Innocent Exhibitionist


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Going inside, I went straight to my room and immediately saw that the Polaroids had been disturbed. I opened the box and sure enough they were out of order and had greasy finger smudges all over them. I grabbed the camera and stripped naked, then laid out on my bed. With my knees bent, I raised my ass up a little and took a few pictures of my fur mound and inner thighs through my tits.

This time I took a post-it and wrote, "Take one," then stuck it to a Polaroid in the middle of the pack.

Once it got dark I camped out in front of my bedroom window leaving my shade up with the lights out. Angela's blinds were up and her lights were blazing. All of the sudden Angela comes running out of another room handcuffed behind her back wearing only the cop's jacket. He was close behind as she bent over and pressed her cheek on the counter, arched her back and stuck her ass out as if arrested. He guided his raging hard-on into her from behind and started slamming her hard. With each thrust her entire body surged forward with her hanging big tits swaying below the open jacket. Her head had been facing the other direction until she suddenly flipped to the other cheek and looked directly at me. She frowned as the top of her head kept lightly banging into the microwave.

A smile came over her just before she backed-up then moved forward so he would fall out. She dropped to her knees staying sideways to me, and then slid her mouth over his cock and her own juices. She was on him for no more than a minute when she suddenly pulls off and spits on the floor and starts bitching.

The cop was fumbling to unlock the handcuffs as she blasted away. Angela took off the jacket and threw it at him when he came out of another room trying to put his clothes on. He picked his gun up off the counter and left in a hurry with her on his heals.

I heard his car leave when she returned and walked into the near room then up to the window. Angela turned the lamp on and presented her near naked figure for me to take in, and then made an action as if wiping cum from of her mouth. She smirked as if about to burst out laughing then looked serious all of the sudden. One of her hands moves over and fingers start lightly touching around her triangle as she shuffles her legs apart. She stops with a finger pressed over her clit and lips, then reaches with the other hand and turns out the light.

I got the message clear as day, her blind was still up. I raised my blind then turned on a lamp that I'd recently placed near the window. I sat on my bed that's just a few feet back of the window and spread my legs to give her my most tender parts. Lying back, I moved my hand over my mound and put a finger inside myself. Then I remove it and stood up to put it in my mouth and sucked on it while looking at her.

Satisfied not to up the anti, I gave a big smile while still sucking my finger then pulled the blind down with the other hand. Lying back on my bed, I tasted her on my finger again but it wasn't lust.

I went to take my shower and heard the trash can being moved. Blotting out all reason I filled the tub for a bath, then nervously slipped down into the water with my knees spread to the sides of the tub and my tits above the water like volcanic islands. There weren't any suds yet so I was laid out in clear water.

Without directly looking toward the windowsill I could see plenty of glass. I was absorbed in the eroticism of being exposed so close to a voyeur while I innocently took a bath. My white inner thighs funneled down to my flower right at the waterline. The light canopy of woven fine hair was now pasted to my mound leaving my lips smooth and virtually hairless. I traced my fingers all around my pussy before they ended up lying over my clit and in my lips. This was the first unrestricted showing of my tits so my other hand started to grope my breasts. I was squeezing my nipples but wasn't able to get a response. I moved a finger around the rim of my lips and brought my other hand down. I opened my lips with the middle finger of each hand and couldn't ever lay myself out anymore than I was doing, in good taste. Basking in the moment for a few minutes, I'd reached as far as I cared to in my innocence and just finished my bath.

The one-way relationship had run its course and I felt like I'd done my duty in not letting down my silent partner. Angela had said that my time could be much better spent. I toweled off to provide some uninspired exhibitionism to the side door in truly just drying myself. About the only thing left to do was perform cruder and cruder sex acts with myself and I was tired of performing. All I could think was that I needed a dick in me more than ever.

Apparently my reputation wasn't compromised at work. My buddy came around after a week and apologized for leaving like he did, and asked for another date. Despite my brain reminding me that total disaster had been averted once already, I heard myself say, "I'd like that, but lets spend the evening at my place."

He came over with a bottle of vodka and a carton of orange juice. "Okay," I thought. He wanted me drunk so I'd lose my shirt and he could take advantage of me. It seemed like a good plan to me.

He suggested a drink before dinner that I accepted on an empty stomach. Dinner never did happen and I saw that he was mixing my drinks a lot stronger than his. I was getting a little annoyed with his ball-less tactics but stayed with it hoping he could fuck.

I was starting to get trashed and as last time I went to change into some more comfortable clothes. I hadn't been wearing a bra earlier and my top was shear but I had to advance things. I'd left the door open in a pretense of drunkenness and hoped he'd walk past to the bathroom while I was topless, he did. I put on a long shirt with a low neckline that fell open for a great view down my shirt. It covered about two-thirds of my panty-clad ass having just removed my shorts. Before I left the room I went over and raised the blind, then opened the window and left the light on. I was going to get off one way or another, and was really liking the other.

I took over freshening the drinks to keep mine weak, and for him to see down my shirt when I'd to bend over the coffee table to serve. With still no sign of him wanting to screw and my being drunk, I couldn't stand it anymore.

Stand right in front of him, I bent at my waist to reveal the perfect downblouse while removing his glasses. Then I took the drink out of his hand, hiked up the front of my shirt, and climbed onto his lap to straddle him. I leaned in to give him a sloppy kiss when he practically stuck his tongue down my throat and grabbed a tit. Suddenly his hands were all over me but not in the sexual way I'd been hoping for, more like a teenager getting some ass for the first time. He got me on my back with his weight on top of me when I managed to push him off.

"Hold on, stud," I told him, annoyed more at getting myself into this than at him. "Lets take this in the other room."

I led him into my bedroom where he asked about the blind being up. I told him that she was gone for the evening since her lights were out, but otherwise I needed the air.

I pulled my top off and lay back on the bed and asked him to strip. He peeled off his clothes and stood there with his dick sticking up at an impressive angle, but I couldn't say much more for it. I raised my butt off the mattress and had him pull my panties off and then spread my knees to see what he was getting. I hadn't had anyone inside me since before my ex and this guy's dick was looking bigger and better every minute.

Sliding off the bed and onto my knees, I adjusted his hips for the best profile to the window. I took him in my mouth and had my hands wrapped around molesting his ass when all of the sudden I tasted seamen. Instead of being mad, I looked up at him and opened my mouth so he could see his cum rolling off my tongue. I turned my head and made sure that I was nicely framed in the window when I closed my mouth and did an exaggerated swallow. I wasn't worried about whom he'd been with since he was obviously a virgin, and enjoyed doing it being super-horny with a hard cock in hand.

I reassured him that it was okay as long as he took care of me then slid back on the bed on my elbows. I let him play with my tits while avoiding kissing, then pushed his head down onto my mound. I gave him tips on how be light, but I became discouraged with him licking like a dog with peanut butter in its mouth. I pushed him back and saw that his dick was up already and suggested he put on a rubber, but he didn't have one. I was so desperate that I made him promise not to cum in me and helped guide him in. After all, he'd just shot his load fifteen minutes before.

I was thanking god for having a penis in me when he suddenly stopped while buried up to his balls. "You didn't cum in me did you?" I asked, already knowing that he must have. "You're fucking kidding me!" I yelled as he was in a panic to find his clothes. Neither he nor I'd probably ever heard the word 'fuck' out of a woman's mouth like I delivered in every scathing sentence, if not twice. I hounded him all the way out the door and lectured that if he told anyone that he'd so much as fucking walked through my fucking door I'd tell the truth.

On the way out he knocked a plastic grocery bag off the doorknob. I brought it inside and found a morning-after pill in the bottom.

When I pulled into my driveway I saw that Angela hadn't come home yet. I went inside and checked the box of Polaroids and found that one was missing. I immediately went into erotic overdrive and got my camera.

I took down the mirror and set it against the wall on the floor. After I stripped to my socks I got the camera and sat in front of it with my legs spread wide. I took a few very graphic photos, and even spread my lips in one. I again wrote a message on a post-it, "pick your favorite and cum on me, leave it out."

Charged with sexual energy, I changed into some clothes to clean my car. I put on a short tee shirt and old cut-off's with a crotch worn to threads.

Grabbing some cleaning products I hurried outside before Angela got home. I opened the driver side door and crawled in on all fours with the threads pressed into the meat of my pussy. With bare skin from my waist to the tips of my breasts, the shirt did about as much in covering my top half as the shorts did below.

Angela came home and started over with a big beaming smile. She approached slowly the last ten feet while observing my cookies as I pretended not to know she was there. The next thing I knew I felt warm breath on my most sensitive parts then a hand between my legs when Angela says, "Hi, I hope your not busy."

I drop my head and look back between my legs seeing the nose of Angela's smiling face no more than six inches from my snatch. "No, not at all. I was hoping you'd come home," I said.

"I see that," she replied.

I backed out and closed the door to lean against the car so we could talk like we always did. My tits were just about poking through my damp shirt as we chatted for a while. After an hour her boyfriend of the week came driving up and she moved to stand almost nose-to-nose.

"You're talented, not everyone can clean their car without paper towels," she says, then leans forward and kissed me softly on the lips, a real kiss. Staying close with our breasts pressing together she quietly asks, "I hope that didn't disturb you?"

"Not at all," I quietly replied, making reality adjustment. She backed up with a different smile, as if looking into me.

As she's walking away she stopped and turned around, "Some fat guy was hanging around your backyard the other night and I told him I was calling the cops."

My mother gave my ex-boyfriend my number and he called, he wanted to talk to me so

I let him come over. He explained that he hadn't realized what our relationship was worth until I was gone and that he wanted to get back together. With the blinds down we both undressed ourselves and he fucked the hell out of me with his sizable cock, just what I though I needed.

We didn't talk about anything real after sex, pretty much ignoring the fact that he dropped me like a rock. I was thinking he might help himself to the refrigerator or turn on my TV and watch sports.

When he left I told him that I was going another direction and not to call again.

A day later I got home and found a Polaroid stained by a big puddle of semi-dried cum overflowing onto my dresser.

I took the mirror off the wall but this time I laid it on the floor. After stripping naked I squatted over it and took my most creative and graphic photos yet. I attached another post-it, "I'll put on a show for you tonight just after dark, no shower."

Angela stopped over and we talked on my steps. We sat with our shoulders nudging each other when we laughed.

"I need to go," I said. I took the initiative and brought my shoulder around while lifting my chin, she brought her mouth down and we kissed lightly. I dropped my head to rest on her chest while her hand was cradling my head. She took hold of my hand and turned it palm up, then moved her hand over mine so we were palm to palm. We ever so lightly touched fingertips to fingertips in silent soulful communication for a little while.

Without moving, I said I had to go for a second time. I looked up for my goodbye kiss, then said, "I have some business to take care of with the should see."

I was waiting behind the shed at the back of the yard when I heard someone finding their way through the bushes, the kitchen side of the house wasn't open like the other.

The only light came from the ceiling fixture in the hall since I made it a point to keep other lights turned off for a voyeur's viewing pleasure and feeling of security.

It was pitch black out so I slowly made my way along the fence while he was still generating foot noise. Sure enough I could see the landlord's face peering in so I crept closer until I was in front of the steps blocking his escape. I raised the camera and said, "stay there," then pressed the button and captured his surprised face. "Hey landlord, come inside."

"Don't talk, I don't want to hear it," I instructed. "If this ruins your life or marriage, or you lose your job its by your own doing. You're going to find out what its like to never know when you're in private. I could call the cops, my neighbor will back me up and say you were in my backyard a few nights ago." He started to say something but I interrupted, "I said don't talk, you may leave anytime you wish but you understand the consequences. It's only for the evening and nobody will ever know."

We moved to the bedroom where I'd earlier made sure that the blind was raised and lights were on. "Strip for your nightly shower," I instructed.

He motioned toward the window.

"Just take orders," I commanded. "Maybe someone is looking at your body and maybe not." I took my shirt off to show my bare breasts and his eyes popped out. "Nobody should be out there, but then again you were." I walked in front of the window and stood sideways to it, "The neighbor's lights are out and you know damn well that there's nobody else lurking outside." I turned to the window and dropped my shorts to show him my ass having nothing on underneath. At the same time I put my fingers between my legs in front toward Angela. I stepped out of my shorts and turned back toward him standing with my nipples about two inches from his and commanded, "Don't ever touch me, I said strip."

The poor guy's dick was so small from the humiliation that only the head was seen hiding his pubic jungle. He got in the shower and I had him feeling himself when there was a thump outside. He froze and I told him there were a lot of thumps in this house.

I had him try to soap his hand to get an erection but his dick had hopelessly retreated. I told him a few times to drop the soap and stay bent over, he complied.

We moved out to the hall and I ordered him to dry and display himself as if he was me while I watched from outside, "I'm going to peep on you." I stepped outside and closed the door, then bent over to play the voyeur.

It wasn't half a minute when I felt a hand run over my ass. Without looking I moved over for Angela to look along side me. "Now that's an ugly sight," comments Angela, still feeling me ass. "Can't we just get rid of him?"

"Go home," I whispered, "He'll be gone soon," then made-out for a few minutes.

Back in the bedroom I turned on a lamp I'd recently placed by the window and had him face forty-five degrees to the window. I said not to stop playing with himself until he got a hard-on.

I turned him to face me and stripped off my shirt, then stood with my tits an inch from his chest. "Don't touch me, does this help?" I asked, then stepped back and bent over to look. His dick was pathetically small in his current state of embarrassment. I moved him a few feet back from the window and pulled off my shorts then fell back onto the bed. He kept rubbing himself as I slid my panties off.

"I'm getting no sexual stimulation at all from looking at you, so don't think you're turning me on." I said and however much of dick was emerging retreated again.

"Look familiar?" I asked and spread my straight legs.

Just then there's a loud knock at the door. He went for his clothes and I grabbed a robe.

"Don't do anything, just stay here," I instructed.

I cracked the door and Angela pushed her way in. "What?" I asked. "Why are you here?"

"Because you're taking too long," she says, "Can I help?" then looks at my chest. "And you look just as good close up." I looked down to see that I hadn't tied my robe. I grasped the sides of my robe with each hand and crossed my arms to cover-up.

I turned my head toward the room and loudly said, "I caught that pervert landlord peeping on me and I got him by the balls," while at the same time I was slowly opening my robe to Angela. I turned my head back and she stepped forward for us to kiss more passionately than I could've imagined. We aggressively went at each other for a few minutes then hugged.

I stayed close and started to whisper, "I've never been with a..." but she put her finger over my lips to shush me.

"Nether have I," she declares. "I guess that makes us virgins."

I turned my back on her to loudly say, "Why don't you come in and see his pee-pee, if you can find it." While I was talking I'd pinched the fabric of my robe at each hip and was slowly pulling it up, raising the curtain above my naked ass. She hugged me from behind and I felt her bare skin pressing my ass, then she slid her hands up and inside my robe to get a handful of my breasts. Her chin was resting over my shoulder when I turned my head to kiss, then said, "lets give him a sendoff, I want you," while she nuzzles my ear.

I turned around to find her bare assed, "Just one thing I have to do," and I put my hands on her breasts as she broke a smirk. "And one more thing," then I started another long involved kissing session.

"Lets get rid of the problem," she said, "I want you too."

We burst through the door for the landlord to see beautiful Angela walk in bottomless while I dropped my robe. "I didn't say you could put clothes on," I said, seeing that he'd found his shorts. He removed them and Angela got on her knees to look, "where is it?" she asked, the site of her and her body intimidated him into going frigid again.

"You're supposed to be trying to get an erection," I said. I turned to Angela and pulled her shirt up and over her breasts, then over her head and pushed her back on the bed. I sat on the edge and lay back between her legs with her mound under my neck and head flat against on her tummy. Her hands were stroking my head and hair. I turned over and crawled up along her side and draped my arm over her with our legs entangled. She had her fingers probing around the outside of my pussy when I looked to see that he now had a dick. "He's got to go, now," I said quietly then went to kiss her. Both of us had our mouths open long before or lips met.