Innocence Ch. 03

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Flight Day!
6.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/16/2018
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Flight Day!

I felt something pull out between my thighs and then Eric moved away from me. The bed began to shake and then he got out of bed and made his way 'naked' to the bathroom. His thin yet muscular body caught my attention... he was still in great shape. He entered the bathroom and disappeared from sight, I heard the water turn on, and heard the water disrupt as his body moved under the shower head.

Maybe he was sick.

"Ah," I heard a faint moan; then another.

Naked or not I needed to check on him especially if we plan on flying today.

"Ah," again he moaned.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom.

"Ah," he moaned again.

I looked in the mirror and the reflection proved me totally wrong.


He was masturbating!


I rushed to the bed and pretended to be asleep.

"Ah, fuck yeah," he shouted.

Then it finally dawned on me; his cock was between my legs earlier... it was totally gross!

The water turned off; he was done and would be returning soon.

"Michelle," he whispered as he stood over me.

I slowed my breathing and pretended to be asleep.


"Yes," I muttered as I stretched.

"It's time to wake up; by the time we get there they'll be done fueling the plane," he told me excitedly.

"Okay, "I stretched, opened my eyes, and saw him enter the closet butt naked.

I made the bed and hurried off to my bedroom to take a quick shower. Afterwards I pulled out a new toothbrush and brushed my teeth. I quickly dressed and packed a small suitcase and met him downstairs.

"What are you doing?" he asked curiously.

"I'm ready."

"No you're not."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"I want Michelle," he stated.

"But," I started.

"Michelle, Michelle is going to Vegas."

"But," I again started.


"Sorry, I just thought," I tried to explain.

"Michelle," he sang out my girl name.

"Fine, but I need at least an hour to do my hair," I sighed.

"Will a ponytail suffice?" I asked.

"I guess so," I sighed again.

"Dress down but something sexy," he smiled.

"Dress down but something sexy," I repeated.

"Yes, down but sexy," he smiled.

"I'll see what I can do," I shook my head and went upstairs to the master bedroom.

Why does he need me to be Michelle twenty-four / seven?

What does he want from me anyway?

Why do I put up with this crap?

Probably because I get to fly the jet again... and dress... that's why. Good answer! I completely forgot about what happened earlier as I felt a smile spread across my face.

Dress down and sexy!

Got it!

A pair of white high-waist skinny jeans with cropped ankles, a red and white horizontally striped off the shoulder crop top, grey suede open toed booties with an open heel and four and a half blocked heels and a small grey suede purse to match. Add a gold necklace, watch, and wristbands with diamonds and a gold ankle bracelet. I applied light makeup and I was done.

"Oh, my ponytail...and sunglasses," I whispered to myself as I did a high ponytail then managed the staircase to the foyer.

"Eric," my female voice called out.

Again his chin dropped.

"Sexy enough," I twisted my hips to either side and then I slowly spun around.

"Oh my gawd," he exclaimed.

"What don't you like about it?" I asked sarcastically.


"It's not possible for you or anyone for that matter to not like this outfit," I stated.

"I meant to say it's perfect."

"That's what I thought," I smiled.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"I've been doing this for a long time; you have to trust me unambiguously," I politely told him with a smile.

"I trust you," he smiled.

"Great," I smiled.

"Let's go before we're late."

"Stop saying that," I jokingly stated.

"Fine, I'll try; I'll try; are you ready?"

"Well, my luggage, I couldn't manage the staircase in my heels. Do you mind?" I acted all innocent as I pointed upstairs. After all, he wanted Michelle, and he is the man!

"No problem," he climbed the staircase and returned with my suitcase.

"Two large suitcases is a bit much don't you think?" he laughed.

"Girl stuff, like sexy things and such... including my makeup," I shrugged my shoulders and made light of it.

"Okay, I'll take these to the car and I'll be right back," he told me.

"Okay," I went to the fridge and pulled out two waters; one for Eric and one for me.

"Okay I'm back."

"Did you check all the doors?" I asked.


"Good, I'm ready then," as I stopped at the door.

"Let me get that for you," he said as he opened the door then closed it behind us as we left.

He walked me to the car; opened the door, closed it, then he got in the driver's side, and we were officially off to the airport.

We'll be flying in the family jet since Eric has his pilot's license.

I found myself starring out the car window wondering about what was going through Eric's mind; and why he wanted Michelle 24/7.

Once there we entered the gate and drove around to our private hanger which we shared with four other pilots. Each section was roped off and housed four private jets. That's when we saw that the airport employees were still refueling our plane.

"Stay here, I'll see how long they'll be," Eric turned to me.

"Sure," I smiled as he got out and began speaking to the man at the fuel truck.

Once he finished speaking to the man he returned to the car.

"Approximately ten more minutes until their done but we can go ahead and board," he explained.

"Let's board; I would like to settle in before take off," I smiled.

"My thoughts exactly," he smiled as he drove the car to the side of the hanger and parked in the assigned space.

"You're not going to park in the hanger?" I asked curiously because we usually do.

"No, another pilot is flying in from Vegas so I traded him closet space, our hanger for his,

"he told me.

"That was a good idea," I giggled.

"Thanks," he said as he walked around the car and opened my door like a true gentleman.

"Thank you," I said as he offered me a hand.

"You're welcome," he said as he hit the remote and the trunk opened. He took out the three suitcases from the trunk and shut it.

"I'll take the small one," I giggled.

"Thanks but I wouldn't call that small," he laughed.

"Neither would I," I laughed.

We headed toward the plane with suitcases in tow. I felt the pressure of the workers wanting eyes following me to the plane; it wasn't just the guys fueling the plane but the workers on the grounds and in the hanger. It's not that I wasn't use to it when I was out in fem with my mom but this was different; it looked as if I belonged to Eric... but maybe that's what he wanted.

"I'll get the bags," he said as he put his hand slightly below my waist and escorted me up the steps as I held onto the railing.

"Thanks," I told him as I entered the plane though I wondered if my femininity was confusing him with my real identity; his hand was a bit low for comfort.

With the bags on board we finally settled in as we put the suitcases in their rightful place.

Eric started the engines and I quickly entered the cock pit and took my seat next to him. We checked our gauges and mechanics and waited until we were clear for takeoff.

Finally it was our turn; I was all smiles as the plane separated from the ground and the nose was staring at the clouds. Once we leveled off we turned on auto pilot to discuss our course.

"What do you remember about last night?" I asked interrupting our conversation.

"Not a whole lot."

"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked curiously.

"Shots, a lot of shots," he laughed.

"That's the last thing; the shots in the club with Paul and Frank?" I questioned.

"Yes, why are you asking?" again curiosity was in the air.

"Because that's the last thing I remember too; a shot and ordering a margarita," I answered.

"Why, did something happen you're not telling me about?" he chuckled.

"No, nothing, I just hope I didn't do anything to embarrass myself since I don't remember anything after that," I giggled.

"Sometimes you just lose all memory after a certain point when you're drinking," he smiled.

"And that's supposed to be fun?" I laughed.

"Well, up to a point, you just have to remember your limitations; besides, your drinking buddies will let you know if you went too far or not," he smiled.


"We... usually."

"Wow," I looked at my phone and saw that I had Jenny's and Katie's number logged.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did," I laughed.

"How do you do that?" he pointed at my hips.

"Do what?" I asked wondering.

"How do know?" he pointed at my groin.

"That's so rude!" I exclaimed as I backhanded him on the arm.

"What's wrong with asking?" he smiled.

"It's off limits," I smacked him again.

"What do you mean it's off limits?" he smiled.

"Stop!" I smacked him again.

"Stop hitting me," he laughed.

"Seriously," I smacked him again.

"Well I." he began.

"Stop it right now!" I demanded with a death stare.

"Fine," he chuckled.

"I don't believe you," I giggled.

"Sorry," he laughed.

"If I had something to throw at you I would," I laughed.

Was he just flirting with me?

On second thought; was I just flirting with him?

Maybe it's not just my femininity confusing him but maybe it's my femininity confusing me too!

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"What is that?" I panicked.

"Radar, there's something approaching us," he called out.

"Right, bank right, bank right," I screamed as he steered the plane to the right as a commercial airliner passed to the right of us.

"We were on course right?" he asked.

"We were on course; I was looking at the instrument panel before the radar sounded," I answered as my heart raced.

"Call it in," he demanded.

I called the incident in.

"If that doesn't get the heart racing I don't know what will," he chuckled.

"We're alive," I giggled laying my hand on his.

"Yes, we are," he laughed.

We looked at one another for a brief moment; long enough for me to feel uncomfortable. I laid my head back into the seat, brought my hand back to my body, and closed my eyes.

I opened them about thirty minutes later.

"I thought you were going to sleep all the way there," he chuckled.

"I wasn't sleeping; I was only gathering my thoughts after the incident," I stated.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm perfectly fine; I'm just not ready to meet my maker quite yet," I laughed it off.

"Do you want to take the controls?" he smiled.

"Sure," my voice rang out.

"Flip it off auto pilot and take over," he chuckled.

"Are you serious?" I asked excitedly.

"A promise is a promise," he smiled.

I flipped the auto pilot switch to off and took over; it was better than last time. In fact, every time I take control it's always better than last time.

We talked for a while; mostly about how to land the jet on the runway.

Time flew by as we talked, Eric was in communications with the tower and it was time to land.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Am I ready for what?" I giggled.

"To land the plane," he smiled.

"You want me to land the plane?" I surprisingly asked.

"Well, if you don't want to," he laughed.

"No, I'll land it," I answered nervously.

"You don't sound too sure of yourself," he continued to laugh.

"I'll land it."

Everything went well as I landed the plane without a hitch and headed toward the hanger.

"Good job!" he exclaimed.

"Thank you," I harmonized.

He helped me out of my seat and we left the cabin. The door opened and he took my hand and walked me down the stairs telling me he didn't want me to trip. The limo driver opened the door for me and then shut it while he and Eric retrieved the suitcases from the jet and put them in the trunk. Eric got in and slid over beside me as the driver shut the door.

"Wow, that was a perfect landing," he smiled.

"You really think so?" I questioned.

"Absolutely, perfect in every way," he smiled.

"Thank you," my heart was delighted.

"Don't give me any trouble and I'll let you take off on our way back," he smiled as he grasp my hand and put it in his lap.

"I won't," looking down at my hand and feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I'm just being supportive... nothing more," he smiled as I looked up into his eyes.

"Thank you," I could have kissed him but something held me back. The last thing I wanted to do was give him the idea I was coming on to him. Besides, I still can't believe we were flirting with each other in the plane.

"You might even be a better pilot than me," he chuckled.

"Really," I questioned looking at him with a huge smile.

"There's no reason to lie to you," he smiled.

"No way; you've been flying for how many years?" I asked.

"Eighteen, but you've been flying since you've been six," he again smiled.

"That doesn't mean I'm better than you," I looked at him.

"You're not only better... you're perfect," he smiled.

"Ah," I put my head on his shoulder like I use to when I was younger.

Then he kissed me on my head.

"What was that for?" I raised my head off his shoulder.

"Nothing, you use to put your head on my shoulder after landing and I would kiss you on your head... there's nothing new happening,"

"I just thought because of the plane... you know earlier..." I began.

"Oh, yes, no, that won't happen again, don't even worry about it," he laughed.

"I didn't mean... I mean."

"It's okay, it happened and we're over it."

"Thanks," I looked up and stared at him.



"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine," I said but I wasn't.

He laughed and I followed suit.

"We're arriving at Nobu Villa," the driver announced through the speaker system.

The car stopped for a second then moved as the cars in front of us moved forward. We eventually stopped; then the driver got out and opened our door. Once we were out of the limo the driver retrieved our bags from the back of the car and Eric tipped him a one-hundred dollar bill.

"Thank you sir," he nodded and then drove off.

"Sir," the Baggage boys came with their carts and wheeled our luggage inside.

Everything went well at check-in and in a matter of minutes we were making our way to the elevators.

"Eric," a man's voice called out.

"Rob, how's it going?" Eric asked.

"Great, I didn't know you were in Vegas."

"Just flew in."

"Who's the young lady?" Rob asked.

"Sorry, Rob this is Michelle; Michelle, this is Rob a good friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you Michelle," Rob told me.

"Likewise," I replied.

"I know you're busy getting settled in so give me a call when you're free and we'll do dinner; Jen will love seeing you again," Rob said.

"Thanks, I'll do that."

"Okay, I'll see you later," he told Eric.

"Later," Eric replied.

"Looking forward to seeing you again Michelle," Rob told me.

"Thanks," I responded.

Eric and I proceeded to the elevator and went up to the top floor. He swiped the key card and we were in the room.

"Eric... this... this is amazing," I gasped.

"Ten-thousand square feet of unrestrained extravaganza," he told me.

"All this open space," I exclaimed.

"It's all yours."

I giggled.

A buzzer sounded.

"I'll get it; it's probably the bus boys," he told me before answering the door.

"Sir, where would you like your suitcases?" the man asked.

"In the master bedroom," Eric replied.

Eric tipped the man as he left as I roamed the place eventually making my way to the master suite.

"Oh my... Eric the master suite with its own private deck featuring a Japanese maple tree and an onsen, a sauna and massage room, a massive terrace with its own bar, a Zen garden, and multiple dining areas including a sushi bar lined with stools and an outdoor kitchen that looks out over the Strip. It's a bit too much isn't it?"

"Nothing's too much for my little girl," he smiled.

"Thank you; it's beautiful," my voice sang.

"Are you happy?" he smiled.

"Definitely," I answered as I turned and peered at the strip.

"I'm glad," he said as he walked up behind me and gave me a shoulder message.

"Mm," I tilted my head as his hands worked magic.

"Are you hungry?" he asked after a quiet five minutes.

"Yes," I whispered as he continued to massage my shoulders.

"Good, I'm starving so we better get ready," he told me as the message stopped.

"Are you going to change?" I asked.

"Of course; I've been in this suit all day," he responded.

"I better unpack," I remarked.

"That'll take too long."

"I'm just going to hang our formal attire so they won't wrinkle."

"Good idea."

"I hope you're going to give me time to freshen up."

"Sure, anything you desire," he smiled as he picked out a suit to wear.

"Wow, if you're going to wear a suit then I guess I'll wear," I began.

"Something sexy."

"Something sexy," I repeated.

"Yes, I'm going to the bar and fix a drink while I'm waiting," he smiled.

"Sure," I smiled back.

"Would you like one?" he asked.

"Sure," I was so happy I didn't hesitate to answer him.

"I'll give you a few minutes then I'll bring it back to you," he said before kissing me on the cheek and walking toward the bar.

I gathered myself after Eric gave me a tender kiss on the cheek and went to the vanity where I quickly removed my makeup. Then I stripped and began to take a quick shower.

"Michelle," Eric entered the bathroom.

"Oh," I screeched as I tried to cover myself up.

"Sorry, I heard the water running."

"I just thought I would take a quick two minute shower to freshen up."

"Good idea, I think I'll do the same when you're done."

"Okay," I said as I turned around and hurried my shower. I turned off the water and grabbed a towel.

"That was quick," Eric said as he stood naked before me.

"Thanks," was all I could say from utter shock seeing him standing naked before me. I automatically wrapped the towel high like a female and stepped into the master bedroom to get dressed and do my makeup. I picked a white random floral print slit dress that showed off my feminine legs, silver diamond studded jewelry, silver handbag, and silver stilettos. I sat at the vanity and applied my makeup keeping it simple like usual which suited me perfectly.

Eric walked in and straight to his suitcase for underwear and socks and then to the closet to dress. I couldn't help but notice his huge package; it felt weird even thinking about it.

I finished my makeup and slipped on my heels when Eric came out of the closet dressed to perfection.

"How do I..." he started. "Wow, you look stunning!" he exclaimed.

"Thank you," his compliment made me happy.

"Seriously, you're the most gorgeous women in

Vegas right now," he exclaimed.

"Just in Vegas?" I giggled.

"All over the world," he smiled.

"Thank you," I laughed.

"You're welcome; so how do I really look?" he smiled.

"Like you own the place," I giggled.

"Thanks, shall we go," he laughed.

Once downstairs we entered Chef Vegas; it's the five star hotel restaurants on the main floor with big band music and dancing floor.

"Hey Eric," a voice called out as we crossed the lobby.

It was Rob and a beautiful younger lady probably in her young thirties.

"Hey Rob, Jen, what are you up to?" Eric asked.

"Are you hungry?" Rob asked.

"Actually we were thinking of Chef Vegas," Eric answered.

"We were discussing Chef Vegas ourselves; care to join us?" Rob asked.

"Unless you two lovebirds want to be alone," Jen giggled showing her perfect straight white teeth.

We laughed and agreed to join them. Wine, a lot of flirting, wine, salad, wine, flirting, main course, wine, talk, wine, desert, flirting, and more wine really set the pace for dancing; and I was really in the mood for dancing.