink pussy?"

"Yes, White Master! Please don't stop!" She begged.

I didn't plan on stopping. The taste of her was intoxicating. I felt her hand wrap around the back of my head and guide me further into her.

I grabbed her wrists and pushed them aside. "No touching, slave. I will enjoy your body how I want."

"S-sorry, White Master. Please forgive me. Punish me if you must. I deserve to be punished. My White Master deserves to do whatever he wants with his gook slave." She moaned as I buried my face back in her pussy.

"Don't worry, bitch. I plan to use and abuse your sexy body." I responded as I stood up, wiping her juices off my face. "Now taste your juices on my tongue."

"Of course, White Master." She obeyed. Leaning in an making out with me again.

I helped myself to a handful of her tits, enjoying their size and softness. I usually prefer smaller, perky breasts, but its good to know I have one chink slave with a proper pair of udders.

I started roughly squeezing her breasts. Not worrying if they bruised. Afterall, this was my slave. My property.

"Do you want me to fuck you, slut?" I asked, breaking our kiss and pinching her nipples.

"Yes please, White Master!" She begged.

"How badly do you want it?"

"Soooo badly, White Master. I need your big white dick inside me so bad."

With that, I gave her what we both wanted, I plowed my cock straight into her cunt.

"Aahh" She cried as my big white cock stretched her yellow pussy.

"Fuck yeah, take that cock, slut. You like being stretched by your white masters big white cock?"

"Yes! Yes! Give it to me White Master!" She begged as I thrusted in and out of her.

I kept thrusting. Enjoying her body. It was so nice not having to worry about being gentle. I fucked her with a brutal pace, using her tight little pussy as my personal cum receptacle.

"Oh God! YES! I am cumming!" She screamed.

I pulled my cock out and slapped her in the face.

"Yes, White Master! Fuck me! Slap me! Abuse me! Please just keep fucking me, White Master!" She screamed as her orgasm rocked through her body.

I obliged. Grabbing her by the hips, I flipped her over onto her knees.

"I love this big white cock, White Master." Crystal whimpered as I rammed it back inside her and proceeded to pound her doggy style. Her ass, much curvier than my other slaves, bouncing off my hips as I continued to thrust in and out.

"Tell me what an inferior little gook you are." I commanded.

"I am a weak, pathetic, gook slut, White Master."

"And what is a chink's purpose?"

"To serve strong white men, White Master."

"Which strong white man?"

"YOU, White Master!"

"Good girl, bitch."

I continued to fuck her from behind. Her big yellow tits swaying and her curvy hips and ass jiggling as the sounds of grunts and moans echoed throughout the harem.

I couldn't hold on much longer. Crystal's submissiveness was too much. Her curvy body enticing me to breed her like my personal gook bitch.

"I'm going to cum, slut. Where should I cum?"

"Cum inside me, White Master." She panted. "Breed me. Breed me like the yellow bitch I am."

"You wish you had the honor of being impregnated by a white man." I teased. "You have to earn that privilege."

I pulled out, dragging her back to her knees on the floor. She instinctively opened her mouth, looking me straight in my eyes as she waited for my cock to invade her mouth and throat.

"You'll have to prove to me what a submissive gook fucktoy you are."

"Please, White Master. Show me how to serve you."

I slapped her in the face a couple times for no reason other than I can. "You're a pathetic piece of shit, and I own you."

"Thank you, White Master."

I shut her up by ramming my cock into her mouth and straight down her throat.

"Fuck, such a good little whore." I groaned, feeling the pressure building.

"Mmmm, Mmmmh, Mmmm" Crystal mumbled. Her eyes watering and her cheeks bulging as she dutifully took my cock.

"Take it all, slut."

She struggled to breathe through her nose as I held her face close to my stomach, cock fully lodged down her throat.

Finally, I pulled out, enjoying the sight of this Asian beauty gasping for breath. Kneeling beneath me with her hair and makeup ruined. Her large breasts red and bruised from being roughly manhandled.

"You ready for me to cum?" I asked.

"Yes White Master!" She panted, her Korean accent coming out stronger as exhaustion and hormones took over. I pulled her mouth back onto my cock.