Innocent Devil’s Harem Taboo Ch. 08

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His hot older sister brought home company.
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Innocent Devil's Harem Taboo Ch. 08 -- His hot older sister brought home company.

Original: October 4, 2020

Submitted: July 28, 2022 to Literotica (Copyright Kaizer Wolf)

Tags: harem, incest (brother/sister), supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF


NOTE: This is the Taboo version of Innocent Devil's Harem, where Serenity is Kai's adoptive sister, and he refers to her as such. I've had quite a few people request that I upload this version again, so I decided to do so. Both versions are registered and copyrighted with the USPTO under my pen-name Kaizer Wolf.

This version also later has HOT taboo relationships happening between other characters, such as mother/daughter, that are significantly less steamy in the non-taboo version compared to this one.

Hope you enjoy!



My older sister was home early, standing outside the house next to the dead deer, and she wasn't alone. There was a guy with her, crouched over the corpse and examining the arrow intently. Although, I wasn't really worried about them thinking the deer was more than what it seemed.

I was fully transformed due to Gabriella's teasing!


With my head now almost in Gabriella's lap in the passenger's seat, I tried to process the situation. I was safe for now, confident that I hadn't been seen, but I had to think fast. I couldn't look normal when I was this anxious, and especially not with my head where it was! Her scent was overwhelming this close! To the point that I felt like my head was swimming in her intoxicating aroma!

Gabriella's tone was urgent. "I'm sorry! What do we do?"

I tried to grasp for anything. 'Wait! Mailbox!'

"Check the mail," I instructed in a much calmer voice than I felt. "Even if there's nothing there. I just need a few seconds."

Gabriella glanced behind us at the mailbox, just a dozen feet away from where we'd abruptly stopped, before responding. "Okay, I'll try to take my time. Look at my phone or something, as if I got a message."

I nodded, prompting her to open the door, climb out, and close it behind her.

Now alone in the car, I tried to focus my thoughts, taking a few deep breaths. Gabriella's potent scent still permeated the air, but I'd been around it all day, which helped a little. However, that alone wasn't enough to allow me to focus, prompting me to begin talking to myself.

"Calm down. Deep breath. No one saw me. They were both looking at the deer. Everything is fine. Just chill out!"

Catching the sound of a bird in the trees, muffled slightly by the glass windows, I focused on its singing, homing in on its feathers rustling as it moved, while continuing to breathe evenly, my anxiety finally settling down.

Taking a final deep breath, and checking my hand to verify my skin was its normal shade, I slowly sat up to see that Gabriella was stopped halfway on her way back to the car, focused intently on her phone as promised. Of course, she didn't have any mail -- if we had any, then I was sure my sister would have gotten it.

Gabriella finally glanced up, noticed that I'd returned to normal, and then hurried back to the car.

"Sorry," she whispered the moment she closed the door.

I shook my head, beginning to drive slowly down the driveway. "It's alright. You didn't know. Although, this is kind of why I can't take chances like that." I paused when I smelt her scent become tainted with guilt again, glancing to see the same look in her emerald eyes. "Hey, I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," she replied almost inaudibly, still sounding sad.

"Hey, now," I said gently, my tone endearing. "We'll just have to be more careful next time. And you need to act normal around them, or else they'll know something is wrong. So, don't beat yourself up about it. It's okay. Really. Let's just focus on making dinner together."

A small smile tugged at her full lips, the guilt disappearing. "Right. I'm really looking forward to it."

"Me too," I agreed as I pulled up next to my sister's blue car. However, now that I had a chance to process the situation more, with my most pressing emergency over, I finally registered that my sister had brought a guy home.

What the fuck?!

Of course, this wasn't the first time she'd brought a coworker by for dinner, but never a guy!


Surely, she wasn't interested in someone out of the blue? Did she decide to date all of a sudden because she knew Gabriella and I were interested in each other? Did she think something like 'my little brother is dating, and about to be out of high school, so maybe I should move on in the romance department too?'

The thought alone made me jealous, irritated, and a little depressed, though I knew I had to play it cool, since obviously I shouldn't even care that much. Not to mention, we were trying to cover up a murder, and that definitely came first!

When we got out, I recalled that I hadn't mentioned the deer to Serenity yet, so I decided to act surprised. She was already looking at me now.

"Hey sis, what happened here?" I asked seriously, trying to keep the edge out of my tone.

Gabriella glanced at me, only to quickly take my lead, also looking surprised and confused.

"Hey, Kai!" my sister said cheerfully. She then held up her hands as she shrugged. "Dunno. Looks like a hunter must have gotten a deer or something. It must have happened just after you left for the mall, because it already kind of stinks. I was just trying to call you, to let you know about it, when you pulled in."

"Wow," Gabriella chimed in. "That's pretty crazy."

The guy who had been crouched over the deer stood up then, prompting Serenity to introduce him. He had dark skin, short curly brown hair, and dark eyes. Overall, he had a very easy-going vibe about him, though it might have just been because he looked exceptionally tired.

"Oh, and this is Nicholas," my sister explained. "He just moved here, so I decided to invite him over for dinner."

Fuck. This couldn't be happening. Did my sister really like this guy?

Serenity immediately gave Gabriella an apologetic look. "He's actually on the case for the man who saved you, but he promised not to ask any questions about last night."

The person in question spoke up then, his tone reassuring. "Right, I'm not here on business. And you can both call me Nick. I don't usually go by my full name."

Dammit! My sister was intentionally calling him by his full name?! Fuck!

"Nice to meet you," I said evenly, attempting to avoid being rude. I didn't inherently have a problem with him and would have been fine under different circumstances, but knowing that he wasn't 'here on business' was actually worse than the opposite. I then focused on my sister, that edge finally leaking into my voice. "Although, it would have been nice to know you were having company over." I quickly tried to recover, focusing on Nick. "Not that you aren't welcome," I lied in a more convincing tone. "My sister just almost never has anyone over."

"Kai!" Serenity exclaimed, her cheeks turning rosy. "You make it sound like it's a big deal."

Fuck! I was an idiot!

"Uh, right," I agreed. "Definitely not the first time you've had a coworker over for dinner. Just wasn't expecting it, is all, since Gabriella is over."

Serenity suddenly looked a little ashamed, seeming uncertain of how to respond.

However, Nick chimed in again, before the conversation could get any more awkward, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb. "Want me to help you pull this into the trees?"

I nodded, looking at Gabriella. "I guess do you want to pick out what you want us to make for dinner?"

"Sure," she replied happily, having no idea I was distressed about my sister's unexpected date. She then continued when Serenity gave her a confused expression. "We were going to make dinner together. Figured it would be fun."

"Oh! Sounds good!" my sister agreed, motioning for Gabriella to follow her inside.

I proceeded to walk over to the deer to grab a leg, avoiding the guy's gaze entirely. I knew I had to keep my cool, but I was in no way happy about this situation. I wasn't ready for my sister to move on, and now that she'd brought a guy home, I suddenly realized I might not be able to 'deal with it' like I assumed.

Granted, I suspected that my recent sexual experience with Gabriella had some influence on me there. Previously, I'd been a virgin, but now that I'd lost my virginity, I found myself not wanting Serenity to have that kind of experience with another guy, even if it would allow me to live vicariously.

I mean, sure, it was possible she'd slept around and I'd just somehow missed it, but as far as I knew, my sister was still a virgin too. Granted, she'd been with someone before our parents passed away, so it was possible she wasn't as inexperienced as I assumed, though she hadn't dated since then. Still, with my overly sensitive nose, I felt confident I'd know if she'd done something...assuming she didn't shower right afterward...

Dammit, now I really wanted to know if my sister was a virgin or not!

And either way, I really didn't want her to move on right now. I wasn't ready! I wasn't sure I'd ever be ready!


With my fingers grasping one of the deer's hind legs, I was about to begin dragging it alone, only to stop myself at the last second, realizing it would probably be suspicious if I didn't need the help. After all, while I was toned, I wasn't sure I looked strong enough to drag it by myself.

Nick grabbed the other leg just a second later, and we both began tugging it into the trees.

"How far do you think we need to go?" he asked after a moment, seeming as if he was helping progressively less and less as we went.

I cleared my throat. "Well, coyotes will probably find it tonight, so the further, the better."

Fuck, it felt like he wasn't even helping anymore. Granted, the guy wasn't massive by any means, being about average size, but he didn't look weak either. Maybe it was just because he was sincerely tired? The dude looked like he hadn't slept in days.

It was also possible he was out of shape too.

By the time we'd dragged the corpse a good distance away from the house, I was confident he wasn't helping anymore, just keeping his hand on the leg for show.

Whatever. Didn't need his help anyway.

Satisfied that we'd gone far enough, we finished dumping it and began walking back to the house in silence.

Nick tried to start up a conversation after a few dozen steps.

"Well, that was fun. You must work out," he commented.

I shook my head, not wanting to lie about it and get found out later. "I'm pretty active, but I don't lift weights or anything." I paused. "I do run sometimes though," I added. "I'm sure that helps with my endurance." I glanced over my shoulder, seeing that the deer was almost out of sight. "Kind of weird though. We've never had that happen before."

Nick nodded in agreement. "I almost wonder if someone actually shot it right there in your front yard," he said, only to continue when I gave him a confused look. "It's just that, there wasn't a trail of blood leading to that spot, and it looked like the arrow pierced the heart, which would have caused an instant death." He paused. "Although, it would then make you wonder why the hunter left it there."

I tried not to seem too shocked that he'd been so observant. After all, I had to remember that he was a detective, and looking for clues was his job -- something that had likely become a habit, even when he wasn't working.

Of course, there wasn't a trail of blood, because I didn't shove the arrow into its heart until it was laying directly over the blood from the cop serial killer, who tried kidnapping Gabriella earlier that morning. My goal in waiting was to ensure a ton of blood covered that spot.

Not wanting to seem suspicious, I kept my tone casual. "Yeah, actually that is kind of weird."

Nick quickly became apologetic. "Sorry, I have a thing with puzzles. That's why they always put me on hard cases, like the one I'm currently working on."

My eyes widened in surprise, quickly trying to think of a more logical excuse. "Huh, that's cool. Though I'm not sure it's much of a puzzle. Maybe the hunter left it since they technically shot it on someone else's property." I shrugged. "They might not have seen the house until after they were going to grab it."

"Oh," he said, nodding. "Yeah, that could be."

Fuck. I was glad Nick seemed to think that explanation made sense, but now I was concerned that he was going to notice something else odd. But then again, I couldn't imagine there was enough evidence to lead the police to a solid suspect in the case regarding me. Honestly, there should be no reason to be concerned about it.

The only reason why I'd found myself in this situation was because my sister was a detective herself. Otherwise, this kind of coincidence wouldn't have happened.

Still, I needed to be careful I didn't do anything that might give Nick reason to be suspicious about me. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but now I had to be extra careful since Gabriella would be around. My sister might not notice something small, but if this guy was really so observant, then he might pick up on my skin graying or something.

When we got back to the house, Nick waited outside with me while I took the time to hose down the area. Which I appreciated. Not that I would have been unaware of what was going on inside, thanks to my heightened senses, but it was still nice to know he wasn't going to just barge into my home and try to hit on my sister and girlfriend.

The blood had of course coagulated, which meant I basically ended up just using the thin stream of water to push all the clotted mess further away from the house. Unfortunately, there wasn't much I could do about what had soaked into the ground. I could still smell it -- the stench of rotting blood -- but at least the grass prevented it from being visible. I just wished it wasn't so close to the front porch, but I only had myself to blame for that.

Finished, Nick finally followed me into the house to see what the girls were up to. However, only Gabriella was in the kitchen, looking through the pantry while she had some boneless chicken breasts thawing out in the sink with hot water running over it. I knew my sister was upstairs getting changed, probably into jeans and a t-shirt, instead of her more professional work attire.

Oddly enough, Nick was already dressed more casually himself, prompting me to wonder if he made less of an effort to look professional, since it sounded like his skills were valued to the point that no one cared. Either that, or today hadn't been an official workday for him.

Deciding to rinse my hands off, I went over to the sink, nudging the spout over before dipping them under. I then grabbed some soap, scrubbed up a little, and went to dry my hands.

Nick followed my lead, only to look at the steaming water in confusion for a moment before just barely touching the stream with his fingertips. "Shit!" he exclaimed, jerking his hand back. "Damn that's hot."

"Oh," I said, quickly adjusting the temperature, while noticing in the corner of my eye that Gabriella was failing to hide her concern. "Yeah," I continued in a lighthearted tone. "It was almost unbearable by the time I was done. Sorry about that."

Gabriella chimed in without missing a beat. "I just turned it on, so it probably hadn't warmed up all the way."

I gave her an appreciative look, before deciding to move on before the situation became even more awkward. I honestly hadn't even thought about the temperature being too hot for a normal person, but thankfully it seemed as if Nick was going to let it go.

"So, what are we making for dinner?" I asked her cheerfully.

She immediately caught on to the shift in my tone. "How does Roman Chicken sound?" she asked with the same level of enthusiasm.

I considered that, running through the required ingredients in my head, since this wouldn't be the first time I'd made that dish. "Well, we do have bell peppers, and all the right spices, but I don't think we have tomatoes."

She shook her head. "I found some canned tomatoes that will work fine. They were stuffed in the back of the pantry, though I left them there in case you wanted to do something else."

"Yeah, that's fine," I agreed.

She smirked. "Then would you want to chop up the raw chicken once it's finished thawing, so it will cook faster in the skillet? I can work on the bell peppers."

I grinned at her, sincerely looking forward to cooking with her. Thus, it took me a moment to realize that Nick was standing there awkwardly, seeming unsure of what to do now that he'd finished washing his hands.

I focused on him, trying to maintain my lighthearted tone. "Oh, hey, Serenity should be down in just a minute. Do you want anything to drink? Although, we only have milk and orange juice at the moment." I paused. "Serenity might have some lemonade in there, but I'm not sure." There was a lingering scent of lemonade, but that didn't guarantee it was gone.

"Sure," he agreed. "I can get it though, if you're fine with me going through the fridge."

I nodded. "Yeah, that's fine. Cups are up there," I added, gesturing to the appropriate cabinet.

Nick proceeded to open the fridge, pull out some orange juice, and then open the cabinet to grab a glass. As he was pouring at the table, he spoke again. "Oh, do either of you want some, while I have it out?"

I glanced at Gabriella who shook her head, so I decided to volunteer. "Yeah, I'll have some. Thanks," I added. The boneless chicken breasts looked to be thawed enough now, so I decided to grab a cutting board and pull it out to begin chopping up, while Nick poured a second glass. However, my muscles tensed when I unexpectedly heard a small 'plop' just after he was done pouring.

I glanced over my shoulder, knife in hand, to see that he was putting the cap back on the orange juice, returning it to the fridge as if nothing unusual happened.

However, now I was suspicious as hell, especially after everything that'd happened in the last day.

The guy then proceeded to grab a glass and sit at the table, leaving the other for the taking. At the same time, I heard Serenity making her way back downstairs, prompting me to snag the second glass before anyone else tried taking a sip of it. Gabriella noticed my behavior, but didn't say anything, instead just watching me closely as I returned with the drink, holding it up like I was going to sip it.

Instead, I used my nose.

Sure enough, without a doubt, there was something with a faint bitter scent in my drink.


I was doing everything in my power to not overreact.

"Hey," I commented loudly, just as my sister made an appearance in the kitchen. "This tastes kind of weird," I lied, since I'd used my nose instead of my mouth. "Does yours taste alright?"

Nick gave me a sincerely confused expression, before taking a sip of his drink. He then immediately looked at me apologetically. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm really tired, so I put a caffeine pill in it to dissolve. But I must have grabbed the wrong one, because normally I can taste it." He then turned his apologetic expression on Serenity as he got up. "Sorry, it looks like I may have wasted some of your orange juice."

Fuck, no way in hell was this going to waste.

If it was really just a caffeine pill, then this guy was going to prove it by drinking it himself. "Actually," I said, my tone a little firm as I walked up to him. "I barely touched this, so you can have it. I'll take yours." I reached out and grabbed it without waiting for him to agree, handing him the one I had.